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Los Becoming Like An Old People's Home


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Its not about age, its about mentality


Well said solent. That's the attitude.

Also, thats the word I was looking for - mature.

We're not "old farts", we're "mature farts". That expression has a much better flavour.

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Mr Alf, Thanks, my attitude is each to thier own, live and let live. I hope that I can listen when I should listen, shut my mouth when I'm wrong (sometimes other people need to tell me that), yet always listen to my elders to show me the way.

And to put it in respective, I'm a young fart, yet willing to learn. And wishing for a full life in SE Asia.

Edited by solent01
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im new around here (thai visa), but have been in LOS for 4 years. im 27 in pattaya (gods waiting room).

im my experience every time i meet someone who is in their 50's-60's and they ask me how long ive been here they seem to be really disgusted, as if ive no right to live in this wonderful country.

a question for the arl fellas here.. is it jealousy that a young(ish) lad can live here well?

its just very amusing to me to see some peoples faces when i tell them how long ive been here, income etc...

you haven't met me. but if we ever meet (which is highly unlikely) i will congratulate you for being one young lucky dog.

chok dee!

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an almost Virgin Thailand

That must have been a long time ago, Nignoy.

Are you responsible for its downfall?

Was there when the first bar opened in what is now pattaya in 63,when there were only 5 taxi,s at Don Muang airport and 10 us dollars a night got you the best suite in the Grande hotel and What is now patong was the end of a mud track, best fishing in the far east :o Nignoy
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my attitude is each to thier own, live and let live.

That's what Thailand is all about, but too many want to bring their old habits with them.

It strikes me in this discussion about oldies that their are oldies who are still very game and up for it (everything in life) and there are those who are out of the game after 45 or 50 and are just vegetating.

I would hazard a guess that those who are intolerant of the oldies when they are young turn out to be the ones who cannot cope when they are old.

You can look forward to many years of fun and satisfaction solent.


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Look everyone of us, if we are sufficiently blessed will become old one day. I would like to be here when I am old too (currently 31) however I want to be old with a lil class ya know. Dressed appropriately, clean pressed in smart, comfortable clothing (like my Grand Father was, always clean and sharp) and I don't intend on walking around with a street hooker on my arm that looks like she should be playing my my granddaughter instead of my johnson.

Young or Old I don't like tasteless, no class having people around me.

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I don't intend on walking around with a street hooker on my arm that looks like she should be playing my my granddaughter instead of my johnson.

I always have them meet me in the privacy of my room. Saves a lot of embarrasment for everybody. :o

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I don't intend on walking around with a street hooker on my arm that looks like she should be playing my my granddaughter instead of my johnson.

I always have them meet me in the privacy of my room. Saves a lot of embarrasment for everybody. :o

LOL! Now see thats more like it, Thats also what Grandad did, sent them around the back so they were hidden by the butter bean vines in his garden that obscured the back door from a distance :D

Edited by sbk
edited for offensive language
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my attitude is each to thier own, live and let live.

That's what Thailand is all about, but too many want to bring their old habits with them.

It strikes me in this discussion about oldies that their are oldies who are still very game and up for it (everything in life) and there are those who are out of the game after 45 or 50 and are just vegetating.

I would hazard a guess that those who are intolerant of the oldies when they are young turn out to be the ones who cannot cope when they are old.

You can look forward to many years of fun and satisfaction solent.


I think he's been deeply hurt by some of us fractious seniors, Alf. He's currently scouting threads on farang/Thai relationships, hopefully with no superannuated BMs. Serves him right for imputing that we're disreputable. But that nebukadnezar has given me some good input about my future conduct in LOS.

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Look everyone of us, if we are sufficiently blessed will become old one day. I would like to be here when I am old too (currently 31) however I want to be old with a lil class ya know. Dressed appropriately, clean pressed in smart, comfortable clothing (like my Grand Father was, always clean and sharp) and I don't intend on walking around with a street hooker on my arm that looks like she should be playing my my granddaughter instead of my johnson.

Young or Old I don't like tasteless, no class having people around me.

Taste Less !! No Class!!, Not wanting to get off topic , but in my opinion , if the american forces had not brought their corruptive Bargirl and Brothel and drug culture to thailand in the 60,s , like they do in all peacetime countries where they have military stationed!! Look at what their influence has done in the Phillipines, japan , germany, (in Frankfurt and Berlinyou can still see off limits signs), even in postwar england!! I think that it would be a different picture in thailand today without US influence, as some one famous once said, there are 3 faults with US servicemen, Oversexed, Overpayed, and OVER HERE!!! :D this is purely my opinion :o Nignoy
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Class is a little like charm; if you think you have it, you probably don't.

