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Wanting Some Info On Police Procedure


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A few months ago a lady stole some money from me, I had no witnesses so I reported it and left it there. However since then I have discovered that a number of her friends had things stolen by her and reported it to the police. She has also been involved in a number of bar fights with other ladies that have ended at the police station, I don't know if these are recorded or if both parties pay the 500B and it is left at that. I'm just wondering if it is worth going to the police and mentioning that she a history of complaints against her for theft (I have seen this used to good effect here before) and if so are the records on computer or are they just in writing at the various stations where they were reported, in which case its probably pointless anyway.

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I would think that if they start checking records on everyone they stop or have visit the station that Thailand would be a very lonely country and they would have to raise taxes just to keep all the people inthe monkey house. What Law Envrocement in Thailand needs is training......... I think that they UN was recently approached on that matter.

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As far as I have seen police reports are hand written and there is absolutely

no way of correlating them..................

Action is unlikely, unless you can arrange for the police to catch the culprit in the act.

Sad, but true. :o

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Yes, thats what I thought, and even even if you do catch someone doing anything if you approach a policeman or phone them they will ask you to go to the nearest police station to get a policeman and by the time you get back the offender is long gone so thats not easy either, guess thats why theres a mafia here

As far as I have seen police reports are hand written and there is absolutely

no way of correlating them..................

Action is unlikely, unless you can arrange for the police to catch the culprit in the act.

Sad, but true. :o

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