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dave, opinion about chicken is a diagnosis of several independent doctors - and it's known for some 30 years all over the world.

yes, fried food (and especially if you burn it) is cancerous - every nutrition book will tell you.

you can eat, of course, fried chicken and burgers from the kfc - but it won't be a healthy diet

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Just about anything in excess will cause troubles. The char on toast or meat from a grill etc does contain carcinogens, but I'll take my chances. Fast food isn't going to kill you if it's done in moderation.

We have hormones in meat, pharmaceuticals in the water, fine particulate matter from burning materials, diesel fumes etc etc. You can't escape it.

If you are really interested in eating things that are safe, limit your intake to only those foods that don't cast a shadow. :o


People back home always say Fast food is bad for you etc.. (i know this discussion is about chicken, but it's along the same lines).

But i works at Burger King and did the 10hour overnight shift 6 days a week for 4 months. During that time i had Burger King for literally 3 meals a day, 6 days a week (and i dont mean salads and stuff, i'm talking triple whoppers as it was all free).

I didn't gain any weight, didn't have any health problems, nothing.

(that Super Size Me movie is full of sh*t)

So who are you supposed to believe a doctor, because he's read lots of books, and done some experiments, or you're own experience.


What hormones are actually given to chickens?

Are they chicken specific, or are they different.?

Is it estrogen?

If not, why would it make female breasts larger?

People back home always say Fast food is bad for you etc.. (i know this discussion is about chicken, but it's along the same lines).

But i works at Burger King and did the 10hour overnight shift 6 days a week for 4 months. During that time i had Burger King for literally 3 meals a day, 6 days a week (and i dont mean salads and stuff, i'm talking triple whoppers as it was all free).

I didn't gain any weight, didn't have any health problems, nothing.

(that Super Size Me movie is full of sh*t)

So who are you supposed to believe a doctor, because he's read lots of books, and done some experiments, or you're own experience.

Maybe you didn't gain some weight but your artery did. :o



not chicken specific but to better make the point:

its similar stuff to the hormones given to induce fertility in cows goats etc; and given as shots to ferrets to simulate pregnancy etc ... also growth hormones.

just to give u all an idea of what is added to food for animals: from the nat'l kibbutz newspaper an advert on the back page for food additives for sheep/cows :

1. a preventative for coccidiosis (a diahhreah causing parasite which leaves scarring on the intestine of the animal and therefore, while the animal doesnt die, the animal doesnt gain optimal weight either due to lack of ability to absorb nutrients properly.. a waste of time and money for someone raising animals for slaughter. (i have one goat like this)

2. a preventative for toxoplasmosis which causes miscarriages in goats/sheep (and women) so that u loose less fetuses per breeding year.

all these are given as FOOD ADDITIVES; not as injections, or 10 runs of medication. it is over a long period of time as a preventative NOT a treatment. they say it helps the animal use its food more efficiently and they go up in weight better.

i have the website etc if someone wants to see it (its just food additives for cows/goats/sheep etc proclaiming : a healthy gut is a healthy business (translated from the hebrew). i kid u not.!!!

and then u eat the meat/drink the milk etc.

the coccidiosis preventative is also in all chicken food . i therefore cannot use the chicken food w/the coccidiosis preventative in it for my free range chickens with the donkeys as the donkeys can die if they eat this cocc. preventative in the food (and they steal from the chickens).

these additives are called medical food addititves for animals.

so this is usually what u are all eating in chickens cows goats hogs, sheep etc.

as for the guy who claims he ate htree months worth of burger king food, well, did u do cholesterol checks, etc or is it a case of 'i feel fine so i must not have any problems'. cause, when u finally dont feel fine, it may be too late.

everything in moderation.




People back home always say Fast food is bad for you etc.. (i know this discussion is about chicken, but it's along the same lines).

But i works at Burger King and did the 10hour overnight shift 6 days a week for 4 months. During that time i had Burger King for literally 3 meals a day, 6 days a week (and i dont mean salads and stuff, i'm talking triple whoppers as it was all free).

I didn't gain any weight, didn't have any health problems, nothing.

(that Super Size Me movie is full of sh*t)

So who are you supposed to believe a doctor, because he's read lots of books, and done some experiments, or you're own experience.

If you really watched the movie you would have known it's not the hamburgermeat that is dangerous, it's everything around - especially the fries and soda.

Tripple whoopers is no problem handling for a young healthy person. Exchange the tripple whoopers for 3 large fries only, and you will get problems fast...

