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New Zealand defense report says climate change greatest security risk


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3 hours ago, Enoon said:



Exclusive terms.


"Global Warming" is one.


It leads to "Climate change".


Mans effect on Global Warming is what some people question.


But apparently not the majority of those concerned with the scientific study of the phenomenon.


They seem to be pretty much convinced that man has influenced Global Warming.


Strangely, many people who are not scientists, but usually take their word for it when it comes to their explanations of thermo-dynamics, physics, biology, chemistry (including the distillation of petro-chemical products) astronomy, plate-tectonics, .....all sorts of scientific "stuff", think they shouldn't be believed.


Those people live their lives almost totally based on products and activities which are the result of the scientific revolution, scientific study, scientific development of mechanisms, objects and modes of existence.


Without Science no modernity, no cars, no motorcycles or airline travel, none of all the lovely gadgets and consumer products around which their lives revolve.


But this time they think that scientists may not be trusted or believed.


Perhaps because the conclusions the scientists have come to mean that they have to change their lifestyles, give up certain cherished objects and practices as a result and find that too horrible to countenance.


Rather as a child would be upset if they were told they could no longer play with their favourite toy(s).






Well said :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, mikebike said:

Less than 1% of climate expert scientists are divided on "what".


"Why" has about a 95% rate of agreement.


More scientists believed we couldn't get to the moon.

Sources, please.

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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

No, top scientists are not split on the question. Unless your definition of "split" is anything short of 100% unanimity.

More than a thousand scientists, including former UN IPCC experts, produced the Climate Depot report which disagreed that humans are primary responsible for global change. 

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28 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of the Paris Climate Accord, which was hailed as being a planetary saviour from the scourge of man-made global warming.


With standard Green/Left overblown hype, then-US president Obama called the day “a historic day in the fight to protect our planet for future generations. If we follow through on the commitments that this Paris agreement embodies, history may well judge it as a turning point for our planet.”


Some commentators were skeptical about the ability and willingness of countries such as China and India to do anything substantive to reduce CO2 emissions, but were howled down in the general euphoria.


So today, we discover:


‘We are in trouble.’ Global carbon emissions reached a record high in 2018.


India's emissions up 6.3% over last year, China up 4.7%, US up 2.5%, the gallant EU down 0.7%, rest of world up 1.8%. A complete bust, in fact. Nobody's doing anything.


With standard Green/Left overblown hype, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said this week: "We are in deep trouble with climate change. It is hard to overstate the urgency of our situation, we are still not doing enough, nor moving fast enough, to prevent irreversible and catastrophic climate disruption.”


His speech reads like it was written by Prince Charles, or Bob Geldof. Or maybe Gwynneth Paltrow.


The best hope of avoiding some mild warming is not trying to cut CO2 emissions, but hope that the small but well credentialled group of scientists (Henrik Svensmark, Khabibullo Abdussamatov, in particular) who believe that observed solar inactivity is going to cause a sharp cooling, are correct.


Otherwise, the hot air in the atmosphere will be matched by more hot air from the activists, and the fearful types will have to up sticks and move to Norilsk.



Henrik Svensmark is the guy who proposed that cosmic rays were responsible for global warming or cooling via cloud formation.   His theory has never gained any traction in the scientific community and depends on his denying clear cut evidence to the contrary. It's a tiny tiny minority opinion.

Khabibullo Abdussamatov is a solar physicist who believes that warming is due to periods of greater solar activity. This idea has basically been debunked. It's true that there is a weak connection but starting in about 1975 something else obliterated any observed effects from solar activity. Abdussamatov gets even less respect than Svensmark.

As for these people being well-credentialled... as physicists who study the solar system, yes. As climatologists not so much.


"Nobody's doing anything." That's just flat out false. But they are certainly not close to doing enough.


And no posting of your would be complete without the usual childish insults:

"Otherwise, the hot air in the atmosphere will be matched by more hot air from the activists, and the fearful types will have to up sticks and move to Norilsk."

"His speech reads like it was written by Prince Charles, or Bob Geldof. Or maybe Gwynneth Paltrow."

