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Anybody been watching the new 2nd season of Bates Motel? I just realized 3 episodes are out already and on torrents I'm downloading now. I enjoyed the first season and Vera Farmiga makes a good neurotic mother to Norman Bates. The actor who plays Norman Bates is pretty good too, and even looks and acts creepy like Anthony Perkins. First season got very good reviews and strong ratings.

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Last Temptation in Thailand

A documentary of an American guy and his thoughts on Thailand, specically dating/love/women. A lot of referencing the teachings of Buddha intermingled with his own personal philosophies on life, women and destination.

Nearly all the women he meets are bargirls. His one ‘good girl’, Ann, he is interested in works for Citibank in bkk....it does seem however that Ann is able to take an awful lot of time off her work...

Nothing sensationalist here. Overall a positive take on life. Worth a look. 6/10

So I was bored today so tee'd this one up, kinda wished I hadn't... My first question was "I wonder what his TVF member name is?"

He should've banged the Israeli chick... I found the most interesting part of it was when she started on about NS in Israel and what they do after they finish their stint...

The continual Buddha referencing put me off because it really had nothing to do with what I felt was the point of this sexualmentary...

Shitty production values and a real overt reiteration of the old saying "beauty is in the eye of the be(er)holder. I didn't even see that part where he said Ann worked for Citibank hahaha, I'm not going to watch it again just for that gag...

Fortunately whilst this was running its course, I had The Following and The Blacklist on the go...

The Following: I did not see that coming! Phuoc me...

The Blacklist: It's either going to get really good or go really schit!

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So I was bored today so tee'd this one up, kinda wished I hadn't... My first question was "I wonder what his TVF member name is?"

He should've banged the Israeli chick... I found the most interesting part of it was when she started on about NS in Israel and what they do after they finish their stint...

The continual Buddha referencing put me off because it really had nothing to do with what I felt was the point of this sexualmentary...

Shitty production values and a real overt reiteration of the old saying "beauty is in the eye of the be(er)holder. I didn't even see that part where he said Ann worked for Citibank hahaha, I'm not going to watch it again just for that gag...


So you are undecided on this by the sounds of it?

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So you are undecided on this by the sounds of it?

Well.. I was tossing up between that and "Sexpest Tourism Infomentary" - Sexualmentary just sounded more scientific and David Attenborough'esque, actually come to think of it, Sir David would be THE perfect soundtrack to that abomination, I actually would have rated it higher with Sir David's voice...


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I was a big fan of Inspector Morse. When John Thaw died and they started Lewis I ignored it. Wish I hadn't though. It is every bit as good. 7 seasons and I have almost gone through them all. Enjoyed thoroughly.

If you like Morse check out Endeavour, which follows Morse as a young man. Excellent.

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Mock me all you want, go on...!!

I just watched a two part movie about INXS, called INXS - Never Tear Us Apart. It is a film about their climb to fame.

I loved it and found the actors good, and the music brought back memories and i actually did a wee dance. And then popped over to U toob to watch the real stuff. I'd forgotten how yumsky he was...!!

If you google the guys that made that Last Temptation in Thailand, you may find they were arrested for making porn movies, just saying like.

A new ITV Crime Drama in three parts called The Widower has just started, very good so far. On Piratebay.

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Mock me all you want, go on...!!

I just watched a two part movie about INXS, called INXS - Never Tear Us Apart. It is a film about their climb to fame.

I loved it and found the actors good, and the music brought back memories and i actually did a wee dance. And then popped over to U toob to watch the real stuff. I'd forgotten how yumsky he was...!!

If you google the guys that made that Last Temptation in Thailand, you may find they were arrested for making porn movies, just saying like.

A new ITV Crime Drama in three parts called The Widower has just started, very good so far. On Piratebay.

Druggie who died, wanking off in a closet with a rope around his neck.

Quality guy for every woman to fantasize about!

PS. Met Paula a couple of times, she was really nice.

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Yes, he may have been a druggie etc. but he did had charisma. Paula was, i am sure, very nice, and how did she die? Leaving behind four little girls...? I don't think he was in a closet, rather strapped to a door handle. You're thinking of Carradine.

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New sci-fi series just started "100".

100 years after the end of the world, nuclear war, peeps living in space stations return to a mutated earth.

Might be worth a look.

Nice one

Sent from my HTC One X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just watched the first episode.

It wasn't too bad.

Me too, but a lot of sci-fi series start OK, but go downhill after that. This one reminds me of the people from the future that go back in time to before there were humans on earth, because the future is so screwed up. It came out a few years ago. I guess that it must have been canceled.

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Just watched the first episode.

It wasn't too bad.

