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Beware of marijuana being misused if it’s legalised, says Thai expert


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9 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

 Ganja has some serious psychological side-effects such as paranoia, especially the modern strong stuff. it's fine the way it is, if you want it it's there and the police turn a blind eye or take 500 baht to forget it.



Wrong, it is not the effect of Marijuana that you are sick and you do not just simply become paranoid if you don't have the issue in the first place. But, let's just ignore that fact and just pretend you are correct: Try it once, get your paranoia aka panic attack and then do not touch it again and let all the 100% other long term consumer get the multiple health and medical benefits from it. 


But, I will not pretend, because we have the correct data already:




Notice the x axis 0.001 to 0.1 is just craziness. Alcohol should be forbidden.

Edited by IsaanFam
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1 hour ago, mrfill said:

How's this for 'a tiny handful' that use it medicinally.. Quite a large tiny hand really....


Of course though, this list is way shorter than those countries which use opium based medicines...


Argentina  Germany Netherlands
Australia Greece Norway
Canada Israel Peru
Chile Italy Poland
Colombia Jamaica Romania
Croatia Lesotho San Marino
Cyprus Luxembourg Switzerland
Czech Republic Macedonia Turkey
Denmark Malta


Finland Mexico Zimbabwe

you shouldn't confuse "researching" medical marijuana with "use it medicinally"


there is as yet vey little concrete proof that marijuana does anything at all medically.

One of the stumbling blocks has been that it is very difficult to get hold of and legally possess the stuff even for research.


when it comes to search there are hardly any successful double blind peer reviewed trails, even the substances being tries are not the same.

the whole thing is clouded and obfuscated by the lobby to legalise the recreational use of Cannabis/marijuana. 

So many people want it legalised recreationally that they cling on to every single quack report on its medicinal use in the hope that it will make it more available for recreational use....


I personally think it should be legalised for recreational purposes, but that doesn't mean I have any interest or faith its use medically, its purely conjecture and BS at present. - "The new herbalism" (Google it)

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8 minutes ago, IsaanFam said:


Wrong, it is not the effect of Marijuana that you are sick and you do not just simply become paranoid if you don't have the issue in the first place. But, let's just ignore that fact and just pretend you are correct: Try it once, get your paranoia aka panic attack and then do not touch it again and let all the 100% other long term consumer get the multiple health and medical benefits from it. 


But, I will not pretend, because we have the correct data already:




Notice the x axis 0.001 to 0.1 is just craziness. Alcohol should be forbidden.

You have "data" - I don't see any corroboration or suggestion it's incorrect - convenient for you argument I guess -  but one chart does not an argument make.

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4 minutes ago, mettech said:

War on drug is a huge subject and yet it has done nothing but making money for all involved in the Cartel or Government it will never be stop.

Cynicism as a cover for ignorance?

Why not add some substance to your premise.

I suggest it will stop..... So see if you can make your premise stronger than mine.

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16 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...He explained that it will be difficult to control the substance once it is declared legal for medical purposes, because some people might start complaining about pain just to get their hands on the narcotic..." 


Yes, that is exactly what will happen. It is moronic that the pathway to full legalization has to go through this process, but there is it.


This doctor is a bleeding idiot. Okay, that is perhaps too much, but the utility of weed as a medicine has been studied to death and the verdict is quite clear; it is a good thing to have.


This is simply the same old, tired, whiny arguments that we have heard for generations; they are all based on a misguided notion that weed is bad. Wrong.


Legalization IS coming to S E Asia, and the country that does it first will make a financial killing; step up Thailand or watch another reap the rewards.



I read that malaysia is looking to legalize medicinal marijuana.

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"Assistant" professor, lololol.  This guy is an expert???  In what?  Giving uninformed opinions or brown nosing his superiors which from where I'm sitting is most people with a pulse.  Not one fact or data to back up his OPINIONS, who certified this moron as an expert?  I'm still amazed at the fantasies that people live in this world, especially in this region.  Good luck with all that...

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16 hours ago, jonclark said:

2Prior to 1979 the sale and consumption Marijuana was legal in Thailand....maybe that is why Thailand was once known as the land of smiles.



When it’s leagalized I wonder if they’ll be having this on full blast around the city’s and villages ‘Happy Days are here Again’ LOL ! 

F’ eckin US DEA was the ass holes who had it demonized. 

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8 hours ago, Berkshire said:

This doctor shouldn't even be cited as an "expert" on marijuana.  His views are simply outdated.  Wish I could ask him if cigarettes and alcohol should be outlawed.  Of course doctors should discourage pot smoking, cigarette smoking, and even alcohol.  But draconian laws are just impractical and nonsensical and violates our most basic freedom of choice.  It just seems like Asia in general is pretty backwards when it comes to marijuana.  Heck, look what S. Korea is doing about Canada's new marijuana law...


