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Pla Salid


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I am looking for information on how to raise pla salid, Trichogaster Petoralis. These tasty little fish seem to be popular in Thailand, however, I find no information on how to raise them. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you, Bubbaba

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I am no expert, but my next door neighbor has some in his fish pond, so I had a word with him.

He said,they are an easy fish to rear ,no disease problems ,the fish pond needs about 1, 1/2  meters of water, much less and they do not grow to well ,I would say  the water gets to hot for them .

Feed wise they  to eat rotting vegetation, like Pak- Boon, Morning  Glory that has been  they a while and starting to go off,or you could get  vegetable leaves from your local market, and feed them ,another neighbor rears Bla-Jalar-met they like rotting vegetation,and he feeds vegetable leaves  from our local market, seen him just tip a bamboo basket of old , well past they sell date leaves, straight in to the fish pond, and watched the fish eat the leaves . 

Thay will eat fish food ,my neighbour said  400kg of fish  thay will eat only 1 kg of fish food ,not a lot more like a suplerment feed .

They will breed during the rainy season , not all the year round like Bla-Nin , they seem very prolific one female can produce up to 10 000 eggs, what percent will hatch and grow is a different matter.

From birth to growing takes about one year ,at one year old you will  have 4-5 fish / 1 kg , which would be the optimal time to sell them ,at 6-7 months old 5-7 fish /1 kg ,I would say to small to sell.

As you say a tasty little fish especially when dried ,our local market sells them for 200 baht plus /kg , would be labor intensive to do but could well be worth it, one of the most expensive of the dried fish ,a fish I like no big bones , easy to eat.

So that is about it ,if you go for it good luck Pla  Salid in Thai  ปลาสลิด, lots in Thai Google.

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Thank you very much for the information. I will see if my wife will read and interpret for me what we need to know from the Thai.  My wife greatest talent with fish is eating them.

She is not the keenest on the tech part and twisting it to English. However, if your neighbor can provide any other information it would be appreciated. Links to English articles. Necessity of pump, filters, water ph,, air pump, etc. 

thanks to both of you.

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Talking to my neighbor again ,he is going to sell some of his fish, and he is looking at selling them about  70 baht /kg ,I would say it will be nearer 60 baht/kg  , which is better than 25-30 baht/ kg for Bla -Dok at this time.

The way my neighbor rears his fish could not be more natural ,just the fish pond ,no pumps water filters ,in fact only last evening he had a 360 backhoe in to clear out some of the vegetation so he can catch the fish, and still, more work needs doing. 

I am no expert on fish ,I would say pumps and filters might not be needed,sounds to intensive ,which will lead to problems ,start small get the natural feed/vegetation sorted out, find a regular  market to sell the fish, then  expand, as for links to English articles, a job for Google ,or as this is Thailand  get your misses to have a look at Facebook  there will something they . 


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Hi, pla salit, these are pretty hardy, that is why they are in the top farmed fishes in Thailand, however so small, you will be net cage farming or have to dig your pond square so you can net the entire pond.  They only get like 6" I think.  Much better options, but dig the pond first, season the water, determine if it holds water, etc.

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