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Are You Married Or Are You Happy?


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First of all I'm happily married with my Thai wife...

So how many more farangs here in LOS are happily married with their Thai partners? I noticed that some farangs are either happy or married. First, when they arrive in Thailand they seems to be very happy but after getting married everything seems to go wrong. Or is this just true with some farangs with retirement benefits (pension + new local thai wife)?

I'm wondering if the lack of happiness is due to the large gap in relative attractiveness of teh couples you have seen, or are they both similar age and attractiveness?

As one who has known at least one guy who was married to someone who was older than he I can attest that being with some older, cold hag(gis) (which she was on the inside) can get really old (as it were :o ) really fast.

As much as one may WANT to be attracted to, and in love with, someone who is WAY beneath one's visual attractiveness league, it is a burden, and I suspect it can get old for people where the man is the less sexy one, also.

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My lovely better half and I are reasonably the same age, education level, and speak other's languages fluently. We hit it off right from the start, and really enjoy each others company.

From knowledge earned from a failed first relationship with a Thai girl, its important to have a lot of things in common, or else the cultural; educational; language; and age gaps are pretty much impossible to bridge.

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:o HI,

I think the prroblem is you only hear aabbout he bad cases. AS I like to say "no news is good news". My Thaai wwife aand I haave been together for over 5 years and maried for over 3. We haave a 4 year old daughter together and we haave lived in Thailand the entire time. I think that makes a big difference. Our common denominator is our daughter. Also I was luccky in that my wife didn't already have children. In addition her family is not greedy and we help them out very little. There is only a less thaan twenty year age difference between us and now that my wife is almost 30 years old she is not a young girl anymore. She is a good girl and has stucck with me throgh thick and thin even when we were so broke eveeen when all we had to eat was rice and eggs.

I was fortunate and had to oppurtunity to live here before getting involved. Actually met my wife when I first got here but opted for the so-called educated Thai good girl who turned out to be worst than any Thai hooker that you could find.

She tought her shit didn't stink and she was worth her weight in gold . She went onto become a lesbiaan and theen recently is marrying some older overweight Falang who thinks he got himself the "good one"


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I'm guessin that the rate of happiness among farang/thai woman married couples would be generally higher than farang/farang. High maintenance gets stale after a while

What a ridiculous thing to say! :D

Many of the Thai/farang relationships that I read about on this forum sound extremely high maintenance to me. FTR, I am happily married, 17 years, 4 kids, not to a Thai.

Could it be that some intelligent farang woman got the better of you some time ago? Sounds like sour grapes. :o

Sounds a little bit offensive to me ,my first marriage was to a thai lady in 1963 legalised in Thailand and in the British Consulate in Bangkok my 2 children both recieved dual nationality,in september 1966 my marriage was anulled by the british Govt on security grounds, she remarried, but my english wife and I have remained close friends with my ex thai wife and her family and I have no doubt that we would still be together now after 44 years, you write you have been married 17 years you are still learning mate!! :D Nignoy
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First of all I'm happily married with my Thai wife...

So how many more farangs here in LOS are happily married with their Thai partners? I noticed that some farangs are either happy or married. First, when they arrive in Thailand they seems to be very happy but after getting married everything seems to go wrong. Or is this just true with some farangs with retirement benefits (pension + new local thai wife)?

neither married nor really happy, to answer ur question straight. but then again i got a little money and a one year visa. so i shouldnt really cry, should i ?

in my 18 yrs in this country i have unfortunately only witnessed one relationship/cross-cultural marriage which produced three kids and one successful commercial enterprise. i respect them for that.

as for me, i will just stick with my marital status ( single ), works for me


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918 lookups and only 43 posts up to now. what happened to the rest? I guess they are not happy and married then.

mmm... But well, it is noce to know that lots fo us are happily married with Thais. My wife is also on-the-way with our second baby... hopefully a daughther but I won't mind having another son.

Edited by thai_narak
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I'm guessin that the rate of happiness among farang/thai woman married couples would be generally higher than farang/farang. High maintenance gets stale after a while

What a ridiculous thing to say! :D

Many of the Thai/farang relationships that I read about on this forum sound extremely high maintenance to me. FTR, I am happily married, 17 years, 4 kids, not to a Thai.

