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In first, transgender woman wins Democratic nomination for Vermont governor


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On 8/15/2018 at 2:33 PM, lovelomsak said:

Correct me if I am wrong please.

  But to call Christine a transgender woman is not PC . Should she not be addressed as transgender and leave it at that. Not transgender woman or transgender man.. Transgender is transgender it speaks for itself.

I'm confused. Did he/she start as a man or a woman?  I really don't understand this transgender thing.

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I'm confused. Did he/she start as a man or a woman?  I really don't understand this transgender thing.
Started as a man. Transitioned to woman. Thus transgender woman. A Thai way of saying that is woman of the second kind. It's not exactly rocket science dudes.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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On 8/16/2018 at 8:43 AM, johnnybangkok said:

Well if that's your only criteria rather than her policies and her abilities then the problem lies with you.


Actually - it's the only criteria mentioned in the headline of the article. 


This transgender person seems to think that his/her 'moral compass' is above that of the rest of the country. Sounds delusional to me.


The article goes on to mention "trans equality".


In fact, the article we are discussing talks about nothing other that transexual issues and gay marriage.


So on what basis is this discussion about his/her policies?

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On 8/16/2018 at 11:42 AM, Krataiboy said:

Hallquist can identify as female, but bioloogically will always be male and take female hormones for life in order to sustain her illusion/delusion.


People who suffer from the condition known as Gender Dysphoria, who grow up feeling they were born with a female brain in a male body or vice versa, have a suicide rate far higher than normal, irrespective of hormone treatment and other therapy, including "sex-change" surgery.


For this reason alone the kindest and most considerate thing to do in Halliquist's case and use the pronouns she and her.


Anyone who fails to do so, on the basis that this would be against their belief in traditionally-recognised evidence to the contrary, can expect to incur the wrath of transgender activitists - as conservative thinker Ben Shapiro discovered to his cost during a televised debate on transgenderism.



The UK government plans law changes which would will allow any Brit to change sex/gender on a whim simply by making an official declaration to this effect. A new offence of "misgendering" - failing to use the right pronoun out of a list of more than 70 dreamed up by transgender activists - is also in the pipeline, modelled on legislation already adopted in Canada and the US.


Some sceptical independent observers see the transgender "revolution" not a passing phase, but part of a global social engineering strategy to prepare homo sapiens for transition into trans-humans.


Silicon Valley (which would make a killing if this were to happen) and futurists like Elon Musk openly declares this unnerving prospect is not only inevitable but desirable. Those who think otherwise, like the author of the article referenced below, are increasing dismissed alarmist dinosaurs who have grazed too long in the brain-numbing pastures of science and reason. 


Time will tell who was right.






Interesting video.


A man in a dress threatening a man in a suit. Obviously still a bit of testosterone floating about....

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12 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


Actually - it's the only criteria mentioned in the headline of the article. 


This transgender person seems to think that his/her 'moral compass' is above that of the rest of the country. Sounds delusional to me.


The article goes on to mention "trans equality".


In fact, the article we are discussing talks about nothing other that transexual issues and gay marriage.


So on what basis is this discussion about his/her policies?

I really have no idea what you are going on about here. 

My quote you are talking about was in response to another poster who said he wouldn’t vote for this candidate purely for the fact she is transgender. 

I merely pointed out that if that’s his only criteria rather than the persons policies/abilities then the issue lies with him. 

Petfectly reasonable summation of his bias. 

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2 hours ago, pedro01 said:


Interesting video.


A man in a dress threatening a man in a suit. Obviously still a bit of testosterone floating about....

Anyone, who aplaudes anything, that Ben Shapiro does, should have their head checked!

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On 8/25/2018 at 11:52 AM, johnnybangkok said:

I really have no idea what you are going on about here. 

My quote you are talking about was in response to another poster who said he wouldn’t vote for this candidate purely for the fact she is transgender. 

I merely pointed out that if that’s his only criteria rather than the persons policies/abilities then the issue lies with him. 

Petfectly reasonable summation of his bias. 


It is a valid bias to hold.


The article is biased. It only speaks about the candidates sexuality. 


Reading the article, it seems we are supposed to applaud this person/the fact that they were elected PURELY because of his/her sexuality. It also seems - that according to you, that only 1 opinion is allowed on that narrow topic. 


The way I see it - if you make the persons sexuality the only issue, then you are free to accept or reject them based on that alone.

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