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Video: Yet again! Car driver refuses to pull over for ambulance as heart patient struggles for life


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1 minute ago, The Teacher said:

A good sized bull bar with the green light to give them a light tap might wake them out of their dream they are in, I did say MIGHT

May cause another accident though you never know. In a life-and-death situation like this getting a video of the incident and the license plate with the steep fine I think would be better. If you can't pay the fine impound the car. If you can't do the Time don't do the crime. Think about how you'd feel if it was one of your loved ones in dire need of medical attention being rushed to the emergency room especially a child...

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8 hours ago, Hooliganzone said:

These people are unbelievable a total lack of basic common sense, education and brains.... 


Never educated to think with their brains before doing something. The Thai education system is a horrible joke, a malicious prank played on the Thai people by successive governments who are advantaged by having a largely unintelligent and unthinking populace.


With most people from the developed world, impulse control comes in the form of recognising an impulse and then modifying it by filtering it through the front brain. Thais don't seem to have this mechanism except in a very limited form, hence if they have an impulse to throw an empty bottle by the roadside, that's what they do, and don''t think anything of it. If you watch the behaviour of Thai youths (there were several good examples on the TV over Songkran), their behaviour resembles that of a pack of stray dogs. The sound of a fight reaches their ears and impulse drives them to seek it out and join in. No impulse control, they are driven by instinctive actions, and when the economy gets bad as it is now, theft, fraud and assault crime go through the roof, as is happening now. Put financial pressureon a people with poor impulse control and poor thought processes, and you will always see what we're seeing now.


The trick is to create useful automatic response, for example, one which causes a driver to pull over when they hear blues and twos, of see flashing lights in their rear-vision mirror. But the government are also Thais and are also, largely unintelligent, which, linked with a reluctance to learn from other populations (because Thais have always been taught they're special) means they don't manage the Thai population at all well. Hence the police don't do their jobs (and may only be dimly aware of what the real job of the police is). the judiciary and the army do what comes naturally - be lazy and incompetent, and politicians and lots of others take corruption  money with both hands.


What many, many farangs complain about in Thais, all has a natural and reasonable explanation. The same one it will have tomorrow, next month and in 10 years time, they seem incapable of learning from experience and are therefore destined to be the dung-heap of SE Asia, as other populations who have not been told they are special all their lives, and how they don't have to learn stuff because they are born knowing everything already, overtake them. It's happening right now, today.

Edited by KiwiKiwi
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On 4/19/2018 at 8:58 AM, YetAnother said:

part of thainess; something that i regret having discovered


Self centered selfishness, thoughtless regarding anyone else, concerned only with what they want, their own well being and convenience and screw everyone else.


See it in so many aspects of life style here. Not everyone, there are many many lovely considerate thoughtful nice people about but still see far too many thoughtless ones.

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On 4/19/2018 at 4:20 AM, KiwiKiwi said:

There are lots of other behavioural things you can discover and regret at your leisure. Surviving in Thailand requires a highly developed  ability to ignore what doesn't sit well with you on the basis that it probably isn't going to change any time soon or at all.


It's worth remembering that the Thai culture reflects the Thai people. It is by comparison with developed-world values, very primitive and self-obsessed, some would say narcissistic, as reflected in this article. Giving way to others on the road reflects an acknowledgement of lack of 'pooyay-ness' and for most Thais I have known, that's just not on if you're in the middle classes and need to show everyone how important you are..



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On ‎4‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 1:44 PM, Thian said:

Show this on national tv before those brainless tv-programs start...

Might help, however, many of us myself included have been in heavy traffic with an ambulance trying to get through and the drivers just do no move, which always makes me think-- your dead if you need an ambulance to get you to hospital quick in LOS>


Sad state of affairs but your right these types of things should be shown on national TV, but loose face more important than life i'm afraid, it just gets crazier all the time sadly.

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On 4/18/2018 at 9:33 PM, darksidedog said:

Another selfish idiot who should not be on the roads. Letting people off who do this with a wai and a 500B fine, doesn't help matters. I can only hope that some of the 3 million who viewed it DO get the message.

Absolutely right. Unless penalties are increased and enforced this abhorrent behavior will continue. Getting a license plate number should be easy enough to get. Passing stricter laws and penalties would be a good start but enforcement would be a tougher nut to crack. And the ability to bribe some poorly paid official will always make the elite feel that they can't be bothered to pull over. 

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On 4/20/2018 at 5:25 PM, kiwikeith said:

Might help, however, many of us myself included have been in heavy traffic with an ambulance trying to get through and the drivers just do no move, which always makes me think-- your dead if you need an ambulance to get you to hospital quick in LOS>


Sad state of affairs but your right these types of things should be shown on national TV, but loose face more important than life i'm afraid, it just gets crazier all the time sadly.

I guessing you've never seen an ambulance try to get through NYC or LA  good luck with that. traffic a rush hour.  Not that it's an excuse for ignoring emergency vehicles here.

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14 minutes ago, Hardie said:

How many traffic laws can a policeman enforce from the seat of a Honda 100 c.c. mo' cy'?

Most are driving 300s now.  None drive 100s.

Edited by joeyg
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