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Visa Application To Uk For Gf And Staff

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I need some advice for what is required to obtain a visa to the UK for my gf. I am a British citizen and have a business here in Thailand. I want to take my girlfriend to the Uk for a holiday. Our situation is this:

1. We have been together 1 year and have phone records, pictures etc to prove this.

2. We have lived together for 8 months

3. She has been employed by me for 4 months

4. We have a joint bank account which 25,000 gets paid into every month for her wages

5. My business owns land here and we rent an office and a house on a 3 year lease

6. I own a house in the UK

7. Can show I have cash in the bank over 3 million Baht

We want to go for about 3 weks in August so my questions are:

1. How long does it take to obtain a visa?

2. How much does it cost?

3. Given our situation what documents will they require from us?

Please let me know if anyone has been ina similar situation and how they went about getting a visa?

Many thanks

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You should support your g/f's application with the evidence which you've alluded to in your post. Additionally, the company should provide her with a letter confirming her employment. It is possible that the visa officer may dispute such a letter as self-serving, as it will be written by her sponsor, but if she didn't provide one, that may be commented upon, too. In order to counteract this, you may choose to also supply your girlfriend's tax return which will identify your company as being her employer, in addition to your joint bank statements which will show her salary being regularly credited to the account.

The visa application process, should an interview not be deemed necessary, will take only a matter of days. If an interview is thought appropriate, your g/f will be given the next available date. This could be a number of weeks. If you are thinking of travelling in August, and staying in the UK for 3 weeks, your g/f may wish to apply for her visa in June. On the assumption that it will be granted, this would then allow her to enter the UK as a visitor any time until December, so she will be more than covered for the period of your intended trip.


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