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Attacked With A Cleaver


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What an amusing read, not the OP by Kerry of course which is serious enough, but to see the amount of expertise readily available with this issue. :o

Indeed with *ANY* kind of break-up in Thailand it's not common to 'linger' or remain acquainted etcetera. You break, and you make it a clean break.

I don't think I'd be overly worried about being seen moving out in a way that looks permanent. I think I'd rent a pick-up truck myself (www.budget.co.th) and move all stuff that you'd like to hold on to. Computer, TV, etc. You could leave her the bulkier things, or anything you don't fancy. You would get some help to move stuff as quickly as possible. If you live in a condo then you could pay the security staff some baht for this, and be sure to mention to the guy where you're going, then don't go there. :D So tell the guy you're 'going back to chiang mai for a while'.

Then drive to a place you like, but OUTside here scope of influence, which, by the sounds of it, includes all cities with tourist bars. :D So resist going to places like Bangkok, Hua Hin, Phuket, etc. At least for the time being.

Oh and don't forget to leave her a well written note (in a languages she understands) explaining what you're doing and why. Any person you spent such a long time with deserves that much. (And or, after moving (next day, etc.) you may also inform a close friend of her or relative. (using your old SIM, then chuck it out). I'm not sure how long you've been together, but if it was a long time and involved good times, then I would leave her a lot of useful stuff. She seems on a path to self-destruction, no need to push her along that way by removing *everything*. Leave her something of a life.



Edited by chanchao
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Here's what I would do, and I'm not saying this is necessarily good advice for you.

I would wait until she goes out tonight. Then I would go out myself and pick up a woman. I would make sure that woman was in bed with me when she got home.

This might jar some reality into her. You might even gain her respect this way. She knocks you around because she doesn't respect you because you let her knock you around.

If she sees you in bed with another woman, that cycle will break. And you also have a witness just in case she thinks of something bright.

And make sure the woman is much more beautiful than her.

And for Christ sake, put everything you have of value in a safety deposit box.

Sorry, but I absolutely would not, never, ever do this. Do not involve an innocent third party in your fracas with this psychopathic nutter.

As others have daid, let her go to work and get the hel_l out of there asap. Are there any buddies you can call on for help in moving/storing your kit?

I had a live in ex BG who was nice as pie. Then suddenly changed, became paranoid "people are out to get me", sat up all night in bed chain smoking krong thips.

Final straw was when she started sleeping with the carving knife under the pillow. :o

You know it's right, get out but don't give her an inkling of your intentions.

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I will take the OP's post at face value although it does seem a little far fetched.

She obviously wanted you to leave or the relationship to end a long time ago.

Time to take the bull by the horns and get out of dodge.

Nothing really to be afraid of just make the decision and do it.

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My Thai ex is my ex precisely because she is a knife-weilding maniac. I can't recommend the advice given earlier in the thread about sleeping with another woman. Ex and I were separated but still living under the same roof when I brought a lady friend back. It prompted the third and final knife attack. The ex was out within a week after that. Be very careful. Seems like the consensus is for you to disappear quickly. Must say I agree. You probably don't have to leave Thailand permanently....just think of it as a holiday.

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I am sure there are many here that are wiser than I. Is it really that easy to have me put in jail for 90 days which might be a death sentence for me?

i dont claim to be wiser than you but i will relate an experience i had here some 20 years ago.

during my first long stay in thailand , in the mid eighties , i somehow found myself living with a delightful and sweet young thing i met in the thermae coffee shop. she moved in to the flat i was renting within a week of us meeting , in my naivety i was over the moon.

naturally enough , within 2 weeks i felt like i was in a prison of my own making and suggested that she move out. cue a complete personality change on her part , and her staying out late each night.

after a couple more weeks of frosty co habitation and little communication she hit me with a stick for no reason , it was not a large stick and the attack was not designed to hurt or maim , it was just an explosion of temper.

the next day a thai neighbour told me that this girl had told her that she was going out to purchase some drugs to put under the matress and call the police that night , and she advised me to pack up and get out asap as the girl was intent on having me arrested and jailed that night for rejecting her.

needless to say i packed and was out within an hour.

it would be very easy to have someone put in jail here.

to this day i thank my lucky stars i had made the effort to introduce myself to the neighbour when i moved in , and that i came home early that day.

i also made a concerted effort to move in different social circles.

