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Please recommend a law firm

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Many people complain that lawyers here just add to your costs without actually achieving very much. So you might like to approach the Office of Consumer Protection first as their service is free and they certainly cant do any harm.


And if you are considering suing a property developer then the odds are that you are not the only buyer affected, and so you should consider getting in touch with other buyers first and then possibly engaging a lawyer and suing jointly with them. That could also save you a lot of money compared to each buyer doing it individually.

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The lawyer that I have in mind is an English man . He was a lawyer in the UK

He will offer free advice.

Can you try to contact me via LINE


My i.d is


My name is Alan  D Light

 My email is registered with TV. Maybe that will work

My senses tell me not to reveal the name of this law company in open forum



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