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We have all become more security-conscious since September 11. Governments around the world are clamping down on what is permitted and what is prohibited for checked in and hand luggage on flights.

I know on flights departing from Australia you are not permitted to have any sharp objects in your hand luggage. This includes pen knives and nail scissors. When your meal is served, you are issued with a plastic knife. You are not even permitted to bring into Australia those great electronic ‘mosquito tennis racquets.’

For this reason, I did a check on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website and I was shocked to see what Americans are permitted to carry on board in their hand luggage. I am not sure if this applies only to internal USA flights or flights originating in USA and terminating overseas.

According to the link, you can only carry 3 oz. or smaller containers of various liquid liquids and gels, but you can carry on board screwdrivers, wrenches and pliers (seven inches in length or less).

Box cutters, ice axes/ice picks, meat cleavers, firearms, martial arts weapons, stun guns/shocking devices and throwing stars are permitted as check in luggage.

I am just wondering what if anything is prohibited when you fly into Thailand.

The only reference I found was here – where it states:

Prohibited (without licence):

1. Firearms and ammunition incl. explosive articles and fireworks, drugs of narcotic nature, e.g. heroin.

2. Gold bullion. Moreover it must be declared on arrival and can, if no import licence is available, be left in Customs bond at the airport of entry to be retrieved on departure.

3. Meat from any country affected by Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow and foot-and-mouth diseases. The measure covers meat from all European Union countries and any other infected country. Those carrying such diseased meat will be fined THB 40,000 and/or imprisoned for up to two years.



Being an American, I am not surprised about what can be carried in checked luggage. How else would you get your firearms and ammunition accross country or to Alaska, , to Canada, Mexico ,Peru or where ever with you.

What surprises me is the restriction on gold bullion coming into Thailand! I have always carried gold bullion with me, Just in case some one nukes Washington, and the dollar becomes worthless, while I am here. As I am leaving for the States soon , will be there 4 weeks. I will look into this, and if true, I will leave my bullion here while in the USA.



I have hunted extensively around the world. Therefore I have carried guns and ammo from state to state and country to country. Believe it or not, it is not a big deal. Some countries are a PIA (like England) so just avoid them.

It always makes me smile when I take my gun case over for x-ray and am asked if I have any firearms. My typical reply is "not enough to start a revolution, but yes I have some" I then proceed to unlock he case, and present the various gun for inspection to make sure it is not loaded.

Funny how people just sort of back away from you. Ammo must be stored in a separated locked container.

I am working on importing some guns too Thailand, but it takes time and the right connections. Would be nice to shoot a few rounds of skeet at a club.

  • 2 years later...
I have hunted extensively around the world. Therefore I have carried guns and ammo from state to state and country to country. Believe it or not, it is not a big deal. Some countries are a PIA (like England) so just avoid them.

It always makes me smile when I take my gun case over for x-ray and am asked if I have any firearms. My typical reply is "not enough to start a revolution, but yes I have some" I then proceed to unlock he case, and present the various gun for inspection to make sure it is not loaded.

Funny how people just sort of back away from you. Ammo must be stored in a separated locked container.

I am working on importing some guns too Thailand, but it takes time and the right connections. Would be nice to shoot a few rounds of skeet at a club.

Where exactly do they xray the gun case?? I ask because I was under the impression that it had to be (in) your checked baggage that is put on the conveyor belt and you would not bring through customs??? :o


I have an old lever action Daisy Red Ryder which I brought into Thailand in my checked baggage. At check-in they said it was ok. You can pry it from my cold dead hands.


Funny thing is there is alot of proof pointing to the government being behind 9/11. How the <deleted> can one of(if not the MOST) powerful country in the world let some no name lowlevel terrorists bomb such iconic and quintessential buildings such as the twin towers w/o even a single one of those planes being shot down by our powerful and supreme military!??? Simply impossible. It was just a prerequisite to the Patriot act which is a prerequisite to further rights being systematically taken away and then NWO time. But what do I know. :)

Prohibited (without licence):

1. Firearms and ammunition incl. explosive articles and fireworks, drugs of narcotic nature, e.g. heroin.

All available here, why should you feel a need to import them. Thais don't like imports.

Funny thing is there is alot of proof pointing to the government being behind 9/11. How the <deleted> can one of(if not the MOST) powerful country in the world let some no name lowlevel terrorists bomb such iconic and quintessential buildings such as the twin towers w/o even a single one of those planes being shot down by our powerful and supreme military!??? Simply impossible. It was just a prerequisite to the Patriot act which is a prerequisite to further rights being systematically taken away and then NWO time. But what do I know. :)

Whatever your on ,I would definately get your prescription changed. :D

How the <deleted> can one of(if not the MOST) powerful country in the world let some no name lowlevel terrorists bomb such iconic and quintessential buildings such as the twin towers w/o even a single one of those planes being shot down by our powerful and supreme military!??? Simply impossible.
No it's not 'LyceeIceCream'. It's because you're filled up, from birth, that the US is is above and beyond all. What hurts the US the most is that a bunch of sandal wearing Arabs can bring the the majestic US to it's knees with one criminal act. America financed Irish terrorist for years prior to 9/11. Come 9/11, America declares a war on 'TERRORISM'. The IRA sues for peace, story ends, hypocrites.
Funny thing is there is alot of proof pointing to the government being behind 9/11. How the <deleted> can one of(if not the MOST) powerful country in the world let some no name lowlevel terrorists bomb such iconic and quintessential buildings such as the twin towers w/o even a single one of those planes being shot down by our powerful and supreme military!??? Simply impossible. It was just a prerequisite to the Patriot act which is a prerequisite to further rights being systematically taken away and then NWO time. But what do I know. :D

:) wake up

Funny thing is there is alot of proof pointing to the government being behind 9/11. How the <deleted> can one of(if not the MOST) powerful country in the world let some no name lowlevel terrorists bomb such iconic and quintessential buildings such as the twin towers w/o even a single one of those planes being shot down by our powerful and supreme military!??? Simply impossible. It was just a prerequisite to the Patriot act which is a prerequisite to further rights being systematically taken away and then NWO time. But what do I know. :D

I hope your seriously kidding me right now, I have read some seriously <deleted>%$ed comments here, it seems you dont know half as much as you claim, :):D:D:D

Funny thing is there is alot of proof pointing to the government being behind 9/11. How the <deleted> can one of(if not the MOST) powerful country in the world let some no name lowlevel terrorists bomb such iconic and quintessential buildings such as the twin towers w/o even a single one of those planes being shot down by our powerful and supreme military!??? Simply impossible. It was just a prerequisite to the Patriot act which is a prerequisite to further rights being systematically taken away and then NWO time. But what do I know. :)

Whatever your on ,I would definately get your prescription changed. :D

Whatever i'm "on" you should try some. It might help with that severe case of naive ignorance you have.

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