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AIS Fibre Speed Upgrade for 11-13 Aug Mothers Day Weekend

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I'm with AIS Fibre...have a 200/50 speed plan.  Yesterday I got a SMS...see google translate snapshot 1 below....appears to say/imply if on a plan slower than 100/100 you would be upgraded for 3 days to 100/100 speed.  I thought to myself, that really don't do nothing for me since I have a 200Mb download speed plan....except maybe my current 50Mb upload speed (which is way more than I need) will be upgraded to 100Mb for 3 days. 


But today I got another SMS....see snapshot 2...appears to say/imply if you are on a plan slower than 300/300, which I am, then you'll be upgraded to 300/300 for 3 days.


Guess I'll find out tomorrow/11 Aug if I do get an upgrade for 3 days....get a chance to play around with 300/300 speed. Any of your other AIS Fibre customers get a similar SMS?


Snapshot 1



Snapshot 2





From AIS Fibre website....looks like all us AIS Fibre folks get a speed boost for 11-13 Aug. 


But I guess you need to have fibre all the way to your AIS GPON to get the speed boost...see the last fine print note.  Sounds like if the last X-meters of your  AIS Fibre cable run is DSL...like fibre to your building ground floor and thena DSL run up to your residence then you will not get to take advantage of the speed boost. 







Testmy.net speed to Singapore on 300/300 plan.  Only around 5-10% faster than I routinely got on my 200/50 plan....I routinely get around 180-195Mb (with some occassional results above 200Mb) on the 200Mb plan.  In fact my fastest speed on testmy.net to Singapore on my 200Mb plan was a little over 219Mb which is faster than what I'm getting right now while temporarily upgraded to the 300Mb plan. 


Goes to show there is not a linear relationship between domestic and international speed.  If there was a linear relationship I figure I should be pulling around 275Mb to Singapore right now.




Figured I'd do some more speed tests while I"m temporarily upgraded to 300/300 for 11-13 Aug from my normal 200/50 speed plan.  Did below tests around 8:30am this morning.


So, far I'm not really seeing much of an international speed increase based on this morning's test....definitely not a linear increase like how going from 200Mb to 300Mb speed is a 50% domestic speed increase....definitely not seeing a 50% international speed increase.   In fact, based only on  this morning's testmy.net test "to Singapore" I'm not seeing any speed download speed increase over my 200/50 plan...but I do see just a few Mbs speed increase on the upload side.


Below tests run with an ethernet connection between my computer and router.  Today I will do some "Wifi" connection tests to see if I can really take advantage of a 300/300 plan over a 200/50 plan since in daily use of my computers and smartphones/tablets within my home I  use a Wifi connection.   Based on a few preliminary tests today and tests I did months ago by using my home server to simulate a speed plan approaching 1Gb, I will "not" be able to take full advantage of 300/300 via a Wifi connection.


Speedtest.net Domestic



Speedtest.net to San Francisco



Speedtest.net to London



Testmy.net to Singapore



Testmy.net to San Francisco



Testmy.net to London



Since today is the last day of the 3 day freebie upgrade from my 200/50 plan to a 300/300 plan (i.e., AIS Mothers Day weekend freebie for fiber to residence customers) thought I would do some more speed tests.  Below done on an ethernet connection using Speedtest.net and Testmy.net at around 9am this morning.


To Bangkok



To Singapore



To SanFrancisco



To London




To Singapore



To San Francisco



To London




Speed tests are pretty much a waste of time. They tell you very little unless you can control the environment in which the test id being conducted


Well, AIS downshifted me back down to my original 200/50 around noon/today/14 Aug from the 300/300 speed....last a day longer than they advertised.


The speed tests I did via "ethernet" connection are shown in earlier posts above.   Not really much of an improvement over my 200/50 plan for "international" speeds. 


As I mentioned earlier I use a Wifi connections within my residence (a two story concrete home) for my computers and smartphones/tablets.  The only devices hooked to the router via ethernet are some Android TV boxes and VOIP devices.  These end devices only need 25Mb speed to stream 4K video and approx 100Kb speed for the VOIP devices.  


In doing speed tests via Wifi 5Ghz band connection I found a 300/300 plan could not be fully utilized unless my devices were within just a few meters and have direct line of sight with my routers...and even all of then getting 300/300 speed was not consistent since some  devices have better/faster Wifi circuit/chips than others.   


But generally, a 200/200 plan would be the fastest plan I could really fully utilize in the most commonly used locations in my residence with most of my devices "and not needing to have those devices really close to the router."  Start getting out to around 5 meters and/or throw in an obstruction like a wall or furniture and I might not even be able to fully utilize a 200/200 plan on some devices.


