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Trump, Democratic congresswoman clash as tempers rise on immigration


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To be fair, I have never seen someone roasted like he was in that famous dinner he was roasted and laughed at. But, I have a feeling this guy cannot have too many supporters as he fires everyone who disagrees with him. Like you say, he must be a vulgar entitled brat and, like all egomaniacs, he cannot stand criticism. To be fair, they --he-- can use a negative and turn into a positive (become a president). They are very resilient.
You don't watch many roasts then.

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3 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

RNC has released a new campaign ad slamming the left.....



Incredibly sad this attitude.


Trump's words at the beginning of the video are correct though, ideas he had a few years ago are now mainstream. And there are many claiming the USA has swung to the left, what a load of crap.

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10 hours ago, JestSetter said:
11 hours ago, atyclb said:


exhausted in the water at beach all day so not that analytical this week.


it seems trump uses an easier vocabulary thus would be understood by a wider range of people. i grew up in nyc and his style is not uncommon there. you can even hear it amongst very smart doctors and lawyers although they add scientific legal jargon to the mix.  if you judge them based on the Flesch-Kincaid scale without the scientific-legal terms they'd likely be in the trump range also.


james comey in an interview did say trump is above average intelligence and comey is not a friend or ally of his.


trumps stating he is a genius is taken with a grain of salt. it would seem he did take his dads millions and parlaid them into billion(s) but i cant say this is genius.



So, you are admitting that he uses Grade 4 level of communication. Note that you pressed me to find an unbiased source. In other words, you were sceptical. Now that you have an unbiased source, you are trying desperately to excuse the fact.That would be the only explanation --if it were true. Sadly, that is a weak supposition or an excuse to save your god. A lot of people would find his communication style hard to understand at times. Grammatical and spelling errors are also to make himself part of the crowd? Perseverance bias at work again. Are you not a little bit of an egocentric or an egomaniac yourself? Thanks for not answering those inconvenient questions. 



i responded already. me trying desperately is your subjective perception/intepretation


calling trump my god is comic relief


i have never found his communication style hard to understand though he is far from being the most eloquent speaker


why does he need the grammar police? he is not nominated for any nobel prizes in literature



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12 hours ago, atyclb said:


exhausted in the water at beach all day so not that analytical this week.


it seems trump uses an easier vocabulary thus would be understood by a wider range of people. i grew up in nyc and his style is not uncommon there. you can even hear it amongst very smart doctors and lawyers although they add scientific legal jargon to the mix.  if you judge them based on the Flesch-Kincaid scale without the scientific-legal terms they'd likely be in the trump range also.


james comey in an interview did say trump is above average intelligence and comey is not a friend or ally of his.


trumps stating he is a genius is taken with a grain of salt. it would seem he did take his dads millions and parlaid them into billion(s) but i cant say this is genius.



First of all, you have to believe his statement about net worth. And as financial analysts pointed out, had he invested his inheritance in index funds, he'd be worth billions today. And he destroyed the business his father left him.

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4 hours ago, atyclb said:



i responded already. me trying desperately is your subjective perception/intepretation


calling trump my god is comic relief


i have never found his communication style hard to understand though he is far from being the most eloquent speaker


why does he need the grammar police? he is not nominated for any nobel prizes in literature



This should seal the deal.  So, do what is honourable here and admit that we are right. Trump has --at best-- Grade 4 literacy skills, but he says he is a genius. There is difference between Nobel-like literacy and Grade 4. What has he invented? Nothing. He got 1 million dollars from his dad and became successful. Wow! What an accomplishment! Well, he went into bankruptcy a couple of times. Imagine! How stupid one can be! Some people could construe that as signs that he is a genius. He says so. So, he must be. Right? LOL Maybe you do not find him hard to understand, but his constant tangents are annoying and so are his constant unfinished sentences and as this video shows all of the signs that he is illiterate. Dig a little more and there are many analysts who seem to agree. Do you have their PhDs? What do you have? Your opinion with zero supporting details and evidence. Who will we believe? Case closed.



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40 minutes ago, JestSetter said:

This should seal the deal.  So, do what is honourable here and admit that we are right. Trump has --at best-- Grade 4 literacy skills, but he says he is a genius. There is difference between Nobel-like literacy and Grade 4.


those that nominated him for the nobel did mention "unconventional style"

i have a friend from nyc that is a very competent physician and speaks in a similar way. it does not perturb me because i grew up in nyc.


the literacy scale you refer to, does it make the absolute correlation with grade school levels or is the 4 - 11 approx scale its own scale? seems it is its own scale since youd expect jfk, obama, others highly educated to have a score at least past high school and into undergraduate university level.