"With standard Green/Left overblown hype, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said this week:"


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3 hours ago, Hummin said:

The last climate change, there was not 8 billion people on this planet. It will be quite messy, when the strongest going to secure their needs for the future. Most of us, is just deleted 

Its called Natural Selection. But if Global Warming accelerates and reaches a tipping point an Extinction Event is predicted. Predicted because it has happened before, and then those who think their strength is financial will learn that you cant eat dollars or gold!

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5 hours ago, pedro01 said:

So here's how this will play out.


People on the left: Claim climate change is proven by science. That despite many predictions of impending doom that have passed, that all future predictions WILL come to pass.

People on the right: Claim climate change is a con of some sort, that it's unproven, that even if it is true - it's not man-made & that it snowed somewhere recently.


This is 100% a political issue. You pick your affiliation & then you choose which 'science' you want to believe. 


So nothing will ever be done and it's basically a matter of hope for the best. Fingers crossed, everyone!

   Well... just 25,000 years ago..where I live...(lovely southern part of Canada.... forests... rivers.. lakes.. farms.. cities like Toronto, the Great Lakes..)...was covered in a vast sheet of ice a mile thick that covered about half of the continent...   The last Glacial Period.  Right now we are in an Interglacial Period, between Glacial Periods, during our Current Ice Age we are in. 

    So..  yep.... climate does indeed change...and has been changing ever since the planet got water and an atmosphere.  Sometimes slowly... sometimes fast... sometimes a lot.. sometimes a little... 

      Paleoclimatology is really an amazing subject...  I found out that we are still in an Ice Age right now... The Quaternary/Pleistocene Glaciation or... Current Ice Age ...that started about 2.6 million years ago.  It's still going on. 

      We are still in this present Ice Age as long as there are still ice caps, glaciers and ice fields.. 

  I really find Global Warming/Climate Change Alarmists to be quite amusing...perhaps they suffer from G.A.D.    (generalized anxiety disorder)  

Welcome to Planet Earth. 

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55 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

"Nobody's doing anything." That's just flat out false. But they are certainly not close to doing enough.

Good, at least we agree that the hype surrounding the 2015 Paris climate accord was overblown to the usual absurd activist degree.


It beggars belief that three years later, another 23,000 people have decided to fly in to Poland from all over the world to go through the same non-event all over again.


I happened to glance through a document called the Conference of Parties - Provisional List of Registered Participants (appropriately abbreviated as COP-PLOP) to discover that, naturally, the largest delegation, at a mere 406 people, comes from that climate hotspot the Republic of Guinea, followed by Congo (237) and other climate luminaries such as Cote d'Ivoire (208) and Sudan (172).


Lending invaluable support to these herculean efforts are the NGOs such as the European Cyclists' Federation, the Morocco Women's Democratic Association, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Christian Activists for Human Rights in Shabunda, the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, the Nodde Noota Association and the Both Ends Foundation, a real pair for the scrapbook.


You may think this is a serious effort to "save the planet", whatever that means, but to many people it will display the signs of a giant virtue signalling jolly.

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28 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Bangkok is one metre above sea level.


The majority of politicians are in thrall to the fossil fuel industry. The current Australian Prime Minister ( not for long, hopefully ) even brought a lump of coal into Parliament to wave around. Science is inconvenient to most politicians focused on unending economic growth.


The Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica is shrinking at an unprecedented rate. There will be 60% less water flow to the Mekong and Ganges from the Tibetan Plateau by 2050. The Greenland ice cap is melting at 5 times the rate of  pre-industrial times, and the rate is accelerating due to the albedo effect.


Taking the Greenland ice cap in isolation, complete melting will result in a worldwide rise in sea level of 7 metres.


Any climate skeptics out there who would like to buy a condo in Bangkok? I have a friend who is trying to sell his. He'll even throw in a rowboat.


    You might like this:    Keeping the gravy train going.......  


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4 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

Good, at least we agree that the hype surrounding the 2015 Paris climate accord was overblown to the usual absurd activist degree.


