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I've Blown 7 Million Baht


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If the Thai uncles are as rich as the OP says they probably own the casinos in Cambodia.....so where's the problem ? Just ask for the money back, or even better still, call up the uncles and complain that you were cheated in their casinos.

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Pfft! I've blown 10 million before, just betting on two raindrops running down a window pane... :D

Just tell your billionaire sugar daddies that were robbed at gunpoint by the Khmer Rouge or something. :o

Tell it was magic, you sit in the coffee shop some cambodian come, spoke friendly with you.

You can't remember anything more, later you woke up near the street, no idea what happend, but the money is gone.

Black magic....

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If your story is true, just get the money by hook or by crook and pay back or get a gun and blow your spoongy brain off....that's simple.......A friend of mine just did that, he jumped off from a sixteen storey building because he was in debt..... :o:D:D

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Maybe you could see in an earlier topic of yours - your answer is already there :

Australia has far better opportunities for career and education. Maybe it is time to move the clan over.

Do you fellows think that after a certain amount of years Thailand loses it's appeal?

Any advice appreciated, especially from long term residents or guys with children.

Good luck

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Tell the wife. She will more than likely pay it back so they don't ever find out.

Huge loss of face for her, so i'd imagine she'd pay it.

You will be forever indebted to her, thats if she ever forgives you.

You should never gamble other peoples money, lose your own house or car if you like, but using funds that don't belong to you is criminal.

IMHO you deserve jail.

I've got a filthy gambling habit myself, but I always use my own money.

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5 pages of replies ... to a troll

I was thinking the same as I was reading post after post, but it's a fun thread.

I'm torn between the best two solutions offered so far to the OP:

My immediate reaction would be that the best one would be the "Jump from 10th floor balcony", but I think I would go with what is obviously the most reasonable course of action: As someone said, ask your VERY WEALTHY billionaire uncles for another 10 million baht and just go back to the casino and win back the 7 million baht and then some! :o

Even though the year is still very young I definitely support the idea of the OP being a very strong contestant for the troll of the year award

Edited by besth
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  • 2 weeks later...

IF any of you guys are caring I am still alive and we've had a family meeting. The grandfather sorted things out. My wife said that the owner of the casinos are his good mates. He remimds me of a Thai Marlon Brando in the Godfather and guarenteed my safety. I lost any respect that he may have ever had for me, whivh probably wasnt' ver much. I hope he doesn't die soon when out playing in the garden.

Christ how the hellllll did I get into a family liek this.

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IF any of you guys are caring I am still alive and we've had a family meeting. The grandfather sorted things out. My wife said that the owner of the casinos are his good mates. He remimds me of a Thai Marlon Brando in the Godfather and guarenteed my safety. I lost any respect that he may have ever had for me, whivh probably wasnt' ver much. I hope he doesn't die soon when out playing in the garden.

Christ how the hellllll did I get into a family liek this.

I don't mean to worry you but i actually know who you are, and i happen to live not too far away from 'your grandfather's' house. The thing is, my neighbours horse went missing from its stable the other week, then apparantly turned up floating in the local klong a few days ago... it was headless!!!

sleep tight...

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IF any of you guys are caring I am still alive and we've had a family meeting. The grandfather sorted things out. My wife said that the owner of the casinos are his good mates. He remimds me of a Thai Marlon Brando in the Godfather and guarenteed my safety. I lost any respect that he may have ever had for me, whivh probably wasnt' ver much. I hope he doesn't die soon when out playing in the garden.

Christ how the hellllll did I get into a family liek this.

By admitting the sins you have committed, you will free your soul. Do you have anything to say to us? Any burdens of guilt burning into your conscience? Sharing will be a wonderful relief.

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I seen this before... I was watching Kunk-<deleted> mega'fest this weekend. A guy was to take his rich uncles money to the bank but he stopped to have rice drink. Then some guys came along and forced him into gambling away the money. He was not even able to pay for his RICE! His uncle was not happy and sent him away!

The guy went into the mountains and learned kung <deleted>. During his time away, his wife was forced to be slave to her uncle who it turns out is the secret owner of the casino where the guy lost the money!

Well he came back and used his Kung-<deleted> on everyone in the town, freed his wife and all was happy! I think it only took him all of 20 years! So I suggest you pack a lunch! :o

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IF any of you guys are caring I am still alive and we've had a family meeting. The grandfather sorted things out. My wife said that the owner of the casinos are his good mates. He remimds me of a Thai Marlon Brando in the Godfather and guarenteed my safety. I lost any respect that he may have ever had for me, whivh probably wasnt' ver much. I hope he doesn't die soon when out playing in the garden.

Christ how the hellllll did I get into a family liek this.

By admitting the sins you have committed, you will free your soul. Do you have anything to say to us? Any burdens of guilt burning into your conscience? Sharing will be a wonderful relief.

The truth will set you free? Perhaps, but first it will transform you, painfully, over and over again, into a diferrent person.

There is no final resting place that truth brings you to. Caterpillars have it easy, with only one major transformation to expect, and then some months of drinking nectar.

Admition of the plain facts is kindergarten. Then there is all this learning to do, that again reconfigures who you are.

Edited by jamman
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I can help you! A guy sent me this and maybe he can help you!

Thai-themed Nigerian scam letter - January 25, 2006

Dear friend,

It is with a heavy heart that i write this mail, asking for your assistance and cooperation in a transaction that will not only benefit you and me, but also thousands of other peace -loving muslim brothers and sisters living in different parts of south east asia. Before i go forward, i would like to introduce myself properly.

I am niyom wataporn, belonging to a small islamic charitable group in southern city of surat thani, basically our little organization is in charge of distributing food and books to the schools in the crises hit areas of pattani, yala and narathiwat. everything was going well, till the present government which has shown anti-Islamic policies, starting cracking down on schools, organizations etc. I was then assisted to move the fund we have accumulated over the years, to Bangkok.

Since being in bangkok does not make the fund secure, i have been adviced to seek assistance of an honest Islamic brother or sister, who can be of assistance to move this money out of thailand for safe keeping and gradually find way of supporting the schools in our region. I do not know how to go about this, but decided to start by sending message / feelers, to know if i can get in touch with honest person.

The money is 78,000,000.00 baht, (Seventy eight million in thai money ) and is still in the custody of a security company here in Bangkok, i will only disclose the name when i am sure of who i am talking to. If you are willing to assist us, almighty God will rewards you thousand fold.. but most important, whatever your decision, just keep this within you. Please contact me on this email [email protected] or [email protected]

May God bless you

yours sincerely

Niyom Wataporn

I have just spent some time in Cambodia doing some business for my Thai wife's uncles. They are both very wealthy Thai billionaires. I got the money transferred to my account so I could get the full amount in cash and unfortunately got drunk and visited the casinos. I fancy myself as a good gambler but now know otherwise. The bottom line is that I blew 7 million baht. I haven't a clue as what to do. I have two options - tell the truth and face death, losing my family, or forgiveness. Due to the nature of the business, I needed cash, so one alternative is to fake a robbery.

Can any of you blokes come up with any other ways out? 7 million is a lot of money for me but not that much for them.

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