 What has he invented? Nothing. He got 1 million dollars from his dad and became successful. Wow! What an accomplishment! Well, he went into bankruptcy a couple of times. Imagine! How stupid one can be! Some people could construe that as signs that he is a genius. He says so. So, he must be. Right?


i did say his genius comments need a grain of salt`  lots of successful people have gone belly up during their endeavors. i dont know exactly his net worth but it seems his lifestyle and personal commercial jet suggests he is a doing lot better financially then you or me.



LOL Maybe you do not find him hard to understand, but his constant tangents are annoying and so are his constant unfinished sentences and as this video shows all of the signs that he is illiterate.


spend some time living in nyc, especially brooklyn, queens, bronx and you may think everyone is illiterate



Dig a little more and there are many analysts who seem to agree. Do you have their PhDs? What do you have? Your opinion with zero supporting details and evidence.


since you seem to be the judge and jury having rendered the "case closed verdict" how about posting what you have academically?  although we've already seen politically biased psychiatrists diagnosing over the social media therefore even if i hold a doctorate and post doctooral training i as others, could still be accused of being biased, which btw would likely be your next claim/tactic.



Who will we believe? Case closed.




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On 6/28/2018 at 11:59 AM, atyclb said:

i have a friend from nyc that is a very competent physician and speaks in a similar way. it does not perturb me because i grew up in nyc.

We  are talking about public speaking and writing versus private. Many professionals are aware of both and often use both to talk to people according to whom they are talking to and according to the occasion.

Physicians are especially prone to using normal speaking to put people at ease. But, I am wrong again. Right? In the case of Trump, he uses the same level of speaking and writing regardless of the circumstance and the person he is with.




the literacy scale you refer to, does it make the absolute correlation with grade school levels or is the 4 - 11 approx scale its own scale? seems it is its own scale since youd expect jfk, obama, others highly educated to have a score at least past high school and into undergraduate university level.


Why don't you research " Flesch-Kincaid scale ". Again, depending on the circumstances people will use simpler words. phrases. They modulate. Furthermore, when people speak, people use -normally-- easier words since people do not have time to pause and reflect as people can when they write. 


i did say his genius comments need a grain of salt`  lots of successful people have gone belly up during their endeavors. i dont know exactly his net worth but it seems his lifestyle and personal commercial jet suggests he is a doing lot better financially then you or me.


Excuses, excuses, excuses. He got a 1 million dollar loan when he was in his 20's from his dad. Do some research. Many people would do very well, but he is such a genius he went into bankruptcy protection twice. Probably a lie to not pay what he owned to people, but I digress. He probably did not lose everything. But, everything is fine. Many people can go bankrupt. Not immigrants from Mexico or the Jones who lost their houses in 2008, but, hey, all is fine in America and Trump is the best man. Keep believing.


As to my credentials, I am a genius. LOL I can spell and write better than Trump and you. I even capitalize and punctuate my writing properly! You? Not. But, I have a feeling that saying I am genius will not cut the mustard with you. Right? But, you do believe Trump when he says it even though the preponderance of evidence show the opposite. Why is he getting all of the breaks? He can do no wrong? He sleeps with hookers and tries to pay them off. That's fine too. What will it take to break your perseverance bias? Keep believing.





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5 hours ago, JestSetter said:

We  are talking about public speaking and writing versus private. Many professionals are aware of both and often use both to talk to people according to whom they are talking to and according to the occasion.

Physicians are especially prone to using normal speaking to put people at ease. But, I am wrong again. Right? In the case of Trump, he uses the same level of speaking and writing regardless of the circumstance and the person he is with.


Why don't you research " Flesch-Kincaid scale ". Again, depending on the circumstances people will use simpler words. phrases. They modulate. Furthermore, when people speak, people use -normally-- easier words since people do not have time to pause and reflect as people can when they write. 


i did say his genius comments need a grain of salt`  lots of successful people have gone belly up during their endeavors. i dont know exactly his net worth but it seems his lifestyle and personal commercial jet suggests he is a doing lot better financially then you or me.


Excuses, excuses, excuses. He got a 1 million dollar loan when he was in his 20's from his dad. Do some research. Many people would do very well, but he is such a genius he went into bankruptcy protection twice. Probably a lie to not pay what he owned to people, but I digress. He probably did not lose everything. But, everything is fine. Many people can go bankrupt. Not immigrants from Mexico or the Jones who lost their houses in 2008, but, hey, all is fine in America and Trump is the best man. Keep believing.


As to my credentials, I am a genius. LOL I can spell and write better than Trump and you. I even capitalize and punctuate my writing properly! You? Not. But, I have a feeling that saying I am genius will not cut the mustard with you. Right? But, you do believe Trump when he says it even though the preponderance of evidence show the opposite. Why is he getting all of the breaks? He can do no wrong? He sleeps with hookers and tries to pay them off. That's fine too. What will it take to break your perseverance bias? Keep believing.







yes you are pure genius hence i think it is futile to argue or debate with the likes of you or albert einstein.


seems i dont have what it takes to be a tv member

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On 6/27/2018 at 7:22 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

There’s criticism and there’s being under investigation for acts of treason.

