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Four in 10 believe allegations against Kavanaugh, three in 10 do not - poll


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On 10/7/2018 at 10:20 AM, ivor bigun said:

if she was so affected by it why not report it,not wait until someone is famous to have a go .


Kavanaugh was not "famous" when she reported it.  In fact, he had not even been nominated yet when she reported it.

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2 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

May not have been "famous" but was rich and well known.


If true, then he has been "rich and well-known" for a long time.  Ford did not wait until he suddenly became "rich and well-known" to speak up.


Maybe you should go back and re-think your original question:  "if she was so affected by it why not report it, not wait until someone is famous to have a go".

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After Kavanaugh was confirmed MCConnell mad a speech where he said that all of this nonsense would go away very soon, and it has.  News coverage is now about the hurricane and Trump's political rally while it was happening and the resignation of Miki Haley!  Kavanaugh who?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) Tweeted:
BREAKING:  This is quite a read. Woman who claimed Justice Kavanaugh raped her now admits they’ve never even met. She’s been referred to DOJ/FBI for investigation and could soon be in serious legal trouble. https://t.co/QhFXt9yhRn



Oh what are the odds of this, lying leftist activist was decades older than Kavanaugh and have never met.

pdf has her orginal letter too,quite a read.

probably got paid too by the "any means necessary" team .

Christine Ford next?



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59 minutes ago, Srinivas said:

Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) Tweeted:
BREAKING:  This is quite a read. Woman who claimed Justice Kavanaugh raped her now admits they’ve never even met. She’s been referred to DOJ/FBI for investigation and could soon be in serious legal trouble. https://t.co/QhFXt9yhRn



Oh what are the odds of this, lying leftist activist was decades older than Kavanaugh and have never met.

pdf has her orginal letter too,quite a read.

probably got paid too by the "any means necessary" team .

Christine Ford next?



I saw this earlier so thanks for posting. I hope they make an example of this low life so others will think twice.

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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The above has no coonection all to the allegations made by Dr Ford.


However I agree a full criminal investigation by the FBI is the right response.


I also look forward to a full criminal investigation by the FBI of Dr Ford’s allegations.



If you read the accusers letter, she mentions Dr.Ford.


The connection is they both accused the same man, at about same time

for same objective.

Her claims were also used to bolster credibilty to  Dr.Fords claims in the print, tv, and online media, social networks etc.









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38 minutes ago, Srinivas said:

If you read the accusers letter, she mentions Dr.Ford.


The connection is they both accused the same man, at about same time

for same objective.

Her claims were also used to bolster credibilty to  Dr.Fords claims in the print, tv, and online media, social networks etc.









You yourself just mentioned Dr Ford, are you connected?

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15 minutes ago, Morch said:

One of them TVF things is posters subscribing (or pretending to subscribe, whatever...) to a "wait and see approach" - "we don't know all the facts", "let the investigation run its course", "innocent until found guilty" etc. This is often deployed in the face of mounting evidence unfavorable to posters' political views. It usually holds for about as long as it takes for some tidbit supporting their views - then it's straight back to making decisive assertions, laying blame and whatnot.

mountain of evidence in Fords case? lol more like zero presented.


and minmizing it by saying its tidbit when it doesnt favor your views?

classic projection from tds.


This accuser confessed to making it all up.

She further confessed to Committee investigators that (1) she “just wanted to get attention”; 
(2) “it was a tactic”; and (3) “that was just a ploy.” She told Committee investigators that she had 
called Congress multiple times during the Kavanaugh hearing process – including prior to the time 
Dr. Ford’s allegations surfaced – to oppose his nomination. Regarding the false sexual-assault 
 Senate Judiciary Committee Interview with Judge Kavanaugh 5-10 (Sept, 26, 2018). Available at: 
https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/09.26.18 BMK Interview Transcript (Redacted).pd
3 Id. 4 Id. 5
 Email from Judy Munro-Leighton to Senate Judiciary Committee (Oct. 3, 2018), enclosed below.







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The usual kovfefe....


I haven't claimed that there was a "mountain of evidence", try reading my post again. Then consider it was a general comment, which also applies to the posts above.


And thanks for making my point - apparently, it is quite alright to minimize certain things in the service of your agenda, but not the other way around. Similarly, guess all that nonsense about due processes, and waiting for investigations, legal procedures to end was just talk? Because, frankly, you could be counted upon to make this very argument the next time it is "called for".



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29 minutes ago, Morch said:




The usual kovfefe....


I haven't claimed that there was a "mountain of evidence", try reading my post again. Then consider it was a general comment, which also applies to the posts above.


And thanks for making my point - apparently, it is quite alright to minimize certain things in the service of your agenda, but not the other way around. Similarly, guess all that nonsense about due processes, and waiting for investigations, legal procedures to end was just talk? Because, frankly, you could be counted upon to make this very argument the next time it is "called for".



classic projection by the expected liberal npc after false accuser confessed.

thx for the entertainment. 


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1 hour ago, Morch said:

One of them TVF things is posters subscribing (or pretending to subscribe, whatever...) to a "wait and see approach" - "we don't know all the facts", "let the investigation run its course", "innocent until found guilty" etc. This is often deployed in the face of mounting evidence unfavorable to posters' political views. It usually holds for about as long as it takes for some tidbit supporting their views - then it's straight back to making decisive assertions, laying blame and whatnot.

and the exact opposite attitude for posters of the opposing political camp...  par for the course in politics.

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1 minute ago, Srinivas said:

Very little coverage in the big news cartels but yahoo! wow




Maybe because there was ?Very little coverage of her accusation in the big news cartels" in the first place?

I don't recall ever seeing even a mention of her until Trump brought it up a few days ago.


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9 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Maybe because there was ?Very little coverage of her accusation in the big news cartels" in the first place?

I don't recall ever seeing even a mention of her until Trump brought it up a few days ago.


ive read multiple accusers etc from friends watching avenati interviews

saw one at one point he,said he had 3 more lined up 


Sen. Kamala Harris (CA)passed this one above on to the committee.

Edited by Srinivas
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