It beggars belief that three years later, another 23,000 people have decided to fly in to Poland from all over the world to go through the same non-event all over again.


I happened to glance through a document called the Conference of Parties - Provisional List of Registered Participants (appropriately abbreviated as COP-PLOP) to discover that, naturally, the largest delegation, at a mere 406 people, comes from that climate hotspot the Republic of Guinea, followed by Congo (237) and other climate luminaries such as Cote d'Ivoire (208) and Sudan (172).


Lending invaluable support to these herculean efforts are the NGOs such as the European Cyclists' Federation, the Morocco Women's Democratic Association, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Christian Activists for Human Rights in Shabunda, the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, the Nodde Noota Association and the Both Ends Foundation, a real pair for the scrapbook.


You may think this is a serious effort to "save the planet", whatever that means, but to many people it will display the signs of a giant virtue signalling jolly.

"Good, at least we agree that the hype surrounding the 2015 Paris climate accord was overblown to the usual absurd activist degree."

No we do not agree. And once again you resort to your usual insults. Apparently to you "activist" is a dirty word.

But if we want to talk about overblown hype how about this:

"Nobody's doing anything." That is an outright and massive falsehood falsehood.


As for these conferences, that's how the world works. It takes time to turn things around. Whether they're turning fast enough is still an open question.

Citing such trivialities as the number of people attending the conference and focusing on the ones who aren't scientists or other experts is just a cheap and shoddy rhetorical ploy. Whatever substantive objections there may be, you reveal none of them.

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3 minutes ago, Catoni said:


    You might like this:    Keeping the gravy train going.......  


Can't argue with it. So everyone sits on their hands waiting for someone else to do something.

We will get somewhere when the economics of renewable energy overwhelm that of fossil fuel. That's happening as we speak, as solutions are being found. And yes, it will be all about money. Power companies worldwide are shitting themselves over the prospect of households being able to become independent of them. The fossil fuel industry can't be too happy about being superseded by hydrogen as a fuel either.

Stopping the destruction of the ozone layer has been a great environmental success. That was achieved by international co-operation ( Montreal Protocol ). It remains to be seen whether the same co-operation can be achieved with climate change.

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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Can't argue with it. So everyone sits on their hands waiting for someone else to do something.

We will get somewhere when the economics of renewable energy overwhelm that of fossil fuel. That's happening as we speak, as solutions are being found. And yes, it will be all about money. Power companies worldwide are shitting themselves over the prospect of households being able to become independent of them. The fossil fuel industry can't be too happy about being superseded by hydrogen as a fuel either.

Stopping the destruction of the ozone layer has been a great environmental success. That was achieved by international co-operation ( Montreal Protocol ). It remains to be seen whether the same co-operation can be achieved with climate change.

Did you miss this?   

   (Replying to someone else):   You posted:   "...nothing in millions of years approaches the rate of change we are experiencing now."


  Cites and references please. Thank you.


0.85 degree increase between 1880 - 2012 is NOT fast at all.   (Figures from the I.P.C.C. Summary for Policy Makers 3rd, 4th, and 5th Assessment Reports) 

   What would you expect it to do coming out of a 550 year period of bad cooler climate that lasted from circa 1300 - 1850... (with a few small breaks of nicer warmer years.)  ? ? ?   Do you realise how bad a time that was for Europe, Russia... China and North America ? ?  Shorter growing seasons... failed harvests... famine... longer..colder.. more bitter depressing winters...  

    Want to go back to that climate perhaps ? ? 


       After that approx. 550 year cold period that ended about 1850..would you expect it to return to a nicer warmer period ?  Or would you expect it to get colder ?  


   What does life prefer ?  Warmer ? Or colder ?  

Did you move to the lovely colder islands of the Arctic ? ? 

  Or did you move to the hot tropics of southeast Asia ? ? 


 What is your opinion of the World Bank giving $200 BILLION dollars to  "fight Climate Change" when there is about 3 - 5 million people dying each year... including 4000 little CHILDREN DYING EVERY DAY from dirty water ? ?       PATHETIC ! ! 