But it is fun reading posts alluding to the possibilities even though it may be equivalent to watching hippos skating in tutus on thin ice.


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my attitude is each to thier own, live and let live.

That's what Thailand is all about, but too many want to bring their old habits with them.

It strikes me in this discussion about oldies that their are oldies who are still very game and up for it (everything in life) and there are those who are out of the game after 45 or 50 and are just vegetating.

I would hazard a guess that those who are intolerant of the oldies when they are young turn out to be the ones who cannot cope when they are old.

You can look forward to many years of fun and satisfaction solent.


I think he's been deeply hurt by some of us fractious seniors, Alf. He's currently scouting threads on farang/Thai relationships, hopefully with no superannuated BMs. Serves him right for imputing that we're disreputable. But that nebukadnezar has given me some good input about my future conduct in LOS.

you're sure we old farts should wear a bip when we eat?

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Look everyone of us, if we are sufficiently blessed will become old one day. I would like to be here when I am old too (currently 31) however I want to be old with a lil class ya know. Dressed appropriately, clean pressed in smart, comfortable clothing (like my Grand Father was, always clean and sharp) and I don't intend on walking around with a street hooker on my arm that looks like she should be playing my my granddaughter instead of my johnson.

Young or Old I don't like tasteless, no class having people around me.

Taste Less !! No Class!!, Not wanting to get off topic , but in my opinion , if the american forces had not brought their corruptive Bargirl and Brothel and drug culture to thailand in the 60,s , like they do in all peacetime countries where they have military stationed!! Look at what their influence has done in the Phillipines, japan , germany, (in Frankfurt and Berlinyou can still see off limits signs), even in postwar england!! I think that it would be a different picture in thailand today without US influence, as some one famous once said, there are 3 faults with US servicemen, Oversexed, Overpayed, and OVER HERE!!! :D this is purely my opinion :D Nignoy

Absolutely. The Americans are certainly the only nationality whose military men visit prostitutes. :o

I mean, you couldn't call the comfort women of WWII prostitutes since they were enslaved by the Japanese, not paid. :D

Get a grip and get back on something resembling the topic

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Amen to that. If you only consider the subject of farang commitment to Thailand, it would be interesting to see the figures on how many pensioners actually invest in property/family/ business there compared to the younger long stays.

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I would hazard a guess that those who are intolerant of the oldies when they are young turn out to be the ones who cannot cope when they are old.

You can look forward to many years of fun and satisfaction solent.


How many times do i have to explain this Alf? Is your hearing aid not working properly?

I am not intolerant of elderly people, and nothing that i have posted on this thread alludes to that fact. I just feel sorry for the women who feel that their best choice in life is to take on a partner a long way removed from what they would really desire. Nobody is going to convince me that hooking up with a guy in his 60's or 70's is what young women dream of. But they do it for the money.

Pointing out that old men are usually only in any way desirable to young women for that one feature does not make me intolerant of the aged, nor does pointing out the fact that they are over here doing it because they are taking advantage of an economic situation that does not exist in their home countries.

If anyone seems to be intolerant of the aged on this thread, it's all these old guys who have decided that old women are no longer good enough or desirable enough for them. But yet here they are rebuffing with great indignation the suggestion that they are not desirable partners themselves. How about practising what you preach, guys? You have to laugh.

Anyway, you've succeeded in your goal of baiting me back to this thread, it was starting to die on it's arse without me :o At least king Neb gave you some good advice that all you old timers should really consider taking on board. However, i don't really have much more to add.

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Quote rambo: I just feel sorry for the women who feel that their best choice in life is to take on a partner a long way removed from what they would really desire.

Yo rambo, love your posts, don't sign off just yet. Just one (no two) questions: how did you at your tender age become privy to all the innermost workings of a woman's mind, and how can I get my hands on this this holy grail?

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There are PLENTY of Western women who are quite happy to have older lovers if he is famous or rolling in money. Why should Thai women be any different? :o
ANNA NICOLE KIDMAN,. #1...i would have married him for that much money !

ANNA NICOLE KIDMAN ? There are two different persons. Which one you refered; ANNA NICOLE SMITH the one married to the Taxas billionair oil tycoon. Or NICOLE KIDMAN, the former Mrs. Tom Cruise ?

