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Egg Donation in Thailand


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My wife and I live in the UK and have been trying for a child for the past two years.


We have recently done some testing and our specialist has suggested to proceed with Egg Donation treatment if we want to get a child. Unfortunately, our clinic (based in London/UK) has only access to white Caucasian eggs donors so we were looking to have the procedure done in Thailand (because my wife is Thai).


Looking online, it seems that Egg Donation is not legally allowed in Thailand but I wanted to double check if my understanding was correct and I was hoping for some suggestions on how to proceed (assuming I'm not the first one with this problem).


We also heard about getting a solicitor to look for a donor, get her flying to the UK for a month to donate (following monetary compensation) but we would not know how to proceed (especially because of the VISA constraints). Has anyone ever heard of this possibility or even done it?


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Your understanding is basically correct. It is illegal in Thailand to sell  or pat for sperm or eggs (or any human tissue).  Egg donation is legal only if the donor is a blood relative.


In addition, egg donation -- which is legally classed as surrogacy under Thai law even though the pregnancy is carried by the intended mother - requires special authorization by The Committee on the Protection for Children Born through Assisted Reproductive Technologies Act.

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