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Any Of You Guys Visit Soi L.k. Metro.


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If I'm not mistaken it's also the home to such famous places as Lolitas and He11 Club (aka Eden Pattaya)

so what is so famous about Loilitas and Eden club.... :o do they have good cuisine....

is it suitable to take a gal there for a drink on a first date ?

Yes. Take your new gal there, she will enjoy the cuisine. Sausage always on the menu. :D

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Hi mulphy........I like Soi LK Metro for a number of reasons, one being that it`s a short cut through to internet places which I have used in the past.

The thing is I am usually delayed in getting on line by having a few bevvy`s at either San Miguel bar or LLoydies old place LLoydies bar.

I often have a refreshing mug of coffee at the corner bar (name escapes me).

Will pop in and have a bevvy with you as I am back in Patters next week. :o

Soi LK Metro offers some of the most sordid and perverse entertainment not only in Pattaya but in the world as I am sure you know. It is ideal for the expat who is trying not to get a reputation as a sexpat because the action starts at 11:00 AM.

A brief glance at a couple of the clubs while drinking bottled water across the street will serve up some amazing sites as to the clientele at two of the clubs. Everyone who is anyone in Pattaya visits Soi LK Metro.

Soi LK Metro is just around the corner from the notorious Bar Noi that was the subject of another thread here. Of course nothing in that thread was even remotely accurate but I don’t wish to be questioned by the police so I am not going to go into it.

I like Soi LK Metro so much that I am there almost every evening at 9:45. There is of course a reason for that but since I am a discreet person I will leave that to your imagination.

The Go go’s there also have reasonable rooms above the dancing floor if you wish to take a nap to refresh yourself after a bevvy.

I would suggest walking down the middle of Soi LK Metro instead of close to either side as the ladies normally grope the passing customers and some might find this offensive.

Make sure to take your camera as there is a bar/hotel sign there that is among the most photographed landmarks in Thailand.

I would offer a word of caution. An acquaintance of mine last week had a very bad experience there.

Soi LK Metro is well known for being a business owners place to play to take off the strain of the hospitality business and my friend was no exception. One of the artistic dancers at one of the clubs paid a visit to his workplace to let his wife know she was unhappy with the financial arrangements made by the said business owner and his quasi mia noi arrangement with her. It was not a pleasant scene. Keep your identity to yourself and change your name to avoid this pitfall. I use the name Dana when I go there, so you pick another one.

To sum it up, if you are really kinky Soi LK Metro is the place for you. Soi Six is an more economic alternative but far more dangerous.

Fox is right on in his admiration of the street.

not sure who you are Kerry but I'm sure you know me, you paint a very different picture of LK than I have experienced, yes there a few nice bars and owners that attract a loyal client base but the street/soi is generally failing due to lack of passing trade (shame really) it's a walking street wannabee that just hasn't made it, there are about 6 bars that get 80% of the trade the rest are mostly empty, the street needs a theam - something special that will attract customers from a far, there is an unsavory side too but I guess that's the same everywhere, I drink there on a regular basis well almost there - not quite in LK just at the start, anyway that's my contribution.

Oh and yes the ramps are pretty severe on cars and bikes - totally unnecessary, they should offer a prize for those that can navigate the street without error.

I didn’t mean to imply there were not a lot of nice bars there. That is what makes it so convenient for the sex pat masquerading as the ex pat. You can tell your wife you a out to have a pint with the boys and then slip over to one of the other establishments that cater the likes of me.

I also like the place because I have never been drugged or mugged there.

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Hi mulphy........I like Soi LK Metro for a number of reasons, one being that it`s a short cut through to internet places which I have used in the past.

The thing is I am usually delayed in getting on line by having a few bevvy`s at either San Miguel bar or LLoydies old place LLoydies bar.

I often have a refreshing mug of coffee at the corner bar (name escapes me).

Will pop in and have a bevvy with you as I am back in Patters next week. :D

I use the name Dana when I go there, so you pick another one.

To sum it up, if you are really kinky Soi LK Metro is the place for you.

Fox is right on in his admiration of the street.

Kerryk you certainly have a different agenda to mine :o

I go there to drink a beer or three and see people who I have known for many years and have a chat etc. (you know kerryk normal lads banter).

I do not go there for the sordid reasons which you do.

Some of us have our brains in our head and not in our pants...........and I certainly don`t need to change my name.

