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Hungary's strongman Viktor Orban wins third term in power


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12 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


It was known that it was possible for Trump to be POTUS even though he might get fewer votes before their election. It's a bit pointless bringing the matter up after the event. No one said anything before they went to the polls. Why was the voting system not adjusted before the election, they had all the time in the world to make the necessary changes.


What and how does the extent of Australian and American historical knowledge have any bearing on what is happening in Europe in the 21st century. They don't live there.


And how are Europeans and the British morons. If it was not for Britain the Americans and Australians would not have a country, nor a language. Neither would South American nations  were it not for the Portuguese and the Spanish. You yourself are contributing to this topic in the English language.






Then clean up your own house.


All historical evidence points to the  fact that you cannot do so.


The Americans had to join in in 1917 and again in 1941-due to Admiral Yamamoto and a semi-psychotic Adolf.


Otherwise..you cannot manage your own affairs-apart from a spot of ethnic cleansing.


Which.I might add..you do very well...but sans resultant..

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39 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

So was the British Prime minister, who didn't even get enough seats to govern, so brought them from a party in Ireland. So was the German Prime minister who also didn't win enough seats to govern so had to make a coalition with other parties (that seems to be falling apart) nothing much is said about these results, there just accepted as the norm in Politics....But Trump who under the rules won the election with a landslide of seats not seen since the 80s......Oh wow we have just got to keep repeating how he didn't really win it.

Who cares about Trump?


It is merely a rhetorical statement.


Rather like dropping your tweeds..grasping your member..and declaiming "Am I intelligent enough to post on the Internet today?"


Clearly.you are not-and never were-capable of making such an announcement..

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3 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

There's nothing "fanatical" about facts, however much you may wish to pretend otherwise. Label me a "white nationalist" if you must, as I am an Englishman proud of his country and its cultural heritage.


Are you British? If so, I cannot share your complacency about what Britain will be like in thirty years or so, by which time, according the two most likely Pew forecasts, the Muslim population will be almost four times its present level.

The EU referendum result shows that a majority of British people, who have demonstrably proved themselves among the most tolerant and accommodating in the world, share my concerns.


The bottom line is that they are palpably no longer prepared, whatever “progressive” politicians may say about the joys of multiculturalism and inclusivity, to pay the crippling economic and social cost  non-selective mass immigration.

Nor do they believe they should simply “learn to live with” the constant threat of terror attacks by Islamic extremists who have committed unspeakable atrocities in London, Manchester and other major populations centres in recent years.


This, incredibly, was the advice of the Lord Mayor of London, currently president over the capital's worst-ever violent crime surge, after a the latest horrific handiwork of young jihadists schooled by Muslim hate preachers (including one so bad he was barred from Pakistan!) in an ever-expanding network of mosques, madrasas and taxpayer-subsidised madrassas.

Maybe we should heed what Sadiq Khan says. After all, he is a Muslim.


It is not amusing,it is not boring,it is not anything really..


How about those grotesquely obese female  British and Europeans getting down on their haunches and doing it  for Western Civilisation?


What..they are not going to do it?Tell the French from 1915 onwards,,


It is perfectly evident that Western "civilization" requires females to work like a dog as well.


No time for babies or for nurturing.

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Just now, Odysseus123 said:

It is not amusing,it is not boring,it is not anything really..


How about those grotesquely obese female  British and Europeans getting down on their haunches and doing it  for Western Civilisation?


What..they are not going to do it?Tell the French from 1915 onwards,,


It is perfectly evident that Western "civilization" requires females to work like a dog as well.


No time for babies or for nurturing.


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Just now, Odysseus123 said:

It is not amusing,it is not boring,it is not anything really..


How about those grotesquely obese female  British and Europeans getting down on their haunches and doing it  for Western Civilisation?


What..they are not going to do it?Tell the French from 1915 onwards,,


It is perfectly evident that Western "civilization" requires females to work like a dog as well.


No time for babies or for nurturing.

That's all Greek to me.

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3 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

That's all Greek to me.



Depends what ethnocentric view that you take of the world.


Historically speaking the French  by 1910 understood that they were not producing anymore-at least not enough to fill up the ranks.. Muslim immigration has filled up the bottom ranks-just as in the USA the fruit pickers are all Mexican.


Far,far to late to cry over spilt milk now.


