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Why Are You In Thailand?


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I came for tangible reasons, like getting away from imbecilic little mummyboys that lash out with senseless taunts because they feel inferior around women who can voice educated opinions.

Jet, sweetie,

Did you pick the wrong place to go, or what?

This is where all those mummyboys came! No nasty, opinionated females in LoS!! Well, apart from you & I... :D:bah:

I was thinking about going back home but you two have just reminded me why I came here in the first place.

Thanks for saving me the airfare. I owe you a drink.

If you're ever in Soi Buakhoa you can drop into my bar and collect it.

We wuv you, Zanzibar! You don't sound like an M-boy. We'll show up someday for a philosophical talk about M-boys. Thank you kindly for the invitation. :o:D

Geez, NR, I forgot that the M-boys are following us...However, they usually cannot find their way out of the pub door, never mind all the way through the jungle to my village. Too many snakes and creepy critters and no street lights.:D Zanzibar, can we bring SBK and Donna, too? Oh, BTW, we are farang chickadees; hope that's OK... :D

Edited by Jet Gorgon
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I moved here in 1986 because I wanted to be a part of a foreign culture, and Thailand seemed the best suited because of a favourable atitude towards farangs. I think it still does, after living here for 21 years.


Yes, it does. After living here so long, why wouldn't I know?

Even prisoners feel at home after 20 years spent in a cell...

I can see you are in BKK and Ajarn in Chiang Mai. That is probably the reason you cannot understand him and his opinion.

Why don't you try to visit one of the provinces? You will be amazed when you find out what you will find there! There are a lot of wonderful Thai people out here and a lot of nice farangs too and most of them live happily together!

Good luck!

:D :D :D

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I think most people who are making serious minded posts on this subject have probably formed similar opinions to myself in that

we came here 10 or more years ago when it was still a laid back fun loving society which genrally welcomed flangs and everyone got along nicely. It was fairly cheap, benign weather and nice ladies.

I believe it started going pear shaped after the great crash, I saw a change in attitude as middle class thais had their cars and condos reposessed, office girls were forced into prostituion to make ends meet (no pun intended) and so on

Then came Mr T - enuf said on that topic http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=93701

Then came the cheap mobile phone. This has realy transformed the young. The ho's can swop all kinds of evil little tricks on how to cheat flangs. Notice how they all seem to have the same patter, word perfect (having graduated from the Loyal school of whores)

Nowadays there is is definite underground hatred, xenophobia (there is a thread on this topic already http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=102798

I also note the demise of the civilised flang resident. Not many good old boys left. Tehy fade away for various reasons and are not replaced by new intake

I guess the ones who might have come here have seen the writing (probably in TV.C) on the wall

If I had my time over again I would DEFINITELY NOT become committed to the LOS for my golden years, my lovely darling has turned into a right bitch, but hindesight is a wonderful thing ha ha.

Fact is I am commited to stay here for the remainder, for worse and worse and it doesnt do much for my peace of mind, but then I can empathise with dinosaurs. Its also sad to me that I am unable to improve the understanding of typical thais. they are far more resistent to absorbing foreign information or being instructed on errors. Someone has told them that thais can stand on there own and dont need any help from foreigners (remember tsunami)

In short,I am here now because I am stuck here unless there is a total civil breakdown, thank gawd for 7-11 stores and internet and cheap beer, as for wimin, I'd rather play with a scorpion.

I hope this thread doesnt degenerate into a "If you whinge about the country so much then why dont you f***k off then"

There are some deep rooted reasons why long time flang are upset and critical

You would never have had this sentiment 10-15 years ago. (but then we didnt have all these scumbag flangs here either)

That pretty much sums up my position also. The place has changed hugely and not for the better in my view. The things that made it attractive many years ago don't exist any more. I think Thailand and it's culture have suffered huge detrimental changes as a result of tourism.

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I moved here in 1986 because I wanted to be a part of a foreign culture, and Thailand seemed the best suited because of a favourable atitude towards farangs. I think it still does, after living here for 21 years.


Yes, it does. After living here so long, why wouldn't I know?

Even prisoners feel at home after 20 years spent in a cell...

Even being a huge mess, Suvanaburmi airport can offer you daily flight to your country......Prisoners can only stay where they are....Your comment is the most ridiculous ever.......Nobody force you to stay....

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I moved here in 1986 because I wanted to be a part of a foreign culture, and Thailand seemed the best suited because of a favourable atitude towards farangs. I think it still does, after living here for 21 years.


Yes, it does. After living here so long, why wouldn't I know?

Even prisoners feel at home after 20 years spent in a cell...

Even being a huge mess, Suvanaburmi airport can offer you daily flight to your country......Prisoners can only stay where they are....Your comment is the most ridiculous ever.......Nobody force you to stay....

Guess who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? I wasn't comparing Thailand to a prison if that's what got into your head while reading...Take a nap and then read again, maybe things will get clearer

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Some people are whining that Thailand is not like it was 20 or 30 years ago. Tell me, exactly where in the world the same as it was 20 or 30 years ago with the exception of rural Myanmar? All things change, it is their nature.


