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Would any forum member wish to add comment on Thailand's favourite PM. Well...

I'd like to go first, perhaps naughty nut, for repeatedly failing the Thai people.

Sorry for the language...

How on earth is the Liverpool Debacle going to rectify itself? :o Thaimee.

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I'm not up to speed with the politics - I thought Thaksin was a good PM, or that folks considered him to be doing good such as getting rid of corruption (or aiming to at least) and giving benefits to the poor..

Could someone correct me and bring me up to date without too much emotion?



Yes please, could someone bring OxfordWill up to date?

I can't as my comments are not allowed!!!


In a corrupt society politicians don't get far without money. Thaksin is probably the most corrupt guy in Thailand, every single government initiative and policy seems to have direct or indirect financial benefits to himself or his associates and family. He is running the country solely for his own personal gain.

Personally I think that any democracy should have strict limits on how rich the President or Prime Minister can be. Say the richest 2% of the population are banned from entering politics. It's a sad state of affairs when to become the leader of a country you have to be fabulously wealthy as is the current case in the USA, Italy and Thailand, along with numerous others I'm sure.

The leader of a country should also be banned from having any media interests, and any control over media content. Just look at Italy or Russia to see how this erodes a fair democratic process.

Thaksin just has too many conflicts of interest to do what is best for Thailand, it's a shame that too many Thais have absolutely no interest in politics to change the current situation.

When it comes to corrupt world leaders in genuine democracy Thaksin Shinawatra comes a very close second to Silvio Berlusconi


Have the killings of people suspected to be involved with drugtrafficking and rebel activity reached a round number, yet, 10.000?

I am also not up to date.

Have the killings of people suspected to be involved with drugtrafficking and rebel activity reached a round number, yet, 10.000?

I am also not up to date.

It's getting close to 10k I reckon ... and stands a big chance of more now that Cheerless Leader has declared another war on drugs.

It's getting close to 10k I reckon

If that's the case Meechai can take a well earned rest from his bit to reduce population control.

It's getting close to 10k I reckon ... and stands a big chance of more now that Cheerless Leader has declared another war on drugs.

have not heard much about his war on guns recently doc.... though you just have to glance at the soapies on tv ( eg. itv ) to see the education process in action.. probably nicely govt funded also... :o

oxfordwill , you can try and find out information about the censure debate ongoing in parliament at the moment, that will give you some indication of the conflicts of interest, but It only examines the top of the pile, but I am sure you can extrapolate the information.

one source is the nation newspaper website, also has forums on it





I'm at least happy for one thing as we moved back to the old europe for a while ...

my daughter won't become a Thai nationalist as she would reach 6 or 7 years old here!

Thailand has to change a few things like any country I guess ... but changing Pm won't hurt.


have not heard much about his war on guns recently doc.... though you just have to glance at the soapies on tv ( eg. itv ) to see the education process in action.. probably nicely govt funded also... :D

Emotional? Fine, I accept that criticism? :D

For numerous years, i've seen PM attribute his failing's to being a businessman, part and parcel of the job you might say, and he looked willing to promote a civilsed infrastructure. I was hopeful...

You can imagine when I saw this latest debacle. This is embarassing for everyone concerned. I know these attitude's to be the one's I despise. Sorry, it's hard not to get emotional...

For me the Liverpool debacle was the straw that broke the camels back!! :o

Perhaps the eradication of guns was with good intent, but when they meant turning the guns in, they should have reiterated with bullets to correspond, and not literally into people per say, yah?

Thaimee. :D


Actually, Thaksin looks pretty darn good compared to George Bush (I know, I know, everyone looks good compared to Dubya.)

And, key, is that Thaksin feels superior to God :o -- Dubya, unfortunately, believes he's getting his marching orders from Him. I'd much prefer a thin-skinned ego over the sanctimonious variety. And further, what's wrong with a dose of Keynesian economics plus Realpolitick? I guess we'll know the answer a few years down the road.

(Before anyone jumps, I'm a Yank, so I get to bash the Prez.)

Actually, Thaksin looks pretty darn good compared to George Bush (I know, I know, everyone looks good compared to Dubya.)

And, key, is that Thaksin feels superior to God :o -- Dubya, unfortunately, believes he's getting his marching orders from Him. I'd much prefer a thin-skinned ego over the sanctimonious variety. And further, what's wrong with a dose of Keynesian economics plus Realpolitick? I guess we'll know the answer a few years down the road.

(Before anyone jumps, I'm a Yank, so I get to bash the Prez.)

From one yank to another, what does dubya mean? I have read it in many post refering to Bush.


being a strayan....

I always thought that was how george W bush liked to pronounce his middle initial, in order so as you could tell the difference between him n his old man.