As talked in other threads, the Wifi speed you obtain is affected by various factors such as distance, obstructions, your routers & end devices specs, etc. And even with a strong Wifi signal the speed achieved can not be any faster than the "weakest (slowest) link in your Wifi chain."   You might have a high end, awesome, AC2900, 4 data streams router but if your end device is say a AC600, 1 data stream device like many smartphones, tablets, and laptops, etc., then your weak link is your end device.


Generally the fastest retail plans offered by Thai ISPs are 200/100 plans.  Sure some have 1Gb or 300Mb plans but the ISPs focus/best prices seem to be on the 200Mb download /100Mb or 50Mb upload plans.  I figure that's because Wifi connections within many people's residence are predominately used and considering all the factors affecting maximum Wifi speed that a 200/100 or 200/50 plan is about the fastest "most" people could fully utilize with "most of their devices."   Also probably helps to greatly cut down the number of complaints from customers about not getting the speed they paid for on their Wifi connections.  Heck, I'm sure ISPs get plenty of complaints now since many customers don't understand the speed limitations of Wifi connections.


Yeap, since I predominately use Wifi connections within my residence I'll be sticking with my 200/50 plan and would only "pay" to upgrade to a faster plan...say a 300/300 plan... if the cost differential was small....say only around 100 baht and/or came with some extra benefit making it worth it.   It was nice having a 300/300 plan since Saturday as it allowed me to satisfy my curiosity regarding the fastest plan I could effectively use. 






4 minutes ago, scotsman said:

I also had the temp upgrade for 3 days it was 300/300 




Are you sure it wasnt 300/30 which would make far more sense?

43 minutes ago, upu2 said:

300/300 is a very strange combination. Are you sure they said these rates or is it a typo?

Nothing really strange about it...maybe uncommon (for now), but not strange. It's called a synchronous speed plan (i.e., both download and upload speeds being the same) vs an asynchronous  plan (i.e., download speed faster than upload speed).   


Normally ISPs offer asynchronous plans but more are also offering synchronous plans in their competition with other ISPs. With more and more fiber optics being used, which has greatly expanded available bandwidth, it's making it much easier to also provide synchronous plans which usually cost a little more.   For example, see snapshot 2 below for a Verizon FIOS 300/300 plan.


AIS has some plans called PowerBoost which are synchronous plans although the synchronous download/upload speed during the day and night hours are different....that is, higher during the day and lower at night....but still synchronous.  See 3rd snapshot below.  And I expect within a year they will offer 24 hour synchronous plans.   The 300/300 speed upgrade they provided for the Mother's Day long weekend was 300/300 24 hours a day.


Snapshot 1



Snapshot 2:  a Verizon 300/300 plan



Snapshot 3...an AIS Fibre Plan



28 minutes ago, Pib said:

Nothing really strange about it...maybe uncommon (for now), but not strange. It's called a synchronous speed plan (i.e., both download and upload speeds being the same) vs an asynchronous  plan (i.e., download speed faster than upload speed).   


Normally ISPs offer asynchronous plans but more are also offering synchronous plans in their competition with other ISPs. With more and more fiber optics being used, which has greatly expanded available bandwidth, it's making it much easier to also provide synchronous plans which usually cost a little more.   For example, see snapshot 2 below for a Verizon FIOS 300/300 plan.


AIS has some plans called PowerBoost which are synchronous plans although the synchronous download/upload speed during the day and night hours are different....that is, higher during the day and lower at night....but still synchronous.  See 3rd snapshot below.  And I expect within a year they will offer 24 hour synchronous plans.   The 300/300 speed upgrade they provided for the Mother's Day long weekend was 300/300 24 hours a day.


Snapshot 1



Snapshot 2:  a Verizon 300/300 plan



Snapshot 3...an AIS Fibre Plan



It is very uncommon as the Up-link and Down-link are normally  provided on the basis of 100% download / 10% upload. I have never equal up and download before it is a new one on me. Maybe it is Thailand just trying to get you to sign up. Internet will never be a guaranteed rate as it has no QoS attached it. It is what is termed a best effort system. As part of your post says emphasis is put on the download not the upload. Because of this accepted provision that more data is uploaded than is downloaded the download speed, in order to save bandwidth, is normally 10% of the upload speed


They fo

On 8/10/2018 at 5:55 AM, Pib said:

you'll be upgraded to 300/300 for 3 days....

AND they forgot to mention....if you decide to keep the plan...your subscrition will also be upgraded.....




Yeap, download speed is the most important to most people

8 minutes ago, upu2 said:

It is very uncommon as the Up-link and Down-link are normally  provided on the basis of 100% download / 10% upload. I have never equal up and download before it is a new one on me. Maybe it is Thailand just trying to get you to sign up. Internet will never be a guaranteed rate as it has no QoS attached it. It is what is termed a best effort system. As part of your post says emphasis is put on the download not the upload. Because of this accepted provision that more data is uploaded than is downloaded the download speed, in order to save bandwidth, is normally 10% of the upload speed

Yeap, the speed of a person's internet plan "use" to be usually a 10 to 1 ratio....like a 30/3 plan, 10/1 plan, etc.   But that was in days gone by.