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There are PLENTY of Western women who are quite happy to have older lovers if he is famous or rolling in money. Why should Thai women be any different? :o
ANNA NICOLE KIDMAN,. #1...i would have married him for that much money !

ANNA NICOLE KIDMAN ? There are two different persons , which one do you refer to ?

Anna Nicole SMITH, the one who married to a Texas oil tycoon ?


Nicole Kidman, the former Mrs. Tom Cruise ?

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How many times do i have to explain this Alf? Is your hearing aid not working properly?

I am not intolerant of elderly people, and nothing that i have posted on this thread alludes to that fact.

Good to see that you have come out of retirement Rambo.

Just to refresh your memory here are some verbatim quotes from you:

"these dinosaurs" reference to older people in your first post.

"Some of what that entails must be quite repulsive" "not a nice thought"

"She had to leave early to get back to her dinosaur husband"

"In a better world they would be living their dream of hooking up with a decent guy". So, older people are not "decent"!

"hooking up with these old codgers"

"Is your hearing aid not working properly?"

That to me sounds pretty disrespectful, insulting and intolerant whatever you say.

Here are a few of your sentiments about the women that you claim to feel sorry for:

"Apparently they're often easy lays"

"A thai friend of mine in Khon khaen, decent looking chap, is constantly nailing these women who are married to elderly farang" Nice friend. (or is it just YOU wishful thinking)

"a lady has just arrived at my door requiring urgent attention"

"I'm being entertained by two lovely young ladies as i type."

You are also totally disrespectful of the women you claim to be sorry for.

Not one elderly poster on this thread has found it necessary to boast about his conquests. You are singularly alone in that regard and, since you obviously don't realise it, most women find that "quality" very unattractive in a man.

You seem to think that you are privy to the inner workings of women's minds but you are way off the mark. Just ask. Most women value security, respect, consideration etc. far more than the Rambo image or those who regard themselves as "Us younger, virile studs" (another of your quotes). Looks and age are low in the list of priorities, especially amongst Oriental women (Did you ever take a look at their "god" image and some of the monks that they respect?).

Although you don't realise it the real you is very transparent to the oldies who have been around the block a bit. I've only got one piece of advice for you: "grow up"

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Although you don't realise it the real you is very transparent to the oldies who have been around the block a bit. I've only got one piece of advice for you: "grow up"

i second that! :o

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Quote rambo: I just feel sorry for the women who feel that their best choice in life is to take on a partner a long way removed from what they would really desire.

Yo rambo, love your posts, don't sign off just yet. Just one (no two) questions: how did you at your tender age become privy to all the innermost workings of a woman's mind, and how can I get my hands on this this holy grail?

I think Rambo,s Holy Grail is The Playboy :D:o Nignoy
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How many times do i have to explain this Alf? Is your hearing aid not working properly?

I am not intolerant of elderly people, and nothing that i have posted on this thread alludes to that fact.

Good to see that you have come out of retirement Rambo.

Just to refresh your memory here are some verbatim quotes from you:

"these dinosaurs" reference to older people in your first post.

"Some of what that entails must be quite repulsive" "not a nice thought"

"She had to leave early to get back to her dinosaur husband"

"In a better world they would be living their dream of hooking up with a decent guy". So, older people are not "decent"!

"hooking up with these old codgers"

"Is your hearing aid not working properly?"

That to me sounds pretty disrespectful, insulting and intolerant whatever you say.

Here are a few of your sentiments about the women that you claim to feel sorry for:

"Apparently they're often easy lays"

"A thai friend of mine in Khon khaen, decent looking chap, is constantly nailing these women who are married to elderly farang" Nice friend. (or is it just YOU wishful thinking)

"a lady has just arrived at my door requiring urgent attention"

"I'm being entertained by two lovely young ladies as i type."

You are also totally disrespectful of the women you claim to be sorry for.

Not one elderly poster on this thread has found it necessary to boast about his conquests. You are singularly alone in that regard and, since you obviously don't realise it, most women find that "quality" very unattractive in a man.

You seem to think that you are privy to the inner workings of women's minds but you are way off the mark. Just ask. Most women value security, respect, consideration etc. far more than the Rambo image or those who regard themselves as "Us younger, virile studs" (another of your quotes). Looks and age are low in the list of priorities, especially amongst Oriental women (Did you ever take a look at their "god" image and some of the monks that they respect?).

Although you don't realise it the real you is very transparent to the oldies who have been around the block a bit. I've only got one piece of advice for you: "grow up"


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