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Court Verdict On Prayuth’s Coup Due Next Month

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12 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

An actual anagram of 'Attitude adjustment' is ' Jaded tit mutates nuts'.


Really. Check it out.

That's excellent! Full marks for that.


The only two anagrams I can remember are the UK town of 'Milton Keynes',  it becomes 'seen on my kilt'.

and I think 'Bishop Abel Muzorewa' becomes 'Oops I rule Zimbabwe'


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19 hours ago, Eligius said:

I reckon I can give the gist of the verdict now:


'While the launching of a coup and the overthrowing of an elected government is in general terms and normal times a criminal act which is to be condemned, in the case of the defendant he was sincerely and genuinely acting in the defense of the realm at a time of mounting danger, preventing a civil war which might well have broken out if extreme (but justified) measures had not been taken.

The verdict of this court is thus: exceptional circumstances require exceptional action, and General Prayut took the brave risk upon himself of breaking a law in order to save the entire Thai nation from far greater harm. No stain attaches to his character, and he is to be commended for his selfless devotion to the Thai people.'


Some related pronouncements made in 2014 after the coup that might help guide the court's decision:




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3 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Excellent point, Srikcir. You are surely pointing us in the right direction.


I would love to say more on this, but cannot.


What I can say, however, is that Prayut and his gang, who want us to think they are 'legit', are proven liars (mulitple times over) - so why should one believe a single claim that comes out of this man's mouth? The man is a known bully, and bullies love to abuse and exploit the weak and defenceless ...


There is a famous quote on big lies (from Hitler when he was speaking about the modus operandi of the Communists), and I put it into the more modern vernacular: 'Tell a big enough whopper, and the public will believe you' ...


I'll leave it at that ...

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18 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

IMO to refer this in a court trial is rather dangerous and may have 112 implication. I doubt the judges would want to take this risk. If you look at the ruling of previous related cases that were denied by the 3 courts, none make that reference. 

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43 minutes ago, Srikcir said:


Yes this could help judges, because I'm not sure these judges want to be prosecute under specific chapter of the thai criminal code. 

Edited by than
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On 5/25/2018 at 6:04 PM, Eligius said:

I reckon I can give the gist of the verdict now:


'While the launching of a coup and the overthrowing of an elected government is in general terms and normal times a criminal act which is to be condemned, in the case of the defendant he was sincerely and genuinely acting in the defense of the realm at a time of mounting danger, preventing a civil war which might well have broken out if extreme (but justified) measures had not been taken.

The verdict of this court is thus: exceptional circumstances require exceptional action, and General Prayut took the brave risk upon himself of breaking a law in order to save the entire Thai nation from far greater harm. No stain attaches to his character, and he is to be commended for his selfless devotion to the Thai people.'


That sums it up nicely. 

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Prayut must be doing a little dance of joy right now. You are all aware that after this case goes to the supreme court, it is finished forever. 
If there ever is a civilian government, they will not be able reprosecute the case. 
He plays his cards very well. 
Not really, all they need to do is to demonstrate that the amnesty was unjust (which it is without any doubt) and the case can easily be reopened.

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk

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On 5/25/2018 at 5:23 PM, Eric Loh said:

If found guilty, they will be executed. That's too harsh. Just strip their ranks and 25 years in the cell will be fair play.


And forfeit the assets of them and their family. And bang up any rellies who agree to babysit the ill-gotten gains.

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