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Reform of drug laws begins as bill passes first reading


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12 hours ago, happy chappie said:

Remember,don't drink and drive,smoke weed and fly.

And remember, kids, smoke BEFORE you get on the plane!  ?


Thursday, May 31, 2018
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KABC) --
A Southwest Airlines plane was forced to make an emergency landing shortly after takeoff on Wednesday because a passenger allegedly decided to smoke marijuana in the bathroom.


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23 hours ago, NetJunkie said:


Maybe you can send me a link to these news stories that extol the good that legalizing cannabis will do to both the domestic violence and drink driving figures?





It  is  not easy to  find  genuine data that  contradicts  these and  many  more.

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3 hours ago, PBarnfeather said:

When drugs are legalized watch the hiway death toll go up.


..no not all drugs ...the discussion here started about legalising cannabis (marijuana) only.

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8 hours ago, fvw53 said:


..no not all drugs ...the discussion here started about legalising cannabis (marijuana) only.

People are getting the whole thing wrong believing the government is going to legalise buying/selling/smoking everywhere and anywhere.

They're talking about medical use for it, not wholesale at supermarkets. See my post about the UK kid needing meds containing oil to keep him alive.

Get your heads out of the clouds of whatever smoke they're in at the moment.

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  • 4 months later...
On 6/17/2018 at 7:19 AM, Laza 45 said:

....driving stoned is not any better.. how do they enforce that? 

And you know this, how?

Netherlands studies on the phenomenon, found stoned drivers take even more care than sober ones.

Even so, I agree nobody should drive impaired. 

Just give up trying to neg the nugs. And try some, you may be pleasantly surpised.


Edited by Small Joke
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45 minutes ago, Small Joke said:

And you know this, how?

Netherlands studies on the phenomenon, found stoned drivers take even more care than sober ones.

Even so, I agree nobody should drive impaired. 

Just give up trying to neg the nugs. And try some, you may be pleasantly surpised.


...Try google.. do a little research.. driving stoned is dangerous.. btw.. I've had my share..

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On 6/17/2018 at 7:46 AM, Cadbury said:

f they do fully legalise marijuana and kratom there might be some hope the users of yaba might do a switcheroo to these drugs and change their habits to avoid jail penalties.

Unlikely, I love cannabis and opium, but would never touch speed in any of its forms.

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On 6/18/2018 at 6:29 PM, overherebc said:

People are getting the whole thing wrong believing the government is going to legalise buying/selling/smoking everywhere and anywhere.

They're talking about medical use for it, not wholesale at supermarkets. See my post about the UK kid needing meds containing oil to keep him alive.

Get your heads out of the clouds of whatever smoke they're in at the moment.

It's a progression dude, first medical, 1 year later recreational.

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17 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

It's a progression dude, first medical, 1 year later recreational.

I honestly don't care what people smoke, stick up their noses or stick in their blood systems. Totally up to them.

A couple of GT's relaxing at night does me. Yes I know it's just another drug but I don't/didn't ever worry about being arrested or losing my job for buying a bottle and carrying it home. Even if they did make it legal, and I doubt that very much, to smoke people are still going to lose their jobs because companies will still continue to drug/alcohol check people at work and it hangs in your blood much longer than alcohol does.

I don't honestly know but if a non smoker sits in area close to weed smokers will they breathe it and will it show in a blood test?  People worry about 2nd hand smoke from cigarettes so should people worry about 2nd hand weed smoke?, as I say, I don't know.


What's a Dude?

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On 6/18/2018 at 9:03 AM, 55Jay said:

And remember, kids, smoke BEFORE you get on the plane!  ?



Overreaction much? If every aircraft aborted a flight every time a moron tried to smoke in the toilets the world would be grounded. It happens a lot. Tobacco usually, but just the smell of dope smoke is in no way gouig to affect the crew, if thats what they feared.