People back home always say Fast food is bad for you etc.. (i know this discussion is about chicken, but it's along the same lines).

But i works at Burger King and did the 10hour overnight shift 6 days a week for 4 months. During that time i had Burger King for literally 3 meals a day, 6 days a week (and i dont mean salads and stuff, i'm talking triple whoppers as it was all free).

I didn't gain any weight, didn't have any health problems, nothing.

(that Super Size Me movie is full of sh*t)

So who are you supposed to believe a doctor, because he's read lots of books, and done some experiments, or you're own experience.

If you really watched the movie you would have known it's not the hamburgermeat that is dangerous, it's everything around - especially the fries and soda.

Tripple whoopers is no problem handling for a young healthy person. Exchange the tripple whoopers for 3 large fries only, and you will get problems fast...

I ate plenty of fries with the whoopers (i ate plenty of everything). I love fast food, and imagine working with 1 other person for 10 hours a night (no "manager") and only $100 worth of customers for the whole night. All you do is eat, mostly out of bordem. I would eat atleast 3 large fries/harsh browns a night (1 with each meal) And then just kind of snacking throughout the night.


That's great for you.

As info, my father is very wellbuilt and always ate whatever he wanted. But in a recent checkup the doctors told him to stop eating anything fat and so on, since his colestorole values was through the roof and they expected him to have a heart-attack. And this around the same time we find out that his father have had multiple heart attacks already (but somehow hanged on..it's hard to kill evil). None of the male in the family ever look unhealthy in any way. Doesn't mean we aren't at risk.

What hormones are actually given to chickens?

Are they chicken specific, or are they different.?

Is it estrogen?

If not, why would it make female breasts larger?

not too sure if the feed them with estrogen, but too high a doseage of testosterone can convert into estrogen which I guess would have the same effects? i'm not saying chickens are pumped full of testosterone but I guess theres many 'growth' products on the market that if given too high a dose could convert and have negative effects

not good whatever it is



Animal Health Division

Alpharma Animal Health Division (AHD) is a leading manufacturer and marketer of animal health feed additives to the poultry, swine and cattle industries in North America, with a strong and growing international presence in Latin America, Asia and Europe. With four decades of expertise in fermentation and manufacturing technologies, AHD produces its core Bacitracin-based feed additives Albac and BMD in its manufacturing facilities in Chicago Heights, Illinois, USA and Oslo, Norway. In addition to its Bacitracin-based product lines, Animal Health also markets many other animal feed additives and health products used for growth promotion, feed efficiency and disease prevention or treatment.

World production of poultry and swine is expected to continue to increase due to global population growth and rising protein consumption as dietary trends improve. With AHD’s expanding international presence in Canada, Mexico, Latin America and Asia Pacific, the Animal Health Division is aggressively pursuing new global market opportunities. Utilizing its expertise in fermentation technology and regulatory affairs efforts, AHD is continuing to expand its product portfolio with new products and combination approvals.



The Use of Steroid Hormones for Growth Promotion in Food-Producing Animals

July 2002

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for ensuring that animal drugs and medicated feeds are safe and effective for animals, and that food from treated animals is safe for humans to eat. Certain steroid hormones have been approved for use at very low concentrations to increase the rate of weight gain and/or improve feed efficiency in beef cattle. No steroid hormones are approved for use in poultry. All of the steroid hormonal growth-promoting drugs are available for over-the-counter purchase in the U.S., and are generally administered by the livestock producer at specific stages of production. Residue levels of these hormones in food have been demonstrated to be safe, as they are well below any level that would have a known effect in humans.


Estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone are naturally-occurring (endogenous) steroid hormones produced in significant quantities throughout the lifetime of every man, woman, and child, and are required for the proper physiological functioning and maturation of every mammal. All endogenous steroid hormone products marketed in the U.S. for beef growth-promotion are formulated as implantable pellets and are designed to deliver the hormones at a slow, constant rate when injected subcutaneously under the skin of the animal's ear. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that, when these drugs are used in accordance with their approved conditions of use, concentrations of the hormones in edible tissues remain within the normal physiological range that has been established for untreated animals of the same age and sex. Because of the slow release of very small amounts of the hormone and a short average half-life (approximately 10 minutes), it has been determined that no pre-slaughter withdrawal time is necessary to protect the public health. Consumers are not at risk from eating food from animals treated with these compounds because the amount of added hormone is negligible compared to the amount normally found in the edible tissues of untreated animals and that are naturally produced by the consumer’s own body.


