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New Zealander Pardoned In Thailand And Sent Home

sriracha john

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Phyllis Tarawhiti

NZ drug smuggler pardoned in Thailand

A Wainuiomata grandmother jailed for smuggling NZ$4 million of heroin into Thailand has received a royal pardon and returned to New Zealand.

Phyllis Tarawhiti told the Dominion Post she had served 11 years of her 35-year sentence and was thrilled to be free.

She was arrested at Bangkok airport in 1995, aged 38, with 250 grams of heroin strapped to her body.

At her trial Tarawhiti claimed that she started drug trafficking after a relationship break up and feared she would lose her home.

A group of co-conspirators were convicted in New Zealand for their part in setting her up as a drug courier.

- tvnz.co.nz

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:o...Lucky Lady; but smuggling heroin from NZ into Thailand...?

Is that odd or what ?


probably had picked up in Afgan or similar, then smuggled it to Thailand, and planning to then shift it onwards to NZ, swap bags with someone going to AUssie in the dual arrivals departures area that only NZ seems to have (and is idiotic incidentally) then move the gear to Australia for maximum profitability, as Australians like their smack. Kiwis just light up the electric poohah aye cussy bro.

Obviously guilty, no one from Wainuiamata has ever travelled beyond the Bombay Hills border, also known as

'you are now leaving the great City of Sails, prepare for everyone to hate you anywhere south of this line'

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The throw away the key brigade will start posting soon no doubt.....


Can I be the first then? NZ4$ million of deadly drugs? She should have been imprisoned for 100 years without release.

Simon (Happy to condemn her)

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Why weas she not transferred back to a NZ jail - does NZ not have the resiprocal agreementt such as the Brits, Aussies and USA have?

She did 11 out of 35 - I do not thing Sandra Gregory did that much and nobody can say she is not totally rehabiliated now - throw away the key is not always the answer.

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Said woman is also on this website....you better be not...


Interesting to see Kaye Dane on there. I lived in Lao just after her release and never heard a local expat say anything other than her and her husband got what was coming to them. A few said that they had had the misfortune to invest in their company also.

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Said woman is also on this website....you better be not...


Interesting to see Kaye Dane on there. I lived in Lao just after her release and never heard a local expat say anything other than her and her husband got what was coming to them. A few said that they had had the misfortune to invest in their company also.

there was a thread devoted to kay dane and her husband being bunged up in a laos prison a few months ago.

they got her at the border with a ton of cash and that was her undoing.

i hunted out the book and give it a good read but it was mainly highlighting the shocking conditions in a laos prison.

nothing unusual for a prison in asia and we all know that is what one can expect if we fall foul of the law

in asia.

as far as the kiwi goes, she was incredibly lucky to get the pardon as she did not deserve it, as if one plays that game and gets caught you must feed the tiger. :D

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as far as the kiwi goes, she was incredibly lucky to get the pardon as she did not deserve it, as if one plays that game and gets caught you must feed the tiger. :o

Of course, if they really had wanted to give her a punishment, they could have sent her to the 'open air prison' where Kiwis are given free room and board for as long as they wish to stay, also known as ..... Bondi :-)

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as far as the kiwi goes, she was incredibly lucky to get the pardon as she did not deserve it, as if one plays that game and gets caught you must feed the tiger. :D

Of course, if they really had wanted to give her a punishment, they could have sent her to the 'open air prison' where Kiwis are given free room and board for as long as they wish to stay, also known as ..... Bondi :-)

i suppose being close to us aussie's would be punishment enough i imagine. :o

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A different line of thinking for the ones who think drug runners should be hanged or something similar. Repression has not reduced, let alone stopped, people from getting high on whatever is illegal. It has simply increased the cost and made some people extremely wealthy which, before terrorism made it big, has led to governments trying to control money transiting across border under various scheme such as money laundering prevention and the rest of it as we know it. It has affected all of us and reduced our freedom. I believe it is fair to say that harsh punishment has not detered drug smugglers, dealers and users.

If there was no demand, there would be no supply. So perhaps understanging why people needs the stuff could be the key. It might also be a good idea to separate stuff like grass to the really nasty such as Heroin and the rest of it.

Prohibition never stopped people from drinking, it just created smuggling and distributing gangs that became very wealthy.

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Yes, try to understand why people need the stuff, supply them under clinical supervision if necessary covered by health insurance with the target to free them from needing the stuff.

This as well would kill the illegal suppliers.

The only prblem, how to get the addicts to come in?

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Yes, try to understand why people need the stuff, supply them under clinical supervision if necessary covered by health insurance with the target to free them from needing the stuff.

This as well would kill the illegal suppliers.

The only prblem, how to get the addicts to come in?

i think the big problem is when gumbies try to smuggle drugs through an internationl airport. :D

the majority of people dont mind some one having a little toke at home but when you get busted smuggling smack through the airport it takes thing to a new level. :o

i mean, how can we support them ?

