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Four in 10 believe allegations against Kavanaugh, three in 10 do not - poll


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1 hour ago, Credo said:

The whole Kavanaugh debacle has more to do with the White House directly than it does with the Senate.   The fact that there is no clear policy on much of anything, other than hate for immigrants, support for White Supremacists and other such whims, have put the Republicans in disarray.   The party has always been pro-free trade, but are now dealing with tariff and trade wars.    


Without firm, direct and logical guidance from the WH, Congress is left with trying to figure out what to do.   Kavanaugh should have been properly vetted and when the allegations came forth, he should have been withdrawn or put on hold.   A reasonable administration would have done that.   This isn't a reasonable administration.   


I would have to disagree, Trump has definitely taken advantage of the situation and has made it worse, but the divide in the congress was there long before Trump.  Just look back at Obama's attempt to fill the seat on the Supreme Court.  Most congressman and Senators can't even speak to one another in civil terms let alone have a bi-partisan discussion that would benefit both parties.

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14 minutes ago, wayned said:

I would have to disagree, Trump has definitely taken advantage of the situation and has made it worse, but the divide in the congress was there long before Trump.  Just look back at Obama's attempt to fill the seat on the Supreme Court.  Most congressman and Senators can't even speak to one another in civil terms let alone have a bi-partisan discussion that would benefit both parties.

You could be correct.   Trump has done nothing to make things better.

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On 10/1/2018 at 8:43 PM, attrayant said:

Stop whining about democrats doing things that republicans have made into an art form

Right then, so the party of emotionally irrational activists harassing and shouting down people, pouring drinks on innocent people on the right and an occasional attempted assissination of a congressman. And all of a sudden it is a retaliation and justified? 


What planet are you on? 


Stay in that liberal bubble 

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On 10/2/2018 at 3:52 AM, Credo said:

other than hate for immigrants, support for White Supremacists and other such whims, have put the Republicans in disarray

Please show the real logical evidence of supporting white supremacists. Actual real evidence not a newspaper or broadcast opinion piece, actual real tangible evidence. 



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13 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

Right then, so the party of emotionally irrational activists harassing and shouting down people, pouring drinks on innocent people on the right and an occasional attempted assissination of a congressman. And all of a sudden it is a retaliation and justified? 


So I guess you're not going to stop whining then?  Perhaps it was too much to hope for.


Did you see the examples I gave? 

The Merrick Garland incident: republicans being obstructionists and refusing to allow hearings on judicial nominations, even below the supreme court.


Gerrymandering: election hijacking, plain and simple.  In what kind of an election could your party win 53% of the vote but get 77% of the seats?  Answer: a hijacked one.


Push-polls: Would you still vote for Trump if you knew that he fathered an illegitimate black child?


Finally, there is Mitch McTurtle standing on the floor of the senate announcing his obdurate, obstructionist intentions.



Show me where I said anything about attempted assassination.


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3 hours ago, attrayant said:


So I guess you're not going to stop whining then?  Perhaps it was too much to hope for.


Did you see the examples I gave? 

The Merrick Garland incident: republicans being obstructionists and refusing to allow hearings on judicial nominations, even below the supreme court.


Gerrymandering: election hijacking, plain and simple.  In what kind of an election could your party win 53% of the vote but get 77% of the seats?  Answer: a hijacked one.


Push-polls: Would you still vote for Trump if you knew that he fathered an illegitimate black child?


Finally, there is Mitch McTurtle standing on the floor of the senate announcing his obdurate, obstructionist intentions.



Show me where I said anything about attempted assassination.



3 hours ago, attrayant said:


Are you pretending to forget that Steve Bannon was Trump's chief strategist and, for a while, was on the national security council?

and not forgetting Stephen Miller.

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10 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

Please show the real logical evidence of supporting white supremacists. Actual real evidence not a newspaper or broadcast opinion piece, actual real tangible evidence. 



I don't usually respond to troll posts, but for those that are too blind to see, just check out his remarks about the Charlottesville white supremacists.   


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15 hours ago, attrayant said:


So I guess you're not going to stop whining then?  Perhaps it was too much to hope for.


Did you see the examples I gave? 

The Merrick Garland incident: republicans being obstructionists and refusing to allow hearings on judicial nominations, even below the supreme court.


Gerrymandering: election hijacking, plain and simple.  In what kind of an election could your party win 53% of the vote but get 77% of the seats?  Answer: a hijacked one.


Push-polls: Would you still vote for Trump if you knew that he fathered an illegitimate black child?


Finally, there is Mitch McTurtle standing on the floor of the senate announcing his obdurate, obstructionist intentions.



Show me where I said anything about attempted assassination.


And you're saying the Democrats never did such things, especially in the days of Harry Reid, etc.?


