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One of the major factors of the war in South Vietnam being lost was the fault of the South Vietnamese themselves.
"Defeating the Communist guerrillas would have been an easy matter if the South Vietnamese people had refused to hide them in their midst. Instead, American and South Vietnamese could only grope after the elusive enemy and were rarely able to fight him except on his own terms."

I think the NY Times had more to do with it than the South Vietnamese.

They’re doing the same thing to Israel now...
Well now; what was it that made public opinion so against the war? With all the funding, training, equipment, support, and technological superiority the US military had; they still could not gain a sufficient victory over their Vietnamese opposition. What part of that failure was not the military's problem?

Please try to keep up.
4 hours ago, pearciderman said:


One of the major factors of the war in South Vietnam being lost was the fault of the South Vietnamese themselves.



"Defeating the Communist guerrillas would have been an easy matter if the South Vietnamese people had refused to hide them in their midst. Instead, American and South Vietnamese could only grope after the elusive enemy and were rarely able to fight him except on his own terms."




I was not talking about the fact the South Vietnamese with all the US training and war materiel could not defeat the North. I was commenting on why the US lost the war.

3 hours ago, mogandave said:


Please try to keep up.

Keep up with what, I was referring to your post and what you termed, "wrong-headed thinking"?

17 minutes ago, mogandave said:


I was referring to the thread...not one post

Ah, so you are suggesting I reply to threads, or topics or forums and not one post. No thanks, I prefer to deal with one incorrect statement at a time.

Well now; what was it that made public opinion so against the war? With all the funding, training, equipment, support, and technological superiority the US military had; they still could not gain a sufficient victory over their Vietnamese opposition. What part of that failure was not the military's problem?


Oh, it was the military’s problem, it was just not their fault.

20 hours ago, smotherb said:

I was not talking about the fact the South Vietnamese with all the US training and war materiel could not defeat the North. I was commenting on why the US lost the war.


It was the average Joe in South Vietnam who helped the North Vietnamese troops and not the South's or the Americans, so it has everything to do with why the USA "lost the war". 

On 5/17/2018 at 1:40 PM, mogandave said:


Oh, it was the military’s problem, it was just not their fault.

Who said that?

It certainly was the US military’s problem, they were fighting the war. Was it their fault they lost? Certainly, the US military had vast superiority in ordnance, resources and training; yet couldn’t gain a decisive victory. However, the US was supporting the puppet government of a false construct called South Vietnam. An entity which did not have the full support of its own people; ever wonder why there were so many VC? We were trying to kick the Lips out of their own homes and we didn't even want the place. And, as has been said, US public opinion was definitely anti-war.

8 hours ago, pearciderman said:


It was the average Joe in South Vietnam who helped the North Vietnamese troops and not the South's or the Americans, so it has everything to do with why the USA "lost the war". 

See my reply to mogandave above. Yes, South Vietnam was an invented construct not supported by a significant number of its own people. So, that fact did play a part in the defeat, but it was not everything. To think the US military shared no fault in the loss of the war is naive, at best.

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