   Personally I think that $200 BILLION dollars would go a long ways to bringing clean drinking water to a lot of third world villages... Save the lives of suffering dying children.  


But maybe the Climate Change Alarmists and the Alarmist Climate Change "scientists" and the World Bank know better than me....  

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1 minute ago, Catoni said:

Did you miss this?   

   (Replying to someone else):   You posted:   "...nothing in millions of years approaches the rate of change we are experiencing now."


  Cites and references please. Thank you.


0.85 degree increase between 1880 - 2012 is NOT fast at all.   (Figures from the I.P.C.C. Summary for Policy Makers 3rd, 4th, and 5th Assessment Reports) 

   What would you expect it to do coming out of a 550 year period of bad cooler climate that lasted from circa 1300 - 1850... (with a few small breaks of nicer warmer years.)  ? ? ?   Do you realise how bad a time that was for Europe, Russia... China and North America ? ?  Shorter growing seasons... failed harvests... famine... longer..colder.. more bitter depressing winters...  

    Want to go back to that climate perhaps ? ? 


       After that approx. 550 year cold period that ended about 1850..would you expect it to return to a nicer warmer period ?  Or would you expect it to get colder ?  


   What does life prefer ?  Warmer ? Or colder ?  

Did you move to the lovely colder islands of the Arctic ? ? 

  Or did you move to the hot tropics of southeast Asia ? ? 


 What is your opinion of the World Bank giving $200 BILLION dollars to  "fight Climate Change" when there is about 3 - 5 million people dying each year... including 4000 little CHILDREN DYING EVERY DAY from dirty water ? ?       PATHETIC ! ! 

   Personally I think that $200 BILLION dollars would go a long ways to bringing clean drinking water to a lot of third world villages... Save the lives of suffering dying children.  


But maybe the Climate Change Alarmists and the Alarmist Climate Change "scientists" and the World Bank know better than me....  


Actually, you are confusing me with another poster.

Addressing the subject of $200 billion dollars, let's say Myanmar gets $10 billion of that money to improve public health.

Do you really think that's where it will actually go, and not into the pockets of the military there?


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Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

The Al Gore's of the world have scared the kiddies to death.  "Climate change will end the world!"

Probably not.  It's more likely that a X20 Class Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun will take out the power grids of all industrialized nations who have chosen to ignore historical data that CMEs happen on a regular basis - about 150 years between major CME events.  A Carrington level CME that fried telegraph lines in 1859 will destroy the primary grids of most countries, then boys and girls, it's back to days without electricity.  Not a lot of city folks are going to survive that.  In a really ironic manner, the survivors will be those backwards third-world counties who barely have been introduced to electricity and still farm for a living.  Now there's a cosmic joke on all the smug, iPhone dependent, cashless society embracing, social media millennial out there.  Climate change will become the last of everyone's worries when it's back to hunting, gathering, and basic survival. 
So I'm not worried about climate change at all.  I already know how the story is going to end. 
1859 + 150 = 2009  Dang, we're over-due.


"This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper."
-T.S. Eliot, The Hallow Men

Lights out - It's coming kids.  And ya'll thought Freddy Kruger and Climate Change are scary!  Think again.

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10 minutes ago, connda said:

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

The Al Gore's of the world have scared the kiddies to death.  "Climate change will end the world!"

Probably not.  It's more likely that a X20 Class Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun will take out the power grids of all industrialized nations who have chosen to ignore historical data that CMEs happen on a regular basis - about 150 years between major CME events.  A Carrington level CME that fried telegraph lines in 1859 will destroy the primary grids of most countries, then boys and girls, it's back to days without electricity.  Not a lot of city folks are going to survive that.  In a really ironic manner, the survivors will be those backwards third-world counties who barely have been introduced to electricity and still farm for a living.  Now there's a cosmic joke on all the smug, iPhone dependent, cashless society embracing, social media millennial out there.  Climate change will become the last of everyone's worries when it's back to hunting, gathering, and basic survival. 
So I'm not worried about climate change at all.  I already know how the story is going to end. 
1859 + 150 = 2009  Dang, we're over-due.


