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Pentagon says China military 'likely training for strikes' on U.S. targets


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It's easy. Just get off your G D American high horse for a minute and take a look at how your autocratic wannabe leader is acting around the world. We didn't kill our Indians to get their land, (we got them drunk and had them sign bad deals). We don't go around bragging our asses off about being "the greatest country in the world". God Bless America! Why?

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17 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Many BMs make a case of the USA starting all these conflicts and they may be right. I have the opinion that it is a case of 'use it or lose it'.  I'm ok with the USA going back to 1910 and isolationism.  Protect American soil only.

Many other people in the world would also be happy with that. The USA has started a lot of wars in the past but have got fed up half way through, left and left the other country in a shambles. Best they stay home and let the world get on with life

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1 minute ago, neeray said:

So big deal. We have a young, pot smoking kid TEMPORARILY for a PM who got elected on his father's name.

You have an arrogant, senile, lying (4,600 lies), uneducated, no finesse, adulteress bully TEMPORARILY for a POTUS.

Our PM will not piss off the world, your President will.

Correction the USA President HAS pissed off many in the world. Once they have achieved their goal of being isolated they will be happy.........or maybe not. Hard to tell with the guy they have as President

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1 minute ago, duanebigsby said:

I don't have a distaste for the US until I meet an American who tells me how much better their country is than any other in the world. I suspect that's what you do when you meet someone and therefore get the cold shoulder.


Nah I typically dont talk about politics around strangers in real life, but most liberal-type never trumpers cant help themselves. I will tell you that rarely do people like you say things face to face that you would say on these forums though. 


3 minutes ago, neeray said:

So big deal. We have a young, pot smoking kid TEMPORARILY for a PM who got elected on his father's name.

You have an arrogant, senile, lying (4,600 lies), uneducated, no finesse, adulteress bully TEMPORARILY for a POTUS.

Our PM will not piss off the world, your President will.


ll take mine over yours any day. 

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10 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Nah I typically dont talk about politics around strangers in real life, but most liberal-type never trumpers cant help themselves. I will tell you that rarely do people like you say things face to face that you would say on these forums though. 




I'm never afraid to say things to Americans (or any other nationality)face to face.

I don't say things on this forum I wouldn't say directly to a person.

When I meet Trump supporters we usually agree to disagree amicably.

Edited by duanebigsby
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On 8/17/2018 at 12:56 PM, Get Real said:

Yeah, yeah! We all know that the US live with the belief that everybody except them are willing to start WW3.

They also live in the belief that they are the only once that are allowed to train military forces and delvelop their defense strategies.

I guess it´s time that the world stand up and ban this silly country from continuing the comedy show they are running episode after episode at the moment.

I would like you to go to China and make similar remarks about the chinese dictatorship and if you ever manage to see the light of day again in your miserable life, then please explain what freedom means. You need to think, not just ramble on.

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Good no more Pearl Harbours! The poor buggers are about to repeat history in the Pacific and get their asses fried real good. Make sure the USA finishes the job so we can have one china with the capital in Teipei with an elected government of the people. History shows that democracies dont go to war against each other.

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3 minutes ago, Tailwagsdog said:

Good no more Pearl Harbours! The poor buggers are about to repeat history in the Pacific and get their asses fried real good. Make sure the USA finishes the job so we can have one china with the capital in Teipei with an elected government of the people. History shows that democracies dont go to war against each other.

Many countries practice military exercises for far fetched scenarios.

You're assuming the Chinese are actually going to try and start a war with the US.

It won't happen.

Your statement about finishing the job so "we" can have one China is why globally US foreign policy is hated.

History shows US bullying of every country in the world which won't bend to their whims.

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8 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

Get Real said nothing about freedom.

Of course China is a dictatorship with very little freedom We all agree.

What Get Real was talking about is how the US feels it has the right to dictate what military forces and exercises other countries are allowed to do while doing whatever they please.

Especially nuclear weapons.

Why can't North Korea or Iran have nuclear weapons when Israel and South Korea can?

Are they more likely to use them than the US?

Who knows with Drumph in power.

The point is when China becomes all too powerful then kiss goodbye to the world as you know it, Look around you, go to Cambodia and criticize China, if you dare, thats why i will side with the imperfect good guy that has had Nixon, Kissinger, & others running the show very badly & killing thousands of people, because a democracy can renew itself wheras as dictatorship cannot.

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4 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


I am absolutely proud to be American. Plenty of things I wish were better, but I love the country and the freedom. The nationalism pisses you off because of your inherent distaste for the US. If you were fond, Americans being proud wouldn't make you upset. I meet people like you all the time in Thailand. 


