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Is it an end of an era for the Western Expat?

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1 hour ago, soistalker said:

The Chinese tourists and the western expats are moving in two different universes here in Thailand. The only time the two will come into contact is when they block the footpath on beach road, causing you to push through them or when they bump into on the street, screaming hideously as they swarm in savage locust droves wherever they go.


"The Chinese tourists and the western expats are moving in two different universes here in Thailand. ..."


Excellent point.




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On 1/5/2018 at 2:44 AM, colinneil said:


4 hours ago, sanemax said:

Couldnt we have a discussion WITHOUT Thai girls being the main topic ?

Every thread seems to turn into a discussion about Thai girls and people boasting about their Thai Wife

I don't see how you can totally exclude this (or the gay scene) because a significant number of people are motivated by the possibility of finding a younger partner than they would likely meet at home. This isn't something that just applies to tourists.  The fact that many such relationships turn out to be hollow it is nonetheless still a reason why a significant number settle in Thailand - I am not saying ALL or even the Majority just a significant number

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6 hours ago, sanemax said:

Western Ex-pats will still come to Thailand, just not in the numbers from previous decades .

   Its rather like the hippies that flocked to Goa in the 60's , although some still live there and other old hippies still visit , they dont flock there like they did in previous generations .

  The Ex-pat flight to Thailands heyday was in the 90's , the hedonistic 90's where anything goes , there was no rule of law and anarchy reigned supreme and it was cheap .

   Fast forward to this day , where rules and laws are implemented , restrictions are in place and its now not as cheap anymore .

   There also doesnt seem to be the same inclination of Western retirees to live an hedonistic lifestyle in Thailand , with the onset of the internet , prostitution is easy to find in any Country , no need to travel half way around the World, just for sex .

    There will still be a trickle of Western retirees coming to live in Thailand , but nowhere near the numbers from two decades ago

Totally agree except I would have said that it all started in the 70's when GI Joe went home and told all his mates.  :cheesy:

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4 hours ago, Hummin said:

The interesting question is, who do thai girls like most? 


Western from Northe Europe 

Western from South Europe

Western from USA

Russia and former USSR


The countries that is likely to grow in volume is





I know for sure, thai really disslike India, Pakistanis and Chineese, and do not want to have anything with them to do. Or is my information wrong? 

They may not like them for a mate but they will sell them whatever they want.  I was in Jomtien buying a condo to rent out, 5--6 Chinese couples  came in to buy condo's as well. So I'm not going anywhere (I live in 3 bedroom home in  Chon Buri)  and I guess I will be selling or renting to the other Chinese that come over. Oh  a lot of them speak English. according to a survey there are more Chinese who speak English than the population of the US.

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10 minutes ago, gbswales said:

I don't see how you can totally exclude this (or the gay scene) because a significant number of people are motivated by the possibility of finding a younger partner than they would likely meet at home. This isn't something that just applies to tourists.  The fact that many such relationships turn out to be hollow it is nonetheless still a reason why a significant number settle in Thailand - I am not saying ALL or even the Majority just a significant number

I dont think that Thai females should be excluded from a discussion , but there are numerous other threads about Thai females , and it usually proceeds with everyone giving an account of how they met their Thai partner, whats she like , whats her family like and whether prostitutes make decent partners or not .

   I would be nice to keep away from that subject, for one thread

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5 hours ago, Hummin said:

The interesting question is, who do thai girls like most? 


Western from Northe Europe 

Western from South Europe

Western from USA

Russia and former USSR


The countries that is likely to grow in volume is





I know for sure, thai really disslike India, Pakistanis and Chineese, and do not want to have anything with them to do. Or is my information wrong? 

The characters offering this information from may not represent a true cross-section of the Thai population...


The view certainly seems extremely bias towards Westerners... In reality, unless working in the tourist industry or in areas of high tourist footfall Thai's seem rather indifferent.

Edited by richard_smith237
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2 minutes ago, car720 said:

Totally agree except I would have said that it all started in the 70's when GI Joe went home and told all his mates.  :cheesy:

Other than that period of time, overall, I think Muricans aren't here in great numbers. 

Western Europeans, NZ and OZ seem to dominate.  Mate of mine in the early 2000s was banging on about Thailand.  I had been here several times for short visits 80s and 90s, but it wasn't a place I ever thought I would want to live.  Ironically, he lives in Texas and I'm the one who wound up here.   :goof:

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2 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

 Oh  a lot of them speak English. according to a survey there are more Chinese who speak English than the population of the US.

Another reason to ridicule "surveys" having lived and worked in China that is plain ridiculous! Pretty much like this "survey" depends how you define "expat" to me it means being hired to work as an expat and being paid accordingly with tax breaks etc.



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29 minutes ago, gbswales said:

I don't see how you can totally exclude this (or the gay scene) because a significant number of people are motivated by the possibility of finding a younger partner than they would likely meet at home. This isn't something that just applies to tourists.  The fact that many such relationships turn out to be hollow it is nonetheless still a reason why a significant number settle in Thailand - I am not saying ALL or even the Majority just a significant number

You seem to have lost the p






















































































































































































































































You seem to have lost the plot

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Doubt we`ll know if it`s the `end of an era for expats`, except in hindsight. More likely gradual changes in the origin of those coming to Thailand, more Chinese and rich from Asean countries. The desire to escape from some western countries and the affordability of doing so will be a factor. And Thailand may reach a time when ever growing numbers of foreigners it not seen as so good by Thais, hope that is a long way off. The relative attraction of other destinations may change, eg Brexit Britain and Spain as a choice. For me Thailand remains my number on choice of where to spend more time.

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You don't have to eat Sticky rice and Somtam  ( I hate rice anyway )  I never eat Thai food and live on Western style food which is not expensive if you do all your own cooking.  Very rarely eat out although for a Thai this is often a cheaper option. Very few restaurants can cook Western foods without adding loads of chilli. Most of the time Thai or Western food  is luke warm to cold when it is served . If you complain and tell them it is not hot enough they will just add more chilli. Hot food ( temperature NOT spicy hot )  is not a Thai thing . My food is a lot cheaper than in the UK  and always served up piping hot (by myself ) 

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55 minutes ago, lucjoker said:

i retired here 16 years ago , gas price was 8 bht/liter

a meal 50 to 100 bht .Girls without cell phones ....cold towel in your neck without asking.....Building a nice house with a pool on 1 rai for 2 million bht.......


I moved 4 months ago to Spain ,gas 38 bht /liter  a little more ,but food is cheaper here in Spain. Temperature is way better then the steaming hot ,rainy Th.

No dogs in the street , clean , respect .have a house in my name ..........and i'm close to my native country .


I dont need a poll to know what is best for me .




Just wait for August, and if you think Thailand was hot :sleepy: 

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5 hours ago, Hummin said:

The interesting question is, who do thai girls like most? 


Western from Northe Europe 

Western from South Europe

Western from USA

Russia and former USSR


The countries that is likely to grow in volume is





I know for sure, thai really disslike India, Pakistanis and Chineese, and do not want to have anything with them to do. Or is my information wrong? 

cannot  beleive you left the <deleted> whinging poms out, get your facts right, they would have to be number one!

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