Unlike naturally-occurring steroid hormones, there is no natural production of the synthetic compounds, trenbolone acetate, zeranol, and melengestrol acetate (MGA). These compounds are not metabolized as quickly as the naturally-occurring steroid hormones. Therefore, the FDA required, prior to their approval, extensive toxicological testing in animals to determine safe levels in edible tissues for these compounds. Furthermore, FDA required that the manufacturers demonstrate that the amount of hormone left in each edible tissue after treatment is below the appropriate safe level.

Information about approved hormone products can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 21, Parts 522, 556, and 558. Copies of the CFR may be found at your local public or university library and are for sale from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. In addition, the Code of Federal Regulations may be found on the Internet.

from www.fda.gov/cvm/hormones.htm


i work in agriculture and with livestock....



breasts do grow with these hormones. these are the same hormones given in higher doses to men who want to undergo sex changes and for women and men with hormonal inbalances.

just get tired of specualtion by people. i deal with this stuff... and i try not to eat it (my own chickens and eggs get the chicken feed w/o the addititives)... of course, my chickens are smaller too and more die off... for an agrotechnology farmer, thats a financial loss...

What hormones are actually given to chickens?

Are they chicken specific, or are they different.?

Is it estrogen?

If not, why would it make female breasts larger?

More to the point, will it make chicken breasts bigger?


chickens are bred for their body parts; different genetic types for more white meat; more breast meat; etc etc. egg chickens for instance lay everyday. a normal yard chicken (arab chickens or thai chickens) lay every 36 hours tapering off when the days get shorter.

etc etc etc

reminds me of a new yorker magazine comic from maybe 30 years ago: the boneless chicken farm with a picture of a floppy sort of chicken walking around.....



The same can be said about the way they "grow" the modern day turkey. They've been bred to produce mainly only white meat. On an interesting note, growth hormones are not allowed here in the States for use on any type of poultry by order of the USDA. They are still allowed in cattle and sheep. I'm not sure why that is the case.

On another note, I was reading the local paper and seen an arictle on how certain essential oils found in shampoos (they mentioned lavendar and tea tree oil) have shown to cause temporary breast enlargement in male children.


saw our chicken guy this morning on the way to work but forgot to ask him; we raise poultry for shnitzel etc; i know they get the coccidiosis preventative; i also know that, like most technoagriculture farmers, rules are bent, lenghthened, stretched and sometimes knowingly broken. i dont know that our farm does but knowing the country i am living in, and their attitude of 'anything goes until u are caught so dont let them catch u' , i wouldnt trust testing etc (having experience with animal lab tests/pathology results or non results etc)... but this is the middle east, not america. so, i would think that this sort of thinking applies to second and third world coutnries as well like thailand.

meaning that kfc in thailand may be more filled with hormones than american kfc. like cola is different in different countries.

may help me do breast augmentation the natural way instead of silicon????


israel :o

edit: forgot to add: withdrawal times for addititves and meds are different among different animals; its got to do with the type of muscle tissue, fatty tissue, metabolism etc. even basic things like penicillin 30 (antibiotic for goats/cows etc) has a different withdrawal rate for the different animals and for milkers as apposed to meat animals too (as much as 72 hours up to 45 days depending on drugs, useage etc)...different addtitives and drugs sit in different places in the body etc.


i saw a chiken truck that smelled gross upcountry , there were about 100 half dead and half alive chickens, i couldnt bear the smell is was awful, question though, if they are hormonial and if you have "tits" or tities for a guy any good work out to get rid of them?

In many supermarkets they sell products with CP , which I thought meant they were organic and safe but maybe this is incorrect , They sell chicken liver , chicken and some vegetables , tomatoes , cucumber etc

Otherwise how can you know what is free range and or organic , without the regulation there is in the west ?

What about vegetables from the Kings Project in Chaing Mai - Doi Kam ?

you don't mean CP logo from CP food??

Thats definitly NOT organic safe.

dave, opinion about chicken is a diagnosis of several independent doctors - and it's known for some 30 years all over the world.

yes, fried food (and especially if you burn it) is cancerous - every nutrition book will tell you.

you can eat, of course, fried chicken and burgers from the kfc - but it won't be a healthy diet

Would like to add:

thats like smoking it increases the risk, but does not mean it harms everyone. Like there are also smoker who started with 14 years and now they are 102. While others get it much easier. As well the dose, if you start with 20 to eat once a month kfc it is something different than if your children eat it every day after school.

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