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Well it's 24hrs since his OP and no response so he's either dead, he's decided to love her for what she is or he's having a wind up.

I think it's pretty far fetched anyway, that they we're happy together in Chian Mai and moved to Patters, since then she's been working in a go-go, off her head and she has a toy boy, and he needs our advice!? :o

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Well it's 24hrs since his OP and no response so he's either dead, he's decided to love her for what she is or he's having a wind up.

There could be a fourth reason. He might have taken some people's advice and cleared off. Coming on TV telling everyone his latest move, might not be at the top of his agenda at the minute :o

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seriously ,dont be afraid of leaving some things behind , including valuables and memories....it took me 3 years to figure out one of my exgirlfriends had been setting me up for an even bigger scam... for some girls , once they know your soft spot and how to manipulate you, they go on to the next level...girls here can be ruthless...

even my father who has been with his new wife for 20 years now, is starting to see signs of psychoticness in his long time wife....his biggest fear is being alone, and she knows it...

please leave now...just leave, dont mind the tv, couch, kitchen,bed, etc...shopping is one of the funner parts of moving into a new place... please go

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Kerry, just leave now. Before she has an inkling that you are going. Disappear while she is out working. And go somewhere far away from Pattaya or CM. She would know where to find you in those places.

Excellent advice.

Walk now - do not look back and never have any contact again.

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Here's what I would do, and I'm not saying this is necessarily good advice for you.

I would wait until she goes out tonight. Then I would go out myself and pick up a woman. I would make sure that woman was in bed with me when she got home.

This might jar some reality into her. You might even gain her respect this way. She knocks you around because she doesn't respect you because you let her knock you around.

If she sees you in bed with another woman, that cycle will break. And you also have a witness just in case she thinks of something bright.

And make sure the woman is much more beautiful than her.

And for Christ sake, put everything you have of value in a safety deposit box.

Sorry but that would be a bad, bad move for the guy.

You do not know how she will react and the jarring of reality is probably the last thing that would happen.

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Thank you for the information. After almost two years it is hard to understand the complete transformation of a woman to someone I don’t even recognize.

To the poster who said get an older woman I submit that in Thailand most Thai women subtract 10 years from a Farangs age when considering a relationship especially if the Thai woman is around 40 which mine is. I really don’t think a 10 year age difference is too much. Plus I did not pick her she picked me.

On the subject of doing a runner. We live in a three bedroom bungalow. The deposit is substantial and I would really like it back. I am concerned if I leave she will trash the place and I am the leaseholder which makes me liable. I know the home owner and would not want to treat him in an unkind manner.

In addition my GF’s daughter lives with us as does GF’s best friend. All of them dance at the same club. Her friend is averaging 3000 bhat a day and that does not include the pay for dancing or the cut of the drinks and the other items. I would imagine she is averaging about 70,000 bht per month. Her net is a lot less because she is high maintenance in hair, makeup, clothes, parents and Thai boyfriends allowance. She is a nice lady and she is the one who disarmed my GF when she was attacking me with the cleaver. She threw her little arms up and protected me like a mother (nothing romantic going on now nor has it ever gone on).

They leave for work at 6 PM and arrive home anytime from 8PM (if they get lucky) and noon the next day or sometimes not for a number of days.

My point is that while packing or leaving I could get interrupted at any time by one of the ladies arriving home.

Last night while they were at work I assembled all of my important documents and found a company with a lock boxes and safety deposit boxes and dropped them off today.

I have told her because of the plunge of value of the Dollar that I no longer have enough money to support her in the style she is accustomed to and I will have to find a job as a teacher or some other field that fits my education and background.

I have to go to Chiang Mai because of a number of reasons, besides I like Chiang Mai. She has no family in Chiang Mai. I guess she could have me hit in Chiang Mai.

I think if I do a runner she might be upset enough to pay someone to pay me a visit in Chiang Mai.

If on the other hand if she has bought my story about not having any money it would make sense for me to go to Chiang Mai. I asked her if she wanted to go. She said no, not enough money. I suspect that she will continue dancing in Pattaya with her family and friends. Forgetting me quickly as she finds another Farang.

Yesterday was unusual. She and daughter got home just before daybreak. They were a little drunk but not bad. She insisted I join them for something to eat so we went out and ate. We got home and went to sleep until about 2 in the afternoon. I have told her a couple of times I had no problem with her going with customers but it seemed to sink in yesterday. She said “You don’t mind me going with customers but you don’t like it when I go with customers and don’t tell you I am going with customers.”

