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Extraordinary post by badbanker. If the British Consul really did say that (i suspect he did) then it is really confirming what we all knows happens in reality but is not spelt out officially. It is a subjective judgement who is and who isn't scum as individual people will have different criteria. That smacks of unfairness which of course does happen every day at the various Embassies. If two people , scum or not , wish to marry , who should set themselves up in judgement as to if they think thats allowed or not.

IMHO if two people want to marry, thats the end of it . Those people's human right to do so (and live in the country they wish to) should be more important than one persons opinion as to whether they are suitable people by HIS standards or not.

Of course in reality this will continue to be the unofficial policy and there will be a never ending battle to keep out the "trash" , which will like all those other favourite crackdown subjects (underage smoking , sex , prostitution , drug taking etc etc) only ever be partially successful.

Extraordinary post by badbanker. If the British Consul really did say that (i suspect he did)...........
A couple of things.

1) There is no British consul in Bangkok. There is an ambassador, though.

2) The ambassador is not involved in mundane matters such as visa applications.

3) The British consul in Chiang Mai is not involved in visa matters.

I suspect that the conversation badbanker had with whoever has been wildly exaggerated.


There is a consul at the embassy in Bangkok. S/he is head of the consular section. When, for example, you get an affirmation of freedom to marry signed at the embassy, it is done by the consul.



I thought that person would be called the Head of the Consular Section, not the British Consul. However, Scouse, you've worked in an embassy and I haven't, so I'll take your word for it.

Whatever his/her title, s/he has nothing to do with visa applications.

I thought that person would be called the Head of the Consular Section, not the British Consul. However, Scouse, you've worked in an embassy and I haven't, so I'll take your word for it.

Whatever his/her title, s/he has nothing to do with visa applications.

No, the Head of the Consular section has everything to do with visa applications.

The use of the word British Consul as pertaining to Bangkok could be misleading but I knew what he meant.

As you say though the Ambassador would want nothing to do whit this.

My best friend who is now a (Deputy) Ambassador had a lot to say on the consular section and how to avoid it for a fast track career ;-))

I thought that person would be called the Head of the Consular Section, not the British Consul. However, Scouse, you've worked in an embassy and I haven't, so I'll take your word for it.

Whatever his/her title, s/he has nothing to do with visa applications.

I thought the visa section was under the Consular Section's authority as is the notary section but I may be wrong


Some people on this section of the forum. with no formal qualifications whatsoever set themselves up as experts in visa and legal matters. This can be very dangerous as if the wrong advice is given then people who trust such postings could land themselves in trouble.

Yesterday I happened to see a posting by one of these so called experts that was so completely false and incorrect it was obvious that the person who wrote it clearly has not a clue about the British Embassy or how it functions.

On several ocassions over the past few years I have been in contact with a Mr Peter Karni who is a very important official at the Embassy, and is in fact the head of the Consular section.[ He is H.M Consul in Bangkok]

It was to my absolute astonishment therefore that I happened see see the following in a recent posting "

"There is no British consul in Bangkok." [posted by "visa expert" GU 22 ]

Normally it would not matter one iota if information given on this forum is incorrect or totally untrue but where the person posting advice holds him/ herself out to an expert on Embassy matters and regularly , almost on a daily basis, not only posts visa advice but attacks others who post who might be far more qualified in terms of both experience as well as legal qualification. then there is something seriously wrong

It is worth mentioning that it is illegal in the UK to offer immigration advice for payment if one is not qualified to do so.

Thank you


On several ocassions over the past few years I have been in contact with a Mr Peter Karni who is a very important official at the Embassy, and is in fact the head of the Consular section.[ He is H.M Consul in Bangkok]

It was to my absolute astonishment therefore that I happened see see the following in a recent posting "

"There is no British consul in Bangkok." [posted by "visa expert" GU 22 ]

QuiteIn fact if you request authentification/notarisations etc. from the Embassy they will be presently signed by him.

A poster asked about what pertains in other countries

The Ambassade de France-Consular Section-in South Kensington, London, would only ever allow one person to enter to request a visa.

Interestingly there has been a little publicised change in the visa rules for spouses of EU nationals applying for Schengen Visas. Now Both parties must attend the embassy of the point of entry into the EU-before you could go and get a visa for your wife..etc. How the Ambassade de France is dealing with this I do not know. However if your wife has UK residence or a valid Visa this is hardly likely to present a problem.

Anyway I have never had any problems with the UK Bangkok Embassy. As everywhere politeness and conforming to the regulations is all.

PS I simply do not believe 'the scum' post. Who said it, where? If it had been said you should have laid a formal protest with the embassy.