Me too, but a lot of sci-fi series start OK, but go downhill after that. This one reminds me of the people from the future that go back in time to before there were humans on earth, because the future is so screwed up. It came out a few years ago. I guess that it must have been canceled.

I know the one u mean.. I forgot about that one

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Caught up with



The second 300 movie

Over the past two days.

Divergence was a lot better than I expected and I quite enjoyed it.

300 was action and blood... Followed by more blood.. andu more blood.

Both good on the big screen with popcorn.

7/10 for both of them from me.

Sent from my HTC One X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I rented Vikingdom yesterday, definitely different. Vikings with English and Scottish accents joined by an Asian martial artist along with an old wizard who is kind of Gandolf-ish going up against Thor, not big on special effects or high class acting, good for a laugh but not much more. 4/10

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New sci-fi series just started "100".

100 years after the end of the world, nuclear war, peeps living in space stations return to a mutated earth.

Might be worth a look.

Slight spoiler

Wont bother anymore this one, to ridiculous, I know its si-fi, but its just to unrealistic and unbelievable, expecting us to believe that no one has stepped foot on Earth for 100 years, then the first people they send are a bunch of criminal kids, that look like they are on a day trip somewhere from collage. They have supposed to be been locked up most their lives and were expecting to be executed at 18yo including the current presidents son, right they are going to kill kids for some hideous crime!!!! none of them look like rapists or murders, cheating at school I would imagine

And guess what? when they get to Earth the air is fresh, planets are growing,

Zapped 3/4's the way though to recycle bin

"Revolution" on the other hand just gets better and better

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New sci-fi series just started "100".

100 years after the end of the world, nuclear war, peeps living in space stations return to a mutated earth.

Might be worth a look.

Slight spoiler

Wont bother anymore this one, to ridiculous, I know its si-fi, but its just to unrealistic and unbelievable, expecting us to believe that no one has stepped foot on Earth for 100 years, then the first people they send are a bunch of criminal kids, that look like they are on a day trip somewhere from collage. They have supposed to be been locked up most their lives and were expecting to be executed at 18yo including the current presidents son, right they are going to kill kids for some hideous crime!!!! none of them look like rapists or murders, cheating at school I would imagine

And guess what? when they get to Earth the air is fresh, planets are growing,

Zapped 3/4's the way though to recycle bin

"Revolution" on the other hand just gets better and better

Not to mention they all go on a 20 mile hike, after spending all their lives in reduced gravity.

Revolution is total pants in every way. A million plot holes a mile wide.


World's been wrecked for 20 years, but the electricity magically comes back on with no street wiring, no transformers, no power generation facilities, whenever the nanites have a temporary failure.

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Wont bother anymore this one, to ridiculous, I know its si-fi, but its just to unrealistic and unbelievable,

I don't expect sci fi to be realistic or believable. If it was, the main characters in Revolution would have been dead long ago. As long as it is entertaining, that is usually good enough for me.

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Caught up with Non-Stop, with Liam Neeson. Good action movie that keeps you interested almost throughout

7/10 from me

Sent from my HTC One X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My son took his girlfriend to see it at the movies last night and said it was good ,will give it a whirl.

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Also watching Revolution which has had ups and downs, but is on the up trend right now I think.

Elementary - Just as good - fun with Lestrad too.Agents od SHIELD - escapism at its best - enjoyable show (with brain disengaged of course).

Originals - Just keeps getting better! Set to be much better than VD (erm that's Vampire Diaries, not the STD!)

Intelligence - OK show - another Brain Disengaged before watching show - but good for a little action and mild scifi.

Almost Human - Actually really enjoying this new take on a cop show (OK been done before - and Isaac Asimov wrote many book about it 80 years ago!). Well acted, good characters and casting IMO - and story line is good, although simple, too.

Totally agree with you on The Originals. I am a VD fan and Originals, after a couple of episodes setting things up is great 'page turning' TV

Love Elementary too, very well done. I like SHIELD but it's a super hero type show with no heroes in it. It didn't grab me at the start but I like it but I much prefer Arrow in terms of super hero shows. It's really, really good, especially coming into its own in the 2nd series (now)

I have been watching Almost Human too but looks like it won't be renewed and Inteliigence seems certain to not be renewed. I didn't bother with that, seemed a bit like Chuck, which I loved but I'd also heard it wouldn't be renewed so didn't bother

Revolution though ... not sure where you are in it but I gave up at the end of the 1st series and it was painful going to get to the end. The lead actress is awful (those facial expressions and furrowed brow :D) the fact they'd seeminly walk from Chicago to another state within an episode. I like the concept of it but it just grated on me and I didn't start the 2nd series