The original question posted was "why are you in thailand"

I tried to give a frank reply, not a whine - there are serious concerns for the stability of life for long termers. Its a vastly different picture for suitcase tourists, here today, pick up a flight when it gets hairy, sayanara. We guys have made big commitments here and the rapidly declining quality of life is of great concern.

However, I do recognise that good point has been raised here, because in the case of my own country UK, the qol is definitely a crock of expensive shit for reasons that are numerous to go into here, svae to say that they hate old people in UK.

So what countries have improved in terms of qol over the last 20 years, and under what criteria?

Tough question, any suggestions ( ive go to think about this one) :o

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In truth, probably no-one ever admits to say that things now are better than the halcyon days of their youth, or the first time you ever found some new, exotic place to stay.

I remember Britain in the 70's with strikes; piles of rubbish piled up in the street; blackouts; etc. Its a ###### site better than those days. Okay, a little over-regulated, and the weather was always crap, but...

It will always be my home.

If you want to be happy in Thailand for the duration, then you have make a lot of compromises; learn the language; and learn how things work here. This doesn't sometimes go well with a lot of people who are set in their ways.

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Two one month business visits in '92 followed by a year assignment '93 - '94, few months back in UK then re-assigned to LOS '94 - '04.

Back to the UK for '94 - '95 on the Morcambe Bay gas fields but S. E. Asia was in my blood so '96 it's Malaysia and '97 will be Viet Nam.

I like this part of the world primarily because of the climate, but also the women, the food and the differentness of the culture just fits my lifestyle better.

I have, since around the mid nineties, intended Thailand to be my final resting place but am now assessing the alternatives. I've still got 10+ years of useful working life in me and I intend to spend as many as possible of those years in this area. All that time I'm only a couple of hours flying time away so long weekends in LOS are the order of the day. So I'll just continue to consider Thailand to be my spiritual, and future physical, home unless things get too bad there then I'll look someplace else.

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These rather childish arguments that go 'Thailand is paradise', 'No, Thailand is a shithole' are soooooo boring. Truth is it's somewhere in between.

As I asked in the beginning, <deleted> has why anyone came here got to do with why they leave? Things change. No big mystery.

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what exactly is a flang, and why would anyone who claims to have been here for 10 + years persist in using such ridiculous misspelling of one of the most easily recognizable thai terms?

As for why i am here, i belive that was answered in a previous post.

lifestyle, opportunity, food, climate, spending power daughter.

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Thailand needs specialists during her early cellular years (AIS, DTAC/UCOM) and so I came and to built several cellular networks and trained local people. I'm proud of this by the way. Being a normal person living a nomal life, I met my wife blah, blah, blah... c'mon, we're just human and why we came to Thailand is not a question...

Edited by thai_narak
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To answer the original question, I came two and a half years ago, a corporate transfer to be closer to my market.

And, as someone else stated so eloquently, being a normal person you do normal things like get attached to the country, meet a wonderful partner and do all that kind of thing . .

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> Thailand needs specialists during her early cellular years (AIS, DTAC/UCOM) and so

> I came and to built several cellular networks and trained local people.

If I read correctly then I think some posters are blaming YOU then. :o

But seriously, I'm here because I like it here. The freedom, the people, the food, the weather, the landscape, the standard/quality of life.. The lot really. But rest assured that if this some day somehow changes in my mind, then I will manage to find my way down to BKK airport thankyouverymuch. (And I promise that in case that happens, I won't whine about it on a forum related to the then ex-country-I-lived-in.)


Chanchao (also in Chiang Mai :D )

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My case is not really 100% match with the topic but want to share with you guys, hope that I can get some "release"...I'm not in Thailand right now but I was working here in Laem chabang for 2 yrs during 2003 & 2004. My company sent me here for temp. project which is not under contract or any commitment time period. So, I work here and met my thai gf, then we stay together in Pattaya for wonderful 2 yrs in Thailand. We spent a lot of time to travel some other places during weekend and hoilday. It was a great experience for me to know more about this country, people and culture and love it so much.

My company save me life during the "Black boxing day" on Dec 26, 2004. cause I was working in Vietnam at that moment otherwise I will take my last vacation in Phuket, thanks God! and my company. In the same time, we move in to our new house in Pattaya during Dec 23, 2004, my gf take everything when I was working at Vietnam. Bad news came! I can only stay with my gf in our new house for one month only! :o My company sent me to China for new assignment. I travel a lot to meet my gf and stay in my lovely house every 2-3 months in the past 2 yrs. We plan to get marry in Thailand and stay here together, which is my hope and target as well. So I submit my resignation and plan to move back pattaya ASAP because I will have my 1st baby in coming April, I want to stay with my wife and take care her during this period which is my responsibility to be a husband. So, I don't care what is the current situation right now in Thailand, I will head back to this lovely place.

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I moved here in 1986 because I wanted to be a part of a foreign culture, and Thailand seemed the best suited because of a favourable atitude towards farangs. I think it still does, after living here for 21 years.