On several ocassions over the past few years I have been in contact with a Mr Peter Karni who is a very important official at the Embassy, and is in fact the head of the Consular section.[ He is H.M Consul in Bangkok]

It was to my absolute astonishment therefore that I happened see see the following in a recent posting "

"There is no British consul in Bangkok." [posted by "visa expert" GU 22 ]

QuiteIn fact if you request authentification/notarisations etc. from the Embassy they will be presently signed by him.

A poster asked about what pertains in other countries

The Ambassade de France-Consular Section-in South Kensington, London, would only ever allow one person to enter to request a visa.

Interestingly there has been a little publicised change in the visa rules for spouses of EU nationals applying for Schengen Visas. Now Both parties must attend the embassy of the point of entry into the EU-before you could go and get a visa for your wife..etc. How the Ambassade de France is dealing with this I do not know. However if your wife has UK residence or a valid Visa this is hardly likely to present a problem.

Anyway I have never had any problems with the UK Bangkok Embassy. As everywhere politeness and conforming to the regulations is all.

PS I simply do not believe 'the scum' post. Who said it, where? If it had been said you should have laid a formal protest with the embassy.

Dear Srisatch, In reply to your query as to who said "there is no British Consul in Bangkok ", and where , the posting was made yesterday at 23.40.04 by a self styled "visa expert " and you can find it on this thread directly above. I trust this answers your question. Thank you

I've never understood this, If your wife/girlfriend went for a job interview would you go along with her? It's an interview for her, about her - if she can't survive talking to an English Beaurocrat for 5 minutes how on Earth will she survive in the UK.

I can only say benny me boy that if you dont know why your spouse/girlfriend wants you with her then you have never experienced the horrific grilling, the virulent diatribe she has to listen to and has to endure it with a smile on her face lest the interigator behind the screen take a dislike and fails them. Like everyone else on here, my mate knows this mate who knows someone in the embassy etc, but i got this from an ex- Bangkok entry clearance officer to my face in my old restaurant here in Thailand, he said they are told to go by the "P" rule when conducting interviews (Quaking now you little shits in the Embassy?) , it goes like this no matter what you have got letters , bank details etc you have the reality procedure is so: If the candidate is from a Powerful or a highly Positoned family, they are to be treat like Potential Princes/Princess's and visa's granted, if they are Powerless, Positionless and Poor they are to be treat like Potential Prostitutes or Ponces and you must do your upmost to find reason to refuse.

So Benny if you had to go through that type of prejudicial/hostile interview would you not like a shoulder to lean on.

I've never understood this, If your wife/girlfriend went for a job interview would you go along with her? It's an interview for her, about her - if she can't survive talking to an English Beaurocrat for 5 minutes how on Earth will she survive in the UK.

I can only say benny me boy that if you dont know why your spouse/girlfriend wants you with her then you have never experienced the horrific grilling, the virulent diatribe she has to listen to and has to endure it with a smile on her face lest the interigator behind the screen take a dislike and fails them. Like everyone else on here, my mate knows this mate who knows someone in the embassy etc, but i got this from an ex- Bangkok entry clearance officer to my face in my old restaurant here in Thailand, he said they are told to go by the "P" rule when conducting interviews (Quaking now you little shits in the Embassy?) , it goes like this no matter what you have got letters , bank details etc you have the reality procedure is so: If the candidate is from a Powerful or a highly Positoned family, they are to be treat like Potential Princes/Princess's and visa's granted, if they are Powerless, Positionless and Poor they are to be treat like Potential Prostitutes or Ponces and you must do your upmost to find reason to refuse.

So Benny if you had to go through that type of prejudicial/hostile interview would you not like a shoulder to lean on.

Ewelve...having dealt with many many hundreds of applications I have to say : you are right in every respect and detail !

ps was the restaurant you refered to Jools on Soi 4 ???

On several ocassions over the past few years I have been in contact with a Mr Peter Karni who is a very important official at the Embassy, and is in fact the head of the Consular section.[ He is H.M Consul in Bangkok]

His name is Peter Karmy

Anyone, can make a mistake, can they not ?

Can we have a truce in the GU22 vs topfield war of words ? I for one do not care who is or is not legally qualified.

On several ocassions over the past few years I have been in contact with a Mr Peter Karni who is a very important official at the Embassy, and is in fact the head of the Consular section.[ He is H.M Consul in Bangkok]

His name is Peter Karmy

Anyone, can make a mistake, can they not ?

Can we have a truce in the GU22 vs topfield war of words ? I for one do not care who is or is not legally qualified.

Sorry my friend but if a person actually holds him or herself out to be an expert in a particular field ie visa matters at the British Embassy Bangkok , inviting others to put questions for that person to answer and does not even know such a basic fact namely that there is a Consul at the Embassy and indeed a Vice Consul and often sometimes a Pro Consul then that person could possibly cause serious harm to others through the dissemination of incorrect or inaccurate information.

Hence the law in the UK that generally only qualified people may offer advice on immigration matters.

Of course people posting their opinions and experiences on a forum represent no such danger.

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