She bought a new short Abercrombie & Fitch ultra short blue jean skirt and when she was getting ready to go to work tonight she put it on for the first time.

I told her she looked really good in the skirt. She has really toned up in the last month from dancing 10 hours a day. She got very upset with me. She said I should not tell her she looked pretty when she was going to work to sell her body because she needed money.

She likes me to go to her club and tip her or buy her drinks as she dances and she encouraged me to bring our friends to watch her and her daughter dance. This morning she got upset with me because I did not go see her last night (I was packing).

These two things seem contradictory to me. My papers are in a safe place and it will be possible for me to leave on a moments notice although that would be a practical nightmare. I have a computer, household items, electronic items, furniture and such. I am not a tourist I have lived here for a couple of years.

Thank you again for all of your opinions and thoughts. No, I am not a troll. Anyone living in Pattaya that would like to join me for a beer at her club as long as you are buying I am up for that.

I plan on leaving towards the end of the month and living by myself in Chiang Mai. I would rather leave on if not good terms at least on understandable terms.

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..................In addition my GF’s daughter lives with us as does GF’s best friend. All of them dance at the same club................. Her friend is averaging 3000 bhat a day and that does not include the pay for dancing or the cut of the drinks and the other items.................. I would imagine she is averaging about 70,000 bht per month................ Her net is a lot less because of ..........Thai boyfriends allowance.

They leave for work at 6 PM and arrive home anytime from 8PM (if they get lucky) and noon the next day or sometimes not for a number of days.

Yesterday was unusual...................... She and daughter got home just before daybreak............................ They were a little drunk but not bad................................. She insisted I join them for something to eat so we went out and ate................................. We got home and went to sleep until about 2 in the afternoon. I have told her a couple of times I had no problem with her going with customers but it seemed to sink in yesterday. She said “You don’t mind me going with customers but you don’t like it when I go with customers and don’t tell you I am going with customers.”

She bought a new short Abercrombie & Fitch ultra short blue jean skirt and when she was getting ready to go to work tonight she put it on for the first time.

I told her she looked really good in the skirt. She has really toned up in the last month from dancing 10 hours a day. She got very upset with me. She said I should not tell her she looked pretty when she was going to work to sell her body because she needed money.

She likes me to go to her club and tip her or buy her drinks as she dances and she encouraged me to bring our friends to watch her and her daughter dance. This morning she got upset with me because I did not go see her last night (I was packing).

These two things seem contradictory to me.

its not for me to judge , but you are in one of the strangest relationships i have ever heard of.

you live with your girlfriend and her daughter , both of whom are working prostitutes , who encourage you to watch her dance , solicit customers and tip her.

her daughter earns 70,000/month , but the mother still sells herself because she needs money.

by most peoples standards it is unbelievable , but it takes all sorts to make the world what it is.

i think you would benefit from a break for a variety of reasons.

good luck.

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..................In addition my GF’s daughter lives with us as does GF’s best friend. All of them dance at the same club................. Her friend is averaging 3000 bhat a day and that does not include the pay for dancing or the cut of the drinks and the other items.................. I would imagine she is averaging about 70,000 bht per month................ Her net is a lot less because of ..........Thai boyfriends allowance.

They leave for work at 6 PM and arrive home anytime from 8PM (if they get lucky) and noon the next day or sometimes not for a number of days.

Yesterday was unusual...................... She and daughter got home just before daybreak............................ They were a little drunk but not bad................................. She insisted I join them for something to eat so we went out and ate................................. We got home and went to sleep until about 2 in the afternoon. I have told her a couple of times I had no problem with her going with customers but it seemed to sink in yesterday. She said “You don’t mind me going with customers but you don’t like it when I go with customers and don’t tell you I am going with customers.”

She bought a new short Abercrombie & Fitch ultra short blue jean skirt and when she was getting ready to go to work tonight she put it on for the first time.

I told her she looked really good in the skirt. She has really toned up in the last month from dancing 10 hours a day. She got very upset with me. She said I should not tell her she looked pretty when she was going to work to sell her body because she needed money.

She likes me to go to her club and tip her or buy her drinks as she dances and she encouraged me to bring our friends to watch her and her daughter dance. This morning she got upset with me because I did not go see her last night (I was packing).

