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Vatican voices 'shame and sorrow' over damning sex abuse report


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Vatican voices 'shame and sorrow' over damning sex abuse report.

It is now August 2018 and the abuse has been going on, reported, covered up and denied for decades.  How many lives have been destroyed by the actions of these predatory criminals who abuse the trust placed in them by simple people?  They claim to be disciples and spokesmen for God and Christ, perhaps now is the time for the omniscient and omnipotent 'God' to strike them down?  To this organisation it appears to be all about numbers, influence and profit; they make the robber barons of the dark ages seem positively saintly.

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56 minutes ago, rodney earl said:

That is why I said that the world would be a far better place without any religion. ALL religions are about 3 things and 3 things only MONEY, POWER AND CONTROL.!!

Good men do good deeds. Evil men do evil deeds. For a good man to do evil deeds... that takes religion !

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Quoted from JAG

'If you are a Roman Catholic, then you believe that the Church is Almighty God's creation, and not for man to dispose of.' 


I am happy for everyone in the world to follow their chosen belief system but I am open to persuasion how, according to your claim above, the Church is Almighty God's creation but its leaders carry out such abhorrent crimes.  If the Church is flawed to the extent that is now becoming very clear, then why did an Almighty God create it in the first place.  By extension the claim leads to Almighty God creating something for sick and twisted individuals to pervert and use for their own personal gains and criminal sexual gratification.

I think your quote should read, 'If you are a Roman Catholic, then you are told that the Church is Almighty God's creation, and not for man to dispose of.'  Perhaps man should man up and do something about it if not dispose of it?

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21 minutes ago, animalmagic said:

Quoted from JAG

'If you are a Roman Catholic, then you believe that the Church is Almighty God's creation, and not for man to dispose of.' 


I am happy for everyone in the world to follow their chosen belief system but I am open to persuasion how, according to your claim above, the Church is Almighty God's creation but its leaders carry out such abhorrent crimes.  If the Church is flawed to the extent that is now becoming very clear, then why did an Almighty God create it in the first place.  By extension the claim leads to Almighty God creating something for sick and twisted individuals to pervert and use for their own personal gains and criminal sexual gratification.

I think your quote should read, 'If you are a Roman Catholic, then you are told that the Church is Almighty God's creation, and not for man to dispose of.'  Perhaps man should man up and do something about it if not dispose of it?

As a devout Atheist also (A couple of youtube video from the immortal Hitch on Sundays if my "Faith" is wavering!) I doubt that we can "Dispose of" this or most other religions. The world appears to be made up of leaders, followers, and people like me, who refuse to be either, and reject that dichotomy. The problem is that it appears that the overwhelming number of people are followers who will buy what they are sold, with barely a superficial understanding of the merits. This applies to the sky fairy, snake oil, and IMHO Trump and Brexit, but those two are another topic. The only answer I see is for better education, and more scepticism, however there will always be those who are gullible, and those who will exploit them, and the promise of life after death is the ultimate sellable item. No one has come back to confirm or deny that it exists!

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1 hour ago, hyku1147 said:

The Catholic Church once tortured people in to making false confessions of heresy. The heretics were then burnt alive.

Yet - they evolved.


They live in all male housing - where men dress up in brightly colored costumes whilst being surrounded by subservient Alter Boys (some of whom were once castrated). If the pedophiles were confronted by parents - they would bombard them with Catholic guilt whilst calling the child's tales the work of Satan that would prolong the child's stay in Purgatory.


The good elements of the Catholic Church should expel, and excommunicate the filthy perverts. Then, and only then, will there be a chance that their credibility may be restored.


Inquisition is still alive, and it's not only Catholic priests that perform inquistion. Doctors in mental hospitals do the same.  And they establish sexual taboos to control individuals. 

Of course, a celibate is anti-biological. Those who preach it should be castrated - just to get their hormones under control. Would be easier then to dedicate their miserable lives to their fair-tale "creator"

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16 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

How often do we see the argument: "Sure, only some Muslims are terrorists, but the failure of the masses to condemn these attrocities puts them all in the same basket"?  I would level that same accusation at Catholics, and any other organisation that does, and covers up the doing of, harm to the innocent.  Sure, only some Catholic priests are pedophiles, but the secret has been out for a long time now and, while the hierachy make soothing noises and express "shame and sorrow" at seeing some being caught red handed (though whether the shame and sorrow is directed towards their actions, or the fact that they were foolish enough to be caught, is open to interpretation), the rank and file members continue to trudge along to church, accepting the moral authority of the hierachy, and doing nothing at all of any real importance to put an end to this while punishing those who were complicit in the past.  Where are the catholic congregations protesting when yet another priest / cardinal / bishop is given a slap on the wrist and/or home detention?  1.2 billion Catholics in the world and only a few publically speak up or agitate for real change.  Shame on the rest of them.


Going one step further; even when putting aside the physical abuse of children, the abuse of their minds by indoctrination from an early age, when they are unable to form and analyse opinions for themselves, is still a charge that may be levelled at all religions, though granted, some more than others.  Religion works by either altering ones mind, to the point that one really believes what they are saying, or, if you don't achieve that "higher" state, by making you unwilling to speak out due to fear of the consequences - if not in your current life then in whatever afterlife is offered by the religion / denomination you happened to be born into.  Planting these seeds into a young, impressionable, mind is key to a lot of the power that religion holds.  As such, it should be treated exactly like any legalised drug, with appropriate rules on age applied. Giving a mind altering drug to a child is illegal - no matter how legal it may be for an adult to take it.  The organised brain washing and indoctrination of that child, when s/he has no defences or logical prowess to analyse the informtion given, and decide for him/herself whether to accept or refuse it, should be treated with the same condemnation.

