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Step granddad says he raped nine year old "whenever he felt like it"

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In addition, your statement that, "There are laws and police for that" says to me that you are not being realistic about the country you live in or are posting about. There are laws and police in Thailand. I will not argue that. But the extent to which the police selectively enforce the laws is debatable.

In this case someone has been arrested and is apparently going to court. To me that sounds like the police are doing their job. So there is no need for vigilantism.

Rather than take the law into their own hands, people should get the police to do their job properly.

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The posters IMHO are not rallying a lynch mob.

It seems to me that is exactly what they are. All I see are calls for physical violence, some quite gruesome. There is no need for it and it wont do any good anyway.

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8 hours ago, Lupatria said:

Reading the morning news makes it harder every day not to become a Thai basher:


Step granddad says he raped nine year old "whenever he felt like it"

Drunk husband murders wife with an axe in Chaiyaphum

Woman, 50, murdered because man couldn't get an erection and she asked for 500 baht

Mother goes to the military after rape of handicapped daughter now seven months pregnant


At least no baby dumped today.


Btw. please spare me replies like it happens elsewhere too.

Don't be afraid of being labelled a Thai brasher.99% of the time it's the truth.if the pc brigade and anti Thai bashes army had their way we would have to call Thais,honest,truthful,loving,generous,hard working people who all drive like chauffeurs.what these clowns seem to forget is what the majority of Thais think about farang invading their country and stealing their land and women,oh and the out and out racism we have to endure without saying a word.

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10 hours ago, KittenKong said:

Not at all. He is innocent until found guilty in court, no matter what he may or may not admit to. Until he is found guilty he is entitled to not have his faced plastered all over the media, just like anyone else.

Mmmmm ... and yet the preceding story clearly shows the face of the alleged American pimp.... I’m not sure I care either way, but consistency would be nice.... and it may even engender some confidence in the system.

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1 hour ago, InfinityandBeyond said:

1) To address your first point, no one has acted on their feelings of vigilantism. IMHO, merely expressing outrage (many being parents to young children who could quickly see themselves in a similar situation).  Completely different to the perpetrator who betrayed your omnipotent moral edict that "Violence is only permissible in self-defence, or in the immediate defence of others." I suppose step-dad didn't receive your memo or Commandment and hence commited sexual violence against a minor. I am sure the young victim of this (physical and psychological) violent crime takes solace knowing that you and the moral crusaders at the RTP will help her rebuild her life. (?)


2) "...people should get the police to do their job properly." However, in your first paragraph you said, "To me that sounds like the police are doing their job." So which is it?


First rule of debating: Never contradict yourself in an argument. 


In any case, not having a go at you or your argument against vigilantism. Simply,  the premise, assumptions, contradictions and circular reasoning you have based your argument upon appear to have PC motivations. Let the outraged be outraged. They are not molesting young girls.  


At the end of the day, if you are going to be the moral arbiter of what is right and wrong in the world (i.e. the new PC God-as per your declaration of what is acceptable or not) you need to gain context and perspective: what is the greater misdeed? Sexually abusing an innocent child for years or people expressing outrage at the crime. Under Thai statutes,  the former is a crime. The latter is the (for the time being) a legal expression of one's thoughts and feelings. 


The crime is in the action. Not the thought. Carrying out a crime you have thought about (and can be proven in a court of law) is a different story altogether. 


We will leave that until after you pass Law 101: Basic Debate and Reasoning. 


My apologies if my reply sounds arrogant and condescending. But your argument is based on emotion, contradiction and fantasy. 


You are virtue signalling. No acts of vigilantism have been carried out. However, a serious crime has been committed which many have been vocal about on this forum. Most have expressed various emotions about this event and the victim from murderous outrage to heartbreak. You, on the other hand have said nothing about the victim. 

It appears you have used this event and this forum to promote your own view of the world and your own view of yourself and attack others. 


P.s.- if you are going to quote me, pls do not cherry pick sentences or paragraphs. Include my entire post so there is context. Not sure if what you have done is against forum rules or not, but it doesn't demonstrate proper form.  