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Well Mcturle just closed the nomination for Kavanaugh.  They will review the report tomorrow and vote on Friday with most likely that he will be confirmed.


But wouldn't it be a twist if Mark Judge, as a recovering alcoholic making amends, fesses up to the whole thing as Ford described or at least admits that it was there common operandyie during high school.

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12 hours ago, Credo said:

I don't usually respond to troll posts, but for those that are too blind to see, just check out his remarks about the Charlottesville white supremacists.   


well thanks for gracing us all with your wisdom


that is it? so he said there good were people on both sides of the protest, and in no way condoned white supremacy. there were also very violent people with bad intentions on both sides....see how that works?


It is obvious what he was saying unless you are already biased.

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23 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

Again, show real actual evidence 

Show evidence of what? It's a matter of public record that Bannon was Trump's chief strategist and that he wason the security counsel!

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16 minutes ago, attrayant said:


That Bannon, a white supremacist, was Trump's chief adviser is REAL.  That is a true statement.  Based on that REAL, ACTUAL thing that happened, it is EVIDENT that Trump and his party leadership support white supremacists.  This is not just a baseless claim or opinion of mine.


I don't know what else you want.  What would qualify as evidence to you?  



again, there is no real actrual evidence that Bannon has ever supported or condoned any white supremacists at anytime ever. but I am sure you will find an article that says it is so 

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1 hour ago, KhunFred said:

Even if he is NOT guilty of the charges against him, he has already demonstrated that he is seriously unhinged and totally unfit for such a high office. Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland, was one of the most honorable and emotionally stable candidates to be nominated since Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

that is complete BS, Ginsberg is a liberal hack and was never submitted to the level of false innuendos and slander, there is only one party that resorts to it. starting from the Murderous Ted Kennedy's ridiculous unfounded slander of Bork.

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I truly believe that politicians in the US have managed to stoop to a new and record low.  Kavanaugh has now been sworn in as Associate Justice to the Supreme Court.  It should have never happened and would not have if the White House and Senate had done their job by properly investigating his background to not only include any allegations of sexual misconduct but also his social activity during high school and college.  Many further allegations had surfaced regarding his character and even a past Justice and many law professors who had previously backed his nomination had withdrew their approval.  McGhann (sp) knew that he would never pass another full background check with these new allegations so the white house pulled the rug over our eyes and limited it to a very narrow scope.  Th only way that he should sit on the Supreme Court is if he recuses himself from any and all litigation that comes before them unless it is about beer!!

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27 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

To the woman who said what happened in 1982,why not report it then? Not 36 years later when you have an axe to grind

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If you were a 15 year old alter boy and were being butt <deleted> by your priest in 1982, would you had reported it then?

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If you were a 15 year old alter boy and were being butt by your priest in 1982, would you had reported it then?
She was not a 15 year old boy being bummed by another man ,but a young woman who was being gropped,as i imagine millions more were in those days ,another time,if she was so affected by it why not report it,not wait until someone is famous to have a go .

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You just don't get it, and some never will.  You're saying that if a 15 year old girl was sexually assaulted, groped, by a classmate/friend she should  have immediately reported it and exposed herself to criticism by her family and peers but it's okay for a 15 year old boy to not tell anyone that he is being bummed by his priest.  Why,because he might be exposed to criticism by his family and friends. It's not the assault that is the problem, it's all of the criticism that they will receive from family and friends..  Crap is crap no matter who does it!
You are putting words into my mouth i did not say a boy should not report it,but we are talking about women ,not little boys ,so stick to the subject,why do women who were sexually abused 30 to 40 years ago all of a sudden come out of the woodwork,when a "famous" person is involved, seems to me like jumping on the bandwagon

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6 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

You are putting words into my mouth i did not say a boy should not report it,but we are talking about women ,not little boys ,so stick to the subject,why do women who were sexually abused 30 to 40 years ago all of a sudden come out of the woodwork,when a "famous" person is involved, seems to me like jumping on the bandwagon

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Sexual assaults are often reported, but little or not attention is paid to them at the time.   They are reported to parents, to teachers, counselors and sometimes to the police.   In many cases girls are told to just forget it or there is nothing that can be done, especially if there is no physical evidence.   


Now, when the perpetrator becomes famous, it comes back to haunt them.   Once their name gets splashed across the television screen and media, they start coming forward.   



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Sexual assaults are often reported, but little or not attention is paid to them at the time.   They are reported to parents, to teachers, counselors and sometimes to the police.   In many cases girls are told to just forget it or there is nothing that can be done, especially if there is no physical evidence.   
Now, when the perpetrator becomes famous, it comes back to haunt them.   Once their name gets splashed across the television screen and media, they start coming forward.   
So if there was no physical evidence then 34 years ago when it is supposed to have happened ,where is it now ? To be honest sounds like just jumping on the meto bandwagon.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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