Dana............isn`t that a ladies name? :D

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Oh and yes the ramps are pretty severe on cars and bikes - totally unnecessary, they should offer a prize for those that can navigate the street without error.

No doubt about that, my honda wave bottoms out everytime time no matter how slow I go. By the way, if they want customers why barricade the soi buakhou entrance off? Seems rediculous if you want people passing through, just another hurdle and pain in ar*e?

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thanks for the feed back , please keep it coming.

obviously im an owner there but a few comments have surprised me. especially the one suggesting ""it has an unsavoury side "". please elaborate , as im not aware of anything unsavoury ever happening in the soi.

the speed bumbs are a bit severe , i agree , but i must say , i do see most guys not giving them the respect they deserve , hence the scratches and bumps.

im also not aware of it being one of the kinkiest streets in pattaya , never mind the world as a poster suggested, though of course it has its fair share of things to sidetrack you.

somebody made a comment re pimps and old tarts , never met a pimp in soi l.k. metro , and as for the old tarts comment , no older nor younger than tarts anywhere.

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thanks for the feed back , please keep it coming.

obviously im an owner there but a few comments have surprised me. especially the one suggesting ""it has an unsavoury side "". please elaborate , as im not aware of anything unsavoury ever happening in the soi.

the speed bumbs are a bit severe , i agree , but i must say , i do see most guys not giving them the respect they deserve , hence the scratches and bumps.

im also not aware of it being one of the kinkiest streets in pattaya , never mind the world as a poster suggested, though of course it has its fair share of things to sidetrack you.

somebody made a comment re pimps and old tarts , never met a pimp in soi l.k. metro , and as for the old tarts comment , no older nor younger than tarts anywhere.

Most of the `adverse` seedy comments were made by a `would be novelist` so take it with a pinch of salt. :o

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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Farang-Friendly pharmacist on the right hand side four shops down when entering from Soi Bukhaew, a few O.K. bars, I prefer it by day rather than by night. I tend to stick to Soi Chayaphoon now; that's a good soi...........

Edited by libya 115
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could someone please put a link up for the 'notorious bar noi' as kerryk called it.

i drink there when im in pattaya and i also get my tattoos done by SUN? who has a tattoo shop in the 'notorious'noi bar.i presume its the same bar on the corner of soi diana.ive done a forum search but cant find the thread.im really intrigued on this one.

hi mulphy,nice to meet you on or about the 28 jan after id been to noi bar and champagne a go go.cheers,dave

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KerryK is making use of his creative writing, Soi LK Metro isn't any worse than any other Soi in Patters.

Check out the menu at the He** club and then tell me it is no different than any Soi in Pattaya.

Check out Lolita's and tell me it is no different than any other Soi in Pattaya.

Check out one of the larger clubs at 10:00 PM and tell me it is no different than any other Soi in Pattaya.

No creative writing. I live here

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thanks for the feed back , please keep it coming.

obviously im an owner there but a few comments have surprised me. especially the one suggesting ""it has an unsavoury side "". please elaborate , as im not aware of anything unsavoury ever happening in the soi.

the speed bumbs are a bit severe , i agree , but i must say , i do see most guys not giving them the respect they deserve , hence the scratches and bumps.

im also not aware of it being one of the kinkiest streets in pattaya , never mind the world as a poster suggested, though of course it has its fair share of things to sidetrack you.

somebody made a comment re pimps and old tarts , never met a pimp in soi l.k. metro , and as for the old tarts comment , no older nor younger than tarts anywhere.

Most of the `adverse` seedy comments were made by a `would be novelist` so take it with a pinch of salt. :o

Club Eden/He** club, not seedy???????

Perhaps the pimp comment is about the bar owners who sell the ladies who work on the Soi. If a bar fine is collected than the person collecting it is a pimp.

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KerryK is making use of his creative writing, Soi LK Metro isn't any worse than any other Soi in Patters.

Check out the menu at the He** club and then tell me it is no different than any Soi in Pattaya.

Check out Lolita's and tell me it is no different than any other Soi in Pattaya.

Check out one of the larger clubs at 10:00 PM and tell me it is no different than any other Soi in Pattaya.

Soi 6 for starters. :o

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KerryK is making use of his creative writing, Soi LK Metro isn't any worse than any other Soi in Patters.

Check out the menu at the He** club and then tell me it is no different than any Soi in Pattaya.

Check out Lolita's and tell me it is no different than any other Soi in Pattaya.

