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Cultural Cringe


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Well, I'll tell you what boys ... I like Mr Hippo ... he's got a dry, canny sense of humour even if he is a tad reclusive at times :D ... and if you ever feel you need a bit of non hippo company Mr H, you just give me a call and I'll fire round with a crate of fresh frothy ales ... :o

Call round by all means but bring some tea bags (not the cheap Liptons's floor sweepings) - I don't drink alcohol.

Cups of tea and nights in chuckling at ThaiVisa threads. Not sure I could handle the excitement :D

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I got into the habit when visiting Euroland (since 2001) at being introduced of skipping the America part and just telling people I'm from Boston. It cut down on the increasingly common stilted conversation when people try to figure out my view on the policies of my country, and they usually accurately understand my views on my most embarrassing (to put it mildly) countryman.

Of course with Thais I have to say America, since a blank stare is all I get with Boston (not a real big splash of a town, unless you like psychotic baseball fans like me), even though HM the king was born there.

Ah! Just tell them you're Australian. They won't mind.... and the Thais won't know.. :o

Can't say I haven't used Canada (easiest) and Ireland (lots of family and experience there, can do a decent Galway lilt, if pressed) as, um, "alter-egos" when I've been in the Med area. Again, only time it's an issue is with Euro people, Thais really don't do the politics, they got their own can of worms on that front. Wouldn't want to piss of my Oz friends with my attempt at 'Strine, I pretty much sound like a baaaaad Paul Hogan.

Edited by calibanjr.
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There is a very good reason why I don't drink, my ex was the alcoholic. Her habit cost me a hel_l of a lot, both financially and emotionally, but she paid the ultimate price - she drunk herself to death.

Sorry to hear that. I have a drunk in my past also.

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I'm a Brit and ever since I began travelling, when asked my nationality I would always reply "Ï come from Belize"

Most people don't know where that is and are too embarrased to ask!!!!

Didn't that used to be "British Honduras" or something like that? Close enough for me! Good diving, I hear. Maybe I'll use that one!

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Actually, being embarrassed by your own nationality is a typically depressing British trait..... :o

I think you missed the point of most of the posts. We, or at least myself, are not embarrased by our own nationality.

We are embarrased by the actions of a small minority of our countrymen when abroad, and at home for that matter. This is exacerbated by the press only ever reporting the bad side as headline articles whilst the good stuff is relegated to the deep interior of newspapers.

This thread is about how we cringe at the antics of our countrymen, unfortunately many Brits are very adept at putting in cringeworthy performances. Other nationalities also exhibit this trait but, in the spirit of the thread, I will leave comment to their own mukkers.

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You mention the words High Class and yet you go on to describe someone who can only be asssociated with a low class attitude and is not worth a satang of anyones money.

It says low class attitude.....as in poor quality....NOT low class people.

May i suggest you read the above in context with the O.P,s referrence to The Puke, oopps sorry, it said Duke.

Attitude of his clalibre aren,t worth nothing / a satang of anyones money, not in my opinion, that is.

So you think only 'lower class' people can be anti-social? Pretty narrow minded even for you, even though you do go on to contradict yourself as usual.

I am a working class hero and I am sometimes accused of being an inverted snob by so called self appointed highclass ( classless is more in line with their thinking. ) people who think they are truly better than others.
I stand up for anyone who is treated with dis respect, especially when it,s just because they are not comfortably well off and often get tret like the " S " you have abbreviated.

You're not, you're FOS and you're just the sort of self agrandising phoney farang that makes me cringe.

I am working class and proud of both this and my private contributions to assist and help the less fortunates of the world, including the ones in Thailand when i,m there.

As i remain anonymous apart from my pen name on Thai Visa you should appreciate the fact that this is a factual statement with no intention of boosting my humble low key lifestyle, by putting it in a boasting context.

Just for the record i am referred to as a working class hero back home ( not my invention. ) and an inverted snob for defending the ones who are bullied and taken advantage of by so called " upper class ignoramuses who should know better, especially the old tory brigade who,s hollier than thou attitude used to make me want to puke.

I never imagined my second post you quote would create such an acid reaction like yours, i won,t even bother to hazard a guess why or what set it off.

Your opinion is welcome by the way, as i am to old in the tooth / thick skinned to take offence, i just hope it makes you feel better now.

By slaggging me off you just stoop down to the same arena that befits your comments, unfortunately :o

I doubt also if this reaction is anything to go by that you have many so called " phoney farang " friends like me to stand by you, should the need ever arise.

For sure the ones opposite to me will not support you, they,ll just leave you in the S stuff you refer to, deep " S*** "

Stay coooooooooooooooooool now and keep the compliments up.

marshbags :D and :D


I must add that this is all the comment i have to make so save the acid reply and put your valuable time to better use.

