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Jeremy Corbyn warns of rushing into new Cold War without full evidence


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Just in case the public was unsure about just how treasonous and anti-british JC actually is, the propaganda wing of the Tory party has helped us see things as they really are.
That's funny because a few years ago people was saying thw same thing about them when Labour was in government.

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19 hours ago, Grouse said:

Anyone worried about Corbyn being next PM should be assured that he now has no chance. We all understand his point and he is actually technically correct. But his timing and choice of words was worthy of Michael Foot! His heart is surely in the right place but a leader? No, sorry. NEXT!


I hope you're right Grousy. Corbyn and his likely cabinet cronies would introduce re-nationalization, punitive taxes on businesses, home owners and middle class and above individuals, and re-introduce state interference and bureaucracy on an alarming scale. The effects on the economy, inflation, GBP forex, and growth would be devastating. He would effectively scrap the nuclear deterrent and turn our armed forces into a home protection force at best. He's already signaled his willingness to capitulate to whatever the EU demands to get an "agreement".


He still lives in the dream world ideas of the state controlled socialist utopias of the last century idealists, which have failed time and time again. And his party already has corruption and ineptness issues as it is.


But, I know he appeals to the young. Promises of free education, scrapping uni tuition fees, making a "fairer" society etc etc . He went down very well at a pre-election rally at my oldest's London Uni. Lots of younger voters haven't lived through the dire consequences of a Labor government or the hypocrisy that seems to accompany them.


Not much of a choice these days in Blighty.

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5 hours ago, SouthernDelight said:

The result may reveal that the product was made in Russia, so what? Kalashnikov rifles are a product of Russia too.



Kalashnikov was a brilliant Russian designer. However, I think you'll find that Kalashnikov rifles have been produced by considerably more countries than Russia, with some very variable quality too.


Not sure the production of this nerve agent was licensed for production outside Russia. Unless you have evidence to the contrary?

Edited by Baerboxer
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39 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


I hope you're right Grousy. Corbyn and his likely cabinet cronies would introduce re-nationalization, punitive taxes on businesses, home owners and middle class and above individuals, and re-introduce state interference and bureaucracy on an alarming scale. The effects on the economy, inflation, GBP forex, and growth would be devastating. He would effectively scrap the nuclear deterrent and turn our armed forces into a home protection force at best. He's already signaled his willingness to capitulate to whatever the EU demands to get an "agreement".


He still lives in the dream world ideas of the state controlled socialist utopias of the last century idealists, which have failed time and time again. And his party already has corruption and ineptness issues as it is.


But, I know he appeals to the young. Promises of free education, scrapping uni tuition fees, making a "fairer" society etc etc . He went down very well at a pre-election rally at my oldest's London Uni. Lots of younger voters haven't lived through the dire consequences of a Labor government or the hypocrisy that seems to accompany them.


Not much of a choice these days in Blighty.

Some of the issues that worry you seem to work well in the World's happiest countries. Higher taxes would be a good idea. I race to the bottom with corporation tax is a mugs game. Education should indeed be free IF you can make the grade. Some recovery via taxation would be reasonable.

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For those seriously interested, chemical processes NEVER achieve 100% purity. Analysis of precursor residues, catalyst residues and isomer ratios lead to a "foot print". IF samples are available, they can be matched to others from the same plant or even the same batch. Gas liquid chromatography is good for this. If you want more on this PM me to avoid boring everyone.

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6 hours ago, BuaBS said:

As if others can't produce the exact same pruduct.


Apparently, they can't. A chemical produced in one environment has a few slightly different attributes/markers to the same chemical produced in a different environment.

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Yes, we shouldn't go Russian to accuse a rushing of this crime, but if it looks like a caged bird, and sounds like a caged bird, then chances are it is a KGBird.  I'll put in Putin as the most likely candidate.

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So you suggest that the backdrop in the BBC studio was entirely non-partisan: the photoshopping of his picture to make it appear that he was wearing a Russian ushanka; the positioning of him on Red Square; the use of Soviet style font when they emblazoned the word Labour next to the Kremlin - all simply coincidental? My friend, I think it is you who needs to open your eyes to the constant diet of misinformation and lies that you are being fed.
I am no fan of Corbyn nor have I never voted Labour in my life. In fact, any attempt to damage him or the party actually strengthens the cause I believe in, but I also believe in decency and fairness, and the above was a shamefully disingenuous attack on him and a flagrant abuse of the license fee.