This is a serious topic, and while I totally agree with InfinityandBeyond, about the "lack of" law enforcement. They are only a reflection of the Thai community.  Buddism is about karma, and karma balance itself.  Many Thai accept crime as a thing of life, and go on with their own lives, without holding a grudge. For me an amazing and sometimes frustrating ability.  "We" love Thailand for this!  It's sunny side. The Thai smile. The dark side is just as dark as it is sunny.  When you are in Rome, act like the Romans do.  To most other writers, yes some crimes make our blood boil. Have a little (or big) smile when scum like this meets justice. Be "happy" he is poor. Now there's more change for real Justice.  Besides Karma is a bitch, she never sleeps. Just waits for her best timing. For the little girl, I truly wish happiness for her life. If Karma can be kind, the rest of her (many) days should be good.

Edited by sirquest007
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Heavier punishment should be implemented. Such as longer jail sentences and canning (those that will add horizontal "butt cracks" ) like what Singapore does, so perpetrators will remember for life and serves as a warning to others

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10 hours ago, Moti24 said:

Anything the courts dish-out to this scumbag won't be enough!  


Happening too often in the LOS; the word "Scumbag" fits-in just nice.


New Law - Any person being found guilty of being a "Sexual Deviant Scumbag (SDS)", shall serve at least 20 years hard labour.  Prior to this, the SDS shall have his meat and 2 veg hacked-off with a rusty machete.  The severed parts are then to be placed in the hand of the SDS.  The SDS should be taken to the local pig-farm, where he can feed the pigs with the redundant appendage.


Yes, sign-me-up for the bench!



Pray explain how you would hack off the "meat and 2 veg" of a female offender? Typical thinking that sexual crime is only committed by men, how wrong you are!

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4 hours ago, KiaSurean said:

Heavier punishment should be implemented. Such as longer jail sentences and canning (those that will add horizontal "butt cracks" ) like what Singapore does, so perpetrators will remember for life and serves as a warning to others


Pray explain how you would cane a female offender, as that is not allowed under Singaporean law, (the type of which you want to bring here). Typical thinking that sexual crime is only committed by men, how wrong you are!

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10 hours ago, KittenKong said:

....people should get the police to do their job properly.

Get the Government and RTP to do their properly! Who are you kidding? TIT!! 


But maybe your statement was meant as a joke? Then I concur.

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6 hours ago, sirquest007 said:

This is a serious topic, and while I totally agree with InfinityandBeyond, about the "lack of" law enforcement. They are only a reflection of the Thai community.  Buddism is about karma, and karma balance itself.  Many Thai accept crime as a thing of life, and go on with their own lives, without holding a grudge. For me an amazing and sometimes frustrating ability.  "We" love Thailand for this!  It's sunny side. The Thai smile. The dark side is just as dark as it is sunny.  When you are in Rome, act like the Romans do.  To most other writers, yes some crimes make our blood boil. Have a little (or big) smile when scum like this meets justice. Be "happy" he is poor. Now there's more change for real Justice.  Besides Karma is a bitch, she never sleeps. Just waits for her best timing. For the little girl, I truly wish happiness for her life. If Karma can be kind, the rest of her (many) days should be good.

Sounds wonderful BUT the elite and feudalists are still taking advantage of the poor/poorly educated Thai people, in spite of Buddhism (karma)! 


"Many Thai accept crime as a thing of life, and go on with their own lives, without holding a grudge."  Could also be that they (the 'average' Thai person) knows that they cannot change what their powerful "masters" allow to happen, therefore nothing to do with Buddhism? 


Failures of society towards its own people could be attributed to the belief that some higher deity will eventually right the wrongs?


In the meantime the victims and their families or friends continue to suffer. 


To my tiny little mind, justice must carry a deterrent effect to lessen the chances of others committing the same (type) of crimes and for the protection of society. I would not rely on a religion or belief system to do that.


While some think that the "offender" has rights and needs help, THE VICTIM/S (and society's) NEEDS COMES FIRST! :thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, pearciderman said:


Pray explain how you would hack off the "meat and 2 veg" of a female offender? Typical thinking that sexual crime is only committed by men, how wrong you are!