"This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper."
-T.S. Eliot, The Hallow Men

Lights out - It's coming kids.  And ya'll thought Freddy Kruger and Climate Change are scary!  Think again.

T.S. Eliot, The Hollow Men.

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20 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Actually, you are confusing me with another poster.

Addressing the subject of $200 billion dollars, let's say Myanmar gets $10 billion of that money to improve public health.

Do you really think that's where it will actually go, and not into the pockets of the military there?


    Simple .... you don't give the money to the Myanmar government,  That would be like when Canada gave thousands of tons of wheat to the Ethiopian government to be distributed freely to feed starving poverty stricken Ethiopians... and it instead ended up being sold by the Ethiopian military on the black market.


    You instead have the money controlled by carefully chosen international charities that have good records of not wasting money and resources..  organizations like Charity: Water,     Water.Org,      WaterIsLife, 

  Blood:Water,      Generosity.org,       Lifewater International... and others...  

    I like them all...  and another one I really like is Planet Water Foundation   and there are many others..  Investigate them.... see if they control the funds themselves... or give it to the governments.  If they give the money to the governments... don't donate to them.


   I refuse to help fight climate change when thousands of children die each day because of dirty water.  The leftist climate alarmists have their priorities backwards and upside down...  The global warming/climate change thing is actually all about a leftist political-economic agenda... nothing more.  Climate change...(which has been going on for a few billion years) is just a weapon to use against us. 


     Look at this video......then decide if the World Bank spending $200 BILLION  to fight climate change is making such a wonderful smart move or not....    I say... NOT ! ! 


Remember....  4000 thousand dead children a day... from dirty water.....water born disease and parasites...

  THAT'S where the money should be spent.......  

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17 minutes ago, Catoni said:

    Simple .... you don't give the money to the Myanmar government,  That would be like when Canada gave thousands of tons of wheat to the Ethiopian government to be distributed freely to feed starving poverty stricken Ethiopians... and it instead ended up being sold by the Ethiopian military on the black market.


    You instead have the money controlled by carefully chosen international charities that have good records of not wasting money and resources..  organizations like Charity: Water,     Water.Org,      WaterIsLife, 

  Blood:Water,      Generosity.org,       Lifewater International... and others...  

    I like them all...  and another one I really like is Planet Water Foundation   and there are many others..  Investigate them.... see if they control the funds themselves... or give it to the governments.  If they give the money to the governments... don't donate to them.


   I refuse to help fight climate change when thousands of children die each day because of dirty water.  The leftist climate alarmists have their priorities backwards and upside down...  The global warming/climate change thing is actually all about a leftist political-economic agenda... nothing more.  Climate change...(which has been going on for a few billion years) is just a weapon to use against us. 


     Look at this video......then decide if the World Bank spending $200 BILLION  to fight climate change is making such a wonderful smart move or not....    I say... NOT ! ! 


Remember....  4000 thousand dead children a day... from dirty water.....water born disease and parasites...

  THAT'S where the money should be spent.......  

The World Bank doesn't give away money. It's a bank.

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38 minutes ago, Catoni said:

    Simple .... you don't give the money to the Myanmar government,  That would be like when Canada gave thousands of tons of wheat to the Ethiopian government to be distributed freely to feed starving poverty stricken Ethiopians... and it instead ended up being sold by the Ethiopian military on the black market.


    You instead have the money controlled by carefully chosen international charities that have good records of not wasting money and resources..  organizations like Charity: Water,     Water.Org,      WaterIsLife, 

  Blood:Water,      Generosity.org,       Lifewater International... and others...  

    I like them all...  and another one I really like is Planet Water Foundation   and there are many others..  Investigate them.... see if they control the funds themselves... or give it to the governments.  If they give the money to the governments... don't donate to them.


   I refuse to help fight climate change when thousands of children die each day because of dirty water.  The leftist climate alarmists have their priorities backwards and upside down...  The global warming/climate change thing is actually all about a leftist political-economic agenda... nothing more.  Climate change...(which has been going on for a few billion years) is just a weapon to use against us. 


