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New Thread On Karting -- Bb Vs. Mm

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am looking forward to meeting up on Sunday . -

??????Ta22? ?????????? :D

Well, I've now learned that one cannot post in Japanese! So, using roman letters phonetically,

Kochira koso, Ta22, tanoshimi ni <deleted> masu! :D

Not a bad massage? :o

Right again! That kind of genius, plus the fact that you were in fact once a professional racer, has led me to realize that you, without any further question or debate but with due apologies to Blinky, should have the honor of being recognized as the big man on Sunday, with all the privileges and perquisites that that position entails!

Pikey, this is merely another frolic, and not anything whose "meaning" you need to trouble yourself about, so you may leave the dictionary where it is. :D

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Right again! That kind of genius, plus the fact that you were in fact once a professional racer, has led me to realize that you, without any further question or debate but with due apologies to Blinky..........................

Not strictly true Rass as I have already pointed out. I did race modified saloons, and karts, but to say professionally would be streching the truth somewhat.

Chiangmai, at one stage was full of ex formula 1 drivers and 747 pilots, along with the smattering if ex CIA agents, and retired Congo mercenaries. You only had to sit in a bar and listen to them to know how true this was. :o

Right again! That kind of genius, plus the fact that you were in fact once a professional racer, has led me to realize that you, without any further question or debate but with due apologies to Blinky..........................

Not strictly true Rass as I have already pointed out. I did race modified saloons, and karts, but to say professionally would be streching the truth somewhat.

I must add honesty to my list of the fine qualities that make you the biggest of the big men who will gather on Sunday.

Chiangmai, at one stage was full of ex formula 1 drivers and 747 pilots, along with the smattering if ex CIA agents, and retired Congo mercenaries. You only had to sit in a bar and listen to them to know how true this was. :o

:D :D :D


As the day get Close .

here is some info i got .

Go Kart Track at the Chiangmai Speedway, 254 Moo 8, Chm-Hangdong Rd. , Tel. 0 5343 0059/60.

can someone cofirm if i got the right place .

if possible kindly post a




just in case someone interested and did not go over all the pages .


If you can provide the Kart price and per session would be great also for future info

As the day get Close .

here is some info i got .

Go Kart Track at the Chiangmai Speedway, 254 Moo 8, Chm-Hangdong Rd. , Tel. 0 5343 0059/60.

can someone cofirm if i got the right place .

if possible kindly post a




just in case someone interested and did not go over all the pages .


If you can provide the Kart price and per session would be great also for future info

Crikey Ta22, I'm sure if anyone is interested in turning up surely they would have read the previous posts to realise that the big event is this Sunday at 11 am onwards at the Chiang Mai Speedway on the west side of Hang Dong Road past the Samoeng turn off. Rather difficult to miss unless you are blind. So mate, on Sunday morning just jump into your little pink car (if that's not running use one of your others) and get your arse to the track.

In the meantime I have been in training with my dear friend Mick the Shoemaker at a secret location. He has given me some very valuable pointers on how to make sure that Maejo Man is thoroughly embarrased on the day but will still have the honor of being recognized as the big man on Sunday, with all the privileges and perquisites that that position entails!

I am still offshore but will be flying in tomorrow night in my private jet to continue with my very strict training regime. I do hope that I can conclude the training with a rather pretty masseuse from L** K*** Rd sometime before 3 am to be at the track by the allocated starting time.


As excitement builds towards the big day, I'm tempted to travel to Chiangmai to see the race and the footy. However Saturday is a Butchers' Picnic and I'm worried the pubs will be closed. Can anybody tell me which drinking establishments, if any, will be open?

As excitement builds towards the big day, I'm tempted to travel to Chiangmai to see the race and the footy. However Saturday is a Butchers' Picnic and I'm worried the pubs will be closed. Can anybody tell me which drinking establishments, if any, will be open?

Only 24 hrs away from race day, why not rock on down anyway, there's always beer in Chiangmai!!

Off for an early night tonight, and try and shake this gout. Need to be brimming with fitness on the morrow :o

Another horizontal sundry by tomorrow's big man? Very impressive! :D


Well the much heralded day has finally arrived, and I wish I could say I was on top form. Alas, I seem to have succumbed to the current pollution problem, and am barking like a dog, which should give BB a tremendous physcological advantage!

See you all at the track!!


I flew my Lear jet to northern Thailand, to see the partial eclipse of the moon, and all I get to see is a bunch of farang running around a track in go-karts, and Maejo Man barking like a dog? Okay.....see you there....

I flew my Lear jet to northern Thailand, to see the partial eclipse of the moon, and all I get to see is a bunch of farang running around a track in go-karts, and Maejo Man barking like a dog? Okay.....see you there....

