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Trump directs FBI to declassify information related to Russia investigation


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Just now, mcambl61 said:

it is impossible to close a gap if only one party participates

Is Trump "participating" ? How?


Also, your premise is untrue. Trump, in his own words, is the greatest President since Abraham Lincoln. Surely, the great President should be able to close the gap single handedly, let alone allow it to widen.

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10 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

So the FBI and DOJ are refusing congressional subpoenas for information and you are worried about Trump undermining the rule of law?

What rule of law has Trump undermined? the unfounded unproven russia nonsense does not count


If you do not want to see the media's role in the division you are blind, but that may be what you want

Ask yourself why Congress hasn't raised Contempt of Congress charges, just partisan political noise.


What rule of law has Trump undermined? - WTO among other institutions


However, enough. Recommend you move on from extreme partisan rhetoric - it's boring.

Edited by simple1
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13 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Ask yourself why Congress hasn't raised Contempt of Congress charges, just partisan political noise.


What rule of law has Trump undermined? - WTO among other institutions


However, enough. Recommend you move on from extreme partisan rhetoric - it's boring.

if you want to move on from partisan rhetoric then come up with something factual not the ridiculous WTO referenced and a personal grudge

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22 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

I see, so it is personal then. what problems are you referring to?

I am a UK citizen. I have strong links with Manchester. After the bombing, the NYT released details of the bombing, which, in the words of the investigators, hampered the investigation. The British security services had shared this information with their US counterparts. The leak came from within the US security services. Trump promised that he would find the leak. He has done nothing to find the source of the leak and now the national security of both Britain and the US has been compromised, as security services from a number of countries no longer trust the American security services with classified information.


This was further exacerbated when Trump revealed classified information to a delegation of Russian diplomats, one of whom was a known spy. This information had been passed on by Israeli security and revealed their sources to the Russians.

Edited by Spidey
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8 minutes ago, Spidey said:

I am a UK citizen. I have strong links with Manchester. After the bombing, the NYT released details of the bombing, which, in the words of the investigators, hampered the investigation. The British security services had shared this information with their US counterparts. The leak came from within the US security services. Trump promised that he would find the leak. He has done nothing to find the source of the leak and now the national security of both Britain and the US has been compromised, as security services from a number of countries no longer trust the American security services with classified information.


This was further exacerbated when Trump revealed classified information to a deligation of Russian diplomats, one of whom was a known spy. This information had been passed on by Israeli security and revealed their sources to the Russians.

sorry, but that is a weak example for the claim of undermining the "rule of law".


The intelligence shared was for increased security of laptops on flights, why wouldn't he want anyone to prevent a possible tragedy?


if you want a example of not trusting security services we can look at Mr. Steele's phony dossier, why he is not been extradited to face questioning under oath is unbelievable.

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5 minutes ago, simple1 said:

What is ridiculous about mentioning the  WTO? You asked for a factual example of Trump undermining institutions to the detriment to the rule of law.  Trump has  targeted the WTO by rejecting all applications by judges for positions on the WTO appeal Court, thereby making it inoperable. For a change do some research prior to posting, rather than yet another burst of uninformed hyper partisan nonsense.



 you assume no research and quote an article as "research"


so in your opinion, the WTO has been fair and effective in their enforcement of rules to date?

China has been violating it since they were in it.




Why do we put up with what has been going on? You may not like his approach, but you can be sure if the so called professional bureaucrats were in charge of it it would never be changed.

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18 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

sorry, but that is a weak example for the claim of undermining the "rule of law".


The intelligence shared was for increased security of laptops on flights, why wouldn't he want anyone to prevent a possible tragedy?


if you want a example of not trusting security services we can look at Mr. Steele's phony dossier, why he is not been extradited to face questioning under oath is unbelievable.

He revealed the location of the source thereby endangering it. The Israelis gave the information to the Americans on the condition that the US would share the warning, not the method on how it was gotten.

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15 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

The intelligence shared was for increased security of laptops on flights, why wouldn't he want anyone to prevent a possible tragedy?


if you want a example of not trusting security services we can look at Mr. Steele's phony dossier, why he is not been extradited to face questioning under oath is unbelievable.

If the Israelis wanted to share the information it was up to them, not Trump. He seriously compromised the work of Israeli secret agents.


There is nothing that has proved to be phoney in Steel's dossier. Even the pee pee tape is still in the offing. Knowing Trump's general behaviour with women, I have no doubt that it's true and probably played a part in the Russians desire to get him elected and his willingness to cosy up to an give lap service to Putin.

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4 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

Actually the Brits have asked him not to redact and not to release the information. So a former British spy that hated Trump puts a completely unverified dossier into the FBI and then gets the axe from the FBI then back channels it thru the DOJ.

I wonder what the Brits could be worried about other than interfering with an election.

JeCh, it never stops with these people first their king want's to control us,years go by and they invade us.Our civil war, they side with the slave owners and then WW11 . Now this!

Edited by riclag
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Just now, Nyezhov said:

I think Have  You No Shame is best reserved for Democratic Senators at this point. But hey, lets agree to disagree!

I was thinking more about, "Paranoia Will Destroy Ya" which although written about McCarthy is a good correlation to Trump's thoughts on the Muller investigation.


