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California governor says Trump administration waging war against state


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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I am not advocating demeaning or neglecting the current US citizens. I am just stating my experience with a large majority of white folks in the US, compared to immigrants, and especially compared to Latinos, who I have alot of experience with on both coasts. They ARE more joyful, more fun, more spirited, more present, less riddled with anxiety, disillusionment, disappointment, bitterness, and hate. Just my observations. Not saying they should be treated better than white folks. Just saying they are different, and better for the nation, on some levels. Contrary to popular rhetoric. 

How is that a valid argument against deporting illegals? I would venture to guess that your "Happy-Go-lucky" encounters were with those who did it correctly.

If you're here illegally, get the hell out and do it right.

I hope they put that mayor in club-fed and slap JB for allowing it.

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1 hour ago, mrwebb8825 said:

How is that a valid argument against deporting illegals? I would venture to guess that your "Happy-Go-lucky" encounters were with those who did it correctly.

If you're here illegally, get the hell out and do it right.

I hope they put that mayor in club-fed and slap JB for allowing it.

The current immigration system is completely broken, and hardly allows people to "do it right". If you are from the third world, and you are not wealthy, you have little hope of getting a visa. That is a fact. And if you are highly skilled, and are from the third world, you have little hope if fitting into the minuscule quotas, that have been outdated for 50 years. Regardless of how brilliant or creative, or extraordinary, or accomplished you are. The system is dysfunctional beyond description. And it contributes to not making America great again. Guys like Trump refuse to address that, nor talk about it, on any level. Alot of the immigrants I know are illegal. And they bring so much to the table. Legal or not, I barely care. I completely understand why they are illegal, when there is so little in the way of opportunity to either come in legally, or to become legalized, these days. 


The fact of the matter is, American industry wants illegal aliens. Many cannot function without them. Without them, the US economy would decline overnight. 

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When my forefathers went to the US, they simply got on a boat in Europe and got off in America, no visas no nothing.  They were like a lot of others at the time escaping poverty and looking for a better life. 



A story shared by the forefathers of almost every single 'documented American'.


But it seems many have forgotten their own family history.

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9 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

When my forefathers went to the US, they simply got on a boat in Europe and got off in America, no visas no nothing. 

They were like a lot of others at the time escaping poverty and looking for a better life. 



A story shared by the forefathers of almost every single 'documented American'.


But it seems many have forgotten their own family history.

By the time ellis island closed in 1954 there were only 48 states. It was closed because immigration was becoming a problem. When it opened in 1892 immigration wasn't a problem. Laws were changed and new venues were opened. Want to bet how many of your forefathers were in the government closing off the island and reworking the immigration code? Don't be hypocritical. That's a dead-horse argument.

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8 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

When my forefathers went to the US, they simply got on a boat in Europe and got off in America, no visas no nothing.  They were like a lot of others at the time escaping poverty and looking for a better life. 



A story shared by the forefathers of almost every single 'documented American'.


But it seems many have forgotten their own family history.

When my forefathers came much of the West hadn't achieved statehood. There was no transcontinental railway, no national parks, no motor driven ships, mail came"around the Horn", no airplanes, but lots of frontiers to settle and infrastructure to build out. So much so that the land was given free to those willing to settle it.


Anyhow, I am PRO immigration, especially of Western Hemisphere immigrants. I am just not in favor of the system we now have in place that incentivizes people to come here illegally.

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7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

When my forefathers came much of the West hadn't achieved statehood. There was no transcontinental railway, no national parks, no motor driven ships, mail came"around the Horn", no airplanes, but lots of frontiers to settle and infrastructure to build out. So much so that the land was given free to those willing to settle it.


Anyhow, I am PRO immigration, especially of Western Hemisphere immigrants. I am just not in favor of the system we now have in place that incentivizes people to come here illegally.

So you prefer immigrants from Brazil to immigrants from India? Why exactly?

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