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Nonthaburi Love Hotel Removes Hitler Mural


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What about that Hammer and Sickle? Stalin killed millions of his own people and others, just like Hitler did.


It could also be the case that Thais don't care about political correctness, nor pandering to the perpetually offended Twitterati brigades, which is something that I find refreshing. Hitler in a knocking shop might be someone's sense of humour - the dom room perhaps?

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5 minutes ago, dbrenn said:

What about that Hammer and Sickle? Stalin killed millions of his own people and others, just like Hitler did.


It could also be the case that Thais don't care about political correctness, nor pandering to the perpetually offended Twitterati brigades, which is something that I find refreshing. Hitler in a knocking shop might be someone's sense of humour - the dom room perhaps?

Mentioned at the very beginning that Max Mosely will be here soon

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26 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Depends on which syllabus was covered in each school for O Level History. Our school covered the London University syllabus which did go up to 1955 and dealt with both World Wars. Mind you we were aware of WW2 through the school playground trading of war comics and there were, of course, war movies on at the local cinemas.

And walking to school in the early fifties most of us were reminded twice a day of the effects of WWII walking past the bomb sites.

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9 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Difficult to understand why they think that Hitler and love have something in common. Just ignorance of history I expect.

From what I have read the only thing that Hitler ever loved was his dog. While Eva apparently came a distant second to satisfy a need which his dog couldn't. I have met a few other men over the years who loved their dogs more than their wives; perhaps with good reason.

I love my dogs  but saying that 


My wife has the personality of a scrapyard dog (the shell-shocked girl in the 3 BB office this afternoon can vouch for that)

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You would be forgiven for thinking that some folk would learn from past examples.. A school in Chang Mai, Chula Uni graduation pics complete with photos of students giving nazi salutes, even the proganda film made by a Thai artist but someone still thought it was a good idea to do this.

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10 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Difficult to understand why they think that Hitler and love have something in common. Just ignorance of history I expect.

From what I have read the only thing that Hitler ever loved was his dog. While Eva apparently came a distant second to satisfy a need which his dog couldn't. I have met a few other men over the years who loved their dogs more than their wives; perhaps with good reason.

He loved his niece.

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9 hours ago, Esso49 said:

Actually they are not taught to celebrate Hitler or any other mass murderer.  That is a slur against the Thai's and you should apologise.

Yes, you are right Thai students are NOT taught to "celebrate" anyone or anything... well that is not Thai that is.


The problem, as I see it, is that if Thailand wants to now be a part of a much bigger world (ASEAN for example) then their students should be taught about the history of the rest of said world. This is not something that is done at present hence Hitler creeping into murals (even in a school mural as in the past). Forgetting that Thailand's future does rely on the rest of the world for the most part (manufacturing, tourism, export/import, and a voice on the global stage to name but a few) will be detrimental for all concerned here.


Also, If 'she' (the LOS) is to be taken seriously and not simply looked at or thought of as one large brothel then she will have to examine her part in the history books and those connections in the world's history (lets start with the Thai/Japanese involvement during WW2 perhaps. A topic that none of my Thai friends seem to even have heard of). 


There has to be greater education in this country. This is not a unique situation, many countries share a need to improve their educational system/curriculum.

The present and continual religious and nation history lessons/subjects are important... but should not be the only look into the past and therefore into the future!


Just my opinion.

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2 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Its about historical fame, evil or otherwise.

Instead writing posts like this, why don't you save the time and dust the Pol Pot, Stalin, George Armstrong Custer, and Mugabe posters hanging over your bed?

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12 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...A love hotel in greater metropolitan Bangkok removed an Adolf Hitler mural in one of its themed rooms Saturday after news of it went viral the past week and sparked outrage from Jewish groups worldwide..."


It sparked outrage from more than Jewish groups world-wide, it sparked outrage from every decent, thinking person who heard about it. 


It is waaaaay past time that Thailand, who welcomes millions of 'Westerners' a year, teach its citizens that the Nazi-related crap is not acceptable. 


I have always written these incidents off to simple ignorance, but more is needed now; just deal with it once and for all.



Agree, meaning that Thai kids should have plenty of lessons in world history and be well aware of what is and what is not socially acceptable, and why!



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9 hours ago, Darcula said:

Wonder what happens in the pictured communist-themed room. Does the government come in and screw you?


Original room decor before all the fuss:




Either it was, in reality, the "Totalitarian" or "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact" room, or........it was a pictorial equivalent of one of those renowned Thai translation/spelling/grammatical mistakes.



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41 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Who is Max Mosely?


Ex president of FIA, who was into SM with a Nazi theme.


His father was Oswald Mosely, who led the British Union of Fascists in the 1930's.


Battle of Cable Street - Wikipedia


"Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again."

                                                                  Bertolt Brecht.





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5 minutes ago, BangkokBaksida said:

That's an easy question to answer:  It's because the main victims of Nazism were/are the perpetrators of Communism.  They are also the ones who control the media, and they have decided for us that we should hate Nazism but love Communism.

Hello! Right on time we have the Conspiracy Theory bus roll big time into the thread. The hotel management would be mightily confused by these nuts but happily have withdrawn from the lunacy.

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12 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Difficult to understand why they think that Hitler and love have something in common. Just ignorance of history I expect.

From what I have read the only thing that Hitler ever loved was his dog. While Eva apparently came a distant second to satisfy a need which his dog couldn't. I have met a few other men over the years who loved their dogs more than their wives; perhaps with good reason.


If you come home smelling of another dog they find it interesting.

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13 hours ago, thedemon said:

I would imagine a Thai might compare the ignorance and disrespect in these cases to the way many foreigners use Buddha images as kitschy art objects.

Exactly folk should  stop taking offence at things from years past and "offence" with any religion as its  all  unprovable nonsense.

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1 hour ago, gunderhill said:

Exactly folk should  stop taking offence at things from years past and "offence" with any religion as its  all  unprovable nonsense.

Usual crowd trying on the nonsense and this time its "unprovable nonsense". There's more nonsense where that came from!

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10 hours ago, iamariva1957 said:

Yes, you are right Thai students are NOT taught to "celebrate" anyone or anything... well that is not Thai that is.


The problem, as I see it, is that if Thailand wants to now be a part of a much bigger world (ASEAN for example) then their students should be taught about the history of the rest of said world. This is not something that is done at present hence Hitler creeping into murals (even in a school mural as in the past). Forgetting that Thailand's future does rely on the rest of the world for the most part (manufacturing, tourism, export/import, and a voice on the global stage to name but a few) will be detrimental for all concerned here.


Also, If 'she' (the LOS) is to be taken seriously and not simply looked at or thought of as one large brothel then she will have to examine her part in the history books and those connections in the world's history (lets start with the Thai/Japanese involvement during WW2 perhaps. A topic that none of my Thai friends seem to even have heard of). 


There has to be greater education in this country. This is not a unique situation, many countries share a need to improve their educational system/curriculum.

The present and continual religious and nation history lessons/subjects are important... but should not be the only look into the past and therefore into the future!


Just my opinion.

Our western education system needs reform too. In British universities, conservative thought is simply shouted down, labelled as 'far right' alongside Hitler, and even clapping has been banned as against 'inclusiveness'. Add to that safe spaces and trigger warnings and it's no wonder the value of a degree has become debased, with more graduates working in McDonald's or unemployed than ever before. 

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