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The Cringeworthy Faux Pas Appearance Awards

1) Wearing socks with sandals/flip flops (thongs)

2) Balding grey-haired farangs with pony tails

3) Dress shirt with tie not properly tied

4) Dress shirt with tie not properly tied and shirt not tucked in

5) White socks with teacher's 'uniform'

6) Ladies in mini-skirts who ought to have stopped wearing them decades ago

7) Trainers with business suits

8) Farangs whose clothes have that 'slept-in' look

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The Cringeworthy Faux Pas Appearance Awards

1) Wearing socks with sandals/flip flops (thongs)

2) Balding grey-haired farangs with pony tails

3) Dress shirt with tie not properly tied

4) Dress shirt with tie not properly tied and shirt not tucked in

5) White socks with teacher's 'uniform'

6) Ladies in mini-skirts who ought to have stopped wearing them decades ago

7) Trainers with business suits

8) Farangs whose clothes have that 'slept-in' look

You forgot the all important B.O. and hand holding with someone 30 years younger just doesn,t look comfortable to my eyes.

marshbags :D:o

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Ulysses G., I will type this slowly as I know you can't read very fast (or accurately). 'Crossing the street' was used figuratively, not literally as I have already said in an earlier post. I choose not to associate with Westerners, just as I choose not to associate with bar girls, golfers and politicians - this is my choice and not yours.

Figuratively, or literally, I have met your type before. I still say:

Have you ever seen a Westerner who acts like this that you would want anything to do with? :D


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You forgot the all important B.O. and hand holding with someone 30 years younger just doesn,t look comfortable to my eyes.

marshbags :D:o

I did think about including the large age difference but, occasionally, it is parent and child/stepchild - not very often but it does happen.

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You forgot the all important B.O. and hand holding with someone 30 years younger just doesn,t look comfortable to my eyes.

marshbags :D:o

I did think about including the large age difference but, occasionally, it is parent and child/stepchild - not very often but it does happen.

As a parent of a nearly 13 year old " teenager ", ( wow doesn,t time fly ), I understand were your coming from with this and can fully support your observation.

Indeed i fell uncomfortable when she insists on holding my hand and always get some funny looks.

( it,s a natural thing to do of course. )

Unfortunately in this day and age their are so many seriously important abuse issues going on along with the no brainers who haven,t the capability to think it may be your daughter or step daughter, while assuming the most offensive happenings.

That said it is difficult to assess unless you ask the obvious which could then be taken as offensive.

How sad some thing are today don,t you think.

Even a simple thing like offering a sweet is a no go nowadays and totally understanding when you consider todays inhuman beings, how very, very sad.

marshbags :D and :D on modern day standards and civility.

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As a parent of a nearly 13 year old " teenager ", wow doesn,t time fly, i understand were your coming from with this and can fully support your observation.

Indeed i fell uncomfortable when she insists on holding my hand.

( it,s a natural thing to do of course. )

Unfortunately in this day and age their are so many seriously important abuse issues going on along with the no brainers who haven,t the capability to think it may be your daughter or step daughter. while assuming the most offensive happenings.

That said it is difficult to assess unless you ask the obvious which could then be taken as not being polite.

How sad some thing are today don,t you think.

I don't know how many middle-aged white women I've heard talking about all the "child-molesters" there are down in Pattaya walking brazenly down the street holding little girls hands. Funny, all I ever see are middle-aged expats out shopping with their daughters! :o

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UG - would Mr Hippo be cringe worthy?? :o

Don't worry, I've be called worse but I am concerned about UG's last statement - "Have you ever seen a Westerner who acts like this that you would want anything to do with?" - reminds me of the old playground taunt "If you talk to him then you can't be friends with me!"

Please, UG, describe my 'type'.

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UG - would Mr Hippo be cringe worthy?? :o

Don't worry, I've be called worse but I am concerned about UG's last statement - "Have you ever seen a Westerner who acts like this that you would want anything to do with?" - reminds me of the old playground taunt "If you talk to him then you can't be friends with me!"

Please, UG, describe my 'type'.

Minburi knows exactly what I mean. :D

Where we live there is not many Farangs and these I do see at Fashion Center, Carrefour and such really have made it not worth it to try and meet or chat with which is sad. I used to try and be polite and just say hello as we do stand out and for the most part and they look at me like I am from some other planet(which is possible I guess) Or i am trying to sell them something(Which I was not) Sigh... I was and still am just trying to be polite and when I say good morning or hello/Hi or just nod(Kinda like that driving a v.w bug thing you know where you wave at all these driving V.w`s as its our own little club sorta thing but just put the word Farnag in place of the V.w Bug part) I am not looking to be your best friend(Who knows they could get to like me I do not consider my self that bad a guy though my wife says my humour is warped) Yes I know there could be many reasons why the people do not say hello or nod and such or even smile. But to actually have a few manners would be nice. Am I asking to much? :D
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