They are all cults pure and simple but unlike most definitions of a cult, these ones are government backed.

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43 minutes ago, ballpoint said:


Going one step further; even when putting aside the physical abuse of children, the abuse of their minds by indoctrination from an early age, when they are unable to form and analyse opinions for themselves, is still a charge that may be levelled at all religions, though granted, some more than others.  Religion works by either altering ones mind, to the point that one really believes what they are saying, or, if you don't achieve that "higher" state, by making you unwilling to speak out due to fear of the consequences - if not in your current life then in whatever afterlife is offered by the religion / denomination you happened to be born into.  Planting these seeds into a young, impressionable, mind is key to a lot of the power that religion holds.  As such, it should be treated exactly like any legalised drug, with appropriate rules on age applied. Giving a mind altering drug to a child is illegal - no matter how legal it may be for an adult to take it.  The organised brain washing and indoctrination of that child, when s/he has no defences or logical prowess to analyse the informtion given, and decide for him/herself whether to accept or refuse it, should be treated with the same condemnation.


In a few words:

religion is the polar opposite to knowledge. It's a power to manipulate people (to believe). History is full of examples. And the present age, too.


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6 hours ago, rodney earl said:

That is why I said that the world would be a far better place without any religion. ALL religions are about 3 things and 3 things only MONEY, POWER AND CONTROL.!!

Your opinion and I disagree except to say money, power and control are human traits and humans lead the religions. So to get rid of money, power and control you would have to eliminate humans not just religions. Many many good people in the world and religion has its place in this world. 


But the philosophers and history have taught us for over 5000 years what humans are capable of and the character of humans.  Not limited to religions. 

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As a teen Catholic, got tossed from a Friday night dance for sparring with another teen over his looking at "my" gal. As we sat on the steps outside the dance location, he told me that their Parish priest was doing the naughty with the boys. I was shocked and immediately said "Man, don't say such things about a Catholic Priest." He replied "No lie man, ask any of the guys from my Church". As an altar boy as well as a Choir boy I still didn't believe him. It was many years later when I left the "guidance" of the Catholic church that I started seeing investigations being squelched by Bishops and the Pope. A close friend of my wife and I, a Catholic priest, and Italian at that, left the church and married a nun. We were happy for him and his, late in life, wife. Rome should stop this celibate bullshuger and allow Priests, Male or Female, to marry, Although I think I'd be very reluctant to "confess" to Mrs Priest.

Edited by oldrunner
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5 hours ago, Wake Up said:

Your opinion and I disagree except to say money, power and control are human traits and humans lead the religions. So to get rid of money, power and control you would have to eliminate humans not just religions. Many many good people in the world and religion has its place in this world. 


But the philosophers and history have taught us for over 5000 years what humans are capable of and the character of humans.  Not limited to religions. 

Serious argument.

In the age of enlightment science became an authority. Stanley Milgram's experiments ("Obedience to authority") demonstrated pretty well how far people would go in the name of science. 



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15 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

If this were any other organization on the planet, it would have been forcibly disbanded a long time ago for extreme, wide-spread, long-term, repeated pedophilia that was illegally hidden and covered up by its leadership.


Why is this organization allowed to continue to exist?



Indeed, regardless of the religions these organizations represent. 


Why does our societies allow very strong storytelling, which puts our kids fragile minds at risk, to happen during their younger ages?


If we would put 18 years as a limit, for kids, to be allowed to see any religious manipulation, we would save them in few generations. 


There are very few people, after reaching the age of 18, who would be interested of the silly stories. Those people, who'd still do, would be treated as the people who believe UFO sightings and the Flat Earth. 


Let's stop this nonsense. 

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7 hours ago, oilinki said:

Indeed, regardless of the religions these organizations represent. 


Why does our societies allow very strong storytelling, which puts our kids fragile minds at risk, to happen during their younger ages?


If we would put 18 years as a limit, for kids, to be allowed to see any religious manipulation, we would save them in few generations. 


There are very few people, after reaching the age of 18, who would be interested of the silly stories. Those people, who'd still do, would be treated as the people who believe UFO sightings and the Flat Earth. 


Let's stop this nonsense. 

I don't think there is a direct relationship between child sex abuse and religion.   Religion is simply the cover for many people who engage in these illicit activities.   


As to why the storytelling is allowed, it's pretty much a part of every civilization.   We have to have rules in order to interact on safe and known ground.   We have common beliefs.   Those beliefs are what establishes the laws we live by and we can't really question those laws because they are based on our belief in a Supreme power.   


If we stop indoctrinating our children, they won't believe and without belief, they won't follow the rules.


But, all that said, I don't know that we would have less pedophilia if religion disappeared.   


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Civilisation evolves and takes the time to record known, proven truths; years ago this was not the case and the storytelling/fables/religion was used to pass on messages on morals and rules to live by.  Laws are based on a consensus by mankind who decide what are the rules within which a civilised society should operate; those rules are always open, in a free society, to question as we learn more about ourselves and the world around us.  Indoctrination of children is not necessary as education is the key, as long as they are able to learn and understand the logic behind the rules they are capable of eventually making their own decision on whether to abide by them and face the consequences laid down by civilisation if they don't.

A belief in a supreme power is something claimed by the various representatives of religions, they not only question the rules but completely ignore them and then disobey them.  If they can ignore the laws given by their supreme power to the extent that they have been shown to do, then why can't everybody else?

The capacity for good and evil is inside every person, whether they choose one or the other is based on personal choice and circumstances.  That choice is better influenced by knowledge than belief.

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