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Children at risk of rabies– despite vaccinations – after savage attack by dog


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On ‎23‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 7:29 AM, Wilsonandson said:

Are stray dogs more important than children in Los?

All options on the table now! Control the outbreak before any more kids get hurt.

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"Are stray dogs more important than children in Los?" 

Rhetorical question?

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On ‎23‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 6:12 AM, kannot said:

Great, keep the pressure  up with the  stories and  kill all those mangy things, sadly in a few  weeks or after this bout it  will all be back to normal again with them feeding these dogs again. wonder if the temples are destroying their dogs??

Only needs 1 statement from the big cheese to his green mates -  "solve the problem now". 

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2 hours ago, Artisi said:

But But - it doesn't work, haven't you been following the thread closely - all you need to do is stop feeding them, neuter them and in a few years all will be roses - no dogs- no rabies - no problem - no ongoing threads on the problem.

Thais won't stop feeding them because doing so is endemic to their culture and religion. Nor will they neuter them, either because they are not their "owners" or don't have the money or both. Sorry to wilt your roses, but you need a Thai cultural reality check more than I need to spend more time poring over endless Thai Visa threads on this dogged problem.

Edited by Krataiboy
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On 3/22/2018 at 8:50 PM, Artisi said:

For all the bleeding hearts to die from rabies, then some real action might have a chance of success. 


One of those leading hearts is the trauma resident at a major Bangkok hospital. If he  was dead as you wish, the foreigner he saved last month would most likely not have survived.  It is unfortunate that clods do not consider the implications of what they write. The person you want dead  has a 2 year old child.  You are a classy one, and I hope that you have the opportunity to tell him to his face how you wish he was dead, while you are lying in the ER bleeding out. 

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27 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Certainly of more value than misfit foreigners full of  hate and displaced aggression.

Even though his question was rhetorical, why don't you answer it, oops sorry you already have. Says a lot of how you think.

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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Certainly of more value than misfit foreigners full of  hate and displaced aggression.

Rabid dogs that attack children are not more important than humans, the latter are redeemable.  You need help matey... Or a good savaging from a rabid dog.. I wonder how you would deal with a hundred stitches in your face as one little girl suffered recently. If it ever happens let us all know. Maybe you have misplaced emotions and a hate issue. 

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9 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Thais won't stop feeding them because doing so is endemic to their culture and religion. Nor will they neuter them, either because they are not their "owners" or don't have the money or both. Sorry to wilt your roses, but you need a Thai cultural reality check more than I need to spend more time poring over endless Thai Visa threads on this dogged problem.

Did you miss the sarcasm directed at the proponent of this idea ?


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10 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Did you miss the sarcasm directed at the proponent of this idea ?


Unfortunately it seems there are many posters who just dont get sarcasm.  If he bothered to read other posts, as in your case, perhaps he would have realised which side of the fence you are on.

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