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On 6/17/2018 at 8:18 AM, faraday said:


Many other drugs, are illegal for a very good reason, ie they are addictive & often fatal.




There are some people that can & do use drugs with a certain amount of responsibility, but unfortunately, there are far more that don't.




Being 'free' doesn't mean doing whatever you want. Freedom means to carry 'the load' with responsibility.




Yup, tobacco & alcohol are also addictive & very harmful, & what concerns me is allowing everybody access to the 2 drugs mentioned here, when there are way too many people who won't use them sensibly.



Drugs aren't a 'level playing field' as they differ hugely in their effect, & some people develop psychosis from marijuana.




Whether it's because they have a predisposition to mental illness, I don't know. 



Many other drugs, are illegal for a very good reason, ie they are addictive & often fatal.


All wrong. Addiction is in the person, not the substance. The reasons they're illegal are poorly thought through, based on moral panic, and other agendas, such as the control of ethnic populations (Hispanics and Blacks and Cannabis) or kids (the summer of love and the hollow threat to the establishment) and have done far more harm than good worldwide. Prohibition does NOT work anyway, has it stopped a single death? No, in fact it is the CAUSE of many MORE deaths, through dirty drugs, a pure and measured dose of any popular drug will not kill anyone. So why persist with failed policy based on junk science?


There are some people that can & do use drugs with a certain amount of responsibility, but unfortunately, there are far more that don't.


Nonsense! Pure fear driven propaganda! For every statement you make, the same can be said of alcohol, without a single exception, not even heroin. The math exposes the nonsense, the world is awash in a growing flood of tonnes of drugs, so where are the thousands of bodies, or even junkies? Most people do drugs like most people drink, responsibly, and out of sight. And even when they don't, do we ban wine or even lager because of the lager lout culture? Come on!


Being 'free' doesn't mean doing whatever you want. Freedom means to carry 'the load' with responsibility.


I could not agree more, so why are not we free to carry the load responsibly? I don't need a bloody nanny, I've used many drugs most of my life, and I'm in better shape, and better preserved, I might add, than most haggard-looking abstainers, who've never known a moments 'escape' from their shitty, stupidly obedient, dull, frightened, lives. ???? There are MILLIONS of us, doing very nicely in every area of our lives, thats how we can afford the bloody drugs!


Yup, tobacco & alcohol are also addictive & very harmful, & what concerns me is allowing everybody access to the 2 drugs mentioned here, when there are way too many people who won't use them sensibly.


Sorry if this sounds harsh, but as someone who has learned everything they know from prohibitionist propaganda (it is a war you wage on drugs and users, after all) why do you feel qualified to dictate how other adults should live? 

IF there were excessive harms (which there are not, compared to both booze and tobacco) then fine.

All your horror evidence is also based solely on that of criminally sourced dirty drugs. Which we have arse backward prohibition to thank for.

Once again, lets take alcohol , illicit Moonshine is EXACTLY the same deal, last month in Malaysia, in a 'dry' and pious state, it killed people who just wanted to have a laugh with their mates over a drink. And the common thread is PROHIBITION, not the legal drug alcohol in its excise form.

What is most insulting, is you abstainers really have no idea, you repeat junk science, ignore the devastating role that your ill conceived criminalisation causes all of society, from lost careers and ruined lives for the 'offence' of having a reefer, to insurance costs from associated and totally unnecessary crime, then cherry pick the abject losers, and call it the truth for EVERY user.


Drugs aren't a 'level playing field' as they differ hugely in their effect, & some people develop psychosis from marijuana.


All true, so on that basis, you law abiding geniuses then turn around and hand these dangerous drugs to criminals, instead of studying them, and learning to teach people how to enjoy their obviously attractive benefits!

For example, we don't ban Champagne because people die drunk driving in the millions worldwide every year, the MILLIONS! No other drugs come close even though they're often impure.

Prohibition creates a false division of substances based on lies, and bad or even unknown science.


Whether it's because they have a predisposition to mental illness, I don't know. 

