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India Health-Care & Medical Tourism for TH Expats


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As we are having several mentions of India as a good destination in a health-insurance related post, I like to open the discussion with the link below, which shows also some 

cost of various packages & procedures. I am a bit reluctant to accept some of the numbers. I know VERY well the cost of cancer care and just publishing a price for "cancer-chemo'

in such a genralized way, looks pretty ridiculous to me. There are 100's of cancers and 100's of therapies. Some of the newer immune-therapies costing up to 1 Mio. Baht PER!!!  infusion.

Yes, this in TH. Even more in other countries.

But very interested to hear from patients or people with personal experience. Might be well worth flying there for a big medical check or some standard procedures!!!???


This is a subject that affects many of us, mostly the ones w/o insurance....Always good to be ready & informed.   Happy Sunday!  MS




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Blanket treatment amounts for an illness mean next to nothing since cost will depend on the treatment given which varies widely, especially for cancer, To say breast cancer treatment is "from $1800" is pretty meaningless since this can entail anything from a simple lumpectomy alone to more extensive surgery plus radiation and chemo not only for the breast but also for distant metastases.


I also note that the costs listed for Thailand are representative not of average prices but of the most expensive private hospitals -- perhaps the case across the board


Generally speaking costs at government hospitals in Thailand is about what is listed there for India.


One notable exception is scans (Ct scan, MRI), these are a real bargain in India owing to the sheer volume of patients. The machines cost millions and become obsolscent fast so have to recoup the cost within a few years times. Only in countries with very large populations is that possible at low charge.


If going to India for treatment be sure to carefully research the doctor. Do not be unduly swayed by glittering physical facilities and websites. and do not let the hospital select your doctor. (This advice pertains to any country)










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