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ONLINE Reporting of Address Now Possible in Phuket


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2 hours ago, Psimbo said:

It's the acknowledgement and issue of password and username I'm after personally for the landlord (well me) to use. One would have thought if they didn't like the info they would contact the landlord but nothing so far.


I know the bit you have mentioned above is fairly straight forward and a screenshot will suffice for tenants- juts irritates me when I try to do the right thing and we get no response.


I tried to register another one of our properties and could not get it to work. Sent wife down to Phuket Immigration. Lady there said can do online. But made clear to wife she needed to come back with user name and password. Which she did. And the lady there did the online stuff.  Not even take her copy ID or house papers.  Best you go to Immigration in person.  

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1 hour ago, LivinginKata said:


I tried to register another one of our properties and could not get it to work. Sent wife down to Phuket Immigration. Lady there said can do online. But made clear to wife she needed to come back with user name and password. Which she did. And the lady there did the online stuff.  Not even take her copy ID or house papers.  Best you go to Immigration in person.  

Yep, I'll do that when I get back. Just wen to the site and it seems to be down at the moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A quick update. finally managed to get this set up for the landlord- I sat down with a Thai friend to double check all the drop downs and other boxes. Second time lucky it worked and the landlord got the user id and password (which is changed on first log on) within 48 hrs. Password didn't work the first time but a quick call to the help desk (in Thai) got it sorted and the apartment is now on the system.


Got back yesterday and have now got myself registered this morning. copied it as a pdf


I take it I can show the pdf to imm to prove I am registered there.


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On 7/16/2018 at 12:29 PM, Psimbo said:

A quick update. finally managed to get this set up for the landlord- I sat down with a Thai friend to double check all the drop downs and other boxes. Second time lucky it worked and the landlord got the user id and password (which is changed on first log on) within 48 hrs. Password didn't work the first time but a quick call to the help desk (in Thai) got it sorted and the apartment is now on the system.


Got back yesterday and have now got myself registered this morning. copied it as a pdf


I take it I can show the pdf to imm to prove I am registered there.



 Sat down with my wife and we registered a Thai friend's home on the system. Worked first time. Now waiting for email.  ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I get out of the country every 90 days with a multiple non-O. This way I have completely avoided Phuket Immigration for a few years and feel great about it. But if registering my address every 3 months can be done online now, why not make the effort?


I came back in the country a few weeks ago. Do you think I should register my address now (and risk getting a fine because of the delay since my last arrival), just do it when I come back from my next border run, or just not bother about it at all since my landlord doesn't even seem aware of this requirement and I never set foot at the Immigration offices anyway.

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2 hours ago, pistachios said:

I get out of the country every 90 days with a multiple non-O. This way I have completely avoided Phuket Immigration for a few years and feel great about it. But if registering my address every 3 months can be done online now, why not make the effort?


I came back in the country a few weeks ago. Do you think I should register my address now (and risk getting a fine because of the delay since my last arrival), just do it when I come back from my next border run, or just not bother about it at all since my landlord doesn't even seem aware of this requirement and I never set foot at the Immigration offices anyway.

No, I would not do it now as you are past the 24 hour window to do it after entering the country.  If you've completely avoided Phuket Immigration you must be on a multiple non-O visa rather than an extension of stay.  As long as you never have a reason to use the services of Phuket Immigration (say for example, the need to get a certificate of residence, make a 90 Day Report, etc.) then I guess you would never face any consequences for not doing it.  However, as you point out it is easy to do online, so you may want to do that when you next re-enter Thailand as long as it's within 24 hours of returning to your residence.

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16 hours ago, skatewash said:

No, I would not do it now as you are past the 24 hour window to do it after entering the country.  If you've completely avoided Phuket Immigration you must be on a multiple non-O visa rather than an extension of stay.  As long as you never have a reason to use the services of Phuket Immigration (say for example, the need to get a certificate of residence, make a 90 Day Report, etc.) then I guess you would never face any consequences for not doing it.  However, as you point out it is easy to do online, so you may want to do that when you next re-enter Thailand as long as it's within 24 hours of returning to your residence.

Thank you for your answer, that's what I thought. 

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20 hours ago, pistachios said:

I get out of the country every 90 days with a multiple non-O. This way I have completely avoided Phuket Immigration for a few years and feel great about it. But if registering my address every 3 months can be done online now, why not make the effort?


