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Swift punishment for four provinces’ police chiefs over Songkran carnage


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Met a Thai guy yesterday who had been arrested for drink driving earlier in the week ........ night in jail , motorcycle  impounded, out on bail for 20,000b till pay fine of 4000b in few days.Saw him drink 2 large Leo while we were near him. Then got in his car and drove off to collect his kids.

Though the police were more active over these last few days it needs to be a permanent thing.If the 200,000 arrested for drink/ drunk driving is true then the real problem is much much higher, and much more drastic action will be needed.Are the RTP up for it? No chance.


I repeat what do the RTP spend their 

time at work doing?


Can anything be more important than getting these figures under control? We are constantly told of massive disapproval of actions that put Thai tourism in a bad light .Can anything look worse than being the country with the worst road death rate in the world?


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37 minutes ago, mikebell said:

28 more deaths than last year and that's before last nights bus/pickup fatalities.  Heads must roll; scapegoats for the whole of Thai driving skills must be found.


Agree heads should roll, starting right at the top, the current guy has achieved almost nothing in any area of police responsibilities after about 4 years in the job.


How come the very top guy plus none of the senior cops in the top layers have never suggested anything worthwhile to gain massive improvements in the accident and death rates?


Incapable and don't care seems to be the key items, followed by too busy with their 'other business'.



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33 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Agree heads should roll, starting right at the top, the current guy has achieved almost nothing in any area of police responsibilities after about 4 years in the job.


How come the very top guy plus none of the senior cops in the top layers have never suggested anything worthwhile to gain massive improvements in the accident and death rates?


Incapable and don't care seems to be the key items, followed by too busy with their 'other business'.




He transferred 4 regional heads for poor performance. There's another report a day earlier about a regional head who had a set up to look like he was on the job but was away in another province for several days.


Just shows that the top guy doesn't have full control of his force, even senior officers, and they don't respect the top guy, and don't respect the force or it's reason for existence.


Disband the whole RTP and start again, those in the top 4 or 5 levels, and more, cannot be re-employed as cops or in any government agency, and banned from having any contact whatever with working cops.  




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