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A hunter goes out one day for a shoot and finds an unsuspecting bear drinking at a river side.

so the hunter loads his gun and lines up the bear....


he walks over to find the bear has been hit but behaves like it hasnt been shot.

the bear says angrily "WHAT THE <deleted>! how dare you shoot me you useless c**t! for such insolence im gunna make you give me a blow job!"

the hunter does as his told...

the next day the hunter says to himself "im gunna get this bastard... if its the last thing i do"

so he goes for another hunt -with a much bigger gun- to find this bear. funnily enough he finds the bear in the same place takes another shot at him. after he's taken another shot he walks up to the bear he would think is dead only to find him sitting on his arse like nothing had happened. the bear says "you rude bastard. you know what to do"

the hunter -again- does as he's told.

the next day the hunter tries his luck again (with an elephant gun this time) ... the same place, he takes another shot


the bear then says to the hunter "you really arent doing this for the sport are you?"

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