These two things seem contradictory to me.

its not for me to judge , but you are in one of the strangest relationships i have ever heard of.

you live with your girlfriend and her daughter , both of whom are working prostitutes , who encourage you to watch her dance , solicit customers and tip her.

her daughter earns 70,000/month , but the mother still sells herself because she needs money.

by most peoples standards it is unbelievable , but it takes all sorts to make the world what it is.

i think you would benefit from a break for a variety of reasons.

good luck.

I remember now, this poster is most at home with the sleazier segments of society, both here and where he came from. When I thought his life might be in danger I cared that he should protect himself from harm. He's heard what he needed to hear here, but my guess is he is drawn to situations such as these or plays a hand in creating them. No home field advantage here in Thailand though. Good Luck to him.

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maybe i am wrong but i do not believe this story, what type of man would let his wife/gf and his stepdaughter work as prostitutes, and go and watch them work? if it is a true story, you seriously need help, as in taking a good look at yourself and your morals.

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maybe i am wrong but i do not believe this story, what type of man would let his wife/gf and his stepdaughter work as prostitutes, and go and watch them work? if it is a true story, you seriously need help, as in taking a good look at yourself and your morals.

I'd have a beer with him at his wife's bar and check the whole thing out, but I'm too lazy to go down from Chiang Mai. :o

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. She is a nice lady and she is the one who disarmed my GF when she was attacking me with the cleaver. She threw her little arms up and protected me like a mother

Due to the nature of my work I am forensically inclined to take great note of the words and language people use.

little arms.....like a mother.....

Kerry get real little arms can hold meat cleavers. Good moms don't take their daughters out to .....falangs. Your flat mate is not your mom.

ps If you think it is normal to watch your partner pick up short times it is not. Are you getting addicted to the highs and lows of this affair. Are you getting to enjoy the adreneline rush when she comes home. Will she be in a good mood or not? Are you beginning to enjoy the mind games you are playing with each other. The he arguments the making up. Her hurt at your comments and actions. A wise man once told me " you can lead a horse to water but you cannt stop him pissing in it "

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Thank you for the information. After almost two years it is hard to understand the complete transformation of a woman to someone I don’t even recognize.

To the poster who said get an older woman I submit that in Thailand most Thai women subtract 10 years from a Farangs age when considering a relationship especially if the Thai woman is around 40 which mine is. I really don’t think a 10 year age difference is too much. Plus I did not pick her she picked me.

On the subject of doing a runner. We live in a three bedroom bungalow. The deposit is substantial and I would really like it back. I am concerned if I leave she will trash the place and I am the leaseholder which makes me liable. I know the home owner and would not want to treat him in an unkind manner.

In addition my GF’s daughter lives with us as does GF’s best friend. All of them dance at the same club. Her friend is averaging 3000 bhat a day and that does not include the pay for dancing or the cut of the drinks and the other items. I would imagine she is averaging about 70,000 bht per month. Her net is a lot less because she is high maintenance in hair, makeup, clothes, parents and Thai boyfriends allowance. She is a nice lady and she is the one who disarmed my GF when she was attacking me with the cleaver. She threw her little arms up and protected me like a mother (nothing romantic going on now nor has it ever gone on).

They leave for work at 6 PM and arrive home anytime from 8PM (if they get lucky) and noon the next day or sometimes not for a number of days.

My point is that while packing or leaving I could get interrupted at any time by one of the ladies arriving home.

Last night while they were at work I assembled all of my important documents and found a company with a lock boxes and safety deposit boxes and dropped them off today.

I have told her because of the plunge of value of the Dollar that I no longer have enough money to support her in the style she is accustomed to and I will have to find a job as a teacher or some other field that fits my education and background.

I have to go to Chiang Mai because of a number of reasons, besides I like Chiang Mai. She has no family in Chiang Mai. I guess she could have me hit in Chiang Mai.

I think if I do a runner she might be upset enough to pay someone to pay me a visit in Chiang Mai.

If on the other hand if she has bought my story about not having any money it would make sense for me to go to Chiang Mai. I asked her if she wanted to go. She said no, not enough money. I suspect that she will continue dancing in Pattaya with her family and friends. Forgetting me quickly as she finds another Farang.

Yesterday was unusual. She and daughter got home just before daybreak. They were a little drunk but not bad. She insisted I join them for something to eat so we went out and ate. We got home and went to sleep until about 2 in the afternoon. I have told her a couple of times I had no problem with her going with customers but it seemed to sink in yesterday. She said “You don’t mind me going with customers but you don’t like it when I go with customers and don’t tell you I am going with customers.”