I came back in the country a few weeks ago. Do you think I should register my address now (and risk getting a fine because of the delay since my last arrival), just do it when I come back from my next border run, or just not bother about it at all since my landlord doesn't even seem aware of this requirement and I never set foot at the Immigration offices anyway.

I make two trips per year to Phuket Immigration. One to do my one year extension, which now has to picked up the next afternoon. While I am there, after picking up my new one year extension in my passport, which now includes a new 90 report, I get a re-entry permit, then I'm done for the year! I did my last 90 day report online and I got it the next morning by email. I also did set up the online TM 30 and I didn't need to get a new one. Still using the one from 2015 when they first required it. Never saw a TM 30 before then!

Edited by Jimi007
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  • 1 month later...

I am trying to register my house for the on line address reporting.


The house is owned by a Company, and I am one of the directors of the company.


The first page looks quit simple, but I do not know what to write when they ask "registered at", as indicated with the red arrow in the picture. Any suggestion ?




Moreover, being a Company the house owner, regarding the documents I think to upload The Blue Book, the Affidavit (DVD) stating the names of the Directors, and the passport of the director.


Any sugestion based on your experience ?


Many thanks



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> Register at

It is already discussed at page 3 of this thread.

After inputting your address in Thai language and click that icon,

automatically a Thai word that mean "Immigration Phuket" was filled there.


About image file.

I live in a private house, so I sent house blue book of the house owner who is Thai nationality. That was okay.

Sorry, I am not sure of company.



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4 hours ago, federicoP said:

I am trying to register my house for the on line address reporting.


The house is owned by a Company, and I am one of the directors of the company.


The first page looks quit simple, but I do not know what to write when they ask "registered at", as indicated with the red arrow in the picture. Any suggestion ?




Moreover, being a Company the house owner, regarding the documents I think to upload The Blue Book, the Affidavit (DVD) stating the names of the Directors, and the passport of the director.


Any sugestion based on your experience ?


Many thanks



As above, put town, district and province in in Thai and it will automatically come up as Phuket. 

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2 hours ago, lowprofile said:

I tried the online registration yesterday evening, 24 hours later and there is still no email with password details. Someone earlier said they had a confirmation within 4 hours, was that a fluke? How long does it tend to take for the email?


I waited more than 2 days. Just your luck. Be patient.

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16 hours ago, lowprofile said:

I tried the online registration yesterday evening, 24 hours later and there is still no email with password details. Someone earlier said they had a confirmation within 4 hours, was that a fluke? How long does it tend to take for the email?

if you haven't got it within a couple of days re-submit. I had to and it came across very quickly the second time. Maybe it was a fluke that this was during 'working hours' (which shouldn't make a difference should it?) but it worked for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yet another glitch in the system?  Maybe @Merijn can cast some light. I went to try and register my address today and got the following information just under the house details:

The system has updated the system. Please check the excel form 
for the form 30 or version3
for the correct use of the system.
Import data from an Excel file :   
Import an Excel file  


Click on the link and it just opens the same again- does anyone know how what form is supposed to be clicked or file added to continue as usual?  I get the feeling it may either be a copy of the landlord's ID card or my details page off the passport. This is really doing my head in.


EDIT: I'm using chrome and at the top of the page it says so I can't see what the issue is- it ust seems to be the box above. ' Resident Recording System Supports only IE8-11 Web Browser and Chrome 

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49 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

Yet another glitch in the system?  Maybe @Merijn can cast some light. I went to try and register my address today and got the following information just under the house details:

The system has updated the system. Please check the excel form 
for the form 30 or version3
for the correct use of the system.
Import data from an Excel file :   
Import an Excel file  


Click on the link and it just opens the same again- does anyone know how what form is supposed to be clicked or file added to continue as usual?  I get the feeling it may either be a copy of the landlord's ID card or my details page off the passport. This is really doing my head in.


EDIT: I'm using chrome and at the top of the page it says so I can't see what the issue is- it ust seems to be the box above. ' Resident Recording System Supports only IE8-11 Web Browser and Chrome 


Just tried it a minute ago. Work fine as normal for our address. I use IE

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7 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:


Just tried it a minute ago. Work fine as normal for our address. I use IE

I take it you just ignored that box and don't 'import data from an EXCEL FIle'.


i wonder if I'm putting a wrong date in a box- I get everything listed in the grid at the bottom when I add data but when I click on record at the top right it goes to a box with loads of squiggle and a number one in it.

นำเข้าข้อมูลตามลำดับ (1) โปรดแก้ไขข้อมูลก่อนทำการบันทึก
Import data in sequence (1). Please correct the data before saving.


