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Dog rabies shots

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On this subject we have one neutered dog and 3 bitches. 3 of the dogs are strays we rescued, they eat for Thailand and we struggle to feed all of us on my pension. They all are coming up for their rabies shots but we missed the last opportunity because one bitch was in season and my wife says bitches in season cannot be inoculated.


Does anyone know if the Government are going to extend the free rabies and chipping programme again? We went to Min Buri last time for free rabies shots but would have the other 3 dogs chipped and our own pet from the UK's chip recorded on the Thai register if possible. We cannot afford vet bills for all 4 dogs, cannot even afford doctor bills for me!


No sarky comments needed on our financial position please.

Edited by cliveshep
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Just a scare campaign. I think even annual shots are about 14% of a vets income, so this rabies situation is a great way to make a buck. It is why it took 20 years for America to change rabies to every 3 years instead of annual even though the evidence was there. 

Obviously new thinking is discussing the detrimental effects of annual shots on dogs. We are killing our dogs as it is giving them combination shots annually, let's just kill them some more slowly by increasing that and giving them 6 monthly shots. 


My Thai vet said annual shots. I told him to go and research it just for my amusement (knowing WSAVA had already found Thailand had zero research on small animal vaccinology). To his credit, he came back after researching it and said he is 100% happy to vaccinate my dogs 3 yearly. 

*On a side note. One dog near us was found to have rabies (autopsy). The local officials have been trying to vaccinate the public dogs for a while now but the companies have ran out of vaccines. Bit sad that this vet is not only harming the dogs, but also wasting vaccines that could be going to areas that need them just to make some money. 

Edited by wildewillie89
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