Don't feel so bad. At least I bet you can pronounce and probably even spell the

word 'strategy'. Dubya calls it 'strategery.' Thaksin can speak Thai really well and even English too. He's light years ahead of Dubya.

Thaksin can speak Thai really well and even English too. He's light years ahead of Dubya.

Yes, Thaksin is light years ahead of Bush. Dubya is an enigma in his own right.

It's just a shame that Thaksin has approached the UK football scene in a way that is not disimilar from that of corner shop mafia and typical miss-conceptions that if pleasent tourist's are dumb with their hard earned loot, then likewise the citizens must be 2, sorry you naughty nut!!

Does Thaksin really think that the 'Liverpool club' will put up with such crooked behaviour for long? Well perhaps for the sake of sacred cash, c-a-s-h, c-a-s-h drolling ...

The short and curlies is PM want's an equal fifty-fifty seat on the board, yet he has put forward a thirty percent cash offer in for the market value. Please where is the calculator!!

Generally Thaksin appears to be doing good, as anything would do, being raised from a nothing base. Time will tell if a crook can outwit and bring a slur to the club's name. What would Bill Shankly have said on his death bed?

Thaimee. :o

  • 4 weeks later...

Taksin is doing very good compared to his predecessors. In terms of GWB, his legacy will be as favorable as Reagans. Just not appreciated in their time. :o

It's getting close to 10k I reckon

If that's the case Meechai can take a well earned rest from his bit to reduce population control.

Time for a holiday for Meechai I agree. It is a pity the bullets are more expensive than rubbers, but there'd be more rubbers than bullets used hereabouts. :o

George W. (read dubya) Bush :D

Do the initials G. W. still hold true? I always thought he has changed them to A. M. upon God has whispered in this ear. :o

In a corrupt society politicians don't get far without money. Thaksin is probably the most corrupt guy in Thailand, every single government initiative and policy seems to have direct or indirect financial benefits to himself or his associates and family. He is running the country solely for his own personal gain.

No argument here :o Why does a man such as Taksin lay himself wide open for accusations of impropiety in the future?

Of course it might be complete and utter propogander from the oposition party, but why are Taksin nominees spending billions of baht buying up huge chunks of property around the Hang Dong area in Chiangmai Province? Speculation on the site for the new airport? No of course not. That contract would have to be awarded by an independant board of review, impervious of external infuence :D

Then again, why the massive investments in supposedly worthless land by the same Taksin nominees on the upper reaches of the Mekong?

Nothing to do with the rumoured new bridge, of course not! That would make the land on the aproach to the bridge worth maybe a hundred times the purchase price, and honourable men don't use "insider information" to line their pockets! Or am I a little naive again.

Just more rumours I suppose.....

Of course it might be complete and utter propogander from the oposition party

I think the biggest problem is does the average Thai care? Unfortunately most Thais have more close to home problems to worry about and rightly or wrongly realise that corruption is just part of Thai life.

Whilst we on this forum and an intelectual elite may argue for a better government, the majority of Thais realise that who they vote for will not affect their lives, however who they pay can. In a corrupt society the only way to get by is with money. Depressing, but true.

I really can't think of anyway out of this catch 22 situation, but there must have been some societies in the past that have. That's an open offer for members to post examples, I would be very interested to read them :o

George W. (read dubya) Bush  :D

It hit me like a ton of bricks as soon as you pointed it out. I feel a little silly for not picking that up earlier.

thanks :D

That's just the way they pronounce "W" in Texas. Lot of folks there in the "Oil Bidness"! :o

I'm not up to speed with the politics - I thought Thaksin was a good PM, or that folks considered him to be doing good such as getting rid of corruption (or aiming to at least) and giving benefits to the poor..

Could someone correct me and bring me up to date without too much emotion?


Good for who? Sure not for the poor and I can't see he getting rid of corruption.

The corruption and his politics is now benefits the rich and the poor do not understand what Thaksin do for them!

I'm not up to speed with the politics - I thought Thaksin was a good PM, or that folks considered him to be doing good such as getting rid of corruption (or aiming to at least) and giving benefits to the poor..

Could someone correct me and bring me up to date without too much emotion?


Good for who? Sure not for the poor and I can't see he getting rid of corruption.

The corruption and his politics is now benefits the rich and the poor do not understand what Thaksin do for them!

Corruption is endemic to SE. Asia. You'll never get rid of it...a fact of normal business and life in general. It's only westerners who make a big deal out of it. In terms of level of corruption, it's far less than it was during Taksin's predessors time. And, in terms of vindication, see where GWB is out of hot water now? Told you so! :o

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