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T minus 2 days to House of cards Season 3. Great writing and acting. Kevin Spacey No1

I will watch series 3, just to watch the great Spacey strut his stuff. I must say, however that things took a very dark turn in Season 2, right from the very first ten minutes. I have a very hard time thinking of such an evil man ever becoming President of the United States. His wife is even worse. She makes Angela Lansbury in the original Manchurian Candidate look like an angel of sweetness.

The thing that made this series so enjoyable for me was Underwood's wry observations to the camera about the uses of power. Then the felonies started happening. Then the 3-way with the security guy. Not that such things could never happen at such a high level, but the cynicism is cranked up much too high, in my opinion.

But I will watch it, if only to see the inevitable impeachment.

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T minus 2 days to House of cards Season 3. Great writing and acting. Kevin Spacey No1

I will watch series 3, just to watch the great Spacey strut his stuff. I must say, however that things took a very dark turn in Season 2, right from the very first ten minutes. I have a very hard time thinking of such an evil man ever becoming President of the United States. His wife is even worse. She makes Angela Lansbury in the original Manchurian Candidate look like an angel of sweetness.

The thing that made this series so enjoyable for me was Underwood's wry observations to the camera about the uses of power. Then the felonies started happening. Then the 3-way with the security guy. Not that such things could never happen at such a high level, but the cynicism is cranked up much too high, in my opinion.

But I will watch it, if only to see the inevitable impeachment.

You should watch the original British series ,a little dated but very good ,the lead was just as much if not more of a bastard .

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Just watched The Water Diviner".

Good movie. 8.1 on IMBD. Aussie will enjoy it more. The romantic bits in the movie are not so good but everything else is good. Unfortunately my copy did not have english subtitles and i suggest you wait for a better copy.

I didn't enjoy this movie very much, a lot of it just didn't come across as 'real'. When Russell Crowe gets into action mode he pulls it off, but the rest left me looking at Russell Crowe the person rather than the character he supposed to be playing. Crowe has a lot to learn as a directer too and it will be a long time before he can make movies like the great Peter Weir. As you said Aussie's will probably enjoy it more and Crowe has a big international following.

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watched 'serena' last night seemed good at first, but switched off near the end. was looking forward to watching the water diviner tonight but not sure now....

Don't be put off, I guess my Russell Crowe bias showed through, there's something about his acting style that I just do not like. I'm sure many people will like the movie, watch it and let us know how it was for you?

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Just binged out on 'jane the virgin' and imo, it's up there with the best recent new small screen 'dramas'. original in format, scripting is quirky and amusing. casting all works consequently so does the acting. as does the plot which has enough twists and turns to more than keep your attention.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just another plug for Better Call Saul. One of the interesting story lines going is Saul's brother who suffers from (real or imagined we don't know yet) the rare condition Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. Saul is trying to keep his brother's condition from being known for various reasons. Creative story lines, interesting character development, retro feel, and the ever looming threat of impending sleaziness make this new series already compelling.

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Season ending of Suits, somewhat predictable, yet somewhat of a letdown...

There is another episode next week

Well that would make more sense... Was led to believe this weeks episode was the season finale..

when a show ends with the line 'you know i love u ' IMO its desperation call and sayanora is well due wai2.gif

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Anyway, I tried and tried with Birdman just did not fluffer my feathers. And the way Michael Keaton insists on chewing gum everywhere, he could have spit it out for one minute in any interview or at the Oscars. Too full of himself, and Eddie was just wonderful. In real life he is so nice and polite and everything . His life has changed so much over the past year.

Tonight is Whiplash.

Back to the series - still watching the usual. Funny to see that The Slap, Broadchurch and Secrets and Lies who were Ozzie, Brit, and Ozzie mini series are now American.

I have watched the first few episodes of The Slap USA - they do it ok.

Fortitude - was that the last episode, so depressing - not a wee sight of sunlight. And the killer, who'da thought..

Rather sad to read that my favourite sexy Chicago Fire actor is engaged to Lady Gaga...

Edited by Patsycat
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Fortitude - was that the last episode, so depressing - not a wee sight of sunlight. And the killer, who'da thought..

Not the last ,there are 11 episodes in all .

also house of cards was originally British,from a british book with a british author.smile.png

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I've watched the first two episodes of Season Three of House of Cards. I still can't stomach the idea of an actual psychopath becoming President of the USA, even on an un-elected, temporary or "place holder" basis. Now I know that there are those among us that dislike the US so much that they really believe that being a psychopath is a prerequisite for the nation's highest office. However if a true study of this was done in an impartial manner, I don't think any modern President would truly qualify, with the possible exception of Dick Cheney, defacto President 2001/2008.

This show is so well written and acted, I just have to watch it, even though I cannot stand the vile First Couple, "Frank and Claire." I live for the eventual episode when Francis Underwood is trotted off to prison. Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are flawless in their portrayals of these amoral people.

Glad to see Michael Kelley (Doug Stamper) playing such a pivotal role this time, even more so than before. He is a ruthless political operative, who has been a willing henchman, doing Frank's evil bidding with unswerving loyalty. His portrayal of a functioning alcoholic, now facing a new crisis, ranks among the very best filmed depictions I've seen. Ranks right up there with performances by Albert Finney, Ray Milland, and Jack Lemmon. Maybe alcoholics who have been watching this can see themselves in a way, and the show has hinted (strongly) where help may be found.

Maybe Claire will turn up in the cast of Orange is the New Black.

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yep,,, post my ' jane the virgin' binge, dont be so boringly blokey, its good, give it a go,,!!!! tip, miss the pilot . my weekend veiwing consisted of watching 'house of cards 'as per' expected looking v likely 2 develop into tense gripping drama.some what maybe a touch predictable ?. now we know what abso crunts they are!!! anyway 'Vikings ' rather violently holding its own and 'black sails' hitting, hopefully, just a stutter :)

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also house of cards was originally British,from a british book with a british author.smile.png

But admittedly, the American "extended" version is not too bad, either, I'd say. smile.png

Although, while I think that Kevin Spacey does a great job, I must admit that I like the late Ian Richardson as Francis Urquhart a bit better. His upper class attitude and his arrogance and his cold-heartednss (elegant, though) won me over immediately. Well, I guess, those were the good old days, when the Tories were pure evil and Labour were always morally right (not only in Britain, I can tell you that).

Anyway, I was hooked again after the first minute of the first episode. Watched the entire season over the weekend. The same quality as before: a real good mixture of politics, schemes and crime. And this is what I took out of it: becoming President is not easy, being President is even less desirable.

A hint (not a spoiler, I hope): the season ends with a tiny little cliffhanger. Looking forward to the next seasons.

I just watched the first episode ,and must admitt that i got bored with so much about the drug guy , i hope they concentrate more on Spacy and his wife(i concentrate on her quite a bitsmile.png ) , i admit the Americans have done well ,but i hope it does not go on to long ,remember the Brit series was only 12 episodes

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Wild Tales (2015)

Argentina, Spanish with English subtitles

Watched it this morning.

A thoroughly deserved nominee for this years Best Foreign Language Film Oscar. It's a multi-story film, which usually don't go down too well with me, but I found each of the six stories thoroughly gripping and all are united by black humour. A lesson in how small things can escalate out of all proportion, something that should be remembered in this country. wink.png

Review here: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wild_tales/

Just watched it, luved it, good movie , couldn't help but think of the red bull incident, was it on tale 3? .any way captured the unpleasant macho side of south America , but as o's said the 'scenario's' could well transfer. to Thailand

edit, barring the wedding biggrin.png man there aint nothing quite like those crazy hot south American chicks,

Edited by rijit
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