I am having a beer at the moment I will watch news night tomorrow. But I really doubt the BBC would photo shop his hat if you left that bit out it wouldn't sound so bizarre.

Even if you are correct about the BBC if you are suggesting they are conspiring with TMvI am sorry to say you are of your head at worst they are playing a angle nothing more. But I doubt that, can you supply some evidence about the BBC messing with JC hat lol.

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1 minute ago, juice777 said:




I am having a beer at the moment I will watch news night tomorrow. But I really doubt the BBC would photo shop his hat if you left that bit out it wouldn't sound so bizarre.

Even if you are correct about the BBC if you are suggesting they are conspiring with TMvI am sorry to say you are of your head at worst they are playing a angle nothing more. But I doubt that, can you supply some evidence about the BBC messing with JC hat lol.

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It's there in the photos I posted - the original side by side with the manipulated one used on the BBC.

But what is an angle game? Not a term I am familiar with. Either they are impartial as per their remit, or they are not. There is no middle ground.


Enjoy your beer - unfortunately I am stuck in the middle of the desert, so another 10 days till I get mine.

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It's there in the photos I posted - the original side by side with the manipulated one used on the BBC.
But what is an angle game? Not a term I am familiar with. Either they are impartial as per their remit, or they are not. There is no middle ground.
Enjoy your beer - unfortunately I am stuck in the middle of the desert, so another 10 days till I get mine.

Hahaha oh leave of mate you can't be serious it's just looks different because it's darker look at his jacket that's darker as well. I imagine something to do with the backdrop and superimposing him on a backdrop with black in it. Maybe they are not impartial sometimes a lot of people say that but I've never heard them go as far as you. And it's usually people saying they lean to the left.

What are you doing in the Desert looking for buried UFOs what built the pyramids?

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15 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

It's there in the photos I posted - the original side by side with the manipulated one used on the BBC.


They have definitely made subtle changes to his Greek fisherman's style hat to make it look Russian.


But I think that is Islington Mosque in the background.

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They have definitely made subtle changes to his Greek fisherman's style hat to make it look Russian.
But I think that is Islington Mosque in the background.
No they haven't lol what utter nonsense this is a wind up surely. Tonight I am going to see Doug Stanhope but I doubt I will find him as funny as this.

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They have definitely made subtle changes to his Greek fisherman's style hat to make it look Russian.   But I think that is Islington Mosque in the background.



Anyway the BBC has got a history of low level special effects people putting things our for a laugh and the big bosses not checking properly. This is before the scandal about Jimmy come out.   




One pic of JC hardly adds up to a whatever you lot are saying. Actually I don't even know what you lot are saying anymore.



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Not far from the scene of the crime , is the UK Ministry of Defence’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory , Porton Down, Salisbury , aka UK secret chemical warfare lab . Coincidence ?

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

It's there in the photos I posted - the original side by side with the manipulated one used on the BBC.

But what is an angle game? Not a term I am familiar with. Either they are impartial as per their remit, or they are not. There is no middle ground.


Enjoy your beer - unfortunately I am stuck in the middle of the desert, so another 10 days till I get mine.

If as many assume the BBC has a left wing bias, wouldn't they photoshop a bowler hat onto Corbyn's small head?

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1 hour ago, juice777 said:

No they haven't lol what utter nonsense this is a wind up surely. Tonight I am going to see Doug Stanhope but I doubt I will find him as funny as this.

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Take a look at the gif, below the video. It's very clear.


Edited by chickenslegs
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How about commenting about the photos. Did you take a look?
Yeah it's the same pics that other loon was going on about before. You can't see the beak(I believe thats what it is called) because its been photshooed to match the background. Look at his jacket it's blue in the original and black in the new pic. It's a side effect of superimposing it on to a background with a lot of dark colours I am guessing.

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1 minute ago, juice777 said:

Yeah it's the same pics that other loon was going on about before. You can't see the beak(I believe thats what it is called) because its been photshooed to match the background. Look at his jacket it's blue in the original and black in the new pic. It's a side effect of superimposing it on to a background with a lot of dark colours I am guessing.

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Not so subtle is the kremlin in the background.

I enjoy satire, but (IMHO) BBC Newsnight isn't the place for it.

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