Check out one of the larger clubs at 10:00 PM and tell me it is no different than any other Soi in Pattaya.

Soi 6 for starters. :o

Soi Six is close. Matter of fact I went there last night. But there is really no comparison. LK Metro is in a different league. Although there a couple of decent pubs on Soi Six the reputation is so sordid that I am hesitant to tell anyone to meet me there unless I know them quite well and they realize I am just going there for conversation and a pint.

Last night we started at Big Al’s for dinner then to Bar Noi for a beer and then to LK Metro for a show and later Soi Six to gather the ladies for dancing at the Bamboo Bar till about 1AM. Bamboo was packed and everyone dancing.

The best thing about the show on LK Metro was a very nerdy looking guy sitting at the stage and acting the complete idiot. He wasn’t a dangerous type or offensive just a complete clown. He was there with his wife. I thought he was English, Dave thought he was American and Mick thought he was Swedish. We put 100 baht on it and I went over and asked him. Turns out he was from Holland. Nice guy to talk to. He introduced me to his wife who was also pleasant.

3:30 AM all the ladies get off work and are ready for a late dinner at the portable restaurant in the vacant lot where they have the market Tuesdays and Fridays and then home about 5:00 AM.

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thanks for the feed back , please keep it coming.

obviously im an owner there but a few comments have surprised me. especially the one suggesting ""it has an unsavoury side "". please elaborate , as im not aware of anything unsavoury ever happening in the soi.

the speed bumbs are a bit severe , i agree , but i must say , i do see most guys not giving them the respect they deserve , hence the scratches and bumps.

im also not aware of it being one of the kinkiest streets in pattaya , never mind the world as a poster suggested, though of course it has its fair share of things to sidetrack you.

somebody made a comment re pimps and old tarts , never met a pimp in soi l.k. metro , and as for the old tarts comment , no older nor younger than tarts anywhere.

Most of the `adverse` seedy comments were made by a `would be novelist` so take it with a pinch of salt. :o

Club Eden/He** club, not seedy???????

Perhaps the pimp comment is about the bar owners who sell the ladies who work on the Soi. If a bar fine is collected than the person collecting it is a pimp.


the hel_l (eden) club is a very attractive , very well constructed , specialist club , which deals in adult fantasies. personally i dont find anything about it seedy , though i accept what it has to offer would not appeal to everyone.

you should remember that this is thailand , and what is the norm here , might not be upto your individual expectations , but it is not yours or my place to become the moral police over any particular issue.

the comment re pimp , has me baffled, that would mean in essence that you believe i am a pimp , because i collect a barfine from customers when they wish to take any of my staff from my premises to go shopping , go eat , go cinema , go drinking or whatever else.

im sure you know what im about to say but i ll say it anyway.WITHOUT BARFINES pattaya would not exist.

i ll explain it for you, no barfines would mean few ladies working the bars . few ladies working the bars would mean few tourists.

few tourists would mean few bars. few bars would mean no need for many other sevices , ie shops , beauty salons, restaurants, housing , condos etc etc etc.

the knock on into the greater community in thailand would be horrendous , families relying on the bar trade would suffer , whole villages would suffer and some small businesses being financed from pattaya would close even in the likes of issaan.

id say economic disaster for the whole thai way of life as it stands.

if i told you that the barfine was 300 b at my place , that i give the girl 100b commission on it and given that her salary is 200b a day , i dont make anything from it when she leaves the premises with a new found friend , would you still believe me a pimp.

you have to remember that i dont sell sex , i only sell alcohol and accomodation, although i have a fair idea of what any individual girl may or may not do once taken from my premises , but that is her concern , not mine.

Edited by mulphy
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If a man in a bar asks girl for sex and asks how much then he has committed an offence and the bar is a prostitution establishment.

Acc/to the Act

"prostitution establishment" means a place established for prostitution or in which the prostitution is allowed, and shall include a place used for soliciting or procuring another person for prostitution;

Section 6.

Any person who associates with another person in a prostitution establishment for the purpose of prostitution of oneself or another person shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or to a fine not exceeding one thousand Baht or to both.

Section 11.

Any person who is the owner, supervisor or manager of a prostitution business or a prostitution establishment, or the controller of prostitutes in a prostitution establishment shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of three to fifteen years and to a fine of sixty thousand to three hundred thousand Baht.

that makes it pretty clear , but like i said before, i sell drinks and accomodation , so i dont see it as an issue for me.

