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Video: Road carnage - coach driver says "but for me people would have died"


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erecting those red barriers to stop people do U-turns is only a minor detail to Thai drivers They just drive around them and still do U-turn Best of all here in Ubon they do it right in front of the coppers standing there. As I said just a minor detail

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42 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Total nonsense, whoever you are, where ever you are, whatever you drive, you drive in accordance with road conditions/ situations.

You never just plough ahead at whatever speed and hope for the best, both drivers were to blame for that crash.

Hey, Col the guy who just wrote that might be a Thai driver in disguise. That is the way most Thai drivers think. Plow ahead at any old speed, Have  meme first attitude  and give the amulate a nice rub and say I can do this because Buddha says I can

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I think in the mind of the driver if he slowed down he would be loosing face to himself.

He had plenty of time to slow going into an intersection full of vehicles which may have reduced the impact or even avoided it all together 

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To me it was a typical case of follow the leader regarding the truck..The bus driver was not paying attention as many cars were in convoy making the turn which he should have seen from way back...

For me it was the bus fault....

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I happened to be chatting on FaceTime with a friend and asked about the strange ‘give way to the left’ rule. He dodn’t know it so I suggested that he look up Road Traffic Act, Lacsana 6, rule 7-1 and he just mumbled on that it should be ‘give way to the right’ as is the case on a roundabout which I think nobody used to driving on the left would disagree with.  He speaks English so asked if he would give an opinion on the rule and there was a complete lack of interest. “You can’t expect that everyone will know the rules” was his attitude! “The proof of the pudding is in the eating” so don’t be surprised if there is no blame apportioned to either driver.  

The layout of that road is odd even for Thailand, and it would be interesting to know the opinion of the authority which is responsible for it, if one could be found. 

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