You think I don't know that!  TiT!  I can't recollect any females being in the same scumbag league here.


Perhaps you just wanted to up your post count!  Have a nice day.

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2 minutes ago, Moti24 said:

You think I don't know that!  TiT!  I can't recollect any females being in the same scumbag league here.


Perhaps you just wanted to up your post count!  Have a nice day.


Maybe you should research before commenting. Though this study was conducted in USA, there is no reason to think that it is not the same in most countries.



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1 hour ago, pearciderman said:


Maybe you should research before commenting. Though this study was conducted in USA, there is no reason to think that it is not the same in most countries.

The post is about Thailand, not most other countries.


When you have concrete proof that it is the same in Thailand, let me know.

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Unfortunately this is a common problem in Thai villages. Girls are being raped at a very young age. The school will do nothing, only family members will talk but most of it is hidden behind doors.

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3 hours ago, lvr181 said:

Sounds wonderful BUT the elite and feudalists are still taking advantage of the poor/poorly educated Thai people, in spite of Buddhism (karma)! 


"Many Thai accept crime as a thing of life, and go on with their own lives, without holding a grudge."  Could also be that they (the 'average' Thai person) knows that they cannot change what their powerful "masters" allow to happen, therefore nothing to do with Buddhism? 


Failures of society towards its own people could be attributed to the belief that some higher deity will eventually right the wrongs?


In the meantime the victims and their families or friends continue to suffer. 


To my tiny little mind, justice must carry a deterrent effect to lessen the chances of others committing the same (type) of crimes and for the protection of society. I would not rely on a religion or belief system to do that.


While some think that the "offender" has rights and needs help, THE VICTIM/S (and society's) NEEDS COMES FIRST! :thumbsup:


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr

You may be right. 
I only have my wife as Buddhist "teacher". 
For her smiling to her family member (15-year-old nephew) who had stolen goods and money more times then she can remember, not holding a grudge and putting faith in Karma is her way of Buddism.  


Are these failures of society towards its own people?

Or Buddhism wisdom to believe that some higher deity will eventually right the wrongs?
Are warnings about Hell any different?

This little girl has paid for more than enough "Sin" to deserve a happy life. I truly wish the best for her.
I know, realistic, a village girl, everyone knows, no longer virgin, "damaged goods". 

90% chance of poor, Lao-Khao loving, aggressive husband. 

The "only one willing to take" her as his wife.

That is a reality I can not change. 


Here the villagers are "her powerful masters". 

I truly wish the best for her.

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We in the civilized world, What we read is ill and we think he must kill him.

He does not know what's right and wrong, because he is also used in young age.

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18 hours ago, pearciderman said:

Pray explain how you would cane a female offender, as that is not allowed under Singaporean law, (the type of which you want to bring here). Typical thinking that sexual crime is only committed by men, how wrong you are!

My comments are made as a general remark and obviously I am referring to the 'granddad' in this case. Yes, sexual are MOSTLY committed by men and are more offensive in nature. How often do to read about serious cases of sexual offense committed by women as compared to men?

Typical thinking from a self-centered person like you interpreting others' comments as though your interpretation is the only right interpretation.

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Get the Government and RTP to do their properly! Who are you kidding? TIT!!

It's up to Thais to organise themselves and to get their government and police working properly. It has happened before in other countries, so it should be possible here. The main problems in Thailand are apathy and laziness, and an all-pervading sense of "cannot", and if they want a better and safer place to live in then they need to change.

Farangs who want to help Thailand become a better place should devote their energy to encouraging that change rather than to vigilantism.

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19 hours ago, Bangkokazy said:

We in the civilized world, What we read is ill and we think he must kill him.

He does not know what's right and wrong, because he is also used in young age.

Then he should know how it feels and shod know better. 

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First time in a long time I have read something in print that made me feel physically ill........This type is lower than the microbial fungus on the tips of the bristles on a toilet brush. Throw him in a cespit and seal the lid. <deleted> these types of people. <deleted> 'em...! Exterminate with extreme prejudice.

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