Does anyone watch Franklin & Bash? Really enjoy that, should be new series starting soon (think it's the 3rd or 4th). Only short series, (10 or 13, can't remember) but light legal drama with unorthadox legal partners that are hired by a regular law firm. Really enjoyable show

I have also been watching Hart of Dixie (don't judge me!) ... big time ambitious doctor takes job in small town in Alabama, Rachel Bilson (who is so fit!) and some people from Friday Night Lights (cool show) ... just quite sweet, small town problems, no explosions and things like that. Got some charm to it

I watch it with my girlfried but to be honest if she didn't watch I probably still would :P

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I watched contagion a couple of days ago, a well thought out script I think, starring Matt Damon and Gwyneth Paltrow among a list of others. This is the first movie of this genre that I have seen which has a scenario that is believable. 8.5/10

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by TomTao
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Also watching Revolution which has had ups and downs, but is on the up trend right now I think.

Elementary - Just as good - fun with Lestrad too.Agents od SHIELD - escapism at its best - enjoyable show (with brain disengaged of course).

Originals - Just keeps getting better! Set to be much better than VD (erm that's Vampire Diaries, not the STD!)

Intelligence - OK show - another Brain Disengaged before watching show - but good for a little action and mild scifi.

Almost Human - Actually really enjoying this new take on a cop show (OK been done before - and Isaac Asimov wrote many book about it 80 years ago!). Well acted, good characters and casting IMO - and story line is good, although simple, too.

Totally agree with you on The Originals. I am a VD fan and Originals, after a couple of episodes setting things up is great 'page turning' TV

Love Elementary too, very well done. I like SHIELD but it's a super hero type show with no heroes in it. It didn't grab me at the start but I like it but I much prefer Arrow in terms of super hero shows. It's really, really good, especially coming into its own in the 2nd series (now)

I have been watching Almost Human too but looks like it won't be renewed and Inteliigence seems certain to not be renewed. I didn't bother with that, seemed a bit like Chuck, which I loved but I'd also heard it wouldn't be renewed so didn't bother

Revolution though ... not sure where you are in it but I gave up at the end of the 1st series and it was painful going to get to the end. The lead actress is awful (those facial expressions and furrowed brow biggrin.png) the fact they'd seeminly walk from Chicago to another state within an episode. I like the concept of it but it just grated on me and I didn't start the 2nd series

Does anyone watch Franklin & Bash? Really enjoy that, should be new series starting soon (think it's the 3rd or 4th). Only short series, (10 or 13, can't remember) but light legal drama with unorthadox legal partners that are hired by a regular law firm. Really enjoyable show

I have also been watching Hart of Dixie (don't judge me!) ... big time ambitious doctor takes job in small town in Alabama, Rachel Bilson (who is so fit!) and some people from Friday Night Lights (cool show) ... just quite sweet, small town problems, no explosions and things like that. Got some charm to it

I watch it with my girlfried but to be honest if she didn't watch I probably still would tongue.png

Yep F and B is one of my favourite comedy shows too. Shame if they can Almost Human, it is a good show - very much in line with IRobot type of thing, but not so far ahead in time (typical Asimov).

Revolution I enjoy now - like you I struggled at the beginning (didn't even think about walking great distances to be honest! - I just imagined they were done in weeks not days, but would make for boring TV). I stopped watching it after a few episodes of series 1, but went back some time later when bored - series 2 is much better though.

I watched the first season of Heart of Dixie and enjoyed it, but it got a little samey for me (she always does good and ends up looking like a class one a-hole for it - liked the major though).

I watched the first season of Arrow - but it was getting a bit too silly for my tastes - never really been a super-hero fan I guess (having and firing just the right arrow with the right attachment on it - like Batman's utility belt, a tool/arrow for every occasion). Never watched beyond - might revisit one day.

Crisis has just started proper now (watched the pilot episode a few months back on pre-release) could go either way - kidnap programs always seem to run out of steam pretty quickly - we'll see though.

Continuum is back on now too (Se 3 Ep 2 just aired) - turn around for some characters- not sure about this season yet though, might have run out of gogo juice.

Revenge is almost over for season 3 (my daughter likes it - I never watched it after the pilot - just didn't appeal).

Believe is getting to look like another run on Touch with a female lead (that can talk!) and lesser named stars (with one exception).

Resurrection has also started (ep3 just aired - not seen it yet though) - strange so far, could go either way.

Oh earlier I said "Murder in Paradise" it is of course, "Death in Paradise" - and I still love it - one of my favourite shows!

Other shows Mentalist is nearing the end of Season 6 (and looks like he might be moving on again from CBI to FBI to CIA)...

