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Trump says he is 'comfortable' as president despite political battles


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12 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

I love how you Trumpers always come up with the 'but the economy' when the numbers just simply don't bear out your argument. I try not to argue facts with Trump supporters for the same reason I don't bother trying to teach my dog how to drive a car but here goes:


Dems Vs Repubs by the numbers. *last 50 yrs  

Years held Presidency: -       Repub- 28yrs,          Dem-22 yrs

Total jobs created:-              Repub-24 Million,     Dem-42 Million

Stock market return:-           Repub-109%,           Dem-992% 

GDP:-                                  Repub-2.7%,            Dem-4.1% 

Income growth:-                  Rep-0.6%                 Dem-2.2%

 (source politico, bloomberg, USDL)


Forbes magazine - 'It is simply a fact that since World War II, Democratic presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch—an average of 78.6% more jobs created per year of Democratic administrations—than have Republican presidents. Ditto real GDP growth, 44% higher under Democratic presidents. On the flip side, unemployment has been 18% higher under GOP presidents. 

Oh and whilst we are on the subject of facts:- 9 of the last 10 recessions have been under Republicans.


You have got to stop measuring the economy by how well the wealthy are doing (you saved $250 but can you imagine how much millionaires/billionaires made?). You cannot also say that the economy is better off under Trump when despite Bush's tax cuts, less federal income (Great Recession etc), The 'War on Terror', Obama eventually got the budget deficit down to $485 Billion in 2014 and $666 Billion in 2017. The budget deficit under Trump is CONSERVATIVELY estimated at $779 Billion in 2018, rising to over a $Trillion in 2019. Over the next 10 years, he is gestimated to add another $16 Trillion to the deficit.   https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/07/trump-budget-deficits-growing-big-spending-fiscal-irresponsibility/


But yeah, the Democrats would have been worse.


Again, if Obama thought he was doing such a wonderful job, why was he warning that we would have to get used to living with 2% growth? Things got better in spite of Obama, not because of him. Improvement in budget deficits were caused by sequestration, and very little to with his grand plans.


The most disturbing part of your post, is comparing my small tax savings to the millionaires, as if I should be resentful. I was taught that if it's not yours, don't take it. Apparently a lesson never learned by most thieving Democrats/Liberals.


If you walk into a restaurant, and a guy has a better looking steak, do you just go over and demand part of it, because he's dressed better than you?


Once again, thank heavens that Hillary or Bernie isn't in the WH!!

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9 hours ago, beechguy said:

Again, if Obama thought he was doing such a wonderful job, why was he warning that we would have to get used to living with 2% growth? Things got better in spite of Obama, not because of him. Improvement in budget deficits were caused by sequestration, and very little to with his grand plans.


The most disturbing part of your post, is comparing my small tax savings to the millionaires, as if I should be resentful. I was taught that if it's not yours, don't take it. Apparently a lesson never learned by most thieving Democrats/Liberals.


If you walk into a restaurant, and a guy has a better looking steak, do you just go over and demand part of it, because he's dressed better than you?


Once again, thank heavens that Hillary or Bernie isn't in the WH!!

As I mentioned, I’ve given up teaching my dog to drive and this is the economics equivalent of that but here goes. 

So things got better for Obama “inspite” of himself? So by your logic Trump inheriting all of Obama’s “good luck” would mean he could massively exceed the 2.9% GDP growth of 2016 yet here we are with a mere 3.1% GDP growth in 2018 and 2.5% predicted for 2019. These are still solid numbers though so he should also easily drop the deficit yet he seems to be adding roughly a $trillion per year. 

Its almost as if giving massive tax cuts to businesses and the rich DOESNT do a thing for the economy but does add a lot to the deficit. Who could have predicted that (hint: every economist in the last 50 years). 

Also your anology is deeply flawed. A better one would be that you order a $30 steak and the rich guy sitting next to you also gets a $30 steak but his is twice the size of yours. When you complain to the waiter about this obvious injustice, he mumbles something about it being the fault of immigrants, gays, Muslims, women or someone else other than the rich guy. 

The rich guy then eats his twice-the-size steak, puts his meal on your bill and tips over your table on his way out. 


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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

As I mentioned, I’ve given up teaching my dog to drive and this is the economics equivalent of that but here goes. 

So things got better for Obama “inspite” of himself? So by your logic Trump inheriting all of Obama’s “good luck” would mean he could massively exceed the 2.9% GDP growth of 2016 yet here we are with a mere 3.1% GDP growth in 2018 and 2.5% predicted for 2019. These are still solid numbers though so he should also easily drop the deficit yet he seems to be adding roughly a $trillion per year. 

Its almost as if giving massive tax cuts to businesses and the rich DOESNT do a thing for the economy but does add a lot to the deficit. Who could have predicted that (hint: every economist in the last 50 years). 

Also your anology is deeply flawed. A better one would be that you order a $30 steak and the rich guy sitting next to you also gets a $30 steak but his is twice the size of yours. When you complain to the waiter about this obvious injustice, he mumbles something about it being the fault of immigrants, gays, Muslims, women or someone else other than the rich guy. 

The rich guy then eats his twice-the-size steak, puts his meal on your bill and tips over your table on his way out. 



I could only improve on this by adding "and after tipping over your table he grabs your wife's private parts".

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11 hours ago, beechguy said:

Again, if Obama thought he was doing such a wonderful job, why was he warning that we would have to get used to living with 2% growth? Things got better in spite of Obama, not because of him. Improvement in budget deficits were caused by sequestration, and very little to with his grand plans.


The most disturbing part of your post, is comparing my small tax savings to the millionaires, as if I should be resentful. I was taught that if it's not yours, don't take it. Apparently a lesson never learned by most thieving Democrats/Liberals.


If you walk into a restaurant, and a guy has a better looking steak, do you just go over and demand part of it, because he's dressed better than you?


Once again, thank heavens that Hillary or Bernie isn't in the WH!!

Do you work for the department of making things up? Not only were budget sequestration cuts too small to make that kind of difference, but budget sequestration cuts are still in effect. So it's utter nonsense to use them to compare budges under Obama to the budget under Trump.

"The budget sequestration in 2013 refers to the automatic spending cuts to United States federal government spending in particular categories of outlays[note 1] that were initially set to begin on January 1, 2013, as an austerity fiscal policy as a result of Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA), and were postponed by two months by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 until March 1 when this law went into effect.[1]

The reductions in spending authority were approximately $85.4 billion (versus $42 billion in actual cash outlays[note 2]) during fiscal year 2013,[2](p14) with similar cuts for years 2014 until 2021. However, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the total federal outlays would continue to increase even with the sequester by an average of $238.6 billion per year[2](p3) during the following decade, although at a somewhat lesser rate."



No time to deal with your tax claims nonsense now.

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