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If Your Spouse Is Too Hot And Sexy,do U Feel Comfortable Walking Around With Her?


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Maybe zaza is just somebody of the administrators,just to have some more topics going on.If not ,like you could see the last few weeks that there is not so many to talk about.Am I wrong???

Am I a troll or Administrator :o ???

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Maybe zaza is just somebody of the administrators,just to have some more topics going on.If not ,like you could see the last few weeks that there is not so many to talk about.Am I wrong???

Am I a troll or Administrator :o ???

We all still not get an answer??????

Seems you are enjoying it!

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Let's knock it down a notch or two - continued bickering will get this topic shut down.

Zaza (what a name) is one of the best trolls hanging around. :o

It's an arabic name :D and I bet u never heard it before! but u'll get a prize from me if u can find out it's meaning( a date or dinner),lol :D

Gee, checked all over and Zaza came up as a Hebrew name meaning troll. Same same in Arabic?

edited for definition.

Edited by Jet Gorgon
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Maybe zaza is just somebody of the administrators,just to have some more topics going on.If not ,like you could see the last few weeks that there is not so many to talk about.Am I wrong???

Not admin or mods, but I have my suspicions that she's someone we know under a more familiar name. Same style of writing & type of threads. :o

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I think the biggest danger comes from other tit men. showing off a big pair is asking for trouble. being a tit man myself I have nearly always lost a big titted girlfriend to another big tit fan.

Thing is it dossent matter she is pretty or not to a real tit man its just the size.

I remember some friends over the years who had big tit girlfriends showing what they had with low cut tops. I said be careful because someones going to be interested in that. sure enougth over the years they lost them. those big titted girls draw constant attention and many of them finaly get involved with another big tit guy.

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I think the biggest danger comes from other tit men. showing off a big pair is asking for trouble. being a tit man myself I have nearly always lost a big titted girlfriend to another big tit fan.

Thing is it dossent matter she is pretty or not to a real tit man its just the size.

I remember some friends over the years who had big tit girlfriends showing what they had with low cut tops. I said be careful because someones going to be interested in that. sure enougth over the years they lost them. those big titted girls draw constant attention and many of them finaly get involved with another big tit guy.

Oh well if its that easy to lose your gf, prob better off in the long run. :o

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I think the biggest danger comes from other tit men. showing off a big pair is asking for trouble. being a tit man myself I have nearly always lost a big titted girlfriend to another big tit fan.

Thing is it dossent matter she is pretty or not to a real tit man its just the size.

I remember some friends over the years who had big tit girlfriends showing what they had with low cut tops. I said be careful because someones going to be interested in that. sure enougth over the years they lost them. those big titted girls draw constant attention and many of them finaly get involved with another big tit guy.

Oh well if its that easy to lose your gf, prob better off in the long run. :D

Actually it is interesting that he managed to get the word "tit" or "titted"

(that's a new one on me but I get the drift) in eight times in an eight

line post. I think it's time the cybercensors added the word "tit" to their

watclhlist and time this guy started noticing legs , butts and (dare we ask

him) facial appearance Of course , after a few years at this level , he

could move on to "personality".


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I think the biggest danger comes from other tit men. showing off a big pair is asking for trouble. being a tit man myself I have nearly always lost a big titted girlfriend to another big tit fan.

Thing is it dossent matter she is pretty or not to a real tit man its just the size.

I remember some friends over the years who had big tit girlfriends showing what they had with low cut tops. I said be careful because someones going to be interested in that. sure enougth over the years they lost them. those big titted girls draw constant attention and many of them finaly get involved with another big tit guy.

Oh well if its that easy to lose your gf, prob better off in the long run. :D

Actually it is interesting that he managed to get the word "tit" or "titted"

(that's a new one on me but I get the drift) in eight times in an eight

line post. I think it's time the cybercensors added the word "tit" to their

watclhlist and time this guy started noticing legs , butts and (dare we ask

him) facial appearance Of course , after a few years at this level , he

could move on to "personality".


Three things.