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bar fines are to make up for loss of staff, nothing more.

........agree if the lady is not there to serve drinks etc to customers then there should be compensation for the establishment in the way of a barfine.....after all as mulphy says he pays the lady a wage of 200 baht for the day.

You wouldn`t expect to be paid for any job and to leave halfway through a shift without the employer being compensated would you?

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You wouldn`t expect to be paid for any job and to leave halfway through a shift without the employer being compensated would you?

...but I wouldn't start a job where it was expected to leave during shift...and this for a couple of times... :o

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You wouldn`t expect to be paid for any job and to leave halfway through a shift without the employer being compensated would you?

...but I wouldn't start a job where it was expected to leave during shift...and this for a couple of times... :o

I guess you don`t work behind a bar :D

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i dont employ prostitutes , i employ female human beings.

there job might include bar manager , cashiers, bar staff , waiting staff and hostesses.

it is not my command that they are bar fineable , it is there wish.

now as i dont go with them myself , i cant confirm what they do or dont do whilst on thier own time.

perhaps some indulge in the sex for sale business , id be surprised if they didnt , to be honest.

at the end of the day no matter what they choose to do , i ll still think of them as human beings first and foremost.

actually it makes me sick to think that some people cant see another person as human , only as a prostitute.

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Many of the Bars that I have seen in LK Metro are breaking the Law including the one we visited on the Thai Visa recon

As I understand it they come under Clause 2 of the act I have copied below.

Act of Entertainment Place 1978

The entertainment place under clause (2) is the place that sells food, alcohol, or any other drinking with prostitute but no dancing for example, restaurant which has prostitute to service in the table or coffee shop that provides room for sleeping or massage service.

but under the Act on Entertainment Places Amended 8 May 2006

An amendment to the Act on Entertainment Places established new requirements for the application for an entertainment business license as well as new entertainment business regulations. The amendment mandates that entertainment business owners keep stricter records on their staff. Licensees are required to keep 2 copies of profile cards on each of their staff members. The profile card (complete with their ID number) must fixed on the right hand side of their shirt during work hours. The card shall have a red background if the employee is a service partner, entertainer, bath service provider, masseur or scent service attendant. Other employees shall wear a blue profile card.

I only saw one Bar where employees had cards on their shirts – Lolita’s but many had not enough material in their shirts to support the weight of a card.

But R4...the whole point is that your interpretation of a bar and the facts are different.

The bar employs people to serve drinks, play games, wash the counters and generally be friendly to customers in order to get them to buy drinks....this is not prostitution.

If a person asks a worker to leave the bar for a stroll, a meal or whatever then this is up to the bar person........again not prostitution. What they do later as consenting adults is up to them.

The bar fine compensates the bar for the loss of the employees time.

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Many of the Bars that I have seen in LK Metro are breaking the Law including the one we visited on the Thai Visa recon

As I understand it they come under Clause 2 of the act I have copied below.

Act of Entertainment Place 1978

The entertainment place under clause (2) is the place that sells food, alcohol, or any other drinking with prostitute but no dancing for example, restaurant which has prostitute to service in the table or coffee shop that provides room for sleeping or massage service.

but under the Act on Entertainment Places Amended 8 May 2006

An amendment to the Act on Entertainment Places established new requirements for the application for an entertainment business license as well as new entertainment business regulations. The amendment mandates that entertainment business owners keep stricter records on their staff. Licensees are required to keep 2 copies of profile cards on each of their staff members. The profile card (complete with their ID number) must fixed on the right hand side of their shirt during work hours. The card shall have a red background if the employee is a service partner, entertainer, bath service provider, masseur or scent service attendant. Other employees shall wear a blue profile card.

I only saw one Bar where employees had cards on their shirts – Lolita’s but many had not enough material in their shirts to support the weight of a card.

And? :o

Edited by davethailand
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I understand that the Police Chief of Phuket has clamped down on Bar owners who break the Law regarding closing -- I am expected to obey Thai law and all bar owners who only make money by having girls to attract customers should obey the laws as well or be put out of business. English pubs do not require girls to attract drinkers.

Two different countries and two different worlds.

I think that you should relax a little :o

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I understand that the Police Chief of Phuket has clamped down on Bar owners who break the Law regarding closing -- I am expected to obey Thai law and all bar owners who only make money by having girls to attract customers should obey the laws as well or be put out of business. English pubs do not require girls to attract drinkers.

The laws you quote will never be enforced. :o

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