     Look at this video......then decide if the World Bank spending $200 BILLION  to fight climate change is making such a wonderful smart move or not....    I say... NOT ! ! 


Remember....  4000 thousand dead children a day... from dirty water.....water born disease and parasites...

  THAT'S where the money should be spent.......  

Your sentiments are admirable Catoni, BUT, like most people,  yours is a blinkered species-centric view of the World, or, to put it simply, you think, quite naturally, as all species think that it is all about them, that it is "ALL ABOUT US". But, as the supposedly super intelligent dominant species, we must rise above this narrow species-centric point of view and realise that it is us; the Human race that is f e c k i n g everything up on this Earth! It is us who are destroying our only home; this beautiful, unique planet Earth. Because this Earth cannot sustain more and more people living Western consumer and greed driven lifestyles draining its resources and killing off all other species and polluting and poisoning the environment that feeds and sustains us all., e.g., http://www.dw.com/en/sand-a-dwindling-resource/av-37865643


Drastic population control is required but it will not happen. Most people and those in power stubbornly refuse to realise and  accept that it is not 'all about us' and money. But the dark clouds of Gaia are gathering. Whether by a CME or Climate Change or wars over resources, one way or another the human race is in for a huge cull. And once it happens our precious Earth can and will recover and actually be much better off without us. I take solace in this:



Edited by SunsetT
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8 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

The World Bank doesn't give away money. It's a bank.

   Oh... so the World Bank is NOT giving $200 Billion to fight climate change? ?   Not following the news lately?  


    You're kidding right?   The World Bank IS giving $200 BILLION  dollars to "fight climate change." 


World Bank to invest $200bn to combat climate changeSum available for 2021-25 represents doubling of current five-year plan

Fiona Harvey Environment correspondent

Mon 3 Dec 2018 10.57 GMTLast modified on Mon 3 Dec 2018 20.40 GMT\


World Bank Group Will Allocate $200 Billion In Funding Against Climate Change

December 3, 2018

The World Bank says it will allocate $200 billion to support countries taking action against climate change between 2021 and 2025, the organization announced on Monday. The funding represents double the amount allocated in the original five-year investment plan that was put in place after the 2015 Paris agreement.

Read more here:   http://fortune.com/2018/12/03/world-bank-climate-change-funding/


December 3, 2018 7:49 am
Updated: December 3, 2018 10:33 am

World Bank doubles climate change fund to $200B in face of ‘existential threat’

By Megan Rowling Reuters

The World Bank will give equal weight to curbing emissions and helping poor countries deal with the “disastrous effects” of a warming world as it steps up investments to tackle climate change in the first half of the 2020s, it said on Monday.

The bank and its two sister organizations plan to double their investments in climate action to about US$200 billion from 2021-2025, with a boost in support for efforts to adapt to higher temperatures, wilder weather and rising seas.

Read more here:   https://globalnews.ca/news/4721992/world-bank-climate-change/
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Just now, Catoni said:

   Oh... so the World Bank is NOT giving $200 Billion to fight climate change? ?   Not following the news lately?  


    You're kidding right?   The World Bank IS giving $200 BILLION  dollars to "fight climate change." 


World Bank to invest $200bn to combat climate changeSum available for 2021-25 represents doubling of current five-year plan

Fiona Harvey Environment correspondent

Mon 3 Dec 2018 10.57 GMTLast modified on Mon 3 Dec 2018 20.40 GMT\


World Bank Group Will Allocate $200 Billion In Funding Against Climate Change

December 3, 2018

The World Bank says it will allocate $200 billion to support countries taking action against climate change between 2021 and 2025, the organization announced on Monday. The funding represents double the amount allocated in the original five-year investment plan that was put in place after the 2015 Paris agreement.