[“Weed smokers will be punished according to the Korean law, even if they did so in countries where smoking marijuana is legal. There won’t be an exception...."  South Korean law is based on the concept that laws made in Seoul still apply to citizens anywhere in the world, and violations, even while abroad, can technically lead to punishment when they return home. Those who smoke weed could face up to five years in prison. ]




Same with the retarded Singapoop government.



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15 hours ago, Ahab said:

Agree with your points, I think that the problems he is referring to is people using medicinal ganga for other purposes such as listening to Bob Marley. It has happened in other countries where it was approved for medicinal but not recreational use. You do not have to be much of an "expert" to foresee some of these same issues occurring here also if medical ganga is legalized.

Actually, I think it's all medicinal. In real terms. 

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5 hours ago, neverere said:

I guess you have never used an Alka Seltzer, Aspirin, or had a drink then ?

What a lousy comment. As you must be aware of, sometimes you need to take medicin for get better.

I never drink, smoke or eat a headache pills for fun, though. I can have fun as I am, or relax without any need of extra ingredients.

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5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

I would not recommend turning up for a class stoned out of your box and then try to make a rational argument in favour of dope.

I would also not recommend turning up for a class drunk out of your box and then try to make a rational argument in favor of alcohol. But if you are talking about medicinal marijuana to reduce the effects of chemo therapy for cancer or the effects of some other similar serious or deadly disease. We are talking about the medicinal use of a natural substance that can help people feel better. Legalize it.

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2 minutes ago, Ahab said:

I would also not recommend turning up for a class drunk out of your box and then try to make a rational argument in favor of alcohol. But if you are talking about medicinal marijuana to reduce the effects of chemo therapy for cancer or the effects of some other similar serious or deadly disease. We are talking about the medicinal use of a natural substance that can help people feel better. Legalize it.

Is the current legalization surge just about medicinal use?

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45 minutes ago, HappyAndRich said:

What a lousy comment. As you must be aware of, sometimes you need to take medicin for get better.
I never drink, smoke or eat a headache pills for fun, though. I can have fun as I am, or relax without any need of extra ingredients.

Well I guess you missed out on some great times in Amsterdam in your younger days?

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22 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

 Ganja has some serious psychological side-effects such as paranoia, especially the modern strong stuff. it's fine the way it is, if you want it it's there and the police turn a blind eye or take 500 baht to forget it.

Coke and Speed much more effective in generating paranoia with persistent use.

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Yes lots of valid research and clinical trials underway. Brain cancer in children for instance seems quite a noble and positive area for research.  Here is a report on what one company is doing if interested.  If they prove to be successful it can only be good at improving the quality of lives of many.


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a few reasons a person might be against

1) has shares in big pharma companies

2) pharma paid troll to disclaim anything NATURAL people could grow for free in their garden

3) meth pill connection importer / distributor, see how many bilionairs thailand has on a government income


it was like other people stated LEGAL for hundreds of years and banned like alcohol for a while


it don't want everybody to start abusing, but hope thailand will start to make CBD OIL legal as for some stupid reason, they don't see difference in CBD (no THC) and cannabis

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23 hours ago, dickjones2018 said:

a few reasons a person might be against

1) has shares in big pharma companies


Makes no sense.  If legalized, pharma would be going crazy making profitable treatments.


23 hours ago, dickjones2018 said:

2) pharma paid troll to disclaim anything NATURAL people could grow for free in their garden


Paid internet trolls aren't a real thing.


23 hours ago, dickjones2018 said:

3) meth pill connection importer/distributor


That makes no sense either.  According to anti-MJ people, it's a gateway drug (it's actually not).  Anyone marketing in illicit drugs should welcome the influx of new addicts.


The most likely explanation is simply that the current leadership says MJ is bad, so this guy is simply parroting that.

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On 10/25/2018 at 6:23 PM, MRDave said:

I'm not sure where he got his information from, since they remove the part that gets you high from the medical versions.


I wonder where you got that from..... One cannot remove "things" of a Cannabis plant that make one high. Either you grow them already as hemp for clothes/usage for other things, then they have no THC/Cannabinoid but if you have a normal seed and a plant grows out of it you can not do much for it to loose its TCH after while leaving the buds intact. One would have to do chemical dissolution to get it out...
Sure, the buds have less impact than the leaves but i hardly doubt that they sell the leaves only in Thailand lol.


Where would that be? In Germany medical Marihuana is the EXACT same thing and of course makes you high. Its standard, good Ganja, same like everywhere else in the world where its allowed.


In the USA, in Netherlands, in Switzerland, in Portugal, everywhere. Its same same. Its fully working Ganja. And everywhere its opposite as ppl say here. Where in all names you get infos from? 


The accidents sank, the mental health incerased, the alchoholics lessened and it overall has many more positive effects after legalisation. Please take the time to read how Portgual was nearly lost until they opened drug use. THat LOWERED every rate there is out there, to a positive effect. Same with USA.


Its exactly as dickjones2018 said, if someone is against this then he has clear reasons that are for sure not bound to concern for the society. Its own interests. Or doesnt know anything about Marihuana living blindly with Alcohol as the "good" thing in mind.



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