Everyone wants to dunk on the USA on this forum, and when its given back in kind nobody can take it. You see it as arrogance, and thats laughable. 


PS this is your PM... How embarrassing ?



Oh, poor UTF.

You remember me the man driving his car into a one-way street and complaining of thousands of people driving in the wrong direction, but only me (you) not.


There are some  people – especially here in TV – who don't know the difference between hate and criticism or dissenting opinion.

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3 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

The point is when China becomes all too powerful then kiss goodbye to the world as you know it, Look around you, go to Cambodia and criticize China, if you dare, thats why i will side with the imperfect good guy that has had Nixon, Kissinger, & others running the show very badly & killing thousands of people, because a democracy can renew itself wheras as dictatorship cannot.

Incoherent drivel. I have no idea what you meant.


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4 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

The point is when China becomes all too powerful then kiss goodbye to the world as you know it,

What changes are going to happen ?

Americans seem to have been in constant fear for the last 50 years , whether it be Castro , Khymer Rouge , Brezhnev, Saddam , Gaddafi , Deng Xioping , Jong il , Putin .

    There always seems to be a bad guy trying to end their way of life 

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5 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

I would like you to go to China and make similar remarks about the chinese dictatorship and if you ever manage to see the light of day again in your miserable life, then please explain what freedom means. You need to think, not just ramble on.

We have got our freedom of speech, and most of us here are trying to say that Washington is actually a greater threat to world peace than China is.

Now then, them people in China, who do they reckon is the greater threat to world peace ? Do them people in China, do they reckon that Washington is a greater threat than China to world peace ?

Try and think for yourself. Try not to automatically believe the nonsense propaganda dressed up as news, that you watch on television.

Edited by tonbridgebrit
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3 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

No, I'm simply saying every country in the world has military plans against every other country. They have think tanks for every possible scenario however unlikely. If you don't believe the US have attack China or Canada contingency plans, you are naive.


I know they do, but there you go again trying to equate attack plans and defense plans with what China is doing.


But hey man if youre cool with that.. Up to you 


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Just now, duanebigsby said:

What is China doing with  their hypothetical plans that the US isn't?

Why is it sinister for China to do it but  ok with the US?



See, you think China and the US are equals. Equal goods. Thats an opinion I do not share with you, and if you feel that way - up to you. Sure explains alot about you though. You want China to rise and gain influence (PS They were targeting Allies too) thats on you. 

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5 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

The point is when China becomes all too powerful then kiss goodbye to the world as you know it, Look around you, go to Cambodia and criticize China, if you dare, thats why i will side with the imperfect good guy that has had Nixon, Kissinger, & others running the show very badly & killing thousands of people, because a democracy can renew itself wheras as dictatorship cannot.

Look, it is Washington right now that is all too powerful. Look at what Washington is doing.

Who is going to be fighting World War Three ?  America against Russia ?  America against China ?  America against Islam ?

Notice how America is involved in all the options. What does that say about Washington ?  By the way, Nixon and Kissinger caused loads of deaths in Vietnam. China and Russia did not.

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1 minute ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:



See, you think China and the US are equals. Equal goods. Thats an opinion I do not share with you, and if you feel that way - up to you. Sure explains alot about you though. You want China to rise and gain influence (PS They were targeting Allies too) thats on you. 

I'm not pro China.

I have just suggested they haven't done anything the US hasn't done.

I am not for or against if they rise or not and gain influence.

They'll do what they do and we have to be ready for it. 

You have suggested the US can do anything nasty they want but no other country can.

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3 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

I'm not pro China.

I have just suggested they haven't done anything the US hasn't done.

I am not for or against if they rise or not and gain influence.

They'll do what they do and we have to be ready for it. 

You have suggested the US can do anything nasty they want but no other country can.


First 4 lines about china and not a bad thing to say. 


Last single line about the US and its "Anything nasty they want" but no other country can. 


Just admit it. You cant stand the US and are too cowardly to admit that you want to see them down even if it means a corrupt dictatorship (or several) fills the void. Its a common theme of this toxic forum. 

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17 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

Why do I have to say anything negative about China? Because an American wants it?

Why is your hatred of Chinese foreign policy any different than the world's hatred of US foreign policy?


The world's hatred eh?


Yeah go on and tell me again how you are just an objective and unbiased observer here who isn't pro china or anti America. 


It'll be a less cowardly copout this time around. 

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