First, men lose women or women move on all the time. It might her tits that attracted competition, or her personality, or whatever.

Second, some women are harder to hold on to, for two reasons. One is that they inspire greater competition. Marry an ugly girl if that is a big concern for you. If what you want is also what many others want, you can expect competion. The second reason some women are harder to hold on to is that they have a strong and curious libido. Libido is never really contained. But a hot babe can be worth a lot of trouble.

Third, what is so shallow about enjoying being turned on by your mate? Some people get turned on by personality, some by great conversation, some by faithful buddyship. Tits can turn a man on too, and lust is a great ally in life. Shallowness doesn't come from the ocean having one inch of water covering it - it comes from the ground being one inch away from the surface. Interest in lust doesn't make a person shallow.

Edited by jamman
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When in thailand I couldnt give a monkeys, sure I may have a stunningly stunning Isaan lass on my arm but you can bet you'll see one just a beautiful within a few feet so you kind of know that not every fella is drooling over your bit of fluff :o

Back in the UK I've been a lucky lad with the girls IMO, and at times it did make me feel uncomfortable a bit when wandering about with my ex('s)... Cant really say why, I think a lot of it is that I know what groups of English lads are like (self included at times)

Does that make sense? I'm sure some of the Brits will back me up on this one...

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Jamman I'd love to hear some of your wild stories in the art of scandalous public tit-tilation.

I won't post the stories, but perhaps I can get away with mentioning some locations.

In a crowded pub, underneath the big T.V. which everyone was watching a football match on. In the foaming shallow surf on a crowded beach. On the rocks outside the water on another. In the center of the street in daytime. Underneath a skirted table, with peoples perusing the wares for sale above, wondering where the vendors are, their ankles visible. In the front drivers seat with company in the back. In the back seat with a driver in the front. Riding up an escalator. And then all the more usual locations, such as on the beach or in stairwells or public restrooms, or in the forest or in the ocean or on an open field or conceiled behind an open car door. These memories were gifted to me by several quite naughty wonderful people. I guess nearly every girlfriend I ever had was into some public naughtiness. It's pretty common, I suppose, but still, gotta love life with events like that in it.

This reminds me of a virgin trying to convince his friends otherwise.

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Jamman I'd love to hear some of your wild stories in the art of scandalous public tit-tilation.

I won't post the stories, but perhaps I can get away with mentioning some locations.

In a crowded pub, underneath the big T.V. which everyone was watching a football match on. In the foaming shallow surf on a crowded beach. On the rocks outside the water on another. In the center of the street in daytime. Underneath a skirted table, with peoples perusing the wares for sale above, wondering where the vendors are, their ankles visible. In the front drivers seat with company in the back. In the back seat with a driver in the front. Riding up an escalator. And then all the more usual locations, such as on the beach or in stairwells or public restrooms, or in the forest or in the ocean or on an open field or conceiled behind an open car door. These memories were gifted to me by several quite naughty wonderful people. I guess nearly every girlfriend I ever had was into some public naughtiness. It's pretty common, I suppose, but still, gotta love life with events like that in it.

This reminds me of a virgin trying to convince his friends otherwise.

Jamman is very complex, surprisingly deep, sublimely amusing and I'd like to think harmless.

Party on Tiger. :o

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This reminds me of a virgin trying to convince his friends otherwise.

Not all the scandelous behaviour in those locations was of the deeply penetrating kind. I don't think I could have safely pulled that off on the escalator, or under the TV. Jaw droppingly scandelous enough to get the yellow highligter treatment in my personal history though. In the most extreme category, her palms only touched pavement for 15 seconds, but what was witnessed to happen in the middle of the street by two security guards chatting to each other on one end of the road near my apartment, and two people rounding the corner of the other, is seared forever into my memory cells. And then strolling past the security guards, to go out. I can't imagine ever going farther than that. All to the greater glory and public good. Shopping mall security guards were involved in one incident. That was extremely humorous, and we made fast friends with them. Needless to say we were greeted with big smiles every time we returned.

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