Also "The (Non Existent) Enemy Within", which equates with Trump's thoughts on his own Whitehouse staff and the World's press (Fox News excepted of course).

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On 9/19/2018 at 12:59 PM, mcambl61 said:

you want me to stop deflecting while ignoring the obvious FBI and DOJ collusion to create an investigation based on evidence they tried to create out of thin air and leak to the press so they could use their own leaked fabricated story for a FISA warrant? geesh 

Come on Sessions do your job or does the Coup Crew have something on you!Sad, first Rosenstein threatens GOP staffers,now this





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12 minutes ago, riclag said:

Thanks you almost destroyed my country!!!!! 

Don't worry, your saviour will finish the job off. He's made a great start.


In his own words, he's a great destroyer, nobody is a better destroyer than him. The best since Abraham Lincoln.



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1 minute ago, Spidey said:

Don't worry, your saviour will finish the job off. He's made a great start.


In his own words, he's a great destroyer, nobody is a better destroyer than him. The best since Abraham Lincoln.



What do you have to loose my dear? Your not American!  Your countries intel was involved with a  coup!

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What do those scum bags have on Sessions!Probably something he did years  ago!Yes, here comes the constitutional crisis that the resistance scum created

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1 minute ago, riclag said:

What do you have to loose my dear? Your not American!  Your countries intel was involved with a  coup!

Sorry, but I really don't understand.


"What do you have to loose my dear?" - are you trying to say that you're gay?


"Your not American!"- I've heard you say this before, does this mean that non Americans aren't allowed to point out what a loser Trump is? "Oh, what gift the giftie gie us, to see ourselves as others see us"


"Your countries intel was involved with a  coup!" - Too abstract for me, can you be clearer. What coup?


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12 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Sorry, but I really don't understand.


"What do you have to loose my dear?" - are you trying to say that you're gay?


"Your not American!"- I've heard you say this before, does this mean that non Americans aren't allowed to point out what a loser Trump is? "Oh, what gift the giftie gie us, to see ourselves as others see us"


"Your countries intel was involved with a  coup!" - Too abstract for me, can you be clearer. What coup?


I was being polite in addressing you!What coup! Please! You have been watching the wrong under reported news sources.Now some of those reporters that work for those sources are actually reporting about the coup that's been in the news now, for many years.It's quiet sad that you neglect to take them  serious . Your choice. 



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Trey Gowdy said the info coming from the declassified docs won't change the deranged haters of PT .It will show sources and methods of the plot that is so sickening to many American's.  

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5 minutes ago, riclag said:

I was being polite in addressing you!What coup! Please! You have been watching the wrong under reported news sources.Now some of those reporters that work for those sources are actually reporting about the coup that's been in the news now, for many years.It's quiet sad that you neglect to take them  serious . Your choice. 



Here's something else from mediaite:

Wait, Now Pro-Trump Pundits Suddenly Believe the ‘Fake News’ New York Times on Rosenstein?


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2 minutes ago, riclag said:

I was being polite in addressing you!What coup! Please! You have been watching the wrong under reported news sources.Now some of those reporters that work for those sources are actually reporting about the coup that's been in the news now for many years.It's quiet sad that you neglect to take them  serious .



Hardly a coup. A Times reporter reported the facts. Not exactly "my country". The Times is a rag owned by Murdock, a naturalised American citizen and also owner of your beloved Fox news. No wonder you were so economical with the facts.


No need to address me as "my dear", save it for your "friends".

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3 minutes ago, riclag said:

Trey Gowdy said the info coming from the declassified docs won't change the deranged haters of PT .It will show sources and methods of the plot that is so sickening to many American's.  

Is that what Trey said? Really? Thanks for giving us another objective yardstick by which to evaluate your rants:

Trey Gowdy: No game changers in Trump's declassified docs, but John Brennan will be very embarrassed

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., tamped down expectations Thursday for the Russia-related documents President Trump selected this week for declassification.In an interview with Fox News, Gowdy dismissed Democrats' concerns about the national security risks of declassification of sensitive information while also declaring that what the documents entail won't be the bombshell some Republicans are playing them up to be."I don't think it's going to change anyone's mind, but I've seen nothing in it that is going to jeopardize the national security interest of this country," Gowdy said.


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Now  comes the drip drip of the declassified filth that has corrupted the minds of the Russian Kool aid drinkers. Fortunately, for patriotic American's that want change, this story only references American's that have been drinking from the coup juice.


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2 hours ago, Spidey said:

If the Israelis wanted to share the information it was up to them, not Trump. He seriously compromised the work of Israeli secret agents.


There is nothing that has proved to be phoney in Steel's dossier. Even the pee pee tape is still in the offing. Knowing Trump's general behaviour with women, I have no doubt that it's true and probably played a part in the Russians desire to get him elected and his willingness to cosy up to an give lap service to Putin.

Nonsense. Give us what has been verified exactly and how it proves the surveillance warrant. 


The fbi is on record that there was nothing to show the Russian collusion delusion prior to the fisa warrant being requested. 



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2 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

Nonsense. Give us what has been verified exactly and how it proves the surveillance warrant. 


The fbi is on record that there was nothing to show the Russian collusion delusion prior to the fisa warrant being requested. 



Rather than ask for verification of the truth, why not give verification of what you deem to be false in the Steele dossier?

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