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Yes, try to understand why people need the stuff, supply them under clinical supervision if necessary covered by health insurance with the target to free them from needing the stuff.

This as well would kill the illegal suppliers.

The only prblem, how to get the addicts to come in?

Free drugs ??? that should get people in. If less money, or better, no money, is spend on repression then funds are available for prevention, treatment, cure etc.

It is difficult not to draw a parallel with Alcoholism, one is legal and the other isn't. LOS has a very serious problem with booze, not too mention the world at large, yet, if not really accepted the disease is at least tolerated. Why treating people differently when the root cause is the same; addiction.

The world change and evolves, modern society will always have misfit who cannot or will not fit in and would rather have a fix, being drinks, a shot , a sniff or a joint.

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While drugs remain illegal and the black market determines prices, there will always be people desperate, greedy, stoopid,or dependent enough to take the risk of trafficking. Many small-time mules will actually have been set up as decoys, whilst bigger fish import larger quantities and get away with it.

i do not sympathize with heroin traffickers, young or old, but as long as any drugs remain illegal people will continue to take this foolish chance.

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God this world is full of bleeing heart liberals!!!!

Already we have seen the failure of dispensing additional monies (£10 per day extra) to registered alcoholics here in the UK paid to fund their alcohol addiction.They just get drunk first then go out and rob after to get even more alcohol! And some pensioners starve--there is not enough money for them.

I know a guy in the Uk who struggled to bring up 4 kids alone on very little money-

Eldest girl got in with a scum bag who was hooked on heroin and forced her onto the streets to pay for HIS addiction.

A timely bullet wouldd have prevented a lot of human misery there.

This bitch should have been culled years ago!

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A timely bullet wouldd have prevented a lot of human misery there.

This bitch should have been culled years ago!

While I'm happy to see someone imprisioned at hard labour for life, this attitude of yours is pretty sick. Too may people have been wrongly convicted and fallen prey to attitudes like this. It is possible to be a conservative without resorting to killing people as the solution to every problem. :o

Your statement shows little value for human life, not to mention the reactionary emotionalism that is common to bleeding heart liberals.

Edited by cdnvic
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A different line of thinking for the ones who think drug runners should be hanged or something similar. Repression has not reduced, let alone stopped, people from getting high on whatever is illegal. It has simply increased the cost and made some people extremely wealthy which, before terrorism made it big, has led to governments trying to control money transiting across border under various scheme such as money laundering prevention and the rest of it as we know it. It has affected all of us and reduced our freedom. I believe it is fair to say that harsh punishment has not detered drug smugglers, dealers and users.

If there was no demand, there would be no supply. So perhaps understanging why people needs the stuff could be the key. It might also be a good idea to separate stuff like grass to the really nasty such as Heroin and the rest of it.

Prohibition never stopped people from drinking, it just created smuggling and distributing gangs that became very wealthy.

Correct. Prohibition launched organized crime in the US. Drugs are the same. Cartels in S. America have more money and influence than their supposed governments.

War on Drugs is a worldwide joke, and just glamourises a shitty lifestyle and personal choice. Legalise them all, and demand would fall away.

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God this world is full of bleeing heart liberals!!!!

Already we have seen the failure of dispensing additional monies (£10 per day extra) to registered alcoholics here in the UK paid to fund their alcohol addiction.They just get drunk first then go out and rob after to get even more alcohol! And some pensioners starve--there is not enough money for them.

I know a guy in the Uk who struggled to bring up 4 kids alone on very little money-

Eldest girl got in with a scum bag who was hooked on heroin and forced her onto the streets to pay for HIS addiction.

A timely bullet wouldd have prevented a lot of human misery there.

This bitch should have been culled years ago!

Another solution that might appeal to your taste would be to round up all the drug addicts, runners, smugglers etc, might as well had up all the alcoholics and perhaps the smokers. Ship then to a remote islands and let them fend for themselves. Antartica spring to mind :o

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God this world is full of bleeing heart liberals!!!!

Already we have seen the failure of dispensing additional monies (£10 per day extra) to registered alcoholics here in the UK paid to fund their alcohol addiction.They just get drunk first then go out and rob after to get even more alcohol! And some pensioners starve--there is not enough money for them.

I know a guy in the Uk who struggled to bring up 4 kids alone on very little money-

Eldest girl got in with a scum bag who was hooked on heroin and forced her onto the streets to pay for HIS addiction.

A timely bullet wouldd have prevented a lot of human misery there.

This bitch should have been culled years ago!

Another solution that might appeal to your taste would be to round up all the drug addicts, runners, smugglers etc, might as well had up all the alcoholics and perhaps the smokers. Ship then to a remote islands and let them fend for themselves. Antartica spring to mind :o

Nah, never happen, what government is going to give up all that booze and tobacco excise.

