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Where to buy ozonized olive oil (for wound treatment)?


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Got DNP and wounds on the toes have been deteriorating. The whole foot smells badly...


Ozonized olive oil has incredible power to kill bacteria etc. But the local pharmavy has no clue.


Q: what are you using?



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When you say, "Ozonized olive oil has incredible power to kill bacteria etc", what you meant to say was, someone on the internet says it has incredible power and I took their word for it despite it not being referenced or backed up in anyway by any kind of science.  Why would you go to a pharmacist for quack medicine?  Buy it from the same quack sites that peddled their misinformation to you on the internet. 


Try this for some balance.

"Ozone is extremely unstable and must be produced on site. Topical olive oil products purported to contain ozone are unlikely to remain stable during shipping. There are no clinically proven medical uses of ozone or ozonated olive oil. Other topical anti-infectives are a better choice."


Get your feet to an actual doctor, not google, and get some actual medicine, not olive oil. 

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Mmm, I've followed your suggestions and have had lots of antibiotics and daily would dressings. Whether the bone has been damaged and requires amputation will remain to be seen.


Olive oil if enriched with ozone - locally - is good stuff. The ROZ figure is astonishingly high. After WW II, they used rancid whale oil in badly infected wounds with success...

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On 7/2/2018 at 10:24 AM, Sheryl said:

I strongly urge you to not try to self treat with "alternative" remedies and rather see a doctor for proper medical care which will likely include antibiotics are regular dressing changes. Many hospitals here have diabetic foot clinics.


The smell may indicate gangrene and you could be in danger of loosing the foot.


where can I find one of these clinics? I've got type 2 diabetes, neuropathy and chronic problem on my ankle on the incision line for ortho surgery after a broken leg last year...just finished a 7 day course of 300mg clindamycin 3 x daily prescribed by a doc at a local outpatient clinic and things have improved, 2nd time in 3 months...anymore of this shit and I'm gonna havta go to a specialist to find effective treatment...I can go to BKK if required...



Edited by tutsiwarrior
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On 7/2/2018 at 11:24 AM, Sheryl said:

I strongly urge you to not try to self treat with "alternative" remedies


agreed....im surprised colloidal silver hasn;t come up yet...the only oil Ive seen with some sort of efficacy 

(though don't know abt gangrene) is pure coconut oil.

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