But widespread implementation of fiber and cable has changed all of that.   Like go to the True website to see their available plans: 30/10, 50/20, 100/30, 200/50, 100/100 (synchronous plan), 300/70, and 1000/100.  You will notice only one of their offer plan follow the old 100% download & 10% upload speed ratio.    Most are around 10 to 3 or 4 to 1.   

21 hours ago, Pib said:

Yeap, download speed is the most important to most people

Yeap, the speed of a person's internet plan "use" to be usually a 10 to 1 ratio....like a 30/3 plan, 10/1 plan, etc.   But that was in days gone by.


But widespread implementation of fiber and cable has changed all of that.   Like go to the True website to see their available plans: 30/10, 50/20, 100/30, 200/50, 100/100 (synchronous plan), 300/70, and 1000/100.  You will notice only one of their offer plan follow the old 100% download & 10% upload speed ratio.    Most are around 10 to 3 or 4 to 1.   

That is still mostly used in order to effectively use the available bandwidth. I would bet no one here in Thailand would ever get even close to an upload speed of 300

1 minute ago, Pib said:

Please review earlier posts where I showed I was getting 300Mb upload speed.

Mb not MB. That is reasonable it is only around 37MB which is not extraordinarily fast

Mb not MB. That is reasonable it is only around 37MB which is not extraordinarily fast
I've never talked MB...only Mb. Internet plans are advertised as Mb; not MB. Why are you even talking MB?

so is upgrading to fiber now safe?  I still have 3BB ASDL connection.   VDSL seems like it is not available anymore.  It is just Fiber at the main office in town.   there were some promotions where you get the modem/cables/etc etc for free.  But of course I didn't get the notice.


And they would still have the 590/mo plan but it is like 50/10 or something like that which is plenty for myself.  Although it is weird that they also have 10/5 for 250 baht/mo.


6 hours ago, Pib said:
6 hours ago, upu2 said:
Mb not MB. That is reasonable it is only around 37MB which is not extraordinarily fast

I've never talked MB...only Mb. Internet plans are advertised as Mb; not MB. Why are you even talking MB?

I know they are which is why I still think what you believe has been promised is artificial

5 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

so is upgrading to fiber now safe?  I still have 3BB ASDL connection.   VDSL seems like it is not available anymore.  It is just Fiber at the main office in town.   there were some promotions where you get the modem/cables/etc etc for free.  But of course I didn't get the notice.


And they would still have the 590/mo plan but it is like 50/10 or something like that which is plenty for myself.  Although it is weird that they also have 10/5 for 250 baht/mo.


VDSL is not appropriate to FOC

  • Confused 1
6 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

so is upgrading to fiber now safe?  I still have 3BB ASDL connection.   VDSL seems like it is not available anymore.  It is just Fiber at the main office in town.   there were some promotions where you get the modem/cables/etc etc for free.  But of course I didn't get the notice.


And they would still have the 590/mo plan but it is like 50/10 or something like that which is plenty for myself.  Although it is weird that they also have 10/5 for 250 baht/mo.


Not sure what you mean by "safe." If you mean "reliable", well, fiber optics it's more reliable than getting your internet over a copper wire...and definitely faster since VDSL usually tops out around 75Mb for a short copper run.   Keep in mind although a plan is advertised as fiber optics, it may not be fiber run all the way to your router especially if you live in a highrise building. 


If living in a highrise instead of having Fiber to the Home (FTTH) which is fiber all the way to your router if you live in a highrise it may only be Fiber to the Building (FTTB)...to the ground floor where it plugs into a signal converter to convert the fiber optics signal to a VDSL signal which can be fed over the copper phone/DSL lines in the building.


Quite common occurrence in older high rises which were built with only TV cable and phone lines...built when fiber optics was science fiction talk   This means the final X-meters of your fiber optics plan is really copper wire via VDSL and it also means the fastest plan you can get will probably be a 75Mb plan....maybe a 100Mb plan. 


But more and more highrise do have fiber optics built in so you can get fiber all the way to your router which also means much high speed plans will be available to you....like even up to 1Gb speed plans which run around Bt3,000 per month right now.





  • Thanks 1

@Pib or all, what about Down/Up tests from international speeds?  


3bb is supposed to give fiber upgrade tomorrow (50/20 for 590).  Just want to get a feel for international caps, if any.  i'll probably use DSLreports

1 minute ago, 4evermaat said:

@Pib or all, what about Down/Up tests from international speeds?  


I gave some international speed results in the earlier posts of this thread.  There were some small international speed increases when they upgraded me from 200/50 to 300/300 for 3 days...it was far short of a "linear" increase in international speed.  That is, the 50% domestic speed upgrade from 200 to 300Mb did not result in anything close to a 50% increase in international speed.


  • Thanks 1

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