You want the lifestyle?


Live with it.

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7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

I believe he is suggesting, as Dylan once did; that Everything Is Broken.

Yes.,and that is very perceptive of you...in the words of W.B Yeats..


"Things fall apart;

The centre cannot hold

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world"



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27 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Nor do they believe in "learning to live with” the constant threat of terror attacks by Islamic extremists

Should be ashamed of yourselves with the agenda of trolling, division and social disharmony. - patriot - what a farcical claim. You and others post in complete contradiction to advice of HMG security services.


"What Khan actually said was: “Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job. We must never accept terrorists being successful, we must never accept that terrorists can destroy our life or destroy the way we lead our lives.”



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8 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Yes.,and that is very perceptive of you...in the words of W.B Yeats..


"Things fall apart;

The centre cannot hold

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world"






"Take a deep breath, feel like you're chokin' ; everything is broken."

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13 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:



Depends what ethnocentric view that you take of the world.


Historically speaking the French  by 1910 understood that they were not producing anymore-at least not enough to fill up the ranks.. Muslim immigration has filled up the bottom ranks-just as in the USA the fruit pickers are all Mexican.


You want the lifestyle?


Live with it.

Far,far to late to cry over spilt milk now.


But not too late to put the cap on the bottle and save what's left from going sour.

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16 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Should be ashamed of yourselves with the agenda of trolling, division and social disharmony. - patriot - what a farcical claim. You and others post in complete contradiction to advice of HMG security services.


"What Khan actually said was: “Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job. We must never accept terrorists being successful, we must never accept that terrorists can destroy our life or destroy the way we lead our lives.”



Terror attacks should not be "part and parcel" of living anywhere, particularly when they are the result of supporting US foreign policy which has led to the refugee crisis now submerging Europe.


It is time more of us contradicted the lunatic advice of HMG services if it will prevent them from re-admitting hundreds more British jihadists who deserted their adopted homeland to fight for Isis and other terrorist groups and who now expect us to throw down the welcome mat for them to wipe their blood-stained boots on.


You are the one who should be ashamed, if you British, for caring so little about what is happening to our country.

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22 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Terror attacks should not be "part and parcel" of living anywhere, particularly when they are the result of supporting US foreign policy which has led to the refugee crisis now submerging Europe.


It is time more of us contradicted the lunatic advice of HMG services if it will prevent them from re-admitting hundreds more British jihadists who deserted their adopted homeland to fight for Isis and other terrorist groups and who now expect us to throw down the welcome mat for them to wipe their blood-stained boots on.


You are the one who should be ashamed, if you British, for caring so little about what is happening to our country.

If you want to fight foreign wars than you might expect attacks in your home country.


I am not British and am sick to death of my ancestral family fighting for the miserable beggars-as they  gave us nothing in return.


I wouldn't fight for a single European either.Clean up your own monotonous.endlessly repeated,


psychopathic rubbish.


To hell with Romanians,Ukrainians,Serbs,Hungarians,Poles and Germans,


Buzz off


Who gives a stinking,intestinal deposit for Europeans?You have had many chances..and you still don't get the message.


Nobody Cares about you anymore,



Edited by Odysseus123
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2 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Terror attacks should not be "part and parcel" of living anywhere, particularly when they are the result of supporting US foreign policy which has led to the refugee crisis now submerging Europe.


It is time more of us contradicted the lunatic advice of HMG services if it will prevent them from re-admitting hundreds more British jihadists who deserted their adopted homeland to fight for Isis and other terrorist groups and who now expect us to throw down the welcome mat for them to wipe their blood-stained boots on.


You are the one who should be ashamed, if you British, for caring so little about what is happening to our country.

"I'm not a fanatic" - LOL. You are again twisting the statement from Khan into a far right meme. We agree to disagree, anyone using the code words "white nationalist" are a disgrace and an internal danger to UK society as very clearly identified by HMG.


I for one do not support an authoritarian aryan ideologist i.e. Orban.



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13 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

I am white. I also happen to be a nationalist. How on earth putting those two words together makes me or anyone else an "internal danger to UK society" - whether in the eyes of the government or anyone else - is beyond me.  


Perhaps you are conflating nationalist with supremacist - which is exactly, of course, what the political/corporate oligarchy which runs our lives would expect and hope.