She bought a new short Abercrombie & Fitch ultra short blue jean skirt and when she was getting ready to go to work tonight she put it on for the first time.

I told her she looked really good in the skirt. She has really toned up in the last month from dancing 10 hours a day. She got very upset with me. She said I should not tell her she looked pretty when she was going to work to sell her body because she needed money.

She likes me to go to her club and tip her or buy her drinks as she dances and she encouraged me to bring our friends to watch her and her daughter dance. This morning she got upset with me because I did not go see her last night (I was packing).

These two things seem contradictory to me. My papers are in a safe place and it will be possible for me to leave on a moments notice although that would be a practical nightmare. I have a computer, household items, electronic items, furniture and such. I am not a tourist I have lived here for a couple of years.

Thank you again for all of your opinions and thoughts. No, I am not a troll. Anyone living in Pattaya that would like to join me for a beer at her club as long as you are buying I am up for that.

I plan on leaving towards the end of the month and living by myself in Chiang Mai. I would rather leave on if not good terms at least on understandable terms.

After your opening post many TV members including myself obviously felt a degree of sympathy for you and gave you practical advice based on emotional responses to your post.

Now that you have provided shall we say a broader picture of your rather `unusual relationship` I think that many members again including myself have lost the feeling that you are in a desperate situation seeking help and that you have merely posted this topic to satisfy some sort of personal curiosity about the replies which you might get.

In your previous posts in other topics (yes I even wasted my time looking them up ) you have stated that you were married three times before and these marriages ended in much grief. So you certainly don`t need our help in advising you with regard to your relationships.

You are no fool........but I will guess that a version of events from your partner would probably be a real eye opener. Good luck in Chiang Mai ( if you are going there). :o

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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Mother and daughter working at the same go go, I've got to see this! Which one, I'll buy you a beer!

Great minds think alike! :o

UG - not going to bar fine the pair are you? :D :D

Have to admit - unconventional relationship to say the least. I'm not one to judge, but you don't seem to care what she does or who she does it with? (more a roomie perhaps than romantic relationship) :D

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Ok I see a picture here....

Older farang takes earlier retirement...because he found the love of his life....not really set up for it..but he takes it anyway cos money lasts longer in Thailand.

After two years...said farang is running out of funds...so his wife and daughter work the bars to provide for themselves...said farang is now redundant as a breadwinner and as a partner.

Relegated to the bottom of the food chain..said farang now has nowhere to turn.

How am I doing guys ???


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For one and a half years we lived happily in Chiang Mai. Five months ago we moved to Pattaya and she changed from a nice housewife to a raging drunken Thai boyfriend keeping 37 year old Go Go dancer. She needed a 400% increase in money to keep her Thai boyfriend who is 15 years her junior.

She stops dancing and going short time with Farangs about 4 AM and goes to Thai night clubs where she gets drunk and dances till 8 AM.

She comes home and yells at me sometime between 8 AM and Noon.

Twice she has attacked me with a knife and a cleaver.

A couple of weeks ago she broke my toe in three places with a thrown bottle of Listerine.

I retained a lawyer and he told me it was better for me to do a runner than try and kick her out.

My lease expires at the end of this month and I was going to leave shortly before it expired.

I met an American doctor last night and while discussing my situation he freaked out when I told him I suspected she had me drugged and stole my passport which she later sold back to me for 5,000 baht and claimed she had found the thief and bought it back from her.

He told me that he suspected when she found out I was really leaving she would have a friend slap her face bruising it so it looked like I had beat her up.

He claimed this happened to him and he was arrested and kept in a Thai jail for 90 days without bail. He further stated that when the US embassy found out the charge was spousal abuse (even though he was not married to her) that they would not help him in the least.

I am 60 years old. My GF is as big as I am and 20 years younger. Would anyone really believe I could hit her even if I wanted to.

I have never hit anyone let alone a woman. I am a gentle man not inclined to violence in the least.

I am sure there are many here that are wiser than I. Is it really that easy to have me put in jail for 90 days which might be a death sentence for me?

"Mamma Mia", I was hoping to invest in one of these little lovelys myself, but on reading the horror stories on here some of these woman are more dangerous than shotguns ! and more devious than my jack russell ! mmmmmmmmmmmm

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