Well, I do, and yes, they do.

I know because I study this stuff, and happen to have used most of it, before I write about it, and try to tell other adults what they should or should not ingest, fair comment?

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41 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I've been retired 17 years, losing my job isn't a worry.

Retired myself. If you legalise it for medical purposes I don't have an arguement against it.

I just don't see it as being legalised for general sale and use any time in the near future.

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On 6/18/2018 at 12:19 AM, MunkyBoogar said:

I think Thailand would need to make some adjustments to account for accidents that are caused by cannabis or legalized drug use while operating a vehicle. The problem with cannabis is how will they verify that the person was actually stoned at the time of the accident. Popping positive on a piss test does not mean that the person was stoned during the accident.

Ill go out on a limb here, and suggest most accidents are the result of driving while impaired by drink or drugs. While I am ferociously anti-prohibition, mostly because its making the drug challenge worse, not better, I am also intensely concerned with using all substances responsibly and appropriately, or not at all, if the situation demands it.

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Just now, overherebc said:

Retired myself. If you legalise it for medical purposes I don't have an arguement against it.

I just don't see it as being legalised for general sale and use any time in the near future.

I betting for 100bht, almost any Thai doctor will write a prescription.

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1 hour ago, Small Joke said:

haha thats rich, I *am* the research.

I didn't say driving stoned was safe, I asked you to support your claim. Thats all.

Here is a whole list for you... find one that supports your view and show me..  


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1 hour ago, Small Joke said:


What is most insulting, is you abstainers really have no idea, you repeat junk science, ignore the devastating role that your ill conceived criminalisation causes all of society, from lost careers and ruined lives for the 'offence' of having a reefer, to insurance costs from associated and totally unnecessary crime, then cherry pick the abject losers, and call it the truth for EVERY user.


Drugs aren't a 'level playing field' as they differ hugely in their effect, & some people develop psychosis from marijuana.


All true, so on that basis, you law abiding geniuses then turn around and hand these dangerous drugs to criminals, instead of studying them, and learning to teach people how to enjoy their obviously attractive benefits!

For example, we don't ban Champagne because people die drunk driving in the millions worldwide every year, the MILLIONS! No other drugs come close even though they're often impure.

Prohibition creates a false division of substances based on lies, and bad or even unknown science.


Whether it's because they have a predisposition to mental illness, I don't know. 

Well, I do, and yes, they do.

I know because I study this stuff, and happen to have used most of it, before I write about it, and try to tell other adults what they should or should not ingest, fair comment?

This is one of the best informed and well written posts I have ever read on TV. It is hard to add to it, and my experience (As a consumer) in the field is very extensive,  just a fact, I am neither proud nor ashamed of it. I will focus on one fact much beloved by the "Just say no" brigade. Predisposition to mental illness combined with smoking large quantities of heavy duty skag increases your chance of developing Schizophrenia. Wow - astonishing - you mean like drinking two bottles of spirits and driving a car very fast increases your chances of having an accident. What does that prove - sweet FA. The view that cannabis is an anti capitalist/anti establishment drug has some merit. Smoke some and you can see right through the di#kheads. Meanwhile it is worth mentioning that the fatal dose of alcohol is around 1 1/2 to 2 bottle of spirits on an empty stomach. The fatal dose of cannabis is a kilo and a half ingested. If you are smoking it no need to worry, after the first ounce you will be incapable of rolling a joint!

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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Unlikely, I love cannabis and opium, but would never touch speed in any of its forms.

Hang on, you were the poster that made the beyond ridiculous claim that Portuguese pushers invaded your UK home town, were you high, or just high?  

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8 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

Another post under the influence!  Exactly what has this random link about Aussie banksters, have to do with cannabis?

I'm so genuinely amused, I'll let this one go.

You did claim to have ingested your share of cannabis, so from one enthusiastic user to another, maybe you should ease off for a day or three ????

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