What is your nationality? You have so far not answered my question. Whatever it is, do you believe in your nation having political independence and full sovereignty? Because that is what nationalism means.


How threatening is that except to those who have an agenda which would deliver something different? And would you be on their side.


Neither would I.


I suggest you stop believing everything you are told by your trusted "HMG" and their tame mass media, start thinking for yourself and do some meaningful research into the causes and effects of mass Muslim migration on the UK and the rest of Europe.


By all means let us agree to disagree. But first let me make something clear, lest (in addition to my being a fanatic and white nationalist) you consider me racist or biased against a particular religion (actually, I'm an anti-theist).


I have no axe to grind against Muslims as individuals. But neither do I wish to see their numbers grow to the point where the UK becomes part of an Islamic empire with an alien totalitarian  ideology not very different from communism and Nazism.


If that makes me a white nationalist and, by implication, an enemy of the state - then so bloody be it.

Unfortunately,the rest of the world is sick of this nonsense,tho' to be sure they have their own problems-but at least they are not German..




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3 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

If you want to fight foreign wars than you might expect attacks in your home country.


I am not British and am sick to death of my ancestral family fighting for the miserable beggars-as they  gave us nothing in return.


I wouldn't fight for a single European either.Clean up your own monotonous.endlessly repeated,


psychopathic rubbish.


To hell with Romanians,Ukrainians,Serbs,Hungarians,Poles and Germans,


Buzz off


Who gives a stinking,intestinal deposit for Europeans?You have had many chances..and you still don't get the message.


Nobody Cares about you anymore,



Why are you posting on this topic then. Hungary is the subject we're discussing  and it is in Europe. Why do you bother.

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4 hours ago, katana said:

HMG security services are letting back hundreds of returning ISIS fighters into the UK and allowing known ISIS sympathisers to walk the streets, with predictable results. They've obviously lost the plot. Not sure why you rate them so highly:


Parson's Green Bombing, Sept 2017
An Iraqi teenager who planted a bomb on a crowded London tube train previously said he had been trained to kill by Isis, an Old Bailey jury has heard.
Ahmed Hassan is said to have made the admission while claiming asylum in 2016 after arriving in the UK aged 16


Manchester Arena Bombing, May 2017
According to German police sources, attacker Abedi transited through Düsseldorf Airport on his way home to Manchester from Istanbul four days before the bombing. French interior minister Gérard Collomb said in an interview with BFM TV that Abedi may have been to Syria, and had "proven" links with ISIS.


London Bridge Attack, June 2017
Attacker Khuram Shazad Butt had appeared in a 2016 Channel 4 Television documentary The Jihadis Next Door, which showed him arguing with police over the unfurling of an ISIL black flag in Regent's Park. So he appeared shortly before the attack on prime time TV unfurling ISIL's flag and saying he supports them, but was not deemed to be a threat.

Attacker Youssef Zaghba was stopped at Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport by Italian officers who found ISIS-related materials on his mobile phone; he was stopped from continuing his journey to Istanbul. Italian authorities said Zaghba was monitored continuously while in Italy and that the UK was informed about him.


Westminster Attack, March 2017
Attacker Masood was a "peripheral figure" in an MI5 investigation of a group of Islamists later convicted of plotting to bomb a Territorial Army base in Luton.

Show me a country where there has never been errors made by security agencies. Overall Western security agencies have had a great deal of success with preventing terror attacks. 


The challenge with those returning from places such as Syria is obtaining evidence that will stand up in a Court for convictions for returnees activities. Don't know the detail for EU countries, but Australia passed legislation that anyone entering specific places in M.E. would be subject to the Courts, again the problem is evidence sufficient for conviction. I believe, in an open society, it has been proven that mass preventative detention causes more harm than good is reducing the possibility of terror attacks.

Edited by simple1
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On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 11:03 AM, Odysseus123 said:

My post was merely in response to a totally woeful lack of historical knowledge-I do not give a fig for dopey Europeans who merely want to kill themselves (or others) with great gusto and have been doing so for a thousand years.


My great grandfather..

My grandfather..and uncles and cousins..

My father..and relatives..


Time to call it quits on European and British morons.