I seem to be missing something basic but the error message doesn't highlight what it is.

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30 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:


Just tried it a minute ago. Work fine as normal for our address. I use IE

UPDATE: Tried it in Explorer and it worked first time- thanks for that. The error seems to have been in the date of arrival. in Chrome I could not get 2559 in the dropdown, in IE I could. Typing it in freehand the system wouldn't have it.


Just checked and i am now registered.

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1 hour ago, Psimbo said:

UPDATE: Tried it in Explorer and it worked first time- thanks for that. The error seems to have been in the date of arrival. in Chrome I could not get 2559 in the dropdown, in IE I could. Typing it in freehand the system wouldn't have it.


Just checked and i am now registered.


Yes. I use Chrome as my browser, Tried these reports using Chrome. Drop downs dont usually work properly. I only use Explorer for Thai Immigration House and 90 day reports.

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Maybe I am a bit naive, but when I try to register my house at FNHOTELREG (with Internet Explorer), when everything seems to b completed, at the end of the form I put the random numbers in the box, but nothing happens....


What shall I do to send the data ?


The button "save" give me a strange message, and it appears to be not correct.





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3 hours ago, federicoP said:

Maybe I am a bit naive, but when I try to register my house at FNHOTELREG (with Internet Explorer), when everything seems to b completed, at the end of the form I put the random numbers in the box, but nothing happens....


What shall I do to send the data ?


The button "save" give me a strange message, and it appears to be not correct.





It may be the address bits not being put in correctly- Town, district and province need to be done in Thai. Also you have to upload a copy of the landlord's id.


Best you sit down with someone who reads Thai to set it up. There is a hotline number that can be called if you have problems- again, it needs a Thai to do it.

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15 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

It may be the address bits not being put in correctly- Town, district and province need to be done in Thai. Also you have to upload a copy of the landlord's id.


Best you sit down with someone who reads Thai to set it up. There is a hotline number that can be called if you have problems- again, it needs a Thai to do it.

Many thanks, all the entries seem be correct, my name in western letters, and company name and address in thai, but when I put the numbers in the box does not happen anything.

Should I do something else to send the data after putting the numbers ? And what should happen after this ?


Anyway I agree with you, a thai speaking person is strongly advisable.......

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2 hours ago, Psimbo said:

It may be the address bits not being put in correctly- Town, district and province need to be done in Thai. Also you have to upload a copy of the landlord's id.



"Also you have to upload a copy of the landlord's id."


I have made 3 application to register houses in the past few months. Never asked to upload any ID. Only enter all the details from the tabian baan blue book.


Maybe this is a new requirement ?

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37 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:


"Also you have to upload a copy of the landlord's id."


I have made 3 application to register houses in the past few months. Never asked to upload any ID. Only enter all the details from the tabian baan blue book.


Maybe this is a new requirement ?

Since the owner of the house is a company, I sent (or tried to send) the Tabian Baan, the DBD cocuments with the name of the company directors, and my passport page as a director of the company.


I simply thought it was logical to send these documents for a house owned by a company.

Maybe I have exaggerated .... ????

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22 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


"Also you have to upload a copy of the landlord's id."


I have made 3 application to register houses in the past few months. Never asked to upload any ID. Only enter all the details from the tabian baan blue book.


Maybe this is a new requirement ?

This was 3 months ago- I did it as well as the ownership doc. Maybe it wasn't needed but the system accepted it.

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On 10/16/2018 at 2:18 PM, observer90210 said:

How will this new harassment towards expats work as most of the time the website will be not working...sorry, "under maintenance"... !!!

Never had problems with the website per say- my problems were with the browser I was using.  Onece I want in on IE I got through first time. It's hardly 'harassment'.

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  • 1 month later...

Being arrived yesterday, I am trying to register on line my arrival address (the house is alredy registered), but where it is asked : Port of Entry, I cannot find out Phuket Airport. Does anybody know the number corresponding to Phuket airport ?


I do not spek thai and I can count only in google translator as an help, but in this case it des not work.....


Many, many thanks


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41 minutes ago, federicoP said:

Being arrived yesterday, I am trying to register on line my arrival address (the house is alredy registered), but where it is asked : Port of Entry, I cannot find out Phuket Airport. Does anybody know the number corresponding to Phuket airport ?


I do not spek thai and I can count only in google translator as an help, but in this case it des not work.....


Many, many thanks



You don't really need to enter that. Only names, passport number, country, gender are required fields.

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