With apologies to Carly Simon!! One great song!

"Well I hear you went up to saratoga and your horse naturally won

Then you flew your lear jet up to nova scotia

To see the total eclipse of the sun

Well you’re where you should be all the time

And when you’re not you’re with...."

Well the much heralded day has finally arrived, and I wish I could say I was on top form. Alas, I seem to have succumbed to the current pollution problem, and am barking like a dog, which should give BB a tremendous physcological advantage!

See you all at the track!!

He's trying to get you to relax your guard and have a couple of drinks before the race Blinky.

I suspect that he's fit as a fiddle. :o

I flew my Lear jet to northern Thailand, to see the partial eclipse of the moon, and all I get to see is a bunch of farang running around a track in go-karts, and Maejo Man barking like a dog? Okay.....see you there....

With apologies to Carly Simon!! One great song!

"Well I hear you went up to saratoga and your horse naturally won

Then you flew your lear jet up to nova scotia

To see the total eclipse of the sun

Well you’re where you should be all the time

And when you’re not you’re with...."

You're so vain...You probably think this race is about you..your so vain...... :o


whahah MM still very much relax at home at 10:35am --

guess i got time to take a shower and have some breakfast before i driop by whahahhaha


Alot of fun , hot day as usual , happy to put faces to all the nick . and finally meet the two big man .. BB and MM .

Still slightly confuse , but i think MM is really a good racer don't let his age fool you .

he is the Fastest Guy i seen at his age in fact . many guy half his age may not be that fast .

Enough Prasie to grandpa MM , BB done very well . but was kinda unlucky with his CHoice of kart , and had a abit of run for his money .

Full of excitment . and a day to remember :o

Cheer to everyone

So happy o had met Audthaied and Rasseru :D


And the winner is..............Blinky and Maejo man photo finish...Still undecided...To be cont...... Great day guys, a pleasure to meet you all finally..Look forward to the next race meeting...Photos anyone ???post-31110-1172999643_thumb.jpgpost-31110-1172999667_thumb.jpg



Forgot to mention, I prevailed on Ta22 to take a bunch of photos with my camera during one of our sessions on the track, and he took some 40. (Thanks, Ta22!) I don't know how to post photos here and am tired and not interested in trying to figure it out now, but I would be happy to send all the photo files along to anyone -- of those who were there today! -- interested in having them. Just send me your email address in a PM and I'll send them sailing off over the net to you.


Are you able to reduce The FIle size to 800x600 . and a smaller format of about 100k .

if so maybe you can send it to my E-mail .

and i hope you to put it on one of my online photoserver and i will post it up for everyone :o

I just PM you my E-mail ..

Select about 20 of the better photo and send me -

one easy way is to ZIP the photo up so you send it as a ZIp file

as loading can be a problem -

try to keep each Zip file about 3-5 mb Thanks .

Fun day :D


Whahah you beat me to it - anyway .

Here a LInk for the Photo - if you'll looking for it .

i don't know which one is posted and which had not .

Kart day Photo -

Here some that had been miss out








:o nice day out :D

How about Sunday the 4th at the track Maejo? Have you got the balls? . . . . .

Any others out there keen for a thrash? :D

Sounds good to me . . . . . Think we had better start a new thread on Karting??

Consider it done.

But the first heat starts at the Irish Pub and ends at the track. Maejo, you in your car and I'll be on my ZZR1100. :o Okay?

Any damage to the bike Blinky ?? :D Sorry mate, had to be said...Just as well those old tires were there hey.... :bah::D :D


22.00 hrs and have just got home.....What a mega day. will read all when I surface tomorrow...................................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Well that was the day that was! I must say that I throughly enjoyed the day at the track. A great turnout with the likes of Mr. Rass, Silverhawk and all the crew you see pictured. Even p1p dropped down to disqualify any members that were misbehaving!

All in all a top day out, and one that needs repeating regularly...MM


Not only did I have a great time, I later had the additional benefit of learning -- alright, well, yes, relearning -- the lesson that you should never brag about anything to one who knows you well and does not hesitate to speak the truth.

One of the first things my darling wife asked me when I got home was what the finishing order was in the race. I explained that it was not a race, really, we just all rode around together, but that if there had been a race, I would have finished last, for sure, since I was the slowest one out there -- it being my first time and my having the slowest kart and so on. :o Later on, it being in my character always to scrounge for little crumbs in an effort to salvage my pride, I somewhat gleefully pointed out to her that while some of the others had been complaining about how tiring it was and how sore they were, I was not the least tired or sore! To which the scornful reply: Well, why should you be? You were just putting around out there! :D

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