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I'm not familair with the case at all but the implication is that she was coerced (physically threatened, family member held hostage or perhaps someone in her family owed money, etc.) by organized drug smugglers into becoming a 'mule'. It sounds as though the smugglers were caught, prosecuted and jailed in N.Z.? Perhaps this women assisted with that prosecution? Or did some good things while in prison here? I imagine someone put together a convincing case for a Royal pardon. It was granted so it's really not appropriate nor legal for us (resident in Thailand at least) to question it.

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A different line of thinking for the ones who think drug runners should be hanged or something similar. Repression has not reduced, let alone stopped, people from getting high on whatever is illegal. It has simply increased the cost and made some people extremely wealthy which, before terrorism made it big, has led to governments trying to control money transiting across border under various scheme such as money laundering prevention and the rest of it as we know it. It has affected all of us and reduced our freedom. I believe it is fair to say that harsh punishment has not detered drug smugglers, dealers and users.

If there was no demand, there would be no supply. So perhaps understanging why people needs the stuff could be the key. It might also be a good idea to separate stuff like grass to the really nasty such as Heroin and the rest of it.

Prohibition never stopped people from drinking, it just created smuggling and distributing gangs that became very wealthy.

Correct. Prohibition launched organized crime in the US. Drugs are the same. Cartels in S. America have more money and influence than their supposed governments.

War on Drugs is a worldwide joke, and just glamourises a shitty lifestyle and personal choice. Legalise them all, and demand would fall away.

The legalisation cry usually runs something like this. of course just legalising something because they cannot control it is a little odd; after all there is still murder and pedophilia even though both illegal but we don't think we should legalise that right, simply because 'harsh punishment has not deterred'?

Then we go to the next point, that 'legalisation would decrease demand'. i find this highly suspicious. If the price is the same, with no legal consequence, I suspect demand will increase. This would seem to have been the experience in New Zealand when they legalised prostitution; the number of parlours has markedly increased and there is now one or more on every corner surrounding the casino in Auckland; and with that comes the women trafficking, illegal workers and drugs that seem part and parcel of any skin/dodgy activity. And ownership of many of the brothels has stayed in mob hands (Mongrel Mob, Triads, Black Power) because legit companies like say Infratil would not touch this industry; in other words legalising has: reduced the police workload slightly (they used to let it go on anyway); given the mob a legal way to continue to make money and increased their options for money laundering, not decreased, has increased demand due to no possibliities of getting caught and probably has increased the surrounding grey market activities that invariably surround people in this type of job (I used to club a LOT, I know what strippers and whatever get up to, it isn't surprising most of them are broke and have nasal problems). Price is probably much the same. And now we have a legitimate career choice for west/south Auckland which i am sure many TV members would be proud to see their kids pursue?!

Cigarettes, booze, two legal drugs that I am fairly sure demand outstrips most of the illegal ones. And even then, there are a multitude of illegal activities surrounding both; smuggling, selling to minors, counterfeit; it would seem that legalising these has perhaps reduced but has not eliminated the ability of organised crime/petty criminals/miscreants to continue to commit crimes related to these.

The basis of legalisation is that reducing the cost of control will eliminate the added costs incurred by traffickers, and also legimitate business people would be encouraged to enter the trade, and thus the price would fall, not rise. The drop in price would remove the super normal profits for the mob. Only problem is simultaneously, the demand is probably elastic, and you will see a bunch of people saying, instead of Moo Gata 89 baht, let's do some crack. If the govt seeks to introduce controls with levies and taxes, then I BET, no no, I know that the mobs will just do what they are doing now, and continue their illegal business model. After all, over the last 50 years, they have got good at it, they have their supply chain, why change to make less money?>!!

No question that they are fighting a losing battle at the moment. But to me the debate on legalisation should perhaps extend to pot, but certainly no further. Some of the other drugs are pretty nasty, and cocaine has the most annoying effect of turning already annoying people into complete bell ends. Someone like Neeraram could provide very useful feedback on the difficulties for the minority as I understand/recall he has some knowledge/interaction with the horror of addiction to this sort of stuff?

but for Heroin, and so on, I doubt legalisation would help; and the first country that tried such a thing would have to be willing to incur the wrath of USA, the world's policeman on this issue. I've listened to rap music. I know that USA has a war on drugs :o . Ironic since i have never ever seen more substance addicts in one place than the people I worked with in California.

The British government were a major player in creating the opium trade so they had something to trade with China, maybe they can be a good place to load off all the heroin/opiate addicts :-) I know Australia is already full of doped up smack addicts, and NZ seems to have a major ketamine problem, here we get off easily with yah bah?!!!! Legalise them all and eliminate the problem? Methinks not the best solution.

I like the idea of digging deeper and finding out why people take this stuff. I bags digging deeply into a few hot celebs, maybe starting with Farung.

Oops. What? Too soon?

Edited by steveromagnino
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