While I have no problem with your characterisations of the British and European ( ruling class ) that abandoned colonialism in the worst possible manner and caused all the problems that we have to put up with now ( had the British just handed Palestine over to Jordan ( Transjordan ) while making Jerusalem an international city under the UN before running away it would have avoided several wars, millions of unnecessary deaths and trillions in treasure ) I hope you do realise that countries outside Europe are just as mired in war and industrial scale death as the Europeans were. Mankind is a warlike animal and I see no end to the suffering. It's bred in the bone.

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On 12/04/2018 at 5:38 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps mass prevention refusal of immigration would have proven effective in reducing the possibility of terror attacks.

By adhering to some notion that because some immigrants of a certain ethnic origin do not cause problems all must be allowed in has led to many preventable deaths.

By passing laws to prevent such discrimination, law makers must take the responsibility for subsequent attacks, IMO.

I fail to understand how allowing mass immigration of people with an entirely alien culture from the home culture, and allowing them to live in ghettos where they make no attempt to assimilate, is beneficial to the home culture. The primary responsibility of elected government is the safety, security and well being of the voters. It is not to see how many aliens they can get in before being voted out by an outraged population.


Well said,


Very few UK citizens wanted immigration. None were ever consulted on the matter nor asked to give their approval. It was just dictatorially imposed upon us.


The rest were either too stupid or too scared of being called racists to have supported politicians who would have stopped or at least controlled it.

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1 minute ago, yogi100 said:


Well said,


Very few UK citizens wanted immigration. None were ever consulted on the matter nor asked to give their approval. It was just dictatorially imposed upon us.


The rest were either too stupid or too scared of being called racists to have supported politicians who would have stopped or at least controlled it.

Enoch opposed it and look at what happened to him!

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On 4/12/2018 at 8:27 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

While I have no problem with your characterisations of the British and European ( ruling class ) that abandoned colonialism in the worst possible manner and caused all the problems that we have to put up with now ( had the British just handed Palestine over to Jordan ( Transjordan ) while making Jerusalem an international city under the UN before running away it would have avoided several wars, millions of unnecessary deaths and trillions in treasure ) I hope you do realise that countries outside Europe are just as mired in war and industrial scale death as the Europeans were. Mankind is a warlike animal and I see no end to the suffering. It's bred in the bone.

I agree.


However it is the industrialized mass of the killings that bothers me..


..and the complete denial 80 years later,


Coupled with that is the fundamental European conceit that  they are 'civilized"-they are not and that is all there is to it.


I do not want to get involved with Britain.Jews and Palestinians-please address your rhetorical questions to David Loyd George and Arthur Balfour.

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On 4/12/2018 at 8:38 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps mass prevention refusal of immigration would have proven effective in reducing the possibility of terror attacks.

By adhering to some notion that because some immigrants of a certain ethnic origin do not cause problems all must be allowed in has led to many preventable deaths.

By passing laws to prevent such discrimination, law makers must take the responsibility for subsequent attacks, IMO.

I fail to understand how allowing mass immigration of people with an entirely alien culture from the home culture, and allowing them to live in ghettos where they make no attempt to assimilate, is beneficial to the home culture. The primary responsibility of elected government is the safety, security and well being of the voters. It is not to see how many aliens they can get in before being voted out by an outraged population.

But..you moved to Thailand,and according to your good self remained there.


You are,of course, from an extremely alien culture which everybody detests,,,


Certainly not the Thais-who really cares for Caucasians?They are hardly the civilized models of the universe.


They are drunken.obese, and exceedingly miserably educated-the "bums" of the tourist world.


No-one is interested in Western industrialized serfs anymore.


They have had their day and are done.


They might have had their hour in 1520 but,sooner or later,they have been kicked out.The process is nearly completed,


We face a new world now.

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3 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

But..you moved to Thailand,and according to your good self remained there.


You are,of course, from an extremely alien culture which everybody detests,,,


Certainly not the Thais-who really cares for Caucasians?They are hardly the civilized models of the universe.


They are drunken.obese, and exceedingly miserably educated-the "bums" of the tourist world.


No-one is interested in Western industrialized serfs anymore.


They have had their day and are done.


They might have had their hour in 1520 but,sooner or later,they have been kicked out.The process is nearly completed,


We face a new world now.


Caucasians do not emigrate to Thailand because Thailand would not accept them as such and nor do they commit terrorist atrocities by letting off bombs. 

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