Read more here:   http://fortune.com/2018/12/03/world-bank-climate-change-funding/


December 3, 2018 7:49 am
Updated: December 3, 2018 10:33 am

World Bank doubles climate change fund to $200B in face of ‘existential threat’

By Megan Rowling Reuters

The World Bank will give equal weight to curbing emissions and helping poor countries deal with the “disastrous effects” of a warming world as it steps up investments to tackle climate change in the first half of the 2020s, it said on Monday.

The bank and its two sister organizations plan to double their investments in climate action to about US$200 billion from 2021-2025, with a boost in support for efforts to adapt to higher temperatures, wilder weather and rising seas.

Read more here:   https://globalnews.ca/news/4721992/world-bank-climate-change/

Do you understand that there's a difference between "give" and "invest"?

"World Bank to invest $200bn to combat climate change"

As I said, the World Bank is a bank. It's not a charity.


And I want to thank you for pre-thanking me for providing that information about the rate of climate change being unprecedented for the last 65 million years.

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2 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

Your sentiments are admirable BUT, like most people,  yours is a blinkered species-centric view of the World, or, to put it simply, you think, quite naturally, as all species think that it is all about them, that it is "ALL ABOUT US". But, as the supposedly super intelligent dominant species, we must rise above this narrow species-centric point of view and realise that it is us; the Human race that is f e c k i n g everything up on this Earth! It is us who are destroying our only home; this beautiful, unique planet Earth. Because this Earth cannot sustain more and more people living Western consumer and greed driven lifestyles draining its resources and killing off all other species and polluting and poisoning the environment that feeds and sustains us all., e.g., http://www.dw.com/en/sand-a-dwindling-resource/av-37865643


Drastic population control is required but it will not happen. Most people and those in power stubbornly refuse to realise and  accept that it is not 'all about us' and money. But the dark clouds of Gaia are gathering. Whether by a CME or Climate Change or wars over resources, one way or another the human race is in for a huge cull. And once it happens our precious Earth can and will recover and actually be much better off without us. I take solace in this:



       So how soon before you and your comrades start building the special "camps" for the rest of us? ? 

Why do you hate people so much?  Why do you hate children and not care about 4000 children dying each day ? 

      "Gaia" ? ?  Really ?   So you believe in the Earth Goddess?   Do you have a shrine to "her" in your home where you chant and make offerings ? 


  Well... while you're building your culling camps for us.... I'll continue to contribute to bringing clean drinking water to third world villages.   

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3 minutes ago, Catoni said:

       So how soon before you and your comrades start building the special "camps" for the rest of us? ? 

Why do you hate people so much?  Why do you hate children and not care about 4000 children dying each day ? 

      "Gaia" ? ?  Really ?   So you believe in the Earth Goddess?   Do you have a shrine to "her" in your home where you chant and make offerings ? 


  Well... while you're building your culling camps for us.... I'll continue to contribute to bringing clean drinking water to third world villages.   

You might try googling World Bank Clean Water or World Bank Potable Water etc... You might be unpleasantly surprised.


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5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Do you understand that there's a difference between "give" and "invest"?

"World Bank to invest $200bn to combat climate change"

As I said, the World Bank is a bank. It's not a charity.


And I want to thank you for pre-thanking me for providing that information about the rate of climate change being unprecedented for the last 65 million years.

      0.85 degree increase over a 132 year period is certainly NOT unprecedented for the last 65 million years..  

  Try to prove it if you can, comrade. 


   Do you realise we are in an Ice Age right now that began about 2.6 million years ago ?   


  I'm waiting for you to tell us that the climate should never change and that we should stay in an Ice Age .


    Do you think climate was better during the 1300 - 1850 C.E. years ? ?  


You know... if you really prefer it cooler... I would think that southeast Asia would be just about the last place you would want to live or vacation in.

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14 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

You might try googling World Bank Clean Water or World Bank Potable Water etc... You might be unpleasantly surprised.


  Whatever they are doing about drinking water does not let them off the hook for blowing $200 billion on "fighting climate change" 

   All that money might slow the tiny rate of warming so that instead of being another degree warmer by the year 2100..... it will instead take until 2104 to be one degree warmer.. 