Yes, it does. After living here so long, why wouldn't I know?

Even prisoners feel at home after 20 years spent in a cell...

I can see you are in BKK and Ajarn in Chiang Mai. That is probably the reason you cannot understand him and his opinion.

Why don't you try to visit one of the provinces? You will be amazed when you find out what you will find there! There are a lot of wonderful Thai people out here and a lot of nice farangs too and most of them live happily together!

Good luck!


I first went to LOS 20 years ago for a 2 week holiday to get a nasty divorce out of my head, hated BKK, got talked into an iffy adventure trip by a shady Brit. He did me the favour of my life. I landed up in Mae Sai with absolutely none of the arrangements he promised and no idea of the lingo. The Thais there were kind and helpful. I met and fell in love with a girl and finished up staying 6 years. Life was a dream. All of this before I'd ever seen Pattaya, Phuket or Patpong. She was a sweetheart, I miss her still and I'd probably still be there with her if she hadn't died young. I left Mae Sai because after I lost her my world fell apart and I thought I could put it back together in Pattaya. Wrong, I finally limped home to England. Since then I moved to a new life Germany and I've been married and widowed AGAIN there. This time though a long chill out in Phuket did the trick. And I don't have a lot of problems with the Thai attitude, it's never worse than what I experience here every day and it's often an improvement. As for the ladies, I'm a believer! A word in favour of expats too. I only ever meet two kinds, the ones who've spent up and should have gone home and the others (fortunately the majority) who are laid back, full of helpful advice and in tune with their world. Okay, you could say that Pattaya for instance is a sort of Disneyworld for overgrown boys but hel_l, it's fun if you can handle it. if you're looking for culture, take a bus ride, Thailand is huge and a beautiful place to be. BTW, I forgot to mention, these are some of the reasons why I go to LOS and am planning to live there again.

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I came for tangible reasons, like getting away from imbecilic little mummyboys that lash out with senseless taunts because they feel inferior around women who can voice educated opinions.

Jet, sweetie,

Did you pick the wrong place to go, or what?

This is where all those mummyboys came! No nasty, opinionated females in LoS!! Well, apart from you & I... :bah::o

I was thinking about going back home but you two have just reminded me why I came here in the first place.

Thanks for saving me the airfare. I owe you a drink.

If you're ever in Soi Buakhoa you can drop into my bar and collect it.

We wuv you, Zanzibar! You don't sound like an M-boy. We'll show up someday for a philosophical talk about M-boys. Thank you kindly for the invitation. :o:D

Geez, NR, I forgot that the M-boys are following us...However, they usually cannot find their way out of the pub door, never mind all the way through the jungle to my village. Too many snakes and creepy critters and no street lights. :D Zanzibar, can we bring SBK and Donna, too? Oh, BTW, we are farang chickadees; hope that's OK... :D

Just noticed that you have put up nearly 900 posts in two months.

Which means da da da da da da daaaaaaaaa, you have no life :bah:

Stay in the jungle with the rest of the dying out species then ladies :D

Edited by Dupont
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My pal retired early and sent me enticing pictures of Phuket, Phi Phi, Samui along with emails saying how amazing Thailand was and how I should come visit him.

I arrived in BKK and he promptly drove me to his rented house in Pattaya!

Sort of like somebody sending you postcards of Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon and Mt. Rushmore saying

"Come, visit majestic USA!"

only to have you set your bags down in his walk-up flat above a peep show on Times Square. :D

B@st@rd! :D

Been here for nearly 2 years now... :o

Edited by Nam Plah
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I really intended to go to Banknock (see - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banknock ) but ended up in Bangkok by mistake. It was a tough choice whether to stay or to go back to the climate the bars and girls of the thriving metropolis of Banknock. Been here over 10 years now - still undecided.

Anyone from Banknock on the Forum can help, please. Why are you in Banknock?

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I really intended to go to Banknock (see - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banknock ) but ended up in Bangkok by mistake. It was a tough choice whether to stay or to go back to the climate the bars and girls of the thriving metropolis of Banknock. Been here over 10 years now - still undecided.

Anyone from Banknock on the Forum can help, please. Why are you in Banknock?

Ahoy from Banknock. Why am I here? My guide dog followed a bitch in heat. A gnarled native (I felt his face) said in broken Gaelic "We're closed today but Thursday is bingo, don't miss it we have a ball"

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what exactly is a flang, and why would anyone who claims to have been here for 10 + years persist in using such ridiculous misspelling of one of the most easily recognizable thai terms?

As for why i am here, i belive that was answered in a previous post.

lifestyle, opportunity, food, climate, spending power daughter.

A flang is a thing on the end of a pipe so the plumber can screw two pieces together. I think.

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With everyone talking about leaving, I wonder why they came in the first place.

Arrived in 87 back in the days when Thailand was a lot different. Came on a one way ticket, fell in love with the place within 48 hours and have remained here ever since!!!!!!!!

(And probably will until I shuffle off this mortal coil)

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