The Musketeers is a fun watch too (SE1 Ep9) - comedy in the right places, good drama, 3 dimensional characters (even the baddies are not pure evil - well not the recurring ones anyway).

Bitten is also a new werewolf show - bit different with those that have come before - almost a cross between Teenwolf and Sons of Anarchy perhaps. The world's only female werewolf (females usually die during the transition) and her "family" (pack) with rigid rules that causes the members problems, but also binds them. Gang warfare of a furry kind smile.png CGI could be better though.

Divinci's Demons is back on too - looking good (about to discover America a bit early :))

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Caught up with Non-Stop, with Liam Neeson. Good action movie that keeps you interested almost throughout

7/10 from me

Sent from my HTC One X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I enjoyed non-stop too - I saw the trailer after watching the movie and thought it was terrible as it shows some serious spoilers - so don't watch the trailer until you watch the movie - if at all.

The new 300 (Rise of an Empire) film was awesome too (if a little fantastical).

My kids loved Mr. Peabody and Sherman (they are young teens). They also loved Frozen.

SnowPiercer was an OK watch, but has some very silly parts in it - I won't spoil it for anyone, but when it gets to how they ate for the first few months it will be hard not to shake your head in disbelief! Also at the very end, after the action and just before the credits, one wonders just who will eat who (not a spoiler I promise).

13 Sins was quite good - a smallish twist and a slight feeling of "Oh well" at the end :)

47 Ronin was very good - my kids liked it too.

The new Robocop was fun.

OldBoy was OK - bit of a strange premise; weird and gory. Original was better though (of course).

Ride Along. Really enjoyed this movie - nothing new (Michael J Fox did a similar film years ago) - but funny and satisfying (if light).

Homefront: Good movie - sort of thing Segal would have made back in the day. Nuf said.


Saw the new 100 series pilot the other day - might be OK (Lord of the Flies sort of thing) but seems they have already spoiled any real twists likely to come by giving them away at the start. Might as well wear black and white cowboy hats!

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Movie - Rush.

From IMDB: The merciless 1970s rivalry between Formula One rivals James Hunt and Niki Lauda.


I vaguely remember this one being mentioned before.

Not being a racing fan, I wasn't too sure about it.
I didn't have high expectations about it going in, but I have

to say I really enjoyed this one.

Directed by Ron Howard there are good perfomances all round.

A solid 7.5 for me.

Edited by Will27
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Yep F and B is one of my favourite comedy shows too. Shame if they can Almost Human, it is a good show - very much in line with IRobot type of thing, but not so far ahead in time (typical Asimov).

Revolution I enjoy now - like you I struggled at the beginning (didn't even think about walking great distances to be honest! - I just imagined they were done in weeks not days, but would make for boring TV). I stopped watching it after a few episodes of series 1, but went back some time later when bored - series 2 is much better though.

I watched the first season of Heart of Dixie and enjoyed it, but it got a little samey for me (she always does good and ends up looking like a class one a-hole for it - liked the major though).

I watched the first season of Arrow - but it was getting a bit too silly for my tastes - never really been a super-hero fan I guess (having and firing just the right arrow with the right attachment on it - like Batman's utility belt, a tool/arrow for every occasion). Never watched beyond - might revisit one day.

Crisis has just started proper now (watched the pilot episode a few months back on pre-release) could go either way - kidnap programs always seem to run out of steam pretty quickly - we'll see though.

Continuum is back on now too (Se 3 Ep 2 just aired) - turn around for some characters- not sure about this season yet though, might have run out of gogo juice.

Revenge is almost over for season 3 (my daughter likes it - I never watched it after the pilot - just didn't appeal).

Believe is getting to look like another run on Touch with a female lead (that can talk!) and lesser named stars (with one exception).

Resurrection has also started (ep3 just aired - not seen it yet though) - strange so far, could go either way.

Bitten is also a new werewolf show - bit different with those that have come before - almost a cross between Teenwolf and Sons of Anarchy perhaps. The world's only female werewolf (females usually die during the transition) and her "family" (pack) with rigid rules that causes the members problems, but also binds them. Gang warfare of a furry kind smile.png CGI could be better though.

Arrow definitely improved in the 2nd series

I will also check out Crisis. I enjoyed Hostages recently actually although couldn't really go beyond the 1 series, they said that is what they planned all along

I started on Continuum a couple of times but just meh, couldn't get super excited about it even though I like that kind of thing. I stopped Revenge at start of season 3, was going off it in season 2, it got so far away from the actual revenge she set out for I couldn't be arsed

I don't like the look of Believe, reminded me of Touch also, that made me want to throw up with the over sentementality :D

I will check Bitten out, cheers

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