    You couldn't step outside today.... and then step outside tomorrow.. and tell whether it is one degree warmer without using an accurate thermometer... let alone tell the difference over a century or a century and a half. 


  Where I live we get a twenty degree temperature variation between night and day.... a twelve hour period...  often.. 


    Over a six month period we go from three hot sweaty summer months.....  to well below freezing....


   And you leftist alarmists claim to be worried about one or two degrees over a 100 - 150 year period of time....   55555  ????  


    So funny....  ????  


  What a total waste of vast amounts of money...     Pathetic  ! ! 


    How many more millions of people could have clean drinking water for that $200 BILLION ? ? 


  How many children's lives saved  ?? 

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2 minutes ago, Catoni said:

      0.85 degree increase over a 132 year period is certainly NOT unprecedented for the last 65 million years..  

  Try to prove it if you can, comrade. 


   Do you realise we are in an Ice Age right now that began about 2.6 million years ago ?   


  I'm waiting for you to tell us that the climate should never change and that we should stay in an Ice Age .


    Do you think climate was better during the 1300 - 1850 C.E. years ? ?  


You know... if you really prefer it cooler... I would think that southeast Asia would be just about the last place you would want to live or vacation in.

I cited you scientific evidence which you specifically asked for. Apparently, your request was not sincere.

Where's your data? And no, dubious videos on youtube don't cut it. How about a reference to a scientific journal or 2?

And as for the ridiculous straw men you keep on raising..stop lying. I have never said that climate doesn't change. I have specifically referred to the rate of change. Stop lying.

I don't know what you mean by the climate being better 1300-1500 years ago? Except I can tell that it betrays a very poor understanding of climate on your part since there are lots of different climates all over the globe. So writing "Do you think climate was better during the 1300 - 1850 C.E. years ? ? What climate where? . What we do know is that if one averages all the climates on earth warmth is increasing..

And what relevance do my alleged preferences for climate have to do with a rational discussion of climate change? Get a grip. 

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9 minutes ago, Catoni said:

  Whatever they are doing about drinking water does not let them off the hook for blowing $200 billion on "fighting climate change" 

   All that money might slow the tiny rate of warming so that instead of being another degree warmer by the year 2100..... it will instead take until 2104 to be one degree warmer.. 

    You couldn't step outside today.... and then step outside tomorrow.. and tell whether it is one degree warmer without using an accurate thermometer... let alone tell the difference over a century or a century and a half. 


  Where I live we get a twenty degree temperature variation between night and day.... a twelve hour period...  often.. 


    Over a six month period we go from three hot sweaty summer months.....  to well below freezing....


   And you leftist alarmists claim to be worried about one or two degrees over a 100 - 150 year period of time....   55555  ????  


    So funny....  ????  


  What a total waste of vast amounts of money...     Pathetic  ! ! 


    How many more millions of people could have clean drinking water for that $200 BILLION ? ? 


  How many children's lives saved  ?? 

It's clear that you don't understand the difference between climate and weather.

And as for the World Bank blowing money on climate change, I guess that means you've taken a look at the projects they are investing in and after careful and thoughtful perusal, you came to the conclusion that they were worthless. I mean how could it be otherwise that that from someone who just a few minutes ago believed that the World Bank was some sort of charity that gave money away?

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24 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Do you understand that there's a difference between "give" and "invest"?

"World Bank to invest $200bn to combat climate change"

As I said, the World Bank is a bank. It's not a charity.


And I want to thank you for pre-thanking me for providing that information about the rate of climate change being unprecedented for the last 65 million years.

  Ohhhhh..... I see.......  the World Bank sees it as an "investment".... to make a hundreds of billions of $ or even a few trillion bucks back maybe.....  Not actually to "save the planet".    I get it....  they're taking advantage of the Alarmism to make a huge financial score.....   pretty smart....   


   Thank you for pointing that out...  it's a money making scheme for them.....  like with Al Gore and his global warming/cliamte change Alarmist movies and books and speaker's fees.... .


      Wow.... I'm glad we got that cleared up....   55555 ????  

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