Could it be that some intelligent farang woman got the better of you some time ago? Sounds like sour grapes. :o

Sounds a little bit offensive to me ,my first marriage was to a thai lady in 1963 legalised in Thailand and in the British Consulate in Bangkok my 2 children both recieved dual nationality,in september 1966 my marriage was anulled by the british Govt on security grounds, she remarried, but my english wife and I have remained close friends with my ex thai wife and her family and I have no doubt that we would still be together now after 44 years, you write you have been married 17 years you are still learning mate!! :D Nignoy

Mr Nignoy, you're still my hero after this post. I'm once divorced and twice widowed and I say respect to anyone who is mature and sensible enough to stay happily married. I envy you and all others who can step up and say, "No regrets".

After what I've lost for ever I really envy all those guys walking around with a little family and their happiness rubs off on me. And I don't understand the cynics who carry on with a bad marriage. I didn't. So enjoy.

Edited by qwertz
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Married to my Thai wife for 2 years & now have a beautiful 6 month old daughter.

Unfortunatly we seperated 3 months ago. Me & my daughter are now back in the UK short term.

During the 2 years we were married, not many happy times either.

Before we married everyting was cool........ :o

Still miss her soooo much.

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1965 Married a Chinese born in the USA....(it was the 60's and I screwed things up.)..5 yrs

1977 Married a Columbian girl.....way too possessive and jelous...............................2 Yrs

1990 Married a Okinawan/Spanish singer......black heart..........................................2 yrs

1997 Married a Thai.practice makes perfect...(or finally somebody that can stand me.)

(She says she 'Oh tones" a lot.)....best thing I could have done. She has learned a lot living here in the USA> We have property in Thailand and will be there soon. She is 27 years younger than me.

In her little Issan village she is like visiting royalty whenever we return.

Like all couples we have good days and bad, but that is life.

Both happy??.....pretty much so.

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Happily married, with my guy for 6 years married for 3 but that was just for convenience really :D , never had the whole white dress thing, maybe one day!

Anyway building our house which is great but also extreamly pullhair.gif

Also am pregsmiley.gif which is :o but also pullhair.gif !

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918 lookups and only 43 posts up to now. what happened to the rest? I guess they are not happy and married then.

mmm... But well, it is noce to know that lots fo us are happily married with Thais. My wife is also on-the-way with our second baby... hopefully a daughther but I won't mind having another son.

Im happy and married Mr Narak ... :D what's more we both work together every day and I still have time for a few fresh frothies once in a while ... :D fantastic ..... :o

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Happily married, with my guy for 6 years married for 3 but that was just for convenience really :D , never had the whole white dress thing, maybe one day!

Anyway building our house which is great but also extreamly pullhair.gif

Also am pregsmiley.gif which is :o but also pullhair.gif !


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1965 Married a Chinese born in the USA....(it was the 60's and I screwed things up.)..5 yrs

1977 Married a Columbian girl.....way too possessive and jelous...............................2 Yrs

1990 Married a Okinawan/Spanish singer......black heart..........................................2 yrs

1997 Married a Thai.practice makes perfect...(or finally somebody that can stand me.)

(She says she 'Oh tones" a lot.)....best thing I could have done. She has learned a lot living here in the USA> We have property in Thailand and will be there soon. She is 27 years younger than me.

In her little Issan village she is like visiting royalty whenever we return.

Like all couples we have good days and bad, but that is life.

Both happy??.....pretty much so.

WOW, you are a very experienced man... And you've finally found your match and she a Thai.

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About as happy as any married man could be after 12 yrs. with my wife (Thai) and two lovely daughters.

Say, this topic raises another issue. If you look back, the vast majority of posters reporting kids said they had daughters. Are farang male/Thai female relationships more likely to produce daughters than sons? I wonder??

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About as happy as any married man could be after 12 yrs. with my wife (Thai) and two lovely daughters.

Say, this topic raises another issue. If you look back, the vast majority of posters reporting kids said they had daughters. Are farang male/Thai female relationships more likely to produce daughters than sons? I wonder??

Thats an interesting point Mr Q ... so I'm going to get busy making and see what the end result is (its all in the name of science my love ... honest ) .. I'll get back to you in 9 months :o

Edited by davidjtayler
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About as happy as any married man could be after 12 yrs. with my wife (Thai) and two lovely daughters.

Say, this topic raises another issue. If you look back, the vast majority of posters reporting kids said they had daughters. Are farang male/Thai female relationships more likely to produce daughters than sons? I wonder??

if i'm not mistaken there are now at least 10 farang daughters as i've counted in the previous posts. more to come i guess...

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i've often wondered about this too, i have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and out of 5 good freinds who all have kids here in Pattaya, only 1 has a son the rest daughters, also got 3 good mates in BKK and they all have daughters.

Must be something in the water.

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