And there’s being under investigation, and being found guilty of something. 


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3 hours ago, atyclb said:



yes you are pure genius hence i think it is futile to argue or debate with the likes of you or albert einstein.


seems i dont have what it takes to be a tv member

Don't beat up on yourself. I'm sure there are some easier, less demanding forums that would be perfect for you.

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6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:
3 hours ago, atyclb said:



yes you are pure genius hence i think it is futile to argue or debate with the likes of you or albert einstein.


seems i dont have what it takes to be a tv member

Don't beat up on yourself. I'm sure there are some easier, less demanding forums that would be perfect for you.


perhaps somewhere there is an online support group for hasbin tv members to seek comfort?




i will look for the sesame street forum

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anyone remember  "stuttering john" from the howard stern show?


the comic was able to get his prank call transferred to airforce one and spoke with trump




for those not familiar with stuttering john see below



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On 6/29/2018 at 11:25 PM, atyclb said:


perhaps somewhere there is an online support group for hasbin tv members to seek comfort?




i will look for the sesame street forum

Actually, I've been looking for a Forum Anonymous support group.

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20 minutes ago, Expatthailover said:

Abusing and insulting women??

This is trump's favourite stomping ground.

Who knows they could both end up getting 130k payoffs to keep schtum.

No, I’m refering to the calls for violence etc. that we’ve been seeing from the left. 

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4 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

No, I’m refering to the calls for violence etc. that we’ve been seeing from the left. 

There has been violence from all sides, but you cannot expect someone to take blows to the head without someone else retaliating. There is provocation (who starts it) and retaliatory violence. They are not the same. Judges know that. The ones who starts it is more culpable. The one who defends oneself if less so. Grey matters.


Sucking innocent people into mortgages that they could not afford and repossessing their home is violence. Not prosecuting the people who did this is violence. In fact, they did not jail them, they gave them more money as punishment. Separating kids from their parents and then going to church on Sunday is an act of violence. Throwing people out of the country after they have been used and exploited (because that is what happens to illegal immigrants) is disgusting. Imposing wild tariffs to friendly nations and expecting no retaliation is an act of violence. Bombing innocent people is an act of violence. Lying is an act of violence. Sadly, violence invites violence. How would you deal with a despot, a tyrant? Ask politely not to kill you? 


Both parties and the whole system have been corrupted for a long time. That is plain obvious.





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On 6/26/2018 at 12:22 PM, Expatthailover said:

Fight fire.

Trump is famous for such tactics but runs away like the cowardly draft dodger he is when the heat is on him and meal mouthed henchmen

Now come on, that is a terrible slur on the man!

Anyway, he wouldn't (couldn't) run - he has "bonespurs" don't you know, they prevented him from serving back in the 1960s - it escapes my mind just what the young men of America were being drafted for...

Anyway, fate (and 46% of the popular vote) have finally given him the chance he has so long yearned for to serve his country. Who says that America is no longer the land of opportunity?

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5 hours ago, JestSetter said:

There has been violence from all sides, but you cannot expect someone to take blows to the head without someone else retaliating. There is provocation (who starts it) and retaliatory violence. They are not the same. Judges know that. The ones who starts it is more culpable. The one who defends oneself if less so. Grey matters.


Sucking innocent people into mortgages that they could not afford and repossessing their home is violence. Not prosecuting the people who did this is violence. In fact, they did not jail them, they gave them more money as punishment. Separating kids from their parents and then going to church on Sunday is an act of violence. Throwing people out of the country after they have been used and exploited (because that is what happens to illegal immigrants) is disgusting. Imposing wild tariffs to friendly nations and expecting no retaliation is an act of violence. Bombing innocent people is an act of violence. Lying is an act of violence. Sadly, violence invites violence. How would you deal with a despot, a tyrant? Ask politely not to kill you? 


Both parties and the whole system have been corrupted for a long time. That is plain obvious.





No, those are not acts of violence. So I guess it’s safe to assume you condone violence. 

You and another group I’m thinking of have a lot in common, thinking violence is an answer.

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18 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

No, those are not acts of violence. So I guess it’s safe to assume you condone violence. 

You and another group I’m thinking of have a lot in common, thinking violence is an answer.

Donald Trump on a protester: ‘I’d like to punch him in the face’


Offended much?

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18 hours ago, Expatthailover said:

By supporting trump one gives up the right to behave in a civilised manner and to recognise women as equals


therefore; as jfk was a married man yet banging marilyn mnroe he was disrespecting his wife thus not recognizing her(women) as equal.


in addition by supporting trump you are recognizing the kremlin as the de facto white house,  the electoral college an invalid mechanism and america having run out of p u ss ys to grab

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40 minutes ago, atyclb said:


therefore; as jfk was a married man yet banging marilyn mnroe he was disrespecting his wife thus not recognizing her(women) as equal.


in addition by supporting trump you are recognizing the kremlin as the de facto white house,  the electoral college an invalid mechanism and america having run out of p u ss ys to grab

So even after he was assassinated JFK was still president and still is president? Otherwise, how is this relevant?

The part about the Kremlin is a refreshing observatgion coming from you. The rest is more typically without sense.

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On 6/27/2018 at 10:21 AM, atyclb said:


genius maxine waters is  not exactly the best "great american" role model to  be used/referred to in the battle against trump since she may actually make trump appear as a relative intellect lol

That is virtually impossible. Nobody has ever accused this simpleton of being an intellectual. Never in his lifetime. We are talking about a man who may have an IQ within the 90-105 range. I seriously doubt any higher than that. He is nearly incapable of using four syllable words, never reads, and the way he strings together a sentence would lead one to believe this is not a man who possesses much in the way of brain matter. Justin Bieber looks really smart in comparison. Even Johnny Depp and Kim Kardashian look smart compared to Captain Chaos. Put him in the same room as Putin? Kind of like a caterpillar meeting a real man. And we know who is the insect in this instance! Though I am no fan of King Vlad, he is twenty to one hundred times wealthier than Trump, and infinitely more intelligent, and cunning. Putin will play Tiny D. just like the Saudis, Kim, the Chinese, Canada, the EU, Merkel, and virtually everyone else who has interacted with the buffoon has done so far. 

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On 6/27/2018 at 11:15 AM, bushdoctor said:

I don’t know where your getting your statistics. You said that consumer confidence is very very low? On the contrary, it’s very high, and the economy is very strong. 


“Consumer confidence hits 16-year high in boost to economy


Both consumer and business confidence have surged in the wake of Donald Trump's victory in last November's presidential election.”



Absolutely total, and complete nonsense. Do you know where I get my information from? Americans. Retailers. People who own businesses. My own business. Those surveys are fake news. A false narrative as Captain Chaos likes to say. Total garbage. The economy is a harsh reality for 90% of all Americans.

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On 6/27/2018 at 12:51 PM, JestSetter said:

This is what a former US ambassador to Canada think what is going on.


Bloomberg BNN video


In essence, Trump believes that the G6 are contractors. Trump can push them around, squeeze them, not pay (heed to) them, and choose others.  (1) The problem is that G6 leaders (and many others including China) are not contractors and one cannot choose new ones. Trump and his ilk construe the G6 as having a "socialist" agenda. Government for the people, by the people, ... Coming from the mouth of Trump who got a 1 million dollar loan in his 20's from his dad, it is the epitome of all ironies that he should tell others that they cannot. They are not asking for 1 million dollar either. Was his dad a socialist? Why did he accept the handout? Is he a socialist? We know he is a liar. Surely, people should see this irony, unless of course, as stated, they have a perseverance bias. I know it is hard for many of us to admit that we bet on the wrong pony, but this guy is an entitled bully bordering on being a despot. For instance, I read that he strongly suggested that people not RE-elect Mark Samford, a Rep. from North-Carolina, after Samford criticized Trump for being too boastful and intolerant. How many people have been fired under Trump so far? When Harley Davidson declared that they would move to Thailand, this is what he has to say:



Maybe Trump should heed his own advise and pay back the money he did not pay his creditors.This guy cannot take criticism. He cannot see the trees or the forest. He fits the perfect description of a guy who is an egomaniac. He is never wrong and wants his way and the whole highway for himself. Have you seen The Dictator (Charlie Chaplin). Have you read about Hitler? Let's deport these people and put these kids into these camps. Let's build a wall. WOW! Communist despots did that. Fascist leaders did and do that. Do you honestly believe that the rest of the world is going to let him (and his administration) have the whole highway for himself (and the American people)? Should they? Why do some believe they can push, but no one can push back? If he can shut the borders people can shut their restaurants. Other countries can shut their borders too.


Now, it is true that many Democrats are not that much better, but surely Americans can elect better people than this. Americans are going to hurt and it will be because Trump (and his administration) pushed the rest of the world first. 


(1) Note that even though other Western nations are also unreliable in that regard, the USA has a much longer and damning record.


3,600 lawsuits at the time he entered office. Makes him one of the most corrupt, incompetent, criminal, and egregious men to occupy that office, and there have been a few. And this does not include the lawsuit recently filed against him, by the man who drove him around for 25 years, asking to be paid for the 3,000 hours of overtime. And Trump fired him the moment he got a secret service driver. Any excuse to